HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-08-15225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97177 INSPECl'lON REQUESTT ?26-3?69 OFFICE: 726-3 759 1 LOCI\TION OF INSTAILATION LEGAL DtktrS o<--ELE. . :CAL PEfu\,IT APPL]CATION 3. COMPLETE FEE SCHEDLILE BELOW A. Nerv Rcsidential-Single or Multi-Famill per drrelling unit. Sen'icc Includctl: ltems Cost 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portior thereof $ 106.00 $ 19.00 CRI?TION7b..(ot ?-o <)Sum JOB DESCRIPTIONalArb; @'naP sr'c.1b Zo?+M? Permits are non-transferable and expire if rr.ork is nor srancd \l itlrin l8fldlUto*,no pror"d as submrtted hFJfi45ffiggf{ Home or of issuance or if r|ork is suspetrddr&rand does not require spedld€dl*flfi,p6r cll ing 180 da)'s. 2. CONTRACTOR I Elcctrical Contractor approval Zoning Authoazed Signature stt lrtton,Iterations or 200 anips or iess 201 an)ps to 100 amps +0 i anlps to 600 amps 501 illr4rs to 1000 arlps O,,'er iO00 amps/\'olts Recourect Only $ 50.00 s 63.00 $ 75.00 $ 125.00 _ $163.00 _ $3 75.00 s 50.00 , Senice or FeederLglL NSTALIIITJ ON ONLY ,'BOSrice s or Fecde rs cit\Phone Supen isor Licersc Number iratior Date Conitr Contr. Number Expiration Dale C.. Tcmporary Seryices or Fceders . Instirllation, Alteralion or Rclocation Ol ncrs Nirme Address OWNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on properry" I olvn rvhich is not irtendcd for sale. lease or rent. S?a&nsLD Phone v6-brbl 200 amps or less \f 5 0.00 s69.00 _ $ 100.00 see D.B Alteration or E\terlsioll Per Panel One Circuit Eacir Aciclitional Circuit or rrith Sen'ice or Feeder Pennit S 3.00 00$43 l\Iinimum Electric Pemit Inspcction Fcc is SJ5.0{) + Surcharges 4. SUBTOTALOFABOVE L' 01 zv> Orrncrs Signature TOT,\L Citl-.lob Address Signaturc of Supcrlising Dlectriciln 1t E. Nliscelhneous (Serricc/ltcder not inchrded) -EJClr irrstirllalion Prlnp or irrlgaLion - S5u r)o - Sigrlioutlr nc Lightin-s S-i().00 _ Limitcd Euergl.,T{es _ S2-i.00 _ Liuritecl Energr',/Comnr _ 5-+5.00 _ 7Yo Stlte Surchilrgc 3'% Administl.atit e Fee Job Lbcaticn: Aaoesso?e Map I Ica Lot fl svbditl,sion: A)ner naA.r", $ J 'ryv&b City:Lip to - {\-( g val,ueDate of Ap?Licatian L+1 Ae-5P T)66. '-> RenoCeL i,ob":Ze Eane cene"aL ..RESIE NTIAt..' APPLICATION/PERIIIT 225 Noyth |th Stu eet Spring fteld, 2negon 97477 BuiLding DLui-ston 726-3753 SPFII]rlGFIEIll OV q\1 Y CC- Date Electttcdl l,lechdticzl Reaui?ed fnso"cticns AddresB L It io the ftsponeibilit! oi tlg peftrit hoAe? b see tlnt al! inopections dte dadp ot lle p"ope? tine, that e.cch c reaa is ?ealu.bie Iror tho etteet, dnd. Lhat the pe?hit catd. i8 l.ocated at the frant of the Wopett!.rgut\dine N-t)icior apF"o1;ed pZan ehcZZ Penain on tlE Btaldino Stti at aZX tiflrs. PR1CEDUPE POR INSPT$IO REAUESTTCALL 726-3769 (r'ecorde") etate lour Cit! desi-gnated job "equested atrd. uhen lou trilL be ready fop inspectiofl, Cant?acto?a ot Atners nane cnd. phane'*iZZ be tade the sone day, lequesta nade aften 7:00 @n LriZL be nade the nest ,o?king