HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 2018-11-085PRINGTIELD r2] City of springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-7 26-37 53 OREOON Web Address: www.springfield o..qov Building Permit Commercial Plumbing Permit Number: 81 I -1 8-{10261 4-PLM IVR Number: 811017600638 Email Address: permitcenter@spnngneld-or.qov Permit lssued: November 08, 2018 Category of Construction: Commercial Submitted Job Value: $0.00 Description oI Work: Two new restrooms - Tl structural permit 18-002612 Type of Work: Tenant lmprovement Worksite address 414 MAIN ST Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel 1703353107400 Ownea: Address: NESSCO INVESTMENT co 91362 STALLINGS LN EUGENE, OR 97408 Business name BROTHERS PLUMBING INC - Pflmary License number 198624 Phone 541 -937 -2994 lnspection 3999 Final Plumbing 3500 Rough Plumbing 3170 Underfloor Plumbing lnspection group Plumb Com Plumb Com Plumb Com lnspection status Pending Pending Pending Various inspections are mlnimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon gov Schedule by phone call 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number 811017600638 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting lnspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store Permits must be posted in clear view on the worksite. Permits expire if work is not staded within 180 Days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 Days or longer depending on the issuing agency's policy. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be com plied with whether specified herein or not. Granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction, ATTENTION - CALL BEFORE YOU DIG: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952'001-0010 through OAR 952"001-0090. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the Center at (877) 668-6001 ordial 81 1. All persons or entities performing work under this permit are required to be licensed unless exempted by ORS 701.010 (Struclural/Mechanical), ORS 479.540 (Electrical), and ORS 693.010-020 (Plumbing). Printed on: 11/8/18 Pagetol2 std-BurldrngPermt-Pr TYPE OF WORK JOB SITE INFORMATION LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION License ccB Permit Number: E'l 1 -1 E-002614-PLM Page 2 ol 2 Fee Description Technology Fee Floor drain/floor sink/hub drain Sink/basin/lavatory U rina I Water heater water closet State of Oregon Surcharge - Plumb (12olo of applicable fees) Quantity Fee Amount $ 16.80 $48.00 $ 120.00 $48.00 $24.00 $96.00 $4O.32 $3 93. 12 2 5 2 1 4 Total Fees: Page 2 ol2 std BuildlnsPermit_pr PERMIT FEES ffi Transaction Receipt It t-t8-002614,PLM Receipt Numbsr:468549 Receipt Oate: 11/8/18 Ciry or Spnnglield oevelooment 6nd Pub rc Works 225 Frfth Svet sp.rn9nerd, oR 97477 54r-726-3153 perm't.enter@spfl .9neE'or.govwww springfield or gov r brfsile address:414 MAIN ST. Spnnglield, OR 97477 Parcelr 1703353107400 Fees Paid 11t811A 11ftl14 11Bt1A 11ft114 11Bt1A 11ft114 Floor dram/rloor sin&hub drain Slate of Oregon Surcharge - Plumb (12% o, 224-0000G.r2560$1 03 224-0000G4256031 034 224,0000G4255011 034 224-0000G4256031 034 224,0000G425603-1034 E21 -0000G21 5004-0000 $48 00 s48.00 s96.00 $120 00 s24 00 t40.32 t46 00 148 00 096.00 t120.00 s24.OO i40.32 Unltr 2.m Aty 2 0O Oty 4 0O Oty 5 0O Oty 1 0O Oty 1.0O Ea 11ftt14 100,00000 42:605 0000 916 80 $16 80 Cred( card author'zalion 318040 Payer brothers plumbing s393 12 Cashier Katnna Andereon 1393 12 F N-rr.nscl0nR.ca'p!rr Plumbing Permit Application PROPERTY OWNER Name Address Srate Phone