HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 2018-10-040REG0rl web Address: www.springfield'or.9ov Building Permit Residential Plumbing Permit Number: 81 1 -18-002351-PLM IVR Number: 81 1076649399 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Streer Springfield, OR 97477 541-726-3753 Email Address: permitcenter@spfl ngfie d or.gov SPNiNGFIELO t3 Pe.mit lssued: Octobet 04,2018 TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Single Family Dwellrng Submitted Job Value: $0 00 Description of Work: Adding sink/shower/toilet and 1oft sewer line Type of Work: New JOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite address 660 C ST Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel 1703352411700 KOERBER NANICE 660 C ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business name OWNER - Primary License ccB License number 000000 Phone PENDING INSPECTIONS lnspection 3999 Final Plumbrng 3500 Rough Plumbrng 3200 Santary Sewer lnspection group Plumb Res Plumb Res Plumb Res lnspection status Pending Pending Pending SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Va.ious inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work Contact the assuing iurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine requrred inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections al www.buildrngperm[s.oreggn gov Schedule by phone call 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811076649399 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting lnspectron App, search "epermrtting" In the app store Permits must be posted in clear visw on the worksite. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 Days of issuance or if wo.k is suspended for 180 Days or longe. depending on the issuing agency's policy. All provisions of latys and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. crantang of a pednit does not presume lo give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any othea state or local law 169ulating construction or the performance of construction. ATTENTION - CALL BEFORE YO[., DlGi Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopled by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001.0090. You may oblain copies of the rules by calling the Center al (877) 668-4001 or dial8l1. All persons or entities performing work under this permit are required to be licensed unless exempted by ORS 701.010 (StructuraUMechanical), ORS 479.540 (Electrical), and ORS 693.0'10{20 (Plumbing). Pnnted on: 10/4/18 Page 1 ot 2 std_BurtdrngPermrt,pr Owner: Address: Perm it N um ber: 8'l 1-'18-002351 -PLM Page 2 ol 2 Fee Description Technology Fee Sanitary sewer - Total linear feet Sink/basin/lavatory Tub/shower/shower pan Water closet SDCr Total Sewer Administration Fee SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Local Wastewater SDC; Improvement Cost - Local Wastewater State of Oregon Surcharge - Plumb (12olo of applicable fees) 10 1 1 1 74,12 993.24 449.24 Quantity Fee Amount $8.7s $103.00 $24.00 $24.00 $24.00 $74.L2 $993.24 $489.24 $21.00 $1,761.35Total Fees: Page 2 oI 2 sld_Bu,ldingPe.m _p. PERMIT FEES ffi Transaction Receipt 811-18{02351-PLM Receipl Number:468229 Receipt Date: l0/4/18 Cily ol Sp.ngneb