da!. 8s 78 ttorber, iob aCitess, type of incpec"icanunber, P.equests "eceited bef,cre ?:00 cr Iou Cit! Desigtated Job lh.abe? fs: SI?E I SPEC?IOE: To be tade dfte" ezcavation, but itia! tc set up of f,orrne. UTIDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRIC,IL & WC AIICAL: ?o be made befo"e anV Do?k ia eooet ed, POO?IN1 t F)UNDAIICN: To be tBCeaftet t?enches are etcaoated and fotna ate e?ected, but pyia? topotying ccnc?ete, UND2RCPOU!!D PLUM9INC ,n.1i!3 DRAI AeE: ?o prla"to fil-lirg trenchee. UItDEPFLoAR PLUI.E I:ttC & l.lECltANICAL: DRYIIALL I SPECIIjII: Ic be nadeafte" al,L C"Uudl'L is it plaee, but ?viot to cn! ta?Lng. I|AS1NRY: SteeL tocati,on, bond. be@ns, gzouting one?ticd.Ls irl dccota:lolzae iith U.B.c. Sectian V00DS?01ry: Afte" inatolXation igenpleted. CURB & APPROACE APPO : @e e?ecteC but p?io? to pourittg SIDEIIALK 8 DRI,'EI,/AY: Fo! aXl, can- FificL - l\4ten aba.te itens ore ccnpleted and ahen Catclition i.s contplete at st!'uc- tu?e naoed and ptenrises 3LeaneC up. bLockTng @14 5et-'rp PlwtbinA connectians -- aare, @d daie! ELecfi.tcal Ccfilection - Blocking, set-rpard plunbi-ng eonnecti,ans ust be dpplctedbefo"c l,equesting eLeetr.icdl in6pecai.o'tl Acces'oq Eu1:U':ng Fiial - nfh" ?.?cLes, okirtirq, deel,s, etc. dre cofip|.e:ed. :1,-lll.: _-l : . : :r l::ut-jl rIo be iade afte! dLL insuleti,cn a-d.requi?ed oqot bd?ie?s @e in pTace but befate @ty Lath, gvp&on bcard. o? tnLL aoeriag ie applied, ond. befote @ry ittsulati,on is conced.Led, Sdni:al'! sa)e! cdpped .t pnopertg Lire Septic t@tk p-"rped a . fil1.ed uith ga:;ei I I fo be nad.e p?io" to insta.Llation of floo" insuhtion or deeking, POST AND BEAI'I: Io be nade pr4or to installd.ticn of floot, iwt^latior, ot, decking. ROUCH PLUEIIIC. ELEC?RICAL & IECH-ANICAL: No 'nork, is to be eo"-etedtatrtil these inspections haoe beer. nad.e dhd. approoeC. FIPEPUCE: Pz"iot to pl<:cir4 fccingnctertals and befo"e Ir@,rtng inspec-tinz. FRA]II|IC: Wst be ?eqteated afterdpproual of "ough plwr,bing, ezectyi- caZ t nechanical, AZI ,paftzq bfacang E chimc!6, etc. nst beconpZetcd. :lo Dcrk is to be con- . cealed. until this ingpeetion has ' beet ttode anC arytooed. crete pcoing Lrithin st?eet ?ight-of-tall, ta be taCe after att e.xca-oating cdnplete & fofi Lb"k & eub- fu6e ndte?idl in pla.e. lE cE: Hher Mnplete -- Proril.e gates o" ooable eectians th?ough P. A. E. Qrq-li-,^,\vl II 'I --AIL proiect conditiotls, such ae the irlstallat-:on of sateet t"ees, co:."plet;on of tie requi"ed la Csccpit"4, etc., iast be sati,sfied before the EUILDIN: FMAL can be requested. NAL BUILDI c: Ihe Final Buiuing fnspection nust be ?equested,zfte! the Fina.l PlhbirlgElectrieal, o1C echaricdl Inspectaons hqte been nade atd appt,ooeC. PIIIAL PLUY,BIIIO ?II'IAL IlE'HAIIICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL iAI,L I|AIIHCLES AND CLEANOUTS UUST BE ACCES'IBLE. ADJUSTTEII! ?O BE I.IADE r'.? NO CCST TO CITY drL Constfiaction Lender tr /0 0 > 2b 4,/lD r z0e C affii<- (iu-/-/-o Additicn F;," 1 I SOLAR ACCESS REQ..L-cocJoB No 88D Lot Faces - 3e th Iot Sq. Ft?. 7 cf Lct Colre?age ! of Storiee Total leight fopog"aphf LOI ?yPE _ Inte?ic? _ Conet _ Panhand.Le C'uL-de-sac l.rain TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 t Resi-Czntidl, (1 bath) Sdni SeteP l,lete" :la Ilea/E,tend ci"cuits lanpcPaV Se?uice Ftt a:a;::': a s E h@lat Hood Yent Fcol C(I a.cG' --'t .