Fali a \ I State: O 225 Fifth Slree1 . Springfield. OR 97477 . PH(511)726-375: . F,{Xf54l )726-3689 Zoning approval verified? ! t'es ! No Sanitation approvd verifiedl E Yes n Xo lTaxlor. DESCRIPTION OF WORK \) €- Permit no.: I Each additional kitchen (over 11 s128.00 s99.00 s128.00 Residential frre rinklers 2.001 m 3.600 square feet s158.00 1,201 square ieer and lrearer M&nufactured d$ellin fab (circle oDe) I s99.oo Commercial, industrial. and dwellings other thaD one- or two-fa Miscellaneous fees s103.00 s s24.00 s24.00 s24.00 S s99.00 s ...::.. &(,g This permit is issued under OAR 918-780-0060. Permits are issued onl] to the persoD or contractor doing the rvork Permits expire if r'ork is not started }1ithitr 180 days ofissuance or if *ork is suspended for 180 days. LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL \eil residential CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION 506.00 S Citr,[t re-\State:O ZIP:!3 bathrooms,'l kirchen E-mai1 This installation is beine made on residential or farm properq orred bl,me or a member of m] inmediate famil). and is exempt from licensing requtements under OAR 918-695-0020 Sigaature: CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Business name '\l'<. Each addihonal inspectionr r I ) $315.00 S s99.00 S $99.00 s Minimurn fee S 5 .l s Citt zlP Ll -P Special requested inspections fno. of hrs. x fee er hr.)E-mail .i I -T{ - co i"Y) CCB license no.: i!a BCD license no Plumbins license no Print name Signatu!e Enrcr fee based on installation and equipmeni value Medical gas piping Enter value ofinstallation and equipment $ _ I r A.) Enrer subtotal ofabove fees (Minimum Permit Fee $99.00) fI b S s* S .\ fB) bvestigadve fee (equalto [A]) (C) Enrer 129'o surcharge (.1: x [A-B]) (D) Technolo$ Fee (5% ollAl) ! Resiciential ! Government ,.8\Commercial JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Job site address: \\L\rY\R \ ^-J 3i Phones F9) Address:p c : bathroomsrl kitchen s595.00 Each additional bathroom (over 3l 0 to 2.000 square feer 3.601 ro 1.200 square feer s236.00 Connections to buiiding sewer and water suppll Minimuoi fee s99.00 Each fixture s24.00 Description 100 storm. sewer. water line s'to3.oo Each ft.Iure. appunenance. and pjping s24.00 Storm uater retentiotuderennon facilii\ Irigarion systems,tsackfl o\r Piping or private storm drainage svstems exceedins the fusi 100 {eet SDecialn fixlules Reinspecrion (no. ofhrs. x fee per hr.) Lasl edited 7 i20l S brones TOTAL fees atrd srrcharges (A through D)l Crrv or SpRrNcrrrLD, OREGoN DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Date: \ FEE SCHEDULE lo.'l .#, I Tt$, I bathroom'l kilchen ( incraae. .r/sr l?!,'";."^;tr::;il;!;:;.::;;,,, s32300 s d,,,"r "d,.,,-d,,, b-) Reference: lo,,..\^ 5 S O. -'r crq:ZIP: l )-=t l)a-N*tt A<-w-* 5trl,ujf.( _., e DEPARTMENT USE UL)-<,\ rr-,1 !t Ur-- 3 d_,q: G\ 3'G20MtN PFOllDE COOE FIFE EXIT LIGHTABOVE ooon oN 3+20 MIN PROVIOE CODE FIFE EXIT LIGHI AAOVE DOOF ON CLOSEFCL'SE L'OCF EXIST ELEC PANELS ON CLOSER ROTATE 3 O E FATED 20 r.,llN DOO8 COOE FIFE EXTT LIGIITABOVE oooF PFtOVIOE COOE FIFE EXTT LIGHT 6' Ct CLF EXII COFBIOOR D 534 E. RUFF li0.Ij*iE0ll ..tr", ENLARGED TOILET RIV PLAN EIIl30 CODE FIFE EIIT LIGHTABOVE OOOA EXIST ELEC. PAI'IEL \€FIFY WALLAND IHIS ABEA FOF EXIST PLM OEMOLOTION 10 g.ozB cooE DOCF oooF I CLB 1T-rNsroE I I Q z coRFtooF 3,0 FnE BATED 20 MIN OOOF [,IEN LOSER 5 5 s'.0 3'0 20 cLOSEF i o14a 3=: JAN 3.0 MIN ON3.0 20 MINUTE N?UJ o>E PROVIOE - -cooEnFE. ;EII' LIGHT AEOVE DOOF o o ! I 1/4" = 1'0" 0F 0B{i' I PLAN B/24l18