HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2018-11-28SPRINGFITLD ,b Building Permit Commercial Structural Permit Number: 81 1-18-00243S-STR IVR Number 8'11050489226 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-7 26-37 53 Email Address: permitcenter@springfield-or.9ov OREGON Web Address: www.sprinqfleld or-gov Permit lssued: November 28 2018 TYPE OF WORK Category ot Con8truction: Commercial Submitted Job Value: $200,000.00 Description of Work: Covered Storage Building Type of Work: New JOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite address 3950 MARCOLA RD Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel 1702190003500 Owner: AddregE: OREG IND LUMBER PROD INC PO BOX 1442 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Businesa name O & S CONTRACTORS INC - Primary License CCB License number 148790 Phone 541-7 47 -9715 PENDING INSPECTIONS lnspection 1999 Final Building 1999 Final Building 8999 Final Fire '1260 Framing 1110 Footing lnspection group Struct Com Struct Com Fire Struct Com Struct Com lnspection st3tus Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon.gov Schedule by phone call 1-888-299-2821 use IVR numbet: 811050489226 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting lnspection App, search "epermitting" in the app slore Permits must be posted in clear view on the worksite. Permits expi.e il wo* is not started within 1OO Days of issuance or il work is suspended for 180 Days or longer depending on the issuing ag6ncy's policy. All provisions of laws and ordinances goveming this lype of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. cranting of a permit does not presume to give authori9 lo violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local lew regulating construction or the p€aromance of construclion, ATTENTION - CALL BEFORE YOU DIG: Orogon law rsquires you to tollow rules adopted by the Or€gon Utility Notilication Center. Those rules are set rorth in OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001-0090. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the Center at (877) 668.4001 or dial Sl l. All peGons or entiti€s performing wo.k under lhis permit are requi.ed to b6 lic€nsed unless exempted by ORS 701.010 (Structural/l/lechanical), ORS 479.540 (Electricat), and ORS 693.010420 (Plumbing). Printed on 11/28118 Pagelot2 std_Buildrogpermit_pr Permit Number: 8l l -l8-002i135-STR Page 2 of 2 Fee Description Technology Fee Fire SDC - New Com Construction Sq Ft fee - enter sq ftg Structural bLrlding permit fee Structural plan review fee state of oregon Surcharge - Bldg (l2o/o of applicable fees) Quantity 7664 Total Fees: Fee Amount $121.94 $843.48 $\,474.06 $960.74 $177 .37 $3,s81.s9 Printed on 11/28/18 Page 2 ol 2 std_BuildingPermil_lcr PERMIT FEES Structural Permit Application Ltffi Pemrit no l* -oo 7fid Date o^t z - zoty This permit is issued under OAR 918-460-0030. Permits expire if work is not started *ithin 180 days of issuance or if r1 orli is suspended for 180 days. FEE SCHEDULE This projecl has DEQ approval Signature: tt5 fl[h sr,eer . sprrngfield. oR 97477 . PHt541)726-3753 , F.AX(541)?26-3689 Propertl is \\ithin flood plain: E Yes E No JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION ,,rr iir: ad,iir:ss:3950 l'4arCOla ROad ' i.t-.Piri.jilgllq rd I nerv flalteration f] aJdilion (b) !oundatioll-only pernril? E f "'. Total valurtion: 2. Buildhg fees l,rixlivi:ro;r \rtrrr:: Of Square feet:7,668 Cost per squaJe foot Other information Type ofHeat: NOne Energ] Path ?taX- Da,.v'd io 4eolexaj &>qslsb aP?. \o Ircli:r,',rcc: 1 7-02-1 9-00 PROPERW OWNER on lndustrial Lumber Products rlurcss: 3950 Marcola Road Springfleld t'tr,nc: 541 -746-2531 ohnm oil tn c. com 5 :i Clirl sD-rDail Building Orvne Sign here: I Ll I l)is in.iralirr i ,, r,j u,'a rr,"rui'er !]J icriiiircl,rrl\ ul(lcr ORS 701.010 .