=- 41 Mechq nicol Permit Ueeltanicel Pe"nit ate -. EIICROACEMTN? -- 9ec,.t-i sit Pefirit si-CedaLk ElectrLeal Label l,tobile Eone Zone:C)Cof-st:tseiroot:s: Range Ldee PLan Check Fee: Date Paid: Rec.ipt ll: 5Lq|ed Taae Building Volue & Permit This pennit ts g?dnted oi the e*?tess eondition that the saa-consttactionsllall, in all tespects, confom to the ord'inance adopted by the City ofSpingfield, i,trclud:lng the zafling cYd.ilence, ?egulcting the ccnettucticn atd use of buildi.n4s, arrd ne! be suspetded ot teookeC at cn! tine uport oic-latioi of dtU p?coisiois of said }rditunces. Buildina Permit St4te &Ech@ge Total claPaes Pl'lttuing Pefiit E L State Sur3 ?otal fotaL Plumbing Permit Ilo pe?son El'a|| construct, install, altet o? cl,urqe an! Aed c? e.isting pllrnL,ifl4 o? d?ainage sUstan in ulale ot in pa?t, t&Le6s such Feraon is the legal possessot of a oalid plurnbe?'s Lieense, e.cept tlnt a person na! do plLonbing uotk to p"opertA Lthich is oLned, Leased or oPe"ated b! the apPli- cant, Electricol Permit ,thele State Lan ?equi?es tkat the eLectl"ical aotk be done bg ctt Ele!,tticaL cont?acto?, the eleetrical po"tian af this permit srsll iat be odLU wt1:l the Label las been sigtted by the Elect?ical lantrdcto?. Plalt Exaniner I EAw 1AREFULLY EIAIIINED tle conpleted. application for penit, ard do heteb! certif! tllat aLL infomation hereon is ttue ard. coftect, dnd I fitrther cerlify that ar,g ard. d.LL oo"k pe"forned slall be dole it aceol'- danlre tith the ordinenees of the citf of Spvingfieu' and th2 Ians of the Stdte of o"egon pertai\ing to the aork Ceectibed he?e.n' cnd tl1a,t llo occ!' P,tJlcI dill ba rade af cny stzactl&z trithort Petui$ion of the Brilding DL- Lrision. I futther certii'g thst o.1L! eontracioz,e ard, qtplruees Dho are in co;trplianee Dith oRS ?a1.a55 aiLL be used on this p"oiect (l \-.-+r.!SJ 30.7sTOTAL AJNUN? DUE:4 sis Pendt Issuzrlc2 I e. t. I ttouse I carcge I fII-r trEM lsffi lr;-*". I lro. li?EM lnc]l fT&;A;-T l /- Y > o'*3h$3'?8''ffiHfi (Pq< 3 La,ounty Authorization for' -7 FOR OFPICE USE ONLY I]W.-iSHI P FAIiGE SECT TA]{ S', BD IV]S PARTITION /PAr( E:if applrcable)Resident-ial Com,nercial I ndus tr iaI PubIic USE OF PROPERTY ss STFEET ai':,YADD s:CU L!ONP ITE / DECI,AXED S VALUE)jscR-!pTIoN oF pRoposED w9RK - aL SPECI|-C ,Eczu<-4 r'e,/.Uer=r- -{<><zz.c u-Eo,u- ./,2-ez7a F IiATER SUPPLY .(.qrr-o.o Zt),e >* )47-a<- OF BEDAQOMS * OF STCRIES + OF Ei'JPLOYEES Proposed Exi s ting 6 . //. ./'.2 a c.-.,2-2r,r ./ 1 I 4 Oi(-ER'S NAME AND ADDR.ESS coNTRAcroR I s NAME AND osR * 4,,^,ar,.,--, /z).rr r* Eo.^r..*TELEPHONE M]MBER -2<G-/6>aP:fuIIT T! BE MAILED TO {NAME AND ADDRESS) :.4,*o..