HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2018-09-19*- SPRINGfI€LD City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Spflngfield, OR 97477 541-726-37s30dtGorlBuildinq Permit Residential Structural Permit Number: 81 1 -18401487-STR IVR Number: 81'1036821484 web Addressr www.springfield or.qov Email Addressr permitcenter@springfield'or.9ov Permit lssued: September 19, 2018 TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Townhouses Submitted Job Value: $756,522.00 Oescription of Work: New 9 Unit Multifamily (Building #5) Type of Work: New JOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite address 211 R ST Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel 1703262400903 Owner: Address Owner: Address 1992 REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 88378 COLI-ARD LAKE RD FLORENCE. OR 97439 FIFTH ST PROJECT LLC 84936 PEACEFUL VALLEY RD EUGENE. OR 97405 FIFTH ST PROJECT LLC 84936 PEACEFUL VALLEY RD EUGENE, OR 97405 LICENSEO PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business name DORMAN CONSTRUCTION INC - Primary SUNSET HEATING & AIR INC SUNSET ELECTRIC INC C&RPLUMBINGLLC License ccB License number 68801 Phone 541 -984-0012 ccB ccB CCB 171706 158859 167015 541 -554-2604 541 -7 41 -3885 541 -206-761 1 PENDING INSPECTIONS Permits musl be posted in clear view on the worksite. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 Days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 Days or longer depending on the issuing agency's policy. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether sp€cified herein or not. Granting of a permit does not presum€ to give authority to violaie or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating conslruction or the performance oI construction. ATTENTION - CALL BEFORE YOU DIG: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utality Notificalion Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-00'l -O010 through OAR 95240'l-0090. You may obtain copies oI the rules by calling the Center at (877) 668-4001 or dial 811. All persons or entities perlo ningworkunderthispermitarerequiredtobelicensedunlessexemptedbyORS701.010 (Struclural/Mechanical), ORS 479.540 (Electracal), and ORS 693.010420 (Plumbing). Printed on 9/19/18 Page 1 of 3 std,BuildingPerm _p. Owngr: Addreaa: Permit Number: 81 1l8-001487-STR lnspection 8999 Final Fire 1999 Final Building 1260 Framing 1020 Zoning/setbacks 1110 Footing '1118 Footing Drain 'l120 Foundation 1150 UFER Ground 1220 Underfloor framing 141 0 LJnderfloor insulation 1420 lnsulation Vapo. Retarder 1430 lnsulation Wall 1440 lnsulation Ceiling 1520 lnterior Shearwall 1 530 Exterior Shearwall 1550 Firewall Page 2 of 3 lnspection group Fire Struct Res Struct Res Struct Res Struct Res Struct Res Struct Res Struct Res Struct Res Struct Res Struct Res Struct Res Struct Res Struct Res St.uct Res Struct Res lnspection status Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pendang Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pendiog Pending Various inspections are minimally required on each proJect and often dependent on the scope of work Contact the issurng jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required anspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits oregon.gov Schedule by phone call 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811036821484 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting lnspection App, search "epermitting' in the app store Page 2 ol 3 sld Bu drnqPerm