^,rldlcrs adc on rcsidetrtial or farm property owned by (a) Pla! revjew (65% x permit fee [2a]) rcdiatc tanrily. and is excmpt fronr licensing (b) Fire and life safety (65% \ pcrnit Iee [2r]) (c) Sublo(al of fees above (3a and 3b): CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION 4. Miscellaneous fess '?o Z r, rntn \ s 5 S \ llr cn c I -l-ac SUB4ONT Dale Zoning approval lerified: ! Yes E No ! Corernment Z Commercial State:OR zn:97477 Lol Io Taxtor: 3500 and 3301 Srate: OR zn:97477 P*x: 541-746-4483 orizing this application\!n auag State: ,lz P Fax::;41-1ttb C(-ll licerso l') r-nru l: L Prilll Danle Signalu 1. Valuation information (a) Job description: COVered StOrage BUilding Occupanc)' Construcrion qpe: Prefabricated Metal (a) Permjt fee (use valuation table) (b) Investigative lee (cqual to [2a]) (c) Reinspection ($ pcr hour) (number ofhours x fee per hour) (d) Enter l2% surcharge (.12 x l2a+2b+2cl) (e) Subtotal of fees above (2a through 2d):S 3. Plan review fees a/,'t)l (a) Seisnric fee. l% (.01 x pcrmjt fee [2a]) (b) Tech fee, 5% (.05 x permit fee[2al+Plt fee [3c] ) TOTAL fecs and surcharges (2e+3c+4^+b) Name CCB License #Phone Number Electrical I'lunrhing ) IccilrDical Last ediled 5-5-2017 BJones DEPARTMENT USE ONLY J I I l hr: prliect has final land-use afrproval.I I Dare: CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION I fi ,le),i(lential ------1 I,i -.-l I 1 I lnc. r I -l I I LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL lrr,tl -qltS SPRINGfIELO t, OREGON www.springfield-or 9ov Worksite address: 3950 MARCOLA RD, Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel: 1702190003500 Transaction Receipt 811-18-002435-STR Receipt Number: 468698 Receipt Date: 1'l128/18 City of Springfaeld Development and Public works 225 Fifth Street Springfleld, OR 97477 541-126-37 53 permitcenter@springfield-or.9ov Transaction date 11t28t18 Units 1.00 Ea Fees Paid Oescription Structural building permit fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (12% of applicable fees) Technology Fee Fire SDC - New Com Construction Sq Ft fee - enter sq ftg 1 00-00000-42s605-0000 1 00-00000*424005- 1 091 $121.94 $843.48 $121 .94 $843.48 Account code 224-00000425602-1030 Fee amount $'1,478.06 $t77 37 Paid amount $1,478.06 $177 37'11t28t18 100 Ea 1.00 Automatic 7,668 00 SqFt 821-00000-21 5004-0000 11t28t18 11t28t14 Payment Methodr Check number: 43180 Payer; oregon industrial lumber Payment Amount:$2,620.85 Cash er Katnna Anderson Receipt Total:$2,620.85 Pnnted 11/28/18 128 pm FIN_TransactlonRecelpt_pr 5 ffi 811.18-002435-STR Receipt tlumb..: a68326 Receipt Date: 10/12l'18 Develooment and pub c works 225 Fifth st.et spnngrierd, oR 97477 54 r-7 26-37 53 permrrcenter@spnh9nerd-or.gov Transaction Receipt Cily ol Spnngrield ww.spnngileld'or gov Worksile addressr 3950 MARCOLA RO. Springrield. OR 97477 Parcel 1702190003500 Fees Paid 10t12t14 100 Ea Slruclural Plan review lee 224-00000-425602-1 030 s960 74 $960 74 Credil card aulhonzation 09059G s960 74 Cash er Oavid Bowlsby Prinled 10/12113 3:2.4 pm 3960,74 FrN Irans..tonRee prjr