- /J.-*. V.,-,-,.,- ,/2.5*s.-14,,,. -, -, /<-4z.rz TELEPHONE N'II!4BER ) /z-za >. I HAvn CAFcEUI,I-Y EXAMINED THE cotlPLnTED APPLICATIoN !oiL PERJ,1IT, ar,l ,lo h.r.)ir certifv that all have the following 1e9al lntelest io the plopeity' Cosner of record; n*,""-,. pulchase!;Nautholized agent. I f:!the! certify tlat any dd at1 ,ork perfomed shall be done in accoldan.E kith tLe ordloances oI Iane coMty ahd the Ians of the state of Oregonpertaining to the hork desclibed herein, and lhat No oCcUPiNCY witl br made of rnl sirrcture without the pehission of the auilding Division. i fu-the! celtily that regiscratio. oith the Buildelts Boald is in fu1I force and effect as requiled by oRs 701.o55. that if exerpt the basis fo! eresption is hoted heieon, and that only subcontractors d enployees rho ale in coEplianca {ith oRs 701.055 kill be u€d on this project- I HAVE READ AND CIIECKED IHIS AIILICATION THOROUGqLY. ilfomation hereon is tlue and correct, and that I coilENts : Ar/A- CO}!.1ENTS: f No bI tr PLANNIN ZONING: s. r. *B. P. 1i GrPLANS EXAMINATIoN: Tlpe pb wt 5 lnstallation Record Issued? ORIZATION 'tAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONSI collll}]NTS of i)rni.nfield cal1on Tank ['] snr.:rt,c.rroN, rnsta]lation Specif-ications Maximum Depth READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AU c PERMIT APPROVED BY EUILDING oFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (oer ORS 456.805(l)) LANE COUNry DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WOBKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 6874061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION IN!'ORMATION ct4..25 R* iz?i:i"t.""/rzz{zrz BI-OCK zrp TELEPHONE NUMBER tt,4 4s/4i,,,. SETBiCKS AIiD OT:]'R CO\DITIOTS OT APPROVAL I1LIST BE S,IRICT'I OBSERVEO. VIOLATION CA:! RESIJLT !N REVO- C;TIO:,1 OF !!lIS ?anr1Ii, CITn?IO:{ UNOER PROvISIONS OF L:NE COU)iTY'S INFRACTION ORDIIiTNCE, AND/OR OTIIER RE|qTJDIES ALLOffED BY LN{. !iXEN REIDY EOR INSPECTION, CALL 687-4065. A MINIIIUN OT.\1 IEAST 24 IIOURS ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPEC'information !6ady: petmit number, iob.ddr.ss, tyP. of inspecrion, uhen it eill be leady, your nate and phoie nunbe!, atd any sPeci!1 directions to site FECU t lrf, ri'Pr'lio{s. I. Fou!4at 9a Inspectron: To be (ade after trenches are excavated and forhs erected lnd,hen all;-ater!ar-fd rhe l ndatton alc deliveled on lhe )ob. ilherc concrete from a central mixinqplant (comobly terhed "tlansit mrxed") is to bc used, naterrals need not be on the job. 2. co.cret. sLab d uncer-aLoo! Inspection: To be made alter aII in-slab or under-floor building6E ]fu;ulpment, c.niurL, piping accessories, and other anctlla!y equipnent ilehs are inplace but before any concrete rs poured or floor sheathing installed, in.luding the subfloor. l. Framrnq s rnsularro^ Inspectrons: ro be hade afte! the roof, aIl frami^9, fi!e bloc,(inq, aidE;al.q are rr ?lace a.d aII pipes, fileBlaces, chioDeys, .nd vents ate cofrplete and all rolghelecrrica! and pluhbins are approved. Atl *alt lnsulatio! and vapoE balrier ar€ in place. 