HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2018-10-030iEG0il web Addressr www.springrield-or. gov Building Permit Residential Structural Permit Nu mber: 81 'l-18-002333-STR IVR Number: 81 1021542419 City of Springfield Development and Public works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-126-3153 Email Address: permitcenter@springrield-o. qov SPRINGFIELO 'b Permit lssued: October 03. 2018 Category of Construction: Single Family Dwelling Submitted Job Value: $19,308.00 Description ot Work: Foundation Repair Type of Work: Repair Worksite address 1514 CANAL ST Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel '1703342301600 Owner: Address: VICTOR DAVID E & TRACY A CLARK 1514 CANAL ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Business name KEM LLC - Primary License ccB License number 146906 Phone u1$88-7177 lnspection group Struct Res lnspection status Pending Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedute or track inspections at www.buildingpermjts.oregon.gov Schedule by phone ca 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: B1lO21SO241g Schedule using the Oregon epe.mitting lnspection App, search ,,epermitting' in the app store Fee Description Technology Fee Structural building permit fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (L2ok of applicable fees) Quantity ------_--__-_-__ Fee Amount $16.40 $327.96 $39.36 $343.72 Permits must be post€d in clear view on the worksite. Permits expire if work is not shned within 1go Days of issuance or i, work issrrspendod for 180 Days or longor alepending on the issuing agency." poti"f. - ' All provis'ons of la!l6 and ordinances governing this type ot work wi be comptied with whether spcciried herein o, not. Granting of:.TJI#ffi#[?J;:1o give authodtv to violat€ or cancel the prov;sionJor any otner state or rocar raw,egurating construction ATTENTIoN ' CALL BEFoRE You DIG: oregon law requires you to forrow rur"" adopted by the oregon utirity Notification center.:,:f;";;:;;:;";;::i,.in oaR ss24o14o1o thtoush'oaR;s2ao1iii.'i)-i ,"y oro,, "opies ot the rutes by caring the cenret ata;:;:;:;,,ilil,:,:::,,:.:;:1:;1";ii;:i;::;:fr,:::,,:",,:;:;,;:,,i,r:;::;;d untess exempted by oRs 701.010 std_Buitdkgp qn Jt TYPE OF WORX JOB SITE INFORMATION LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION PENDING INSPECTIONS lnspection 1999 Final Building SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS PERMTT FEES Total Fees: 5pftN6FIILD ,% 0tt6GoN www springgsld-or.gov address: 1514 CANAL ST, Springfield 703342301600 oR 97477 Transaction Receipt 81 1-18-002333-STR Receipt Number: 468212 Receipt Date: 10/3/'18 CitY of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street S}rinqfp.]ld, OR 97477 541-7 26-37 51 permltcenter@springf ield_or'gov Worksite Parcel: .l Fees Paid Transaction date I u/3/ I8 10/3/18 FEs amount $327.96 $39.36 $16.40 Paid amount $327.96 $39.36 $16 40 Description Skuctural building permit fee Slate oI Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (12% of applicable fees) Account codg 224-00000425602-1030 10/3/18 1.00 Ea 1.00 Automatic