HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 2018-09-19SPRINGfIELD Building Permit Residential Mechanical Permit Number: 811-18{01487-MECH-01 IVR Number: 81 1006920257 City of Springfield Development and Publrc Works 225 Fifth Street Springfeld, OR 97477 541-7 26-37 53ORiGON Web Addressr www.spring6eld-or.9ov Permit lssued: September 19, 2018 TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Townhouses Submitted Job Valuei $756,522.00 Description of Work: New 9 Unit Multifamily (Building #5) Type ot Work: New JOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite address 211 R ST Spnngfield OR 97477 Parcel '1703262400903 Owner: Address Owner: Address Owner: Address: ,I992 REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 88378 COLI-ARD LAKE RD FLORENCE OR 97439 FIFTH ST PROJECT LLC 84936 PEACEFUL VALLEY RD EUGENE, OR 97405 FIFTH ST PROJECT LLC 84936 PEACEFUL VALLEY RD EUGENE OR 97405 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business name DORMAN CONSTRUCTION INC - Primary SUNSET HEATING & AIR INC License License number 68801 Phone 541-984-0012 CCB PENDING INSPECTIONS lnspection 2999 Final Mechanical 2300 Rough Mechanical 2200 Underfloor Mechanical lnspection group Mech Res Mech Res Mech Res SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Various inspections are minimally required on each projecl and often dependent on the scope of work Contact the issurng JUrisdictron rndicated on the perm( to determine required inspeclrons for this proiect Schedule or track inspections at www burldingpermits oregon gov Permits must be posted in clear view on the worksite. Permits expirc if work is not started within 180 Oays ot issuanc6 or if work is susponded for 180 Days or lon96r depending on the issuing agency's policy. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this ty pe of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. Granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or th€ performance of construction, ATTENTION - CALL BEFORE YOU OIG: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-001-00'10 through OAR 952-001-0090. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the Center at (877) 668-4001 ordial 811. All persons or entities performing work under this permit are required to be licensed unless exempted by ORS 701.010 (Structural/Mechanical), ORS 479.540 (Electrical), and ORS 693.010-020 (Plumbing). Printed on: 9/19/18 Page t ol2 std_AuildingPermit_pr 'b Email Address: permitcenter@springfield or.gov 171706 541 554-2604 lnspection status Pending Pending Pending Permit Number: 8'l 1 -18-001/t87-MECH{l Schedule by phone call l-888-299-2421 use IVR number: 811006920257 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting lnspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store Page 2 of 2 Fee Description Technology Fee Clothes dryer exhaust Range hood/other kitchen equipment Ventilation fan connected to single duct Continuing Education fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Mech (12olo of applicable fees) Quantity 9 9 1B 1 Total Fees: Fee Amount $2 s.6s $117.00 $152.00 $234.00 $2.s0 $61.56 $602.7 t Pnnbd on 9/19/18 Paqe 2 cn 2 std_BuildingPermn_pr PERMIT FEES SPRINGFIELD t3 OREGON www.springfield-or. gov Worksite address 21 1 R ST, Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel:'1703262400903 Development and Public works 225 Fifth Street Sprinqfield, OR 97477 541-7 26-37 53 permitcenter@spran9fi eld-or. gov Transaction Receipt 81 1 -t 8-001487-MECH-01 Receipt Number: 468010 Receipt Date: 9/ t 2/18 City of Springfield Fees Paid Transaction date 9t12t18 9t12t18 9t12t18 9/12t18 9112t18 Account codg 224-00000-425606-0000 224-00000425604-1031 224-00000425604-1031 22 4 - OOOOO - 42s604 - 1 031 82'1-00000-2'15004-0000 Fee amount $2 50 $162 00 $234 00 $117 00 $61 56 Paid amount $2 50 $162 00 $234 00 $117.00 $61 .56 Units 1.00 Ea 9.00 Ea 18 00 Ea 9.00 Ea 100 Ea '1 00-00000-425605-00009t12/18 100 Automatic $25 65 $25 65 Payment Method: Check numbe. 