4. Larn.nd/or cvDsum Bodrc nspectronr ro be hade aiLer all Iathrno and qlpsuh board, .nterror fia-ere-r rbr,.il-rrl:reiu!--E-r*e .Dy plasLerrng !s app:reo an; be:ole gypsm board tornrsand fasteners are taped and finished. 5. Final Inspectron: To be made after the building is conplete and before occupancy. APlRovA! REQi,,IRED. ro work shall be done on any part of the building o! stluctule beyond the pointindicated io each successive insp€ction rithout firsr obtaining the approv.! of the bu!Iding off:cial.slch apploval s}!aU be given oaly atter an inspection shlll hav9 been made of e.ch Euccessj,v€ stepin rhe construcriod as indicated by each of the inspection6 required. NoTE: All buildias permits require inspections for the uork authorized, such as but not linited to: A. Block fialI: To be hade after reinfolci.g is rn place, but before any grout is pouled. Thisiiiprctf5i is lequi'ed for each bond bean pour. rhere,tll b. no.pploval until the plmbinq and elecllica! inspections have been aade and .pproved. B. ltood stove: ro be made after completioi of hasonr! (i! applicable) and,hen instal,lation isaielere. lnstallatiob shall be tn accordance wiEh an apploved, nationally lecoqnized testingagency a.d the nanufacturer's installalion rnstructions. C. uobile Hore: An inspectio. is lequired afte! the robile hose is connected to an approved sewe! or septrc sys.eh ior setback requirenents, blocking, foot!n9 connectron, tiedorns,skrr t,^q, and plMbrnq connections. 1. Footinqs and pi€ls to comply,rth stat6 foundalion requirements for nobite homes o!.srecoMended by the ra.ufact!!er. 2. uobile hohe nrnimun tinish f1@r elevation shall be certified when lequired by. fl@d-ptarn manaqehent letter. 3. Mobile hobe tiedolns, ehen lequi.eil, and skilting shalt b6 installed.nd ready fo! inspec-tion trithin at least l0 days after occupancy. Tiedoens and skirtlng shall be insralledpe! edclosure. o. surmtlg !991| Below grade eheo steel j,s in place and befole conclere is poured. Above glade ;PPROVED PLANS T'UST BE ON TXE JOB SITE HOURS. THIS ?E!.}IIT WILL EXPIR'IF IIOR( DOES tiOT BEGIN I'ITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF I,,JORX IS SUSPEND'D OR ABANDONED 'OF }IORE TI'AN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION I{AY OCCUR I' ?HIS P'RI1IT I{AS ISSUED ON lHE AASIS OF INCOHPLETE OR ERRON'OIJS ANYONE PAOCEEDING PAST THE POIII OI REOUIRED INSPECTIONS 'ILL DO SO A1 TI]EIR OIdN RISX. SUBSUREACE AIID AL?ERNATIVE 5EI{AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEItlS. 1. P.lnits shaU be elfectlvo fo! one yea! floD the date o! issuance. 