www.springf ield-or gov D€veloPment and Publ'c Works 225 Frtn Stret Spn.96eld, OR 97477 51t-126-37 51 9erFitcenter@spnn9lield-or gov \4,/orksite address:660 C ST. Spdngtield. OR 97477 Parcel 170335241 1700 Fees Paid 10/4/18 1014118 10t411E 10t4t1a 'to1411a 1014118 10t4t18 10 00 LnFl 1 0O Qiy 1 0O Oty 1 0O Oly 100 Ea 22 4 -OOOOO - 4 25603- 1 034 22+0000G4256091034 224-OOOOG42560!10U 224-0000G425503-1 034 821 -0000G21 5004-0000 $103 00 $24 00 $24 00 $24 00 $21 00 $103 00 124 @ 524 00 $24.00 12100 Saniiary sewer - Torallinear fe€i Tub/shower/shower pan Slale of Oregon Surcharge - Plumb (12% ot SDC Rermbursemenl Cosl Local 1014t'18 10t4118 SDC lmprcvemenl Cosl Localwastewarer S DC: Total Sewer Admrnrstralion Fee 1 0G0000G42550+0000 611-00000 448024-8800 s8 75 $993 24 $E 75 5993 24 61 1 -00000-44802 t8800 71 +OOOOG42550+8800 $489 24 s74'12 $489 24 s7412 993 24 Amount Payment Method: Check number. 504 Payer nance koerber $1,761 35 CashEr: Kalrina Ande6on 11,75',t.35 FlNlcm.donR.@'pl-pl Crry on SpnrNcnrlo, OnrcoN Plumbing Permit Application SpecialB fixtures Rernspecrion (no. ofhrs. x fee per hr.) Special requesEd mspecdons (no. of hrs. x fee per hr.) & >)cj s \"*Y Perrnit no -@ 3S 225 Fifth Street . Springfield OR 97477 . PH(541)726-3'753 . F-AX{s4I )726-3689 This permit is issued utrder OAR 918-780-0060. Permits are issued oolJ to the persotr or contractor doing the worh Permits expire if work is not started nithin I80 days ofissuance or if $ork is suspended for 180 days, Residential fire rinklers fincludes Iar revierr Address IoA ZIP:c7'N77 This installation is being made on residentiai or farm propeny- owned bl,me or a member of m\ immediate famill'. and is exempt fiom licensing requirements under OAR 918-695-0020 signature: '/y'zo CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Business name s24.00 s24 00 s99.00 s s s S Address Pioing or pnvate storm drainage svslems exceedin the first 100 feel s s s S s j(. L rt\I state ZIP Phone Fax E-maii s99.00 s99.00 5CCB license no Plumbrng license no Print name Sienature BCD iicense no I E.ch rdditionst inspection: (1) i Enler value of installation and equipmeni S _ Enter fee based on insElladon and equiDment value.5 (A) Enter sublolal of above fees (Minimum Permil Fee $99.00).$ s s s (C) Entei l?7o surcharse ( 12 x [A+B]) (D) Technolog'Fee (5% of [A].)75 l9 %' co s DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Darc: /O- '"/ 2o/J FEE SCHEDULE Description Qtv Cost Totalcost l\err residential I bathroom/l Lttchen (includes. first ) 00leet ofwater/sewer lines- hose bibs. ice maker. underJloor low-poinr drains and rain-drain pacL*tges) s323.00 s 2 bathrooms,/1 kitchen s506.00 s i bathroomsll kirchen s595.O0 Each additional bathroom (over 3)s128.00 S Each additional kitchen (over l)5128.00 LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL Zoning approval verified? n Yes E No Sanitation approval verified? E Yes E No CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION ! Residentia)n Govemment ! Commercial JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Job site address: Q6O C city, so-r-,Ol Tst"t"a p zrP: q 7q7t Taxlot. DESCRIPTION OF WORK Gl la c/g/o fa+ PROPERTY OWNER Name: \)1yr4 16. Voe-1-hOt' Cin C