600994 Payer Fifth Street Project Paymenl Amount $602.71 Cashier: Katrina Anderson Receipt Total:$602.71 Pflnied th2l18 4:25 pm FIN-TransactEnRec€ipt_pr Descrip0on Continuing Education fee Range hood/other kitchen equipment Ventilation fan connected to single duct Clothes dryer exhaust State of Oregon Surcharge - Mech (12% of applicable fees) Technology Fee Crry or SpnrNcnrrlo, ORBcoN Permir ncr c :lJ Fifii Srre€r . SprinEJlcld. OR 97477 . PHtgl )n6-i75i r F$i(54 t )?l6i6E9 Dare 7 This permit is issued under OAR 918-4a0-0050. Permits erpire if ll ork is not strrted silhi! 180 da1's of issuarce or if \rork is suspended for lE0 drys. FEE SCHEDULE ! Residential E Go.'q1*n*, Cin..Springfield Fal: E-mail com Si8:narurc: (D) Seismic ft€, l9o (.01 x Mechanical Permit Application fi#/{'/14.tc* s 5 DEPARTMENT USE ONLY CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION Pl Commcrcia) JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION .lob snc addrcss.24++€l-- .2\ |8-g Ciq: gp1nq6.16 Slare: OR aP 97 477 Referencs:T allot. j 7{}26240e03 DESCRIPTION OF WORK New 18 Unit Multi-Family housing Building PROPERfi OWNER Narne: Fiflh Street Project LLC 466r-"rs. 2065 W 16th WaY Ciqr Eugene Srarc: oR Zfp 97477 Phone:54'l '9537332 Fax: E-mail mikeoconnellsr@quesloffice.net This ilstallarion is being made on propen] owncd b\ me or a mcmber of m1 immediale famill', and is exempt from licensirg requiremenrs undcr QRS 70I .010. Signarure: CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Business namc: Sunset Heating & Air, lnc Addrcss: 5729 Main Street Box #248 Stare:oR 71p. 97478 Phon€: 541554933'1 171706CCB license no Qr-r'.Cosl €a-Residential Totel cost Firsl Arglir-oc.l I sse.oo s Fumrct/bumcr indudiBg ducts aDd vcots Up ro I Crok BTU.trr i s22.00 5 Over I00lt BTUAU I szs.oo B eatels/stoles/vents t lnh hearcr 5,4 | 122-00 5 s5200Wood/pellcrgss stovellue S E\€paratcd coolcr s 18.00 5 Vent fan wi$ onc ducrlappliancr 18 ti3.00 18 trE.00 sHood with oihaust aBd ducr Gss DiDioe ODe to fol[ ourleE ss.1El s Additiolal oulers (cach)ss.3ol s Air-hatrdlirg utrits" iDcluding ducts Up to I0,000 CFM I 515.00 i t s25.00Ovcr I 0,000 CFN'I ComDressor/absorDtioD svstem/heat DumD S18Ih to 3 hCI00k BTU 122.00l L Iup ro 15 hPr'500k BTU i s,lo.oo s59-00 5Up ro 30 hy'I.000 BTL! Up to 50 hp.4,?50 BTU I I szo.ool s I i sr2E.oo i sOver 50 hp/1,750 BTU IDcinerators DoDcrtic incincraror {t25.00 s Commercial Eorcr fec based on yaluatioD ofrnccha.nical slsteo, etc- tionua mechanof calotaEntcrvdI s)'5lcm 00020 00costsdanhslallatiort Items Cost ca. Tolsl cotlMlscellaneous fees s99.00 sRehspectionI Specialt rcqucstei iNpcctions (p€i sss.oo I s s18-00 5RegularEd equipmem (unclassed) ! $Each rdditiorsl inspection:0) i ! SSS.OO DEPARTMENT USE (A) EIlEr subroEl of above fees (or cBtcr scl ,s S minimum f.c of s 9. vc fcc (to [,{] )(B) I (C) E rer l2% sulcherll (.t? x [At. B])s 5/" TOTAL fccs aDd surchrrges (A throu8b E) L.!$ edit C 7rlr0l8 biorics (E) Technolo Fc. (5% of I Prirt name: s