HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2018-06-140RrG0i( Web Address: www.springiield or. gov Building Permit City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-126-37 53 Email Address: pemltcenter@springf ield or.qov SPRlrlGFl€10 b Commercial Electrical Permit Number: 81 1 -l 8-001 321 -ELEC IVR N umber: 81 1072621772 Permit lssued: June 14.2018 Category of Construction: Multi-family Type ofwork: New Submitted Job Value: $0.00 Description of Work: New Town Homes - sth Street Project (On 3rd St) Common site element electrical services and circuits Worksite address 243 R ST Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel 1703262400903 Owner Address FIFTH ST PROJECT LLC 84936 PEACEFUL VALLEY RD EUGENE, OR 97405 Business name SUNSET ELECTRIC INC - Primary License ccB License number 158859 Phone u1-7 41-38A5 lnspection 4999 Final Electrical 4500 Rough Electrical 4120 UFER Ground 4'140 Underground Electric 4999 Final Electrical 4240 Electrical - Feeder 4220 Electrical - Service 4250 Branch circuits lnspection group Elec Com Elec Com Elec Com Elec Com Elec Com Elec Com Elec Com Elec Com lnspection statug Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon.gov Schedule by phone call 1-88a-299-2821 use IVR number: 81 1072621772 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting lnspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store Permits musl be posted in clear vaew on the worksite. PermiE expire if work is not started within 180 Days of issuance or ilwork is 3uspended for 180 Days or longer depending on the issuing agency's policy. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. Granting ot a permit does not presume to give authority lo violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the pedormance of construction. ATTENTION - CALL BEFORE YOU DIG: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-001{010 through OAR 952-001-0090. You may obtain copies of the rule3 by calling the Center at (877) 6684001 or dial81r. All persons o. entities performing work under this permit are required to be licen3ed unless exempted by ORS 701.010 (Structural/Mechanical), ORS 479.540 (Electrical), and ORS 693.010{20 (Plumbing). Printed on: 9/19/18 Page 1 d 2 std-BuildingPemit--pr * ryPE OF WORK JOB SITE INFORMATION LICENSED PROFESSIOiIAL INFORIIATION PENDING INSPECTIONS Permit Number: 81 'l -18-001321-ELEC Page 2 ol2 Fee Description Branch circuits with service or fueder each circuit Electrical plan review Services 401 to 599 amps Services 201 to 400 amps Services 601 amps to 1,000 amps Technology Fee Continuing Education fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Elec (12olo of applicable fees) Quantity 12 Total Fees: Fee Amount $84.00 $363.75 $609.00 $240.00 $522.00 $90.94 $2.s0 $t14.60 $2,0A6.79 3 2 2 1 sld_BuidngPemt pr PERUIT FEES Electrical Fermit A lication I]EPAR'I'MENT t,,SE ONI.Y Pernlit no,b-9L\ 225 Irlfth Slr..lCsprfi rglleld, OR 