l_pr SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS P6rmit Number: 81 1-18-001487-STR Page 3 of 3 Fee Description Technology Fee Address assignment - each new or change requested externally, per each Continuing Education fee SDC: Reimbursement Cost MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC SDC: Total MWMC Administration Fee - Local SDC: Total Transportation Administration Fee 5DC: Total Sewer Administration Fee SDC: Total Storm Administration Fee SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Storm Drarnage SDC: Reimbursement - Transportation SDC SDC: Improvement Cost - Storm Drarnage SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Local Wastewater SDC: Improvement Cost - Local Wastewater SDC: Improvement - Transportation SDC SDC: Improvement Cost - MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC SDC: Compljance Cost - I4WMC Regional Wastewater SDC SDC: Administrative Fee - MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC Fire SDC New Res Construction Sq Ft fee - enter sq ftg Structural buildinq permit fee Structural plan review fee Willamalane fees - Single Attached, per Lrnit State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (12olo of applicable fees) 1 1 950.4 6s 9.9 5 7 L4.1 7429.79 129.3 5 1053.44 1059.76 15 3 3.63 24592.3 12003.57 t3222.25 t2062.52 176.O4 10 7950 Quantity Fee Amount $347 .37 $s2.00 $2.50 $950.40 $659.95 $714.1O $ 1,829.79 $ 129.35 $1,053.44 $ 1,059.76 $ 1,5 33.63 $24,592.30 $ 12,003.57 $13,222.25 $12,062.s2 $176.O4 $10.00 $477.OO $4,179.00 $2,716.35 $33,408.00 $501.48 $111,680.80 9 Total Fees: sid_Bu dingPermrl_prPnnted on 9/19/18 Page 3 or 3 PERMIT FEES sPRlNcflilD lr oi EGotl www.springfield-or.gov Worksite address: 1287 R ST 1, Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel: 1703262400903 Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-726,3753 permitcenter@sprinqfield-or.9ov Transaction Receipt 811-18-001487-STR Receipt Number: 466975 Receipt Date:6/21l18 City of Springfield Fees Paid Transaction datc 6l21t1A Unlt6 1.00 Ea D6scrlltion Structural plan review fee Account code 224-00000-425602-1 030 Fee amount $2,716.35 Pald amount $2.716.35 Paye.: [,4ichael R O'Connell Payment Amounl.$2,716.35 Cashier: Toste I\,4unrz Receipt Total:$2,716.35 Pr nted 6/21118 2:34 pnr FIN IransactionRecerpt_pr Paymentt!,4ethod: Creditcard authorization: 7 4812P SPRII{6FIELD b 0({G0ir www.springf ield-or.9ov Worksite address: 211 R ST, Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel: 1703262400903 Developrrent and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Sprrngield, OR 97477 541-7 26-37 53 permrtcenter@springfi eld-or.gov Transaction Receipt 81 1-18-001487-STR Receipt Number: 468012 Receipt Date:9/12l18 Cty of Springfield 9/12t18 Transaction date 9t1Z1A Units 100 Ea Description Structural building permit fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg ('12% of applicable fees) Continuing Education fee SDC: Rermbursement Cost - Storm Drarnage SDC: lmprovement Cost - Storm Drainage SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Local Wastewater SDC lmprovement Cost - Local Wastewater SDCr Reimbursement - Transportation SDC SDCr lmprovement - Transportation SDC SDC: Reimbursement Cost - MV\,rvlC Regional Wastewater SDC SDC: lmprovement Cost - MW IC Regronal Wastewater SDC SDCr Compiiance Cost - MVVMC Regional Wastewater SDC SDC Administrative Fee - MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC Account code 224-0000042s602-1030 