HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 2018-12-27SPRINGfIELD ,b City of Springfield Development and PubIc Works 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 541-726 3753ORE6O web Address: www.springrield-or.9ov Building Permit Residential Mechanical Permit Number: 81 1 -1 8-002979-MECH IVR Number: 811002130127 Ema il Add ress : permrtcenter@spri^gfield - or.9ov Permit lssued: December 27. 2018 Category of Construction: Single Family Dwelling Submined Job Value: $0.00 Description ol Work: Heating system and new gas piping Type ot Work: New JOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite address 3525 YOTANDA AVE Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel 17 02194202600 Owner: Address: DEVEREUX CHRISTOPHER J 3525 YOLANDA ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business name OWNER - Primary License CCB Phone PENDING INSPECTIONS lnspection 2999 Final Mechanacal 2300 Rough Mechanical 21 00 AC/FUrnace/Heat Pump/HVAC 2250 Gas Piping 2260 Gas SeNice lnspection group Mech Res Mech Res Mech Res Mech Res Mech Res lnspsction status Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Various iospections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon.gov Schedule by phone call 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number. 811002130127 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting lnspectron App, search "epermitting' in the app store Permits must be posted in clear view on the worksite. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 Oays of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 Days or longer depending on the issuing ag€ncy's policy. All provisions of laws and ordanances govorning this type of workwill b6 complied with whether specifi€d herein ornot. Granting of a penhit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions ot any other state or local law regulating consiruction or the perfornance of construction, ATTENTION - CALL BEFORE YOU DIG: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopt€d by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules arc set forth in OAR 952{01-00'10 through OAR 952-O0't-0090. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the Center at (877) 668{001 or dial 81'1. All persons or entities performing work under this permit are required to be licensed unless exempted by ORS 701.010 (StructuraUMechanical), ORS 479.540 (Electrical), and ORS 693.010-020 (Plumbing). Pnn\ed on 12127118 Page I of 2 std_Bu,ld,ngPerml_Pr TYPE OF WORK License number 000000 Perm it Number: 81 1-1 8-002979-M EC H Page 2 of 2 Fee Description Technology Fee Air handling unit of up to 10,000 cfm Balance of minimum permit fees - mechanical Boiler/compressor/absorption system up to 3 HP or 100,000 BTU Furnace - up to 100,000 BTU Gas fuel piping outlets State of Oregon Surcharge - Mech (12olo of applicable fees) Pnnted on: 12127114 Quantity Total Fees: Fee Amount $4.95 $22.OO $24.52 $22.O0 $22.00 $8.48 $11.88 $115.83 sld_BuildingPermit_pr 1 1 1 1 Page 2 ol 2 PERMIT FEES kffi Transaction Receipt 811-18{02979-MEC H Receipt Number: 458962 Receipt Date: 12l27l18 Cily ol Springfield www springfeld-or gov oevelooment and Pobric ltorks 225 Frfth Stret Spnngneld, OR 97477 54t-726-3753 permit@nter@spa.9neld-or oov Wo sile address: 3525 YOLANOA AVE, SpringneE, OR 97477 Parcet 1702194202600 Fees Paid '1227t18 10O Ea Air handlinq unil ol up lo 1 0,0OO clm Boaler/compressor/absoQlion syslem up to 3 HP or 100.000 BTU Fumac€ - up lo 10O,0OO BTU Gas tuel piping ouilels Balance of minimum pemii fe€s - mechanical Slale of Oregon Surcharge - MecI (1204 ol 224,0000G425604- 1031 s22 00 t22@ 12/27t14 100 Ea 12t21t14 12127t18 12t27t18 12t27114 l.0O E. 1.00 ory l.0O Aulomalic 1.0O Ea 224-0000G42560,1- 1 03 1 224-0000G425504- 1031 224-00000,425604-1031 821-0000G215004-(x)OO $22 00 9E 46 $24 52 S11 EE ,22 @ 'E.4E 324 52 $11 EE 224-00000 425504 103r 1 00,00000-425605-0000 $22 00 $4 95 522 00 $4 9512/27t14 Credil card eulhorizalDn 74539 Payer:chris devereux $115 83 Cashler: Katn.a Anderson Pffted 1z27t16 A2Aan 3115 83 FrN_Tf n..c10nR.6Dl_pr Mechanical Permit Application PROPERTY OI'YNER Name: (q,. i*rdrai.di::f.