Technology Fee 821-00000-215004-0000 1 00-00000-425605-0000 paYment Method Credil card authorization 0980'1G Payer: Kenneth J Marquardt $383.72Payment Amount: Cashier: Toste Muniz Recoipt Total:$383.72 lor3rta g:ls am FIN-TransactionReceiPt-Pr Unltg 't.00 Ea Page 1 ol 1 Structural Permit Application Ufat22 5 Finh Slner. Sprirgfield. OR 9?.17'7 | PH(541)7?6-3751 . FAX(541)726-l6t9 This p.rmit is isiued undrr OAR 9l&46M030. Permits cxpirc if wort is uot ltrrbd wirhi! 160 days ol ssrpendcd for 180 dryi. LOCAL GOVERI{MENT APPROVAL This proj.ct has tinal lrnd-usc approrrl. SiSndurei Daie 'Ilis projecr hai DEQ "ppro\"1 Sigllature:Dale: Zoni.lg approval vlnfied: fJYcs fl No Propcny is ilirhin flood ptain: nYca INo CATEGORY OF CO}ISTRUCTION n Residenrial I Covemment D Cumraercral JOB SrTE NFORITIATION ANo LOCATIOiI Job siie addrBs: \S t .{ d+l *u St, Citv: S?F\{q f-\ECL Stalei O\r,r zIPn!41- Subdivision Loi no. Reierenae:taxsot, D lloD PROPERW O\"NER )iamc: T)5.11 r5 \ta.{bF- Addrcss: q5 1.1 C,r"-{Ar_ 3,t- . Ciiy:SPAJhhle-!Slllc: 6E ZIP:fl1q11 Phone -.{ E-marl Building Onner or aulho Sign hsr€ fi n,s imiil.tion is xinliadc on resi&nrial or fann proFnl'o*rrcd by me tr a m.mbe. of my imn.dirt. fainjly, rnd is cxempr fmm licensing rcq\rirsnrnls urd€r Oi.S 701.010. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Business 0ame: Address: g L :- BeT* EL 1> o_\ ..1 € Crty Eua:"-re Srarei OA zlP:'la.{l,1- Phooc*tl {!..- llzr f^rllail S\al\.,-A r<r..}^r.ta*z.< I . t^* CCB licensc no- Prinr nrma SUB€ONTRACTOR INFORMATION CCB Licenrt f El€tlricd PluInbing -Uech!ri(al nce ifwork is t e DEPART"ENT USE ONLY Pennitno:,6 -23vv D l>l t8DaIe : FEE SCHEOULE l Valu.tioD informrtioo (a) .Iob des€npoon: Occupancy Connruclio, typ{ Squar. tlcl Cosl p€' squar. foot Oth€r infonltarion: ?ot.S'"a,. o1 fief,F.1F.- Tr-pe of H.at: En.rg' Prth: I oc", Ealterarion E odditlon (b) Foundadon-only pcrmn? ! Y.s E Xo Totd talu.tionl s \4. gos. ( 2. Buildirg fee. (a) Permii fer {us€ valuation trble) O) lDveslig.tive f€c (equ.rl ro l2al)s (c) Rcinsp.ction lS per hour) {number ofhours x lee per hour)s (d) Eriler 129'o surcharSe (.12 r {la+2b-2c.|}i s {c) Subtohl of fc6rborr {:r through 2d); 3. Pler rwierr- fecs (.) Plln rt iclP (65% x p.rmil li'. [2a])r s Gl Firc !fld hfe safcry (65s. x pcrmit fee [2rl)5 (c) Sobtotal of frrs.bor! (3r.Dd 3b):s 4. Miscell.neous fees (z) ScBIt'ic icr. l9'. (.01 x pennil fec l2al)s (b) Tech f.c, 5% (.05 x p€rmit fer[z.]+PR fce [3cl)s TOTAL fe.s rtrd surch.rg!5 (2!+3c+4.+b):'*3. Lcsr edired 5-5-:017 B"Ioncr I I !.1 l- <'oG HILL & DALE ENGINEERING, LLC P.O. BOX95 VIDA, OREGON 97498 5'11{6&667 541-96S5056 ttha?