HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 2019-01-07SPRINGFI€LD ,b OREGON Web Address: wl/vr,^/.sprinqfi eld-or.gov City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Sptinqfield, OR 97477 541-726-3753Building Permit Commercial Mechanical Permit Number: 81 1 -1 9-000030-MECH IVR Number: 81 102457 1392 Email Addressr permrtcenter@spnngfield-or.9ov Permit lssued: January 07 ,2019 TYPE OF WORK Category of Constructlon: Commercial Submitted Job Valus: $12,851.00 Description of Work: lnstall duct drops and grills - Americas Best Type of Work: Tenant lmprovement JOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite addrsss 2880 GATEWAY ST springfield, oR 97477 Parcel 1703220002200 BRFI GATEWAY LLC 3OOO GATEWAY ST SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business name KENT WITHAN,,I AIR INC - PriMAry License ccB License number 189283 Phone 541 543 6580 PENDING INSPECTIONS lnspection 2999 Final l\y'echanical 2999 Final Mechanical 2300 Rough l\4echanical lnspection group Mech Com Mech Com Mech Com Various inspections are minimally required on each prolect and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon.gov Schedule by phone call 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811024571392 Schedule usang the Oregon ePermitting lnspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store PERMIT FEES Fee Description Technology Fee Commercial mechanical permit (based on mechanical job value) State of Oregon Surcharge - Mech ( 12olo of applicable fees) Quantity Total Fees: Permits must be posted in cloar viow on the wo*sile. Permils expire it work is not started within 180 Days of issuance or if work is suspended fol|80 Days or longer doponding on the issuing agsncy's policy, All provlslons of laws and ordlnances governing this typs of work will be complied with wh6th6r specified herein or not, Granting of a permit does nol prcsumg to givg authority to violate or cancel the provisions ot any other state or local law regulating construclion or the performanco of constructlon. ATTENTION - CALL BEFORE YOU DIG: Oregon law regui.es you to lollow rulos adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are s6l tonh ln OAR 952{01-0010 through OAR 952.001.0090. You may obtain copiss of tho rul6s by calling the Centsr at (877) 668.4001 or dial 811. All porsons or ontillos performlng work under this permil are requlred to b6 llconsed unless exempted by ORS 701.010 (Structural/tlechanlcal), ORS 479.t40 (Electrical), and ORS 693.010-020 (Plumbing). Printed on: 1,7/19 Page 1 of 1 Fee Amount $ 11.25 $225.00 $27 .OO $263.25 std_BuildrngPermil_pr Owner; Address: lnspection status Pending Pending Pending SCHEOULING INSPECTIONS SPRINGfIELD OR€GO N www.springfield-or. gov Worksite address; 2880 GATEWAY ST, Springlleld, OR 97477 Parcel: 1703220002200 Transaction Receipt 811-19-000030-MECH Receipt Number: 469030 Receipt Oate: 1/7/19 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-7 26-37 53 permitcenter@springf ield-or,9ov Fees Paid Transaction date 117 t19 Units 1.00 Ea Description Commercial mechanical permit (based on mechanicaljob value) State of Oregon Surcharge - Mech (12% of applicable fees) Account code 224-00000425604-1031 Fee amount $225.00 $27.00 $1 1.25 Paid amount $225.00 1t7t19 1t7 t19 1.00 Ea 821-00000-21 5004-0000 1 00-00000-425605-0000 $27.00 $1 1.25 Payment Method: Check number: 4770 Payer: Kent Witham Payment Amount $263.25 Cashier: Katrina Anderson Receipt Total:s263.25 Prinled 1/7/19 10:36 am Page 1 of 1 FIN_TransactionReceiptl)r ti 1.00 Automatic