u-State:6 L Phonel,{f a24 4tLa E-mail: lAc,^rr,p o ued,[.1u,u€ .cr w . ( t.4 0 to 2,000 square feet s99.00 7.201 square feet and greater s158.00 s315.00 s236.00 2.001 to 3.600 square feet 3.601 to 7.200 square feet Manufactur€d dwelling or pre-fab (circle one) 599.00Connections to builditrg sewer and water suppl)S Commercirl, itrdustrial. and dwellings other thaD oDe- or twGfamily MinimuD fee $9S.00 S s24.00 $ I00 stolm. sewer. warer line s103.00t si0 t Each fixture. appunenance- and piping 924.00n s l1_ sStorm \r'ater rctention/detmtion facilit\ irrigalion svstemstsackflou $103.00 524.00 DEPARTMENT USE TOTAI fees aDd surcharges (A througb D) llsr edieC 7/l ?018 bjones + # t-,G(,3s Reference: I 'gr lFar: Each fixture Miscellaneous fees Medical gas pipiug I Minimum fee $ (B) Investigative fee (equa1 to [A]) F i'e c+rti; Owne i' Statem e nt Regardin g Consti'uction Respons ibilitf es f r:con L:rv i=c,.j11-=s i:sic:rij?i a3i::,..i;c.l per',,11 :ppllcei-,:s .rt-,c :r-. r:ci lice.:3a ,r::::j-.= Const-,-.:ction Ccntr:cic.s aoai:- io sign rr-re fcllowing st:reme,..t b'eioia a b,uiiiing pe.rrii can De <cr ,:: , f Ft ?itl 'i1: r i 1 I cv,rn, r-:side in, jr wiil r3si,i= tn Li,i c,linpl:i=l siiucirr:;r,ui i-r."- _:ieral coniiacior is OT Name Expiration Date I wiil inform my general contractor that all subcont-actors who work on the structure must be licensed wiih t're Construction Contractors Board. I wiil be performing work on properry I own, a residence that I reside in, or a Tesidence that I will reside in. lf I hire subcontractors, I will hjre only subcontractors licensed with the Constructjon Contractors Board. lf I change my mind and hire a general contractor, I will select a contractor who is censed with the CCB and wiil rmmediately give the name of the contractor to the oflice issuing this Building Permit, I have read and understand the lnform3tion Notice to Homeowners About Consiruction Responsibilities, and I hereby ceriiry that the inJormation on thls homeowner statemeot is true and accurate. trJo,no,. (r*h-t Pnnt Name oi PermitApplicant4//// dz--.-Z--/D-qLo/3 Signature of Permit Applicani Dare (,GO c- y-h' S*,*^J"-',!--0 rY rlv lssued by o 8 Dermii #: Add ess (u' Date tfr736\ This Copy for Permit Oifices I z-\-l information Notice to Owners Aholi eosistruerisn Res pcnsibili ..85 I J-w \v il E :-J---:\ ',t]-::: :Ct.;. ::',:.e.: :4: :i ;;:ji : :-:-.:=:::=. :::::.'i:::-- -: :-. le :.c :v,/:-: a- -:*,:: '.:.'r '.].::;---.:.: -::.. : . : : - : ' : : - : : j : -, .- . :-: -::-....:-::.:.: l;ra:.::i -S i::=:la!::- \:'i ;.-rS; ::,i:... 1',';:l Ii,€ iiill+''il,ll Oregon's lq/iihholding T3x L3\',.': Employers musi withhold incoi-ne iaxes iom employe= wages at the time employees are paid. You will be liable for- the tax payments even if you oon't actuall)," withhold the tax from your employe3s. For more informatjon, call the Depafiment of Revenue ai 503.378+988. Unemployment lnsurance Tax: Employers are requjred to pay a tax for unemployment insurance purposes on the wages of all employees. For more informatjon, call the Oregon Employment Department at 503-947-1488. Oregon's Business ldentificatjon Number (BlN): is a combined number- for both Oregon Withholding and Unemployment