HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2018-09-11 (2)SPRINGfIELD ,b OREGON Web Addressr www.spnngfield-or.9ov City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springrteld I OR 97477 54r-726-3753Building Permit Residential Structural Permit Number: 81 1-18-001 978-STR IVR Number 811004915731 Email Address: pe.mitcenter@spnn9fi eld-or.9ov Permit lssued: September 11, 2018 Category of Construcuon: Single Family Dwelling Type ot Work: Repair Submitted Job Value: $46.000.00 Descdption of work: Fire restoration/repair - Replace trusses only structural issues-No INSPECTIONS waiting fo. plans to be submitted JOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite addrsss 611 1gTH ST Springfield. OR 97477 Parcel 1703361212900 Owner: Address AYRES CHRIS 29974 H\MY 9S W CORVALLIS, OR 97333 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business name XXL INC - Primary License ccB License number 109867 Phone 54 1-7 47 -5413 PENDING INSPECTIONS lnspection '1999 Final Building '1260 Framing 1430 lnsulation Wall '1440 lnsulation Ceiling lnspection group Strucl Res Struct Res Struct Res Struct Res lngpecfon atatua Pending Pending Pendang Pending SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Various inspections are minimally required on each prolect and often dependent on the scope of work Contact the issutng jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermlts.oregon.gov Schedule by phone call 'l-888-299-2821 use tVR number: 8i iOO49l5731 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitUng tnspection App, search "epermitting,, in the app store Permits must be posted in clear view on the worksite. Perltlits expire if work is not started within 1Bo Days of issuance or if work issuspended for '180 Oays or longer dep€nding on the issuing agency,s policy_ All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type ofwork will be complied with whether specified herein or not. Gran ngof a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating constructionor the pedomance of construction. ATTENTIoN ' CALL BEFORE YoU DIG: oregon law requires you to follow rulss adopted by the oregon Utility Notification center.Those rules are set forlh in oAR 952{01.oo'lo through oaR 952-oo1-oo9o. You may obtain copies ot the rules by ca[ing the center at(877) 668-4001 ordial 811. All persons or entities performing work under this permit are requircd to be licensed untess erempted by ORS 70 l.0.t0(StructuraUMechanical), ORS 479.540 (Etectricat), and ORS 693.OlO{20 (ptumbing). Pnnted onr 12rl13 page1 ot z sld_auildrngPerm _pr TYPE OF WORK Pe.mit Number: 81 1-18-001978-STR Page 2 ol 2 Fee Des€aiption Technology Fee Structural building permit fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (12olo of applacable fees) Page 2 ol2 Quantity Total Fees: Fee Amount $29.60 $591.90 $71.03 $692. s3 std-BuildingPemit-Pr PERMIT FEES Structural Permit Application l:5 Fiffh Sr,rr . spm8licld. OR 97,177. PlkJll 17:6-1751 . [{X(5Jl r?16':1589 k-*H dt I nttut-A1 ,oN - l14YL Ac€ €Xut(ryt' D/Ltruave F(/AC - {, .U:r"A urit " t ''-{- t*o'FJr il}r G+-T^* ;i* ]r..