{€tgsEiL(drt Page: i/12 Date:1o/o218 Cllerrt Ram,ack P.O. 8ox irTor Eugene, OR 974io Lo<atlon: r5t4 C.nal St. Job Descriptlon: Repair plan Job umber ilo-18 D6lgn Crlterlar OSSC 14 and OR5C 17 -SDC D -Floor Ltue Load=4opsf -Floor Dead Load-1opsf ^Roof Snow Load=:opsf "Roof Dead Load=1spsf -l(C-ESR-r854 ,Frurj;r [; : '.. -The water tnble and soil conditions at this site do not have the potential to corrod€ the steel piles, as required for placement of the piles, the torque correlation method is being us€d for the design of the placement of the piles, and spe<ial inspection ofthe placement of the piles will be performed by this office. th€ design for the repair has been performed by this otfice, and is inck ded in this packet for vertical settlem€nt, This reprir plan provides the helical pier repalr estimated to be most need€d at this time, based on observation and level survey, and per the owner's request, for vertical repair only. The repalr is not for seismic considerations. Other areas are to be obse ed over time, as those areas are not deemed to be of need o{ repair at this tirne. At ihis time, the orElnal foundation under tha floor, at the addition, as well as the post and beam footings are subie(t to iurface soils, and may ne€d to be addressed in the futlre, il need€d. lt is recommended for the owner to maintaln the storm water downspouB to a reliable outlet at least to' away from the toundation. l{ any adiustable post bases and shims are Installed, the owner or owne/s agent are to do any maintenance, as needed. when a structure is partblly supported on surface soils and pa.tially to sub strata, some differential performance of the structure could occur over time- lf any issues are gbserved, call this offlce for an inspection. H ILL & DALE EN6INEIRIN6, LLC PO 80X 95 VIDA, ORE6ON, 97488 (541) 868-O667 Sita€I \lo. _, _ C,(ClrL lEO 8r_ IZ FX{-_ {',Ct* i- i,*;=,t_J - lc':t1 8r lai-*4 a-ra,J! - fr-Ac,e A uu':,I f6'-e,' f'cei cr.les As iNe€tELepa6 AFTE{A LI FT ?." ,1 '. lt'...) 93 j- I .-.;, :-r.,i;, . , ], i -''ll - 1... \ c3N6E3l E 0 ri,r Ji 1.,t,t AA rE 4 caLala rrJ FAlt tii!:,'r r'1 a Ex . Fd!, lll. As ueeter AFrer- ;"., 5 1 ll ta Gt leua\L t- et: 2,/! ' - /O' - rI.\ vETa 1'e.''1..l t t-fHf,3'*..[,:' - Fz.r-t ,v n i Frz tFtl7;*,- 2A - Lt Fr f)&1.j1<.1pJ,attl*?: / :'-l i-ST/:E 9-1 f ; t ( L*. ile, l-tf Jgl . *-.- t,1l ,I I ll li ir t 11: er r-. ir \Sll- r.il-s ia-: i1'"""*;'*""t -lluli Gi :::--:l i- 1 Y+ -*I I ll ( I 'l ii i:itirl I Lr HILL 6. DAIE IN6INEERIN6, LLC PO BOX 9' VI DA, ORECON,97488(r41) 8684667 sr€€-- \3 |,1.- - 3NCLE LEUEL - ,b,Y PI,J- lt E r- I lrr ei r I ]i :l t ll I I I I I HItL & DAtE ENCINETRIN6, Lt( PO BOX 9t VIDA. ORE6ON, 97488 $ 41) 868-0667 trOl.rtii.i.i:,,:l \ 1::lt0' I 't-,r:.1di A. x:'/,1 r '; ,,i: I :i t o t, ,.711L a I I ,l li.S1,, f ltr -. ,'i ' =sd€Errl J-.."**;_a( I aaxc Fi+'!rq I l tl HILL & DAL€ ENGINEERINC, LTC PO BOX 9' VIDA, OREGON,97488 (r41) 868-0667 S.€€T ta irrCUUr€D SY Aa: E F:)) t 11 ;i 1-: :1t : {_ t r;*.) @ t)0. Z(t93)i,s - Arz -r,S-'s. = i'.{: a,. !.+, ' ,/i,1 (zo'. = zr{*i-* ,-/rr-. l'-'-:) .- ;) l\t uJa,,- = 3{3 (/. i a-t-)1, .Z;r.)f.i " lt z ari --t ' lt9'li: /?l ); *..t_r1, ?:-\. r. 1- " uJr , ziilb)(.:'l . yucl -/i.9r-t1.': '-zG34t , trrs - //.YZs)':iO?i uJr = q(/5) =/,u0ai U,h",lri-,(t :: , ,4yqi-* rt:. . i?31.i) ' tr:' 4i ,)t, , 1;):. 1. i."'; ^- Z!..0 *lu U) ' efl5.L- S) - *tC) . ,5.S irs,) -': li t 4t , u+ " i ?.-1{25) '- ]}1,t4iL- a. ' |Lco) =/to3 4i .J}" " +r) (l,z) . :m ui-r tu-,.. 3"fi,! j = 1?a 'ri, ;*r.. !t4a_r !-.\ -. ::'-t )tt. '-r-'. = 2.,Sc1 .S,-::: i..'