9?477.PH(5Cl)716.3753. fAX(54I}726.3689 Ll BDRto: Thls p€l nrll ls lssncd nlder OAR 918-309-0000, Pcrnllts nle nolt[nnsfcl nUlc. Pei'nrlls cxph c lf rvoll( l! not sl0r(c(l rylllir 180 {l{rys oflssrsncc ol' lflyork ls suslend0rl fol lB0 (loys, FEE SCHEDULE lt"rlI a;,i LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL Zorrirrg approvnl veri{icd? f] Yes Lll.to CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCIION B Rssidenlinl I Covglnulelrl n Connnercirl JOB BITE INFORMATION AND ocA Job sile oddrcss: Sls(o: OR ZtP: 974'tl Taxlot.: Q/-f OORefcrcoce: lJ. 03 . Zln ..2 4 N OF WORI( N6w Tot{o Homos DESCR PROPERTY OWNER Nsrnei l'-ltrh gkoot P oclLLc Addrpss: 2066 W'l8lh Way clty: Eu0ono Stnto; 0R Zll>;97402 phono; 64, s53-7332 Fax togglco,netE-ltull: mlk€oconnol ThlB lr)slflllstlor ls bolnS nlade orl resldenllnl oI fltnr properry oruEd by me or'0 rrenrbcr oflr)y lnrnedintc fauily. This ploDerly Is not hrtended fol salc, cxcharrge, lease, or rcnt, oAR 479.540(l) ald 479.560(l). Sigruhre: CONTRACTOR INgTALLATION Busiless nanlei City;Slate:(/lL zll, i 7 Acftlressr / Phott Fsx E-rnoilr CCB ,ic€nse no.:BCD II no.:20 si trg supervlsor's licelso tto.; Prhrt laDls of ryts0li Slgn0tlrrc of slguilg $upervisori Nn llr0r oflnspccllons Icl llcnl ( ) Rosklenllnl, Iel ulll, serr4ce lrch(l!dr q{qqldilloril 500 sq. n. orpo(ion Qly' $ sLimlted eDrrBy (2) $171.00 $ 41.00 $ 33.00 1,000 sq. n, orlees (.1) Cbrl ctl, 'I otnl cost traoll mrnufaclurad lrclnc or modllnr drvclling rervico or fccdcr (2)$ 01.00 s Scr'r,lces or fcrdcl$ /rrLf l lolol, t levllo)!t! elocnllott 200oq)r or less (2)$ i03.00 $r2o,oo s 2q0 t bob' 201 lo 400 orrur (2) 401 lo 600 a[Us (2)3 3203.00 60 I lo I ,000 alrps (2)x-$201,00 t 527 $600.00 sOvc( 1,000 aD$s orvolls (2) Rccol[cct only (2)$ ol.o(]$ TcDpor'0ty rer'vlcet or. fe cdctst l tktllollon, olletollo , rclocollot, 200!rnps or less (2)$ 01.00 $ s201 lo 400 anrps (2)$ 111.00 401 lo 600 oD)ps (2)$102,00 Ovcr 600 6lrtp! or I ,000 volk, sc6 serylcls or leodcrs sectlon above Drhncl! ah?trlls! drg n/,9&/ tlo,\ exteBlon )rerl0lol n. Pce for bmnoh okcuits rvll| purohnso ofn scrvlco or fccdcr fcc; b. fce for brancl clrctrils witlEul purohnse ofn servlco or fcedar fee: $ 7.oo s $ 01.00 s B{cll brolch circnll First brolclr clrcnll (2) $Eoch ndd ltloIol brollch chcult s 7.00 Mllcclln|leour [ec!r rc,llce oieedet' iot htchklel s$ o'l.ooSooh punT ot lrlgnllor clrcle (2) EqcI slgo or outllro llShlhrt p)$ 93,00 s sl$nl clrcult or I Ihrlted-enorgy pnrel, nltaritioll, or' cr{eDsioll (2)$ 03.00 (r\) Bnlcr s0blolsl ofobovc fees ([rlrhru[r Pernrlt F.6 S93.00) $s93.00 ahDEPARTMENT USE Dnch rrldlllonnl lrrpccllonr (l) (B) E lcr l2%sucharge (.12 x [A]) (C) Technolosy treo (6%of [A]) (D) Co[lhllrllg Edm0lion Pco 52.50 TOTAL fcer 0nd sutchnrges (A tlrongh D)r s s -1-h- AI,\,".€-.: s $' 3l?), b Ur-*:L 1 Lnrl cdlled 5-5.5.201? I}Joncr $2.60 -fl i I $ s lclty: snrlnoooto w s \ 2Fr\ TOTAI.S AC and/or HEAT Multlply 1220.82 cl AC-700% ]reat 3 o. nror6.40f b$ lh..r3-50r( OPTIONAL METHOD \<.