InsuTance Tax. To flie for a BlN, cail 503-945-8091 or go to http://www oreoon. oov/DOR /B US/docs/21'1-055. pdf for the appropriate forms. Workers Compensation lnsurance: Employers are subject to the Oregon Workers Compensatjon Law, and rnust obtain Workers Compensatjon lnsurance for their employees. lf you fail to obtarn Workers Compensatjon lnsuranca, you could be subject to penaltjes and be liable for all claim costs if one of your workers is injured on the.1ob. For more informatjon, call the Worl<ers Compensatlon Division at the Department of Consumer and Business Services al 50!947-7815. Tax Withholding: Employers must withhold Social Security Tax and Federal lncome Tax from employee wages. You may be liabie for the tax payment, even if you didn't actuaJly withhold the tax. For a Federal EIN number,call the IRS at 1-800-829-4933 or visit their website at www.irs.oov CONSTRUCT]ON CONIRACTORS BOARD 700 Summer St NE Suile 300, PO Box 14140, Salem, OR 97309.5052 Telephone: 50937&4621 - Fax 503.3732007 Website Address: www oreoon oov/ccb Code Compliance: As the permit holder for a constructjon project, the homeowner is responsible for notifying buildlng officials at the appropriate tinres, so that the required inspections can be performed. Homeowners are also responsible for resolving any fallure to meet code requirements that may be found through inspections. Property Damage and Liability lnsurance: Homeowners acting as their own contractors should contact their insurance agent to ensure adequate insurance coverage for accidents and omissions, such as falling tools, paint overspray, water damage from pipe punctures, fre, or work that must be redone. Liability Insurance must be sufficient to cover injuries to peTsons on the job site who are not otherwise covered as employees by Workers Compensation lnsurance. Expenise: Homeowners should make sure they have the skills to act as their own generai contractor, and the expertise required to coordinate the work of both rough-in and inish trades. Other Responsibilities of Homeoravners : i/orogerty owner adopted 9-23-08 This Copy for Perflit Applicant i I I I cllt or. sPl{r\(;t'lEl-D s\ s] E\ts l)[]\ Hl.()Prr:\l cH\RGE\\oRKslIuut' .IOt R\.\L OR,IOB \T )IBT]R \..\\t E oR couPt\\: r_(x.\Tto\: II,,\P & T.\\ LOT \T }IBLRi Dt]\ T]I-OPUE\T T\ PE: s t8-002151 Nanc! koerker 660 C Sr NEW DEVET_OPED AREA (S t: ) EXISTINC DEVELOPED ARI]A (S,F ) TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACI] (S,I:,) MWMC MWMC zIO ITE--1t rrL -r<rr.sze 1s r ; 2t0 210 GI IiW IMPI]RVIOUS SQ FT REIMBURSEMENT COST MPLRVIOUS SQ, FT $0.00 IMPROVEMENT COST MPIRVIOUS SQ FT s 0..t2{ PER Sl:$0 00 Cosl sF: s 0.718 I()l rL sl oRlt I)R \t\.\(;lt sD( :R t!0 S,\\ITAR\ Sf \\ f R-CII-}(see r(1erse side) RLIMALJRSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF DFtJ's IMPROVEMENT COSl' NUMBER Olr I)lrU s $ 165 5.{ PER DFU ISETEI $ 81 54 PER DFU $ 217.0E MEtEt tot \t. t_o( \l \\.\s]u\\.\TER sI)(5 t.J82 .18 $1.18218 ,t \\ sP RT.