-r..,-.,n-.J3J ti^'\'' t \ DEPARTi,IET,IT USE ONLY I'cr )rI no lh b l1?8 Date fi l{r l{) This permit i\ isrurd ulder OA R 9l ti{60-0030. Permits (rpire if $ ork i\ not starled ri iahirl I tt{, drt s of i!.lusncc r}r if rrork is rurpendcd for 180 darr. FEE SCHEOULE l. Velurtion irform.tion (a) Job de*-riptioo: FtAf t-eeaA- ()(.lulinc\ Construction npc I b|a Co\( pcr squale fml ()thcr lnfomution T!p. of Iltr. Lner(r P.th E n"" Elaltcratr,,n ! addirion (b) Itundarnn-only pcmrx.l ElY.s ts x. 'to.rl rrlurtioh:s {6, uu.: 2, Building fee3 (a) Permil ld (us. \'.lu.xon tahlc)S (b) lnl'(\tillhlc le. (equll kr l:al)s (c) Rcinspccrion (S pcr hqrr) (number o[ hours x fee t.-r hour)s (d) Ilntcr I29d riurchai8c (.12 x l2a.2b-2cl)\ (e) Sublolil of fees rbore (2r lhrough 2d)s J. Plrtr rerien fees (a) Pllln rE\ i€la (650,0 r p..rmir ll:c []al) (b) I'rc .nd liti saletv (650, r pcmrit lte [!a]t 5 (c) Sublolil of fees rbore (3r ird lh):! ,1. l\lirccllereous fees (a) scismic t... l% ( 0l x pl.rnrir lec []al) (b) Tr'ch li.c. 50o (.05 x p€rmit l'cc[2a]+PR ti'e l.rcl)! J0-t,\1. feer rod surch.rg€s (2€-+Jc-.lr+t ) /)e^o " a-4 a-Po rt7 f rzn.nt ^lG - -ftLt4 J t{)?€tvt /t aus E LE<:-(/LILAL ' 1L€YJ tiE / mfle'n-f p t .., tr tl |tt G - le€fl| t2 € x tJrt /Y G FAEL,) ,,4 LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL This projccl bas final lanrl-use approval Signiurc:Datc This project has DIQ appror al Si8natwe:i):te Zoning approlal lcrilicd: I Ycs E No Propeny is *irhin lLxxl plain: IYes OXo CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION j!ne,rrentrrt ! Golemrncnr E Conrnrcrcral JOB S]TE INFORTIATION AND LOCATION Joh sitc address 6tt ti'ta fi. cn.\: Sfet ^/C f t€LD sane: 0P-zn,77t77 '[axtnt: / 7-oJ- 7b l]"l2tc, PROPERTY OWiIER N.rne: 4Y R-€ S . c-Hel J ^ddress: 2717 '/ H L,r)/ 7 ? L\/ ciry: (o|LVALL I t srarc: O2-z|,.?73j) Phone: 5?/- 337- 9217 I {ll'l Buildint Ouner or ()$rrcr's ageni aufionzing this applicalion sigtacn. '--Q;-- E rus instattaridsLing mad. on r.sid$rial or tarD, propen! o$ftd b\ me or a member ol my imrnediar. family. md is cxempt frorn licc'rrsing rtquircr!.nts undcr O&S 701.010. CONTRACTOR II{STALLATIO XXL / NC trddt(ljs j'77 | dY'+tAc J7 cit,: 5f f LD Statc: OA 7-tP, ? 7.t Prlone:s'tl-l(7 - t''/13 t^*,sLll -7tN-o!7t ,44 CO CCB /01 6't eI'ru,l @ SmB letre Jeut- Srgnntur€ INFORMATION ((Bl.lrers€#Phooe:umb.r lll.ctri.nl bo,: e Paru et- €lEc /tt,t(J 5,.tt- q),1 5coo l'lumbins \lerhnuical l.a\r €'.lired 5-5-:017 ltroncs CrrY oF SPRTNGFTELD. oRECoN suMilision: lax s II I I MiTe Re: 2598-18 McKenzie Taylor MiTek USA, !nc. 7777 Grcenback Lane Suite 109 Citrus Heights, CA, 956'10 Telephone 916/676-1 900 Fax 9'16/676-1909 The truss drawing(s) referenced below have been prepared by MiTek USA, lnc. r.utder my direct supervision based on the parameters provided by Relco Rool Pages or sheets covered by this seal: R55984661 thru R55984663 My license renewal date for the state ofOregon is June 30,2019. G IN 86809PE OBEGON Y ',0 19 October 30.2018 Komnick, Chad IMPORTANT NOTE: Truss Engineeas responsibility is solely for design of individual trusses based upon design parameters shown on referenced truss drawings. Parameters have not been verified as appropriate for any use. Any location identification specified is for file reference only and has not been used in preparing design. Suitability of truss designs for any particular building is the responsibility of the building designer, not the Truss Engineer, per ANSI/TPl-1, Chapter 2. 