Technology Fee Crry or Srnnvcrulo, OnncoN \{echanical Permit Application Name Adciress Srate ZIP lFar E-mari This installation is being made on prope.r,!" ouned b1 me or a member of ml immediate fami)1. and is exempt Aom licensing requirements under ORS 701.010. Signature: CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION tr J-ha Address bx ttrx State QZ_ZIP: Q 77 OEPARTMENT USE ONLY h Date This permit is issued uoder OAR 918-,140-0050. Permits expire if work is trot started n'ithitr 1E0 davs ofissuance or ifrvork is suspended for 180 days. CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION FEE SCHEDULE ! Residential ! Govemment [(Comoercial Tot{l cosl JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION 99.00 urtrace/burner includiD ducts and r ents.lob site address s22.O0 S Cirr ne Over I00k BTti.4rr Reierence Taxlor. DESCRIPTION OF WORK Unit hearer s22.00 Tr.a$atf Dr"l AoPs * Gr)lts Wood/pellerga^s srove,/fiue s52,00 s Evaporaled cooler s18.OO S ::5 Fifth Stres. SpringfiejC, OR 97477 . PH(541)726-3753. FAX( 54 I )726-3689 b \ien1 fan with one ductappliance Hood \liIh exhausl and duc! Gas One to four outlers Addrtional outlers (each ) s13.00 s s18.00 S s8.48 s ss.30 s n Phone lE13-as t f ax: 5a(and insrallation cosrs S%'4rtt Enter fee based on valualion ofmechanical svslem. etc ,A.ir-hand u includin ducts L to I0.000 CFM Over I0.000 CFM Com r/abso ons stem,/heat L to:h 'I00k BTL' U tc l5 hp,500k B l r-- L to 50 /1,?50 BTLr Domestic incinemtor Enler rolal valuation of mec cal s\ ;Reinspecrion ! Speciall] requested inspections (per s25.00 s s22.00 i! s40.00 s s25.00 s S93.00 s 199.00 ! s18.00 s E-mail u)ir- oQ Ciq: 5 t( CCB Iicense no.: /;f rSignature "gz. ail, Ca,-t I Reguiared equipme (unclassed) Each additionrl inspection: ll DEPARTMENT USE (A) Enler subroral ofabove fees (or enler set minimum fee oi S (B) lnve i ve fee (C) Enter 129; surcharge (.12 x fA-Bl) (E) Technolo Fee (5o,; of[A]l s S S ,s s Cost to I00k BTU/hrL Sratei .)R zrP: 77q77 PERTY OWNER m $59.00 sUp to 30 hp1l,000 BTU- $75.00 Over 50 hp,'1.750 BItr--ss128.00 Commercial Miscellaneous fees It"*!Cost Total cost 5(D) Seismic fee. I % (.01 x Lzqt edired 7rl'201t biones TOTAL fees aDd surcharges (A through E): $aUj, 1 p", ':"o.. 11-0.-L(.3O I q s25.00 s Hprte.(/(tn\'P(/\'ertr I Residential lqo. Cin Phone Business name Incineretors sl5.00 s Print name: Kent Witham Air.Inc P.O. Box I 75tt Springfield. OR97477 Estimate Date Estimate # t2/21i20t8 2llla Name / Address Lakeview Consfuction, Inc 10505 Corporate Drive, Suite #200 Pleansant PEirie. WI 53158 Projecl Description Qtv Rate Total JOBSI.IE: The Shoppes at Galeway.3500 Gateway Streel Springficld. Or 97477. Slore: America's Best Contacts & Eycglasses. We propose to install 15 Supply Afu Dimrsers connected to existing ductwork. Install 2 Retum Air Ducts down to ceiling grid. Vent 2 bath lars through the rool'. lnstall 7 transfer grills from oflices from ollices to common space. [nstall thermostat rith 6 zone sensors lbr averaging sense oftemperature. EXCLLIDtsS: line voltage electrical and roofing repair. Tcsting. Adjusting & Ilalancing by Air lntroduction and Regulation an NFll-lB certitied firm subcontracted by KWA r2.851.00 ?.s1!a!- t2.85 t 00 *)?$1){t- Total ;f,rfi+l-.,oe.- tr-ob c-aat- I ii lI I -1 "t l I l I I a I r! | .? .. DE )Ix Ei '] Ir i{ ffliiiiiiiiiii .ET Iq-k; o ,46n@S Bel Conlacrs & Eyeglass6i!pii{l r q! l-, l-,1 iiqi E; t.rl ri q 4 iE Springfield, OR e,$.)Tho Shopp6 al Gal€My, S50O Gai.ray SE6€t, Sp.tngfiald, OF 9742 I -Li-. tlFa/ .f 't Ei'$l lil i I d I