\TI \ t-DC AREA ICSF x TRIP RATE x COST PER ADT x NEW IRIPl'AC.lOR EW: , REIMBURSEMENT COST: 0.00 x 9.52 x $ 19.28 PER IRIP x Nn:$0 00 IMPROVEMENT COSl' 000 \952 S 366.4I PER TRIP I Nt t-'$0 00 xl:i llN(l REIMBURSEMENT COSl' 0.00 952 $ I9,28 PLR I R]P Nt ll $0 00 B. IMPROVEMEN'T COS'T 000 x 952 $ ]66,'II PER TRIP N TIT $0 00 s 185.69 TOTAL TRANSPORTAI'ION RTIMBURSLMENT SDC TOI'AL ]'RANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT SDC $0 00 $0 00 T0I,\I, I R \\SPoRT,{TIO\ SDC 5 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 s $0 00 r.r8218s $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 RFIMBURSFMEN'I' COS I : NtINlBER OI' Itil,s 0 00 IMPROVI]MEN'T COST NUMIII:R Olr FEtl's 0 00 COMPLIANCE COS'I': NUMBER Ol] FELJ'S 0 00 wMC CREDII lh APPLICABLI TsLF RrVTElit- s0 00 $i) 0i) 000 0.00 0 0() $Dl{i9 $t.597 .11 slt I 89 PER FEtl $I.597,44 PER FEU 52282 PER FEU R- SUBTOTAL ADD I II'\1S Nl.r\lBER Olr l'tit r'\ NtJMBIiR O| |llLl's II IMPROVEMENT COST NLrN,{BI]t Ol' lrtiU's COMPLIANCE COST I \l\ L l\(, tl PER FEI.] PER FEI] PER FEU Ltw: REIMBURSEMENT COST: TOTAL MWMC REIMBURSEMENT FEE fOl'AI, MWMC IMPROVI']Mt]N'I- T'EE IOTAL MWMC COMPI-IANCE FEE MWMC ADMINISTRATIVF FEE TOTAL }I\1']!IC SDC r 2.3. & 41 re -EEEI@ -@ 1.18218 \ 59; SI ORM t)RAINAGE SEWER I'RANSPORTATION I-OCAI- MWMC ADMINISI-RA fION IILL ADMINIS I'RN-]'ION FI,JE ADMINISTRATION FEE ADMINISTRA-I'ION T'EE $7{ l2 0 0t) 74 12 000 o (x) $ 1.556 60 5.,\DUIi\.ISTR\TIYE FEES: UASE CHARCE (SIJBTOT;\1. AtX)VIi)I 10/1/20t8 TOT.\L SDC CII,\RGT]S s 0.29t 1,},r{ sr 6 6 r)RAr\AGU t-tx It Rf, t',Nt',t- (Dt't ) ('..11.c[ LATION TABr_rl NUMlll:1{ OlrNliW FIXTUITF.S x UNl l LQtllVAl.l,N I = l)RAINA(ltr FlXTlll{l-l tlNl lS (NOt Lt lroti lIlMoDltLs, CALCIJLATU oNI.Y I Ilti NUT ADDITIONAT. r.rX r r rrU:S ,Ru,! FIXTI JRI:S NEW OLD UNI'I' UIVALENT DRAINA(;I] FtxTURl U\I 1SFIX'I'URE TYPE I BATHTUB DRINKINC FOUNTAIN FLOOR DRAIN, FLOOR SINK INTERCEPTORS FOR GREASE/OIUSOLIDS/ETC, INTERCEPTORS FOR SAND/AUTO WASH/ETC, LAUNDRY TUB CLOTHES WASHERA4OP SINK CLOTHES WASHER . 3 OR MORE (EA) MOBILE HOME PARK TRAP ( I PER TRAILER) RECEPTOR TOR REFRIGERATOR,/WATER STATION/ETC, RECEPTOR FOR COMMERCIAI- SINK,/ DISHWASTIER/ETC SHOWER. SINGLE STALL SHOWER. CANG (NUMBER OF HEADS) SINKr COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL KITCHEN SINK: COMMERCIAL BAR SINK: WASH BASIN/DOUBI.E I.AVA IORY SINK: SINCLE LAVATORY/RESlDEN tlAl- BAR URINAL. S'IALL/WALL TOIt-IJT. PUBLIC INSTALLAT]ON TOILE'I', PRIVATE INSTAI-I-ATION MISCELLANEOUS: 0 0 0 0 i) 0 0 0 0 t) 0 0 3 I 3 3 6 3 6 t2 Il 2 2l 2 2 I 5 3 0 l_) 0 l) 0 l) NUMT]ER OF LDU'S*'lUlAl DRAINAUI- llXIt RF I \llS J o rIDlJ (Equivalenl D\\'ellinq Un11) rs a drscharge equivalenl to a single famil\ d\relline (20 DFU) sel al 167 qallons pcr da\ CREDIT CALCULATION TABI-E: BASED ON ASSESSED VALUE IF IMPROVEMENTS OCCURRED AI.-TLR ANNEXATION DATE IN'TABLE. CALCULATE CREDITS SEPARATEI-Y YLAR ANNEXED RAlLPI:R$1.000 ASSESSED VALUE $t.45 $ t.25 s r.09 s0.92 $0.72 $0.48 $0.2E $0.09 s0.05 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 00 00 SO s0 RAI'I] PER $I.OOO ASSLSSED VALUE YEAR ANNEXED 199? t993 t994 t995 t 996 1997 r998 r 999 2000 2001 2002 2003 200,1 t979 t980 l98l 1982 t983 t984 t985 t986 t987 t988 1989 1990 199l $5.29 $5. t9 $5. t2 J4.98 s4.80 $4.63 $4.40 $4.07 $3.67 $3.22 s2.73 $1.E0 CRLDIT FOR PARCEL OR LAND ONI-Y II APPI,ICABLL IMPROVEMEN T (I}: AFILR ANNEXATION DATE) CR}.-DI I ]0 I I-f $o.oo 0 0 0 I