2598-18 Ttuss ]AlG Common Supponed Gable Qtv 2 I trtcr,en ,e ravror Reco Roof and Floor. nc Haffisburg OR-97446 100 I 220 s Ocl 6 201 I Mllek lndustries, l.c Tle Ocl 30 09 44.07 2a1A Pege 1 lD XrYoVlN2T UzXizxPdANwBtyOG50 b!uRl0OrOJpSPYonBkxh9N9SePuhdqcn3kwSzqyOG5M 10{1-0-0 2 1,1 0-0 t4-0 0 4 0a i12 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 2A 2a{{ 14 0,0 15 26 25 21 23 22 t3 -J 21 , 2444 _ 28-G0 Plare oifsers (x.Y) [27:G]0.G]01 LOADING (psf) TCLL TCDL BCLL BCDL 25.0 7.O 0.0 ' 10 0 SPACING. 2.GO Plale Grip DOL 1.15 Lumber DOL 1.15 Rep Siress lncr YES Code tRc201s/TP12014 OEFL. vert(LL) Verl(CT) Hotz(CT) in 000 0.01 0.00 (ioc) 21 21 2A ^lt 12On/r 90 PLATES MT20 GRIP 185h48 REACTIONS. All beanngs 28-G0 (b) - Ma( Hoz 2=42(LC 8) Max Uptfi A[uptifll00tborlessarjoin(s)2,31,32,33 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 29 2a,27,26,25,24,23 22.20 Max Grav Allreaclions 250|b or less atiolnt(s)2,30,31,32,33 3 35,36,37,29 24,27,26,25,24, 23, 20 excePl38.268(LC 17),22=268\tc 1a) FOECES- -(lb)- Mai; 3cl;,lrax. Ten. -Allrorces 250 (lb) or less exceplwhen showl r.{otgs: - - 1)l-i1'a;a'r.ed rool lire loals ;ave been lonsic€red for this design 2)14,i!tr ASCE 7-1 oi VuE= 12dmph (3-sjr9!(gr:0 Vasd=gsmph: TCDL=4.2psfi BCDL=3.opsli h=2si cat. lli Exp Bl Enclosed MWFRS (envelope)i canlilever leff and right e)rposed i end verlic€l leff and nghl exposedi Lumb€r DOL=I 60 plaie grap OOL=1-60 3Dn ! (esigned for wind_toads in the ptane of$e truss only. For studs exposed lowind (normalto the lace), see Standard lnduslry Calle End Details asrH,lc€ble, or consuhqualilied building designer as perANSuTPl 1. 4)Allolaies arc 1.5x4 MT20 unless olherwrse 'nd'cdeds:da6l. ieturres co:r jl,j.jrs ootrorr cn:'i Seair:g 6) G?Dle slods sPaced at ?-4-0 oc. 7LTJE l'uss has been dEslq-dd ior a 13.? !g bclom chord live load nonconcunent with any other live loads B) "Tnis;uss has been designed for a ive lo{d of 20.0pslon the bottom chord in allareas where a reclangle 3-e0tallby2_0-0 wide wifi ft [elween the lrttom $ord and af,iother members 9;A 66.e rating redd"o.r .)ral% has be.r.aPFlr.rd for the green lumber members. 1O),Pro1/r.le mechan ical connedlon (bytthgrs) orlruss io beanng plale capable ofwithslanding 100 lb !plifl al join(s) 2, 31, 32, 33, 34, , 35, 36,€7, 38, 29,-28,-2,- , 26, 25, 24,23. 22 20 LUMBER. TOP CHORD BOT CHORD OTHERS 2X4 OF No.1&8trG 2X4 OF No.1&ar G 2x4 HF Stud/Std BRACING- TOP CHORD BOT CHORD Strucluralwood sheathing directly applied 0r 6-+0 oc pudins Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. OBEGON Weight: 132|b Fr = 20% v ,0 cst TC BC i.iatrx S 007 0.05 004 M.K MiTek riiLwaanNe - v.flf a,{qn D,Emtrs d READ NofEs oN fBts aM ltrcuiDEDtttfEx REFERENCE PAGE 'fr'717' N- t0/ou2015 BEFoRE USE' o€siqn 6tid ror 6. onty wirh Mireko 6nnedo6 This desion i. based only upon par.m€leE shown, and is ror .n individuo build n0 @mpoi.nr nol a rru:s *rem. scro* *. ma o,rrd,na desener mus wnry $e spprkzbiriy or des(rn p.Eru!.6 and plopert ncorpoEr€ rhis d*bi inro rr'. overar buidnq a6qn B6onomd'@led s6pre;db( fsormdividuart nrv addt oiartempo,rv and pemn'ir bmd'o E,t,; Eq-,red torsGbrr y droprcvent@rapsevirhpossibrop€Eonarin,uryandprcpedvdamase Fors.n.rurqudaneesadnqrhe r.bridion. sroEse d€livery, e€d Axs[rP! gu,rit cdcna, osB.e .nd Bcsl Buildins compon.nr sd€ry hromati;. aEilab a fi.m Itoss Prale lisritde, 213 N. Lee sher suite 312. Ale EXPIRES: 06-30-2019 October 30,2018 t l*o ^** 2!!