@- rf qe Perrnit no DEPARTMENT USE ONLY lb oo 44 :25 Fifth Sre€l . Springfield, OR 97477 . PH(541)726-1753 . FAX(54I )726-3689 Job sire address ^ Av n- lJo.r ...- J )cr$,.-r---- >-t Ir .00 Venl fan with one duct/appliance s13.00 s Hood with exhaust and ducl s18.00 $ Cas One to fow outiets s8.48 S Air-handlin units inclu ducts Domestic incinerator s25.00 S Enler tolal valuation ofmechanical system and installation costs $ _ Enler fec based or] valuation ofmechanical svstem. etc. | $ Reinspeclion s99.00 s Specialll requesred inspecrions (per 599.00 S Regulated equipmem (unclassed )s18.00 Each additioDal iDs (t)s99.00 s (A) Enter subtotal of above fees (or enter se1 minimum fee oI S 99.00 (B) lnvesti ve fee (equal to JAI) Date This permit is issued under OAR 918-440{)050. Permits expire if work is not started nithi! 180 days ofissuauce or if work is susperded for 180 davs. &, Address: 3SlJ Y,,l..l - 4we Cil:( This installation is being made on property ouned b1 me or a member of my immediate family, and is exempt from licensing requirements under C)RS 701.010 Signature: Ct^ ' Business name Cin E-mail: C\"v, '6 d E-maii CCB license no Prinl name c\,C9 Slate: c Fai: ZIP: q 7q 77 5 gnaSturc s 5 s 1l Crry or SpnrNcrrcLD, OREGoN CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION flResidenrial | 5Cou.--.nr I IComrnercia] JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION State: C0 ZIP:'77'| 7/ Ta\ilor DESCRIPTION OF WORK FEE SCHEDULE Residential s22.00 CostQt]ea. SILlro l00k BTL'/hr ducts aDd ventsurnace/burtrer iDcludi 'I otal cost Over I00k BTtl,tr s25.00 s Healers/stoveslvents Unil heater s22.00 $ Wood/pellevgas stove/fl ue s52.00 s Evaporaled cooler 518.00 S s5.30 s s15.00 s Additional outlets (each) Up ro I0.000 CFM Over I0.000 CFM c $2s.oo $ Comoressor/ahsorotion system/heat DumD Up to 3 hp/l00k BTLr I s22.00 $ Up to 15 hp/500k BTtr $40.00 s s59.00 $Up to 30 hp/],000 BTL: Up ro 50 hp/l.750 BTU s76.00 S Over 50 hp/l.750 BTLr s128.00 $ lncinerators Commercial Phone: 9l -Ati -7tt3 CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Address ltems Cost Totrl costMiscellaneous fees DEPARTMENT USE (C) Enter I29'o surcharge (.12 x [A*B])5 (DtSeismic fee. l% (.01 r lAlr $ (E) Technolos' Fee (5% of{Al)S l,asr edired 7'1.:018 biones TOTAL fees and surcharges (A through E): e I Reference: 4c \ olQi-lr Statei N zrP: Phone /ri: I:-= --r+\. n.,,-*-. a'.--i i.jEE,:iY '.JEi;.+j rzL;;e.i b!it R :q = i-d r :-: E C e n s iru eti o r F.. +:< t : ris r i i i i t' =s Con-sii-rcron Ccnii'ECicis ioaio r: sign r-re i:lio,,r.'ri.; :r.:r=m;i: !ei"r: a ruiicing pe|inii can oe :ssled. iORS ii1 323 i2\': . :*r,, ;:StC: r,l :f '1:,,'=:r j: ii-r :;,c C:i]pj:].: :iiLi:-i: :n: ; --.: ,e:: ja::,i-?J-:,r : or Ctn rl,pv*, $,rc..-..r Name Expiraijoo Date I will inform my general contractor tlat ail subcontractors who work on t're strucfure n'rust be Iicensed wi'ii ile Constiuction Contractors Board. I wiil be performing work on properly I own, a residence that I reside in, or a residence that I will reside in. If I hrre subcontractors, I will hire only subcontractoE licensed with the Construction Contractors Board. lf I change my mind and hire a general contractor, I wiil select a contmctor who is licensed with the CCB and wrll immediately give the name of he contractor to the offce issuing this Bui)ding Pennit I have read and undersiand the lnformatio.r Notice to Homeowners About Coosi'ruction Responsibiliijes, and I hereby ceriiry that the information on this homeowner statement is true and accurate. Pnnt Name of PermitApplicant a L-t -/''t>/)r/tg snE"t * "iPffi;h."t Permit #I0: oo}1l1:lA&rL Address '3')5 1-tt-rl lssued by:Darer tz\"lltg Dare This Copy ior Permit ofic:s II tr m Y 4"-.{94-