-- ?8,676 lM ultlply Dlvlded by 602,568 3B% 228,976 VA 240 votTs 954.07 AMPS (3) 3" C.-10ooA (3) 3s0 AL EACH 4800 to00k 4800 28$76 10,000 (lst 10KVA at 100%) 78,676 7470 Remalnder @ 40% 4800 Heat or AC 22,270 Dlvlded by 240 VOLTS 92.79 AMPS 100A Panel ,I1 SER AT SINGI.E FAMII.Y DWEI.I.IN6 220,82 A,B,C 220,81 tvlUr.l t.FAMILY nI-IAt r- 3-5@450/o t6-17 @39% 6.7@44% 18-20@38% a-70@43% 27@370/o tt(d42% 22-23@36% 12-73@41% 1,4-15@40% 5th st AptsSl-dg #6.(18 unlr VA SQ FT OR QUANTITY TOTAT f OF APT UNIIS LTS/nICIPT 3 500 1500 1B 27,000 SM APPL 1s00 2 3000 18 54/000 I.AUNDRY 1500 1 1500 18 27,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 RANG T 8000 1 8000 1B 744,000 I] RYE R s000 5000 1B 90,000 wrl 4500 7 4500 18 81,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 21,600DW1200118 GD l1l2 hp)tt76 t 7776 18 2t,768 HOOD/MtCRO 1,1800 18 32,400 1000 1B 18,000TANSs00 HEAT 4500 L 0 0 AC 4800 1 18 86400 0 0 II I II 7 !200 1800 Panol Nams / Locallon:s Maln Broakor emps Llno Voltago Bloaker am /25A-li-r" zSeNlco Type: tr Wyo or tr Delta tr 3 v/lro or tl 4 wh6 tr N€ulral 39 B Phas6 wettg Load smps Broaker { np6 ckr A Pha6o watl8 C Phaso rvatts ckr Load amps Load Name Losd Namo 1 floo*,5o 2 la+t /Pl*t 3 4L Sw At"l. 6 l5 ?-o 2olJobr llal*3o 0 Sr. ,lool. 7 B 200 MAI Drvrr'l0 20 {,)ashrr 11 l/.i,i:rl:' :.iii.l, ;,,.11 12 fha.ltlno 13 20 14 -2a- ls EAtrrcv'k+ l6 10,1/ 17 {BDrsluaslrr,/lt l5 ll:'rl, .' : ; .i j:' I 20D tsprsa / 10 21 2l 24 .:,..,;li::lr,ii i.'i '' :.,'," ' 26 : -. ..j, . ;it:, i j,!": :2t 20 r:l,.ii .r,l l,:.i;i :t 32 33 34 36 30 ': .i ,i'i.r 1';l,i 3t 30 r: ,,: .,1: :: .: ..40 .: ., j.'.',. ,i,:, ,. 42 Conllnental Cont sfstoms, LLC 41 \s!wv.watlnod6.com 312012 r,l ., ,': r' ' 3o ';i: . :. .:,,11 . i,;':1 ,,:i l I I I!9 I I l ELEVANON / LINEUP DRAWING e!fi*r:5 a5!11.6 eH.ss lorrt wrdrh METER CENTEX GENERAL NOTES Geacral Reodr€ftGrG OvseftrtPl!@ortDwbe ,:EI iE Uttt/ Plwq,Ccrn MarAtai F3dt qrrert (E!,s) MlhFdtg _ iii: Brsly R.{rai.o M.hr.rrr Srirdr ri.h D.6. 816 Ulrri{ cii Ha::arr.l ,1l- 1/.:.!-l UE r,r. 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I i i tl I I i dl ,elrl 6l I I I i I I I lD Panol Narne / Locatlon: SeMco Type: tr Wyo or tr pollo El 3 v/lre or E 4 \ylro tr Nsutral Maln Broak€r amps Llno Vollag€ Broaker l2 no/2,# iir a I 2o Load Namo Loarl ampE Breaker ampE Cl(t tt A Pha6e v/atls B PhaBo watls C Pha60 watls ckt Load amps Load Name LVell D,o 2o ,| Iw,aq.ltrn L Sr I- /"1,[r 3 Sh,ui l*l'{'4 2D 6 20 fllarr*. shcl6 Sr1" /qt+t 20 7 . t:rl ,r ,-, l 0 I 11 10 12 't3 14 16 16 17 1B 1g 21 20 :-i 22 23 26 ii' 2t :lj i ,1 28 20 i" '1 30 31 32 33 tt i. 34 35 30 37 3B 30 4,1 :. ,,-,1;.ii.t .r i: , ),tii i 40 .'1 Contlnental Control Systems, l-LC 0811312012 I Hnuz. ?anclt-&slD- 2-{) '., : .' :-. : :tl l . , a' .r'.1". li:;r,. ,, i;ti ....,ir ; | :.r'l: i: ::.; 'l ' l ir' ,1, l \ ',r, .'j: -T [-r- r_- I ,L Ir t-- I l= f = F ftt t- t- t- r t- r r f--