- :-,). - +;tt1i.-, y;. ' .ll,]i2,5')' ';/J4l-L :-t s. ' i.-!), ' ?")j:i- -,Ja_.:-;7;1, ' -^1, '\i'r ,Ji,, : ../r:.i,) - t :: *-, ,Jr"' ?,1'..:.': i /\i ' oat! _ ,, -_ ;\ a ,.-u HILL & DAtE EN6INEERIN6, tLC PO BOX 95 VIDA, ORE6ON,974B8(r41) 868-0667 ?'- ilsqstlol a) ) ' 5z?'/ jL f - trr.>rll-ZaA'$)' }:-V-.r.:: ),,';i) . Ut?7-&F-- vfui*2:;i-:_d\ _ iz?tlJ l= .p (-'-tna' :: 1 ' /::r'": ' tlg())' f , j_:,r. ,,-::,-i.jj., - -..t(:.,..:'r, l,"i;.;; " 37?z-!-1, P " i,tr.t"l>t2i-:t,?a) " ;,5(!?i.j-:Ct,Lb) --=?3:i1.,\ € -- t".lf 'r,lt> r |-l:) r.r;5 )- ' 1..1'.i; l-.\ P . s Lti t>r a ,a.) li tt.3\ ., ;t'.:: ; -l'' P . +,{2ti-'1t:'irl'r,:rlrl .2. -4?t T::)rS)') --Gt't?-i-l" f " 51y17 ",ttr) , t/,i: - -4,f {3 }J f ' utYt?*vio+'{A) ' 7),}l Z-k - /A' i-€.tt ':$; Ft E.r.L ,,1{/ s|'r."t ti:. t-LA;':r't. l.- 't Il2,t7\Z lu\' :.1,) \iza ,-.1 ->;< '-:J,tl) io,,,r U t I I E '1a&) o -:<.*--7" B€.&tg Uom.r( Ilz Al ircltt rt: l,lar - 355t.02 b-[ rul]Mi! - 51 52 b-t (Mi) I --1 , Mar = 3731 b Min . -30€3 b (M3) . ;,1.(ur) *.1 ,^t' +\ -" 1r/,,.,:.,;-,-- 1 "t-,.'., -. .:... --,..;r l.). ..,i -.-,a:. -^ -',-:r id'Lil :' :!'* l),+J i-:'- - 7 ,': )-) -l'l-}' " ' , :1-' '- -' .', L_,- _ - /^, f I t//'-_y' L.'' I {- t'_"a*.- Itt A€nd19 Ulmcd, ri. ,\t M.Jnb€.s: trlr! . a61g b-n pI2) Uh . -.1263 b-t (il2) .:.\/ J1\y ^;) :t 3 Sipr. Fdce, Vy A! llcrnb.l!:l,l!r . 3ilt b 0't2)Mh.J132t(lrl)\,\?= f-: .A)\:.., //K F.i,:. n t Sn€a. Forca,Y,@ Atr Marnbrr6tuat=35SBt(V3)Mh"-594b{Ml)tbr.) , Ben&lg Mornern. U: All M.r*e.s:M.!.0b-i(M3l itli|r ' -a602 b-i (M2)Kit t--- t -l -l a 'Y) ta),.,3 Ben&lg Mornanl tiz Al Metltbcrrilrt: - 1593 b-t lliQllrh " -5690 b-n (M3) - _t,-v 3 AE Mernboc;)ru.3676bft4) Xlin . "3609 b (Mt) :"--.- --....- f)V /a :*--.* i ,9 Sha.. Forc!, Vy Al Marnbd!..r.!313b(l,(l)Uh..?952b(M2) ,,4) @, 1 F Bdt ftg Uoln.rf, l& Al lfcrls€'r:llrl. 2af b.rt ru3) , : \l&r . -lser bi iusi 'lL J\\../ Ram lack d(iYe log.xls Olsplacementr 8.6 t€tloir.6.oBpst "Iorque Q;!.llumntc olacuV Worklng [oad 3il Worklng Load 2il 5 K orlver 500 750 10oo ,.250 1500 1750 849 r,z-14 1,698 2,L23 2,547 2,9?2 8,491 12,736 16,902 2r,227 25,472 2g,7LB 2,830 4,245 5,661 7,076 8,491 9,906 4,245 6,369 B,{9.1 10,615 12,736 14,859 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3,396 3,821 4,24s 4,670 5,094 33,963 38,209 4t,45{ 46,699 50p45 11,321 12J36 14,151 15,566 16,982 16,982 19,104 21,227 23.350 2S,{i2 3250 3500 5,519 5,944 55,190 59,436 18,397 19,812 e7,595 29JtB Dlsplacement 14.5 Ratio 5,05 PSI Torque Q;ulurnatc oPactty Worklog Lood 3ll Workhg [$d ztl 2.6 K Oriver 1000 1250 1500 rTso 0'7 1rO71 1.285 1.499 8,566 i0,707 12,049 .14,990 2,855 3,569 4,283 4,997 {,283 5,354 6,42{ ?,495 2000 za50 z5oo 2750 1,713 1,927 2,14L 2,356 17,132 19,?73 21,414 23,s56 srrr 6,424 7,138 7,852 8,566 9,637 1oJo7 1t,770 3000 3250 3s0o 2,s70 2,784 2,998 25,697 27"839 29,980 8,566 9,280 9,993 12,849 13,919 14,930 500 420 4,283 !,428 ?,141 750 642 6A24 4141 3,?12 3 112' push pier rams 4" push picr rdms Rnm lack olomgon Motor: Parlcr TF0Z40gS Gear D.lyc: Aubrrn ceor PSI x Pst x 16,8.endbei.lng endbcarln0 260i-ae\a 6T81305F14