{ I 19 I;ll 21 L 2594,18 Qlv 2A 1 Job Referen@ (oolional) R55984662 Relco Roofand F oor lnc, Hansburg. OR 97446,8220 s Ocl 6 2018 l4iTek lndlstries. tnc TueOct3009:48082018 Page 1 lD XTYoWN2T UzXizXPdANwBjyocso-3sSpyMPdgcxJlibziSSwibixwp4bMB3xlOlhVGyOG5t 1,0-010{14 0{6t2 2800 1,0-0 4oaL, t'1; I I 10{ 0 Plate Oflseis (X,Y)- 12:0-G10.Edqel. 16 GG1o.Edoel. 18 0-4-0,G3-41 SPAC|NG. 2-O-O Plaie Grip DoL 1.15 Lumber DOL 1 15 Rep Slress lncr YES Code lRC2015/TP12014 cst.TC 0.€BC 0.54 r /B 0.39 OEFL. Verl(LL) Ved{Cr) Hotz (Cr) in (loc) -0 19 9-12 -0 67 +12011 6 >999 >503 Ud 240 180 LOADING (psf)TCLL 25.OTCDL 7-OBCLL O,OBCDL 1O,O LUIIllBER. TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEES 2X4 OF No.1&Blr G 2X4 OF No I &Blr G 2x4 HF Stud/Sld PLATES I"1T20 185/148 \Jtsiohl: 103lb Fr = 20% REACTIONS llblsize) 2=124OlO-3-4, 6=124OEyA lrax Holz 2=a2(LC 8) Max Uplifl 2:122(LC 4), 6=-122(LC 5) FORCES. (lb),Max Comp /rvax. Ten. - Allforces 250 (lb)or less except $tren shown TOP CHORO 2-3=-2A371247, 3-4=-24471199, +5=-2447/199, 5-6=-28371247 BOT CHORD 2-9=-22012659, 8 9= 87/1768, G8=-'185/2659WEBS +8=-55,760. t8:569/1 36. 4-9-55,t160. 3-9=-569/1 36 BRACING. TOP CHORO aoT cHoRo Slrucluralwood sheathing d rect y applied or $4-6 oc purlins Rigid c€iling direclly applied or 1GGo oc bracing D NOTES. 1) Unbalanced rool live loads have been considered forthis design. 2)Wndr ASCE 7-10i Vult=120mph ($second gust) Vasd=gsmphr TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=3.opsf: h=25fli Cal. ll: Exp Bi Enclosedi MWFRS (envelope)t canlrlever leff and righl exposed ; end vertcd left and right exposedt Lumber OOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3)This truss has b6en designed lor a 10.0 psl botlom chord lve load nonconcunenl wilh any other live loads. 4)'This truss has been designed lor a live load of 20.0psfon the bottom chord in allareas where a reclangle 36-0 tall by 2+0 wide willft b€twe€n lhe bottofi chord and any olher members. 5) A plate rating reduclion of 20% has been applied for the grcen lumbe. members. 6) Provide mechanica conneclion (by others) of truss lo bearing plate capable olwithnandinq 100lb upm al joint(s) excepl (tl=lb) 2=122, 6=122.G 86809PE OREGON Y ,0 '( EXPIRES: 06-30-2019 October 30,2018 Lwtnrre - vat ao&, p.,.-tn uDED TErREFEIETICE PA(E DesOi 6rid ror us€ onry wrn M .ro @.n.do6 This desisn b ba*d only upon paamlcE shom, lnd B tor .n hdivldu.l buib.g dmpo..d, nor rldh! d.stgner mu$ wniy ft€ appliEbility ofd6Qn p.Emt€6 .nd slFdy in@rpo6l. rhlt d6iqn ido rh. ov.6ll blirdinsdesion AEo.o i.dicr.d islo pEwnr bucklinq orindivi,url trssreb and/orcnod d..nb.6 Mly Arxlilion.llmp.cry.nd p.mnenl b.acinq is arvaF cquiEd lor si.bliy rnd ro prewnr olrap6e wftn po$iblc peBnsr iiju,y ..d pmFiy damo. For c.