9l1A1a 9t12t18 1.00 100 1,053.44 1,533.63 24.s92.30 '12,003.57 1,059.76 13.222.25 950.40 12,062.52 176 04 10.00 Ea Ea Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Fees Paid $s01.48 $12.062.52 $ 176 04 $10 00 821 -00000-215004-0000 433-00000-448025-881 0 433-00000,426607-881 0 61 1-00000-426604-8800 Fee amount $4,179.00 $501 48 $2.s0 $1,053.44 $1,533.63 s24,592.30 $12.062 52 $176 04 $10.00 Paid amount M,179.00 9t12t18 9t12118 9t1Z1A 9t12J18 9112118 g1ala 9t't2t18 thzla 224-00000-425606-0000 6't 7-00000-448029-8800 61 7-00000-448028-8800 61 1 -00000-448024-8800 $2.50 $1,053.44 $1,s33.63 $24,592.30 61 1-00000448025-8800 434-00000-448026-8800 434-00000-448027-8800 433-00000-448024-881 0 $'12,003.57 $1,059.76 $13,222.25 $950.40 $12,003.57 $1,059.76 $13,222.25 $950.40 Prinled 9/12118 4 25 pm Paqe 1 ol2 FIN TransaclionRec€ipt_pr 9/12t18 Transaction Receipt 811-18-001487-STR Receipt number: 468012 9t12t1a Transaction date th2ha 9112t18 9t12t18 9t12t18 1,429 714 659 Units 35 Amount 79 Amount 10 Amount 95 Amount Account code 71 9-00000-426604-8800 71 9-00000-426604-8800 71 9,00000-426604-8800 71 9-00000-426604-8800 Fees Paid Description SDC: Total Storm Administration Fee SDC: Total Sewer Administration Fee SDC: Total Transportation Administration Fee SDC: Total MVVMC Administrat,on Fee - Local Fire SDC - New Res Construction Sq Ft fee - enter sq flg Address assignment - each new or change requested externally, per each Technology Fee Willamalane fees - Single Attached per unit 1 00-00000-425605-0000 821 -00000-215023-0000 $347.37 $33,408.00 $347 .37 $33,408.00 '100-00000-424005-'l 091 22 4 - OOOOO - 425602 -OOOO Fee amount $129 35 $1,829.79 $714.10 $659 95 $477 0a $52 00 Paid amount $129.35 $1,829.79 $714.1o $659 95 $477 00 9t12t1B 7,950.00 SqFt 100 Ea 1.00 Automatic 9.00 Oty 9112t18 9t12118 Payment Method: Check number: 600994 Payer: Fifth Street Prolect Payment Amount $108,964.45 Cashier Katrina Anderson Receipt Total:$108,964.45 Plnred 9/12118 4125 pm Page 2 al 2 FIN_Transaclion Recerpt_pr $s2.00 Crry or SpntNGFtELD. oREcoN Structural Permit Application 225 rillh Stsecr. Spriosfi.ld, oR 9747?. PI l(54 I )726'175I r FAx(s4 | )726-3689 LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL Thi! projcct hls 6aal laod-urc .pprov!|, Sign.turc:Dalc: This projcct hrs DEQ spp,ovsl Signaturc:Datcl Zoning rpprov.l vcrificd: ! Ycs D No Propcrty is within 0ood plaiar fl Ycs Duo CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCNOiI E Resideotial E Govemmcnt I Commcrcial JOB S]TE INFORMANON ANO LOCANON Job sirc addrcss: 211 R Skeet city: SPringfield $atc: OR vp. 97477 Subdivision:Lot no Refcrcnce:1dq1. 1 7-03-26-24{0903 Nroc: Fifth Street Projoct LLC 66665 2005 W 16th Way city: Eugens State: OR zw:97477 Phonc: 541-953-7332 Fax: E-nBil: mikeoconnellsr@qwestoffice.net Building olrlrcr or olmer'r ,g.dt stcrhercr /?/Q*)(1! I Tbi! insirltsti?dbcing mede on re-sidcotirl or faru propcny ovncd by rrc or r rElsbc. of my inurrdiste frmily, .nd it cxcmpt tom liceosiDt rcquircmcDB urd.r ORS 701.010. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Eusincss Daoc: Dorman Construction lnc. Cityr Springfield Sr.te:OR ztP: 97 477 Ptronc:541-9844012 l'ax E-mail: matt@dorman-const.com g69 11c.Dse sq.; 68801 Print nadc: Matt Knights. Signaturc: SUB4ONTRACTOR INFORMANON Nrmc CCB Liceo6. #Phoo. NuEber El.ctrlcrl Sunset Electrical 158859 541-741-3385 Ptu6bbg C&R Plumbing 167015 Mech.oicd Sunset Hsating 171706 541-554-9331 DEPARTMENT USE ONLY '"*'n:', lg,4+a1 oata: (trt( Vl I lZ EffiT This perrDit is issued uoder OAR 918-d50-0030. Permits €rpire if work is oot stsrted within 180 days of isEuancc or if work is suspended for 180 days. FEE SCHEOULE 1. Velurtlon lnformetion (a) Job dcsc.iption i Building.S Occupancy Resldential Const lrction typc: Wood Square feet: 7,950 Cost pcr squarc foot 95.'16 Olher infonnation: TyD,. o( He.t: Electric Wall Heaters f,n€r0/ Prlh: I n",, flalt.ration fl addition ft) Foun&tion-only pcrmir? ! Yes ! tto Tot.l v.lurtiotr:t7s6s2z 2. Bulldhg feca (a) Pcmit fce (ll3. veluatio! trbl.):s (b) Invcaligativc fec (equal to [2a]):s (c) Rcinspcction ($ per hour): (numbcr of hotus x fee pcr hour)s (d) tiotcr 12% swchrr8c (. I 2 x [2a+2tf2cl):s (e) Subtotd offee. rbove (2. through 2d)l s 3. Pl.tr rcYlef, fccr (a) Plan rcvicw (65% x pennit fee [2a])s (b) Fire .od tife sdcty (65'/. x pcrmit f.6 [2&])s (c) Subtot.l of feet rbove (3r .trd !b):$ 4. Mlsccllrtrcou! fecs (a) Seismic fee, lol. (.01 x permit iec [2a]):s (b) Tech fcc, 5% (.05 x permit fcc[2a]+PR fec [3c])s (c) Conthuing &lucation Fec $2.50 s2.50 TOTAL fe€s rtrd turchrrgct (2er3ci4r+b+ctd):s R**.,,4 ->i\., tU" Co,^pf.-\-- 12tr- fl S r..ro one Rocn B\dg ' ovo'i \oP\r- -to do inta-0 lr'r\crrc- (eu\ett) * t-art cditcd 5-5-2017 BJoncs PROPERTY Owl{ER laarers: 303 South Sth Strest #135 541-206-7611 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Planning Division Information Sheet for Building Permits Commercia l/Industria I / Mu lti-Fam ily Residential The Planning Division requires the following information for all building permit submittals on properties zoned Medium Density Residential, High Density Residential, Commercial, or Industrial, including new construction, expansions, and changes of use. New construction, expansions, and changes of use to any building, parking, or development area in these zoning districts requires either Minimum Development Standards-MDS review (SDC 5.15-100) or Site Plan Review (SDC 5.17-100) by the Planning Division. Overlay District Development review (SDC 3.3-100) may also be required, depending on the site. NOTE: It is prudent to make sure your use is permitted in the applicable zoning district. Building Permit, Police or other permit approvals or inspections are not Planning approval. A licant Name: Mike O'Connell Sr Com n : Fifth Street Proiect, LLC Address: 2065 W- 16th Way, Euoene, OR 97401 Description of the proposed work to be completed under this building permit: One two-story nine unit apartment building and associated site improvements. TAX LOT NO s : 00903 Pro ASSESSOR'S MAp NO: 't7-03-26-24 Address: 211 R Street, Springfield, OR97477 Has this development proposal been reviewed by the Planning Division through an application process (i.e. MDS or Site Plan Review)? If yes, Case #: 817-17-000078-fYP2 X Yes X No Prior A roved Use:Pro ed Use: If no, is this a change in use?Non Yes Does the use necessitate the use of any chemicats or substances that are hazardous or re uire Material Safe to be keand Data Sheets MSDS on site? E Yes E ruo Zonin TOTZI The proposed project requires submittal and approval of the foltowing Planning application prior to building permit approval: DWP Overlay District Development MDS Site Plan Review Statement Letter Regarding DWP Exemption MDS Land Use Compatibility Statement Other: Reviewed Date: Required Project. Information (Applicantt complefe this section) Phone: 541-953-7332 Fax: SPRTNGFITLD Required Property Information (City Intake Staff; complete this section) Overlav(s):