2. Upon cohpletios tbe constluction for *hj.ch a pernit has been issued, the pelFit holde! shallnotify th6 Ij.e county Depaltrent of Planning .nd Co'rouairy DeveLopsent by subnittj,ng rh.i.stallation record forn. The Departhent shall inspect rhe conBtluction ro dererhtne tf it.corplies uith the rules contained io thls division. If the consrluction doe. cosply ,ith slchrules, the Departsenr shall issue a certlti.are of satisfactoly conpletion ro rhe pernitiSotde!.If the construcrion does nor comply with su.h rule., the Departn.lt shalt notify the pernj.rholder and shall lequire s.tislacroly cofrpl€rion before iEsui.g thc cerrificare, aailure toneet lhe requilements for sati3lactory completron urthin a rclsonable tim€ constilut€s a vio-1atio. of oRs 4s,4.605 to 45,1.r45 and this !ute. setbacks - subsu!face !:!399 pisposal .l.l€ or r.rr rL--i r-oa-,.y Lur ir!nq io!nia t r od, .1., o!n I rr_... - .r.cs !-?l.Is i!-u 10, , 50, I0, 00.. I AIr=ttnliEla ! 9- 9 t; ! l: f LAi.iE ICUi\i1'Y ][iIT' r1F!rl...lXrlNT i;ir{i I NBi_}i! tJi+I ;; [,1i]1 ., ADDIi 1_t rL i _:r1?nr'-!.i ia,i'1^.,'1 {rllIrYlTl, i{ E. i'l tit...iii; IYI-'[ l_1,1'[ i:i E[Fii-t,i: '] uNIT,,r: 00li,Ji.l[ft Nf.lE !:FIflEHNINI, {;. !-l . ADDtl]{li}DE AFI-'t- t'l {l ACTI$tr r}[sl:FiIF Tiiir,l ,stl 11E, ENV HGT HECEl.t'T ,* ?35t!6 DA'r'I Otr?t]g$ . FO TIOZ 8, 5i:'RINCF]ELN, URECONLOT BLI(1 .!T0tlIE,r +FL..DG.1 0Sr r'HONE 746 1S7$ 65? I-!AYDEN :lRlpGi: tJY., SrHIf.{GFIILD,FT UI.i T T I]{]ST UAL.UAT ]:I]N IJEE DA llrrllnliEloi ; 9 !:r, t"l I: i- t1 i-'i-!:. si.'lrt FT. klll(: :.iL, LHfii{ J LI'IL F LI: JiAIL "jUF(LHl'iHL,f: l:,!...,1N IH[{:K FHI: Fl. ftAl:N II .J t-tt l tr . ttF f' SEQU r 1 TAHf:N El Ri,F! r,CH OTH EST. CI]MPLETION DATE I l3 I I;J 3 TOTAL FEE,*T \.--. TRS# 17-03_2 2-1 1200 DATE ISSUED: 4/01/86 PERfiT#g% -8G Ol,lNER S NAME PHONE NUMBER NHPRN ,TNG CONIRACIOR'S IZj',N@u) . NA},IEWlze.Der PHONE NUMBER 746-167e SE C1 ACK REOUIREI'IENTSRONT CL, SIOE TB # PLUMBING FIXTURES F I NIER I OR REAR l,JO K AUTH R]ZEO BY PERI4IT D I RECTI ONS O SITE SDS APPROVAL REQUIRED N1NE CrVnN SITE AD ESS ?t FOOTI NG OU NOAT I ON MOBI L HOME PLAC MENT D INSPECTION DateApproved Date /Correct ion Inspector pp ro ved Date Correcti on Da te Inspector UNDERSLAB PLBC.tr/Approved Date NDER LR PLBG.i NSPECTi ON/Correction Date Inspector OTHER INS PECT IONApproved Date Correcti on Date Inspector ROUGH PLUIiI B ING TOP OUT Approved Dale INSPECTION / Corre c ti on Date I nspector FRAI4 ING iNSPECIION App roved Date /Correct'ion Da te Inspector ROUGH MECHANICALApproved Date /Correcti on Date Inspector INSULATION / YAPOR BARRIER INSPECTIONApproved Oate_/ co rrec ti on_Da te_I n s pe c tor-- LATH / GYPSU}I BOARD INSPECTIONApproved Date /Correction Date Insp ec tor FINAL MECHANiCAL[ /I,IOOD STOVEEApproved Date /Correctj on Da te Inspector I NAL LUI'IBING INSPECTION Approved Da te /Co rrec t i on Da te I nspector INAL INSPECTIOII BUILDING D /I.4OBILE HOF1E !Approved Da te /Correcti on /AG PLACEMENT f] Date Inspector CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY fJApproved Date TEt'1 P O RART CEtrT I F ITTTE O F OC CU PANE]E M74-t91 Insp.App ro ve d_Da te Insp. LANE COUNTY II,ISPECTION RECORD IF 1l'lLr lJl ,URK .:,;.,t'i.r.: r' ;1 , ;, I .f..,1. r : .1.+ tt, i ',';f l 3