^.EI culd..o E!.ntag lnehb,t li!n, srocs., d.riwry .adio lnd bradns ot rtos* and t !s synem, * At{sUIPrr ourtt Crli.rL, OSat9 .nd BCSI Aui|dhs cmpoftds.rcty lnlom.ton .6'r.0r. ,rotr L Sutu 3 r 2. Ahdnddt vA zl l,t ttt MiTek l d7-2 2594-14 GABLE Re(o Roofano Fl@r.l.c Haiiso-r! OR 9,r4b I220 s ocr 6 2014 Milek lndustries, lnc lue oc1 30 09 48 09 2018 Page 1 lD X.Yo\ /N2T UzXi2XPdANwBjyOGscX3oBAiQFw3AlsAAGgzgEoFECOqssl4X2PEl yOG5K olv l l .lob Reference ro.r onall A3ST 6',|-2 I 20-T 2 dl2 2400 1]] 0 2 MT 1 5x3ON EACH FACE OF BOTH ENDS OF UN PLATED MEMEERS OR EQU VALENT CONNECTION BY OTHERS. 40a P I; 3 r0.! 0 10-0-0 Plqle Olrsels (x,Y) [2:0 0 lo.Edoe] I6:GG1o.Edoel. 18:0-4-0 0 3 41 LOADING (ps0TCLL 25.0TCOL 7 0acLL 0.0BCDL 1O,O LUMBER. TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS OTHERS 2x4 OF No.1&Bt G 2X4 0F No.1&Blr G 2x4 HF Stud/Sld 2x4 HF Slud/Std SPACING- 2-O-O Plale Grip OOL 1.15 Lumber OOL 1.15 Rep Stress lncr YES Code lRC2015/TP12014 csr BC 0.48 0.64 0.39 PLATES Mr20 GRIP 185/148 Weight: 1 52 lb FI - 2ooh[4atrx-MS REACTIONS (lb/size) 2= 1240/0-3-8, 6= 1240/0-3-8 Max Hoz 2=42\LC 8) Max Uptil 2=-122(LC 4), 6=-122lLC s) FORCES. (lb)- [4ax. Comp./Max. Ten - Alllorces 250 (lb) or less exceptwhen shown TOP CHORD 2 3= 24371247. 3-4=-24471199, +5=-2447h99 *6=-24371247 BOr C FtCe) 2-9:-a?C:23.-9, a-9--A7117 68, G8=- 185/2659 \ ^:BS ,l-8= 55/7605-8-569/136. 4-9-55fi50. 39-569/ 136 NO;E+ - , 1)l!lalanced rool livdl6ads fiave beee io3s.ld9:ed for this desisn. 2)Wnd ASCE 7-10i Vuli=120mph (lsecond gtr,l) Vasd=gsmph; TCOL=4.2psfi BCDL=3 opst; h=25n: Cal lli E)(p B; Enclosed;-t vrFrai lenvelope); cantilever len 3nd righl elDosed ; end vedical lefi and ight exposed; Lumber OO1.1.60 plate gnp DOL=1.60 3) T:Lss designed for wi.al.rds in the plane ol lhe truss only. For sluds exposed to wind (nomal to the face), see Standard lndunry Gable End Oetails as applicable or consun oualitied building designeras perANSlrTPll 4)-6a6la StJds spacer?r- r-4-o oc. 5)Tnis trusr has been desEned lor a 16.0 psr bottom chord live load nonconcunenl wth any olher live loads6),'luttruss has been de-si'gried lor a !v:53C.C 20.0psfon the bottom chord in allareas where a Gctangle 3+Otallby 2 GO wjde willft l,€tween ihe bottom chord andrrny c$er members. 7) A plate_dting reductjon ol24% has begn'spplied folthe green lumbermembers 8)-E,cJUemechanic-ljG.<ron(byoi\-r-)-ral.usstobeanngplatecapableofwithstanding100lbupliilatjolnt(s)excepl(t=lb) 2=12?.6=122. BRACI'.IG. TOP CHORO BOT CHORD Structuralwood sheathing dircclly applied or &4-6 oc pudins. Rigid ceiling direclly applied or 1trGo oc bracing INE 9PE OREGON v ,0 EXPIRES: 06-30-2019 October 30,2018 OEFL. Ven(LL) Vert(cT) Hoz(cT) an -0.19 -0.67 0.11 (oc) 947 +47 6 >999 >503 Ud 240 180 LwtF/Mxe- v.ta.aco p rc.dnErD xorEs ox r}ds,fl) tucun]ED,,/.fEt< REFERENCE PAGE r$f.n N. h/o12o1s EEF'RE trlLEbsign6lidtol!s.onlywilhM.r.monnedmThisdesignisb3-donlyUponpa€rei€Eshom.aialrusssysr.mB.ror.u3.lh.blird.odesiqn€rmuslwrryrheappriebiriryotd.sonr€€Me6Endpr.p.dy'ncooo6r.lihd6isnidorh.ove€t buirdin! d.sEn 36cii9 iididt€d is io pft6d bu.uino or individua tusmb sndlorcnod memb.6 oit Add tuon€ r r.mpor. ry ..d pemnent br cji9 ro pcwit 6!bp6e wih possrbr€ pe&nar injury .nd pmFliy d.ms€ For o.n.d cu'a.ie re!.din0 rh. fabric{lrn, sloa!., d.riv.ry. .rcdion and b.idns or lru$6 and Irus srslero. *€ ANsyrpx our,ty crh..L. osBag ..d Bcsl Boirdinq cmpo*s.ldy rnromrrcn ,2r3 \.Leeslreetsuie rr2 ar riiMiTek 29{.O--------,1ll 5 ,/ ) < 11n' Symbols o -1r "" Center plate onloint unless x, y offsets are ind cated. Dimens ons are in ft-in-sixteenths. Apply plates to both sldes of truss and fully embed teeth. This symbol indicates the required direction of slots in connector plates. 'Plats location dotails availablo in MiTek 2Ol20 softwarc or upon request, PLATE SIZE For 4 x 2 orlentation, locate plates 0- r/,d' from outside edge of truss. The first dimension is the plate width measured perpendicular to slots. Second dimension is the length parallel to slots. 4x4 LATERAL BRACING LOCATION lndjcaied by symbol shown and/o. by text in the bracing section of the outpul. Use T or I bracing if indicated. BEARING lndugtry Standards: ANSI/TPl1: National Design Specification for Metal Plate Connected Wood Truss Construct onDS8-89: Design Standard for Bracing.BCSI: Building Component Safety lnformation, Guide to Good Practice for Handling, lnstalling & B.acing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses. III II!I Numbering System 2 TOP CHORDS BOTTOM CHORDS 7 ,A Gqnqral Safety Notes | 64-8 ldimensonsshowninft-in-sxteenths(DrawLngs not to scale) Truss bracing must De designed byan enganeer. For wide truss spacing, individual lateral bra€€s lhemselves may require bracing. or allemative Torl brJc,nq il,ould're considered, 3. Nev y e :c )ed tl 6 design loading shown and never stac" m"terials Jn l,radequately braced trusses. 4. Provide copies ofthis lruss design to the building designer erection supervsor, property ownerand allother interested pan es. 5. Cul membeG to bearllghtly againsteach olher. 6. Place plates on each tace o, truss at each joinr and embed tully. Knots and wane atjoinl locailons arc requlaled by ANSYTPI 1. 7. Design assumes trusses wlll be suilably protected from the environmenl n accoro wrth ANsl/TPl 1. a. Unless otheMlse noled. rnosture contentollumber shallnoi exceed 19% at tme of fabication. UnLess expressly noted, this design is notapplicabe for use with nre relardant prcserualive trealed. orgreen lumber 3 E o&oIO 0_of- oEoro 0-oF 8 6 5 JOINTS ARE GENERALLY NUIVBERED/LETTEREO CLOCKWISE AROUND THE TRUSS STARTING AT THE JOINT FARTHEST TO THE LEFT, CHORDS AND WEBS ARE IDENTIFIED BY END JOINT NUIMBERS/LETTERS. PRODUCT CODE APPROVALS ICC ES Repo(s: ESR-131 1, ESR-1352, ESR1988 ER-3907, ESR-2362, ESR-1397 ESR-3282 Trusses are designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss unless otherwise shown. Lumber design values are in accordance with ANSI/TPl 1 section 6.3 These truss designs rely on lumber values established by others. I 0. Camber is a non-slructum consideration and is the responsibility ottruss labrlcator. General practice is to camber lor dead load denecuon- 11. Plate type, size, orienlalion and localion dimensions i.ldicated are minimum plating .equircments. 12. Lumber used shallbo ofthe species and size, and in allrespects, equallo or better than lhat 13. Top chords must be sheathed or purlins provided al spacing indicated on design. 14. Bottom c-ords requtre la€raloraong al l0 fl, spacing or less, ifno ceilng s installed, unless otherw se noled. 15. Conneclions not shown are the responsibility of oihers. 16. Do notcutor alter truss memberor plate without p,ior approval of an engineer. 17. lnsrall and load vertically unless indicated olheMise. 18. Use ofgr€en or lreated lumber may pose unacceptable environmental, health or performance risks. Consultwilh project €ngineer before use. 19. Review al portions ol lh s design (ironl, back words and pict!res) before use. Reviewng pictures alone 9 O 2012 [4iTek@ All Rights Reserved rHttrI MiTek" MiTek Engineering Reference Sheet: Mll-7473 rev. 1010312415 20. Design assumes manufaclure in accordancewith ANSlfiPl 1 Quality Crilena. PLATE LOCATION AND ORIENTATION r---r--'l Failure to Follow Could Cause Property Damaoe or Personal lniurv ,. AcJruJnal slabr,,\ b'ac,nq fo-russ sysler, e.9. o agoralo X-b ac,rc rs llways req- red. See Bcsl1 2 lndicates location where bearings (supports) occur. lcons vary bul reaction section indicates joint number where bearings occur. Min size shown is for crushing only. WEBS rV 60-00-00 F (, RELc,(J^McKenzie Taylor E Street Fire Job 1900 E Street Springfield, OR 97478 Loading: 25-7-0-10=42# Spaclng:24"o.c. Roof Pitch: 4/12 Overhang: 12" Walls:2x6 2598-18 zvz\,/?-f turt PO BOX 84 Har.lsburg , OR 541-995.631t r6lcotluat.com 19 r @F.Ftg.o PO Box 84 Hanisburg, OR 97446 vdce 541.995.5311 lax 541.995.61't1 WWW.RELCOTRUSS.COM SPECIAL NOTES: McKenzie/Taylor 3771 Olympic St. Springfield, Or. 97484 Josh Mannier: (541) 5014466 ioshm@smbymt.com Roof Trusses ATY soLolo srrpro E Street Fire Job 1900 E Street Springfield, OR 97478 rMNs^cr@N r 2598-1 I sarus Quote sArEs REP Hunter Jelden REOUESTED DEL oEsrcNEa HUnter Jelden oo leue McKenzie Taylor {shlppl.i) E,$sr. IIEIGHI SPAT{ Lt'f,AER LEFT RIGITI cttlntEvER LEFI R]GII' SIUB itFI AGHI 2 4t12 A1G (5-03-11) 4-'11-15 28{0{0 2,4 1{O{}0 'l-0040 2A 4t12 A2 (5-$-rr)4nr-15 29.00{0 2x4 1-00{0 'l{0{0 @*4 t12 A3ST (s-03-11)4lt-15 28-oO4O 2t4 1-0G00 i-00{0 1731.338F 860.00 Items !E[6TH SEIL 42 Blocks 1-1G07 2x4 Solid gloct( 20 1-10{7 llanger one RT7 Terrs and ( ond,(ions of Sale - Please Read XELCO is a mar3rial itpplier, r9l e auh contractor. By signlng, cuslomer has wdfied and agrees to allquanlities, apecrfdalions .nd c,mcnsioos olrhe truss package. RELCO gua€ntees material and workmanship. \rvhen factory -e _ror occr.rrs. we-musl 6e given-'ii-c;,).-rtunily to make rBpairs. Do not cut, alter, or use damaged Uuss€s withoul _eininFering approval.NO BACK CHARGES wlthout approval. RELCO wams that lrusses can cause propedy da-rage or injury if :nproperly lnstalled or bracld. ll ls the custome/s responsibility to pmvide access to the jobsite lrusses ar6 madgtnDrder, you may be subjoct lo a charge on cancellation. CEne time charge is $200. HR Accepled by 1141.00 Quotes Held for 14 Days from Quote Date QUOTE DATE: 10/30/2018 Oelavery lncluded s3,424.00 l0/3012018 6107r,r,l aM Crrw Se'r 16 - oot>7e - sTY?- 30l5lSubd.ton0r H.dsbu,! OR 97446 TakeOff 6? F..: lvd.at Grand Totall