HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2018-10-08SPRINGTIETD b City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springtield, OR 97477 54 t-7 26-37 53 OREGOd Web Address: www.springfield-or.gov Building Permit Commercial Electrical Permit Number: 81 1 -1 8-002378-ELEC IVR Number: 81 1005036658 Email Address: perm tcenter(dspnngfield or 9ov Permit lssued: October 08, 2018 TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Commercial Submifted Job Value: $0 00 Description o, Work: 3 branch c.rcurls Type of Work: New Worksite address 2O9O OLYMPIC ST C Springfield, OR97477 Parcel 17 03254201 501 Owner: Address: MCKAY COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES LLC 76 CENTENNIAL LOOP STE D EUGENE, OR 97401 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business name KUNERT ELECTRIC LLC - Primary License CCB License number 94510 Phone 541-672,3333 PENDING INSPECTIONS lnspection 4999 Final Eleckical 4999 Final Electncal 4500 Rough Electrical 4250 Branch circuits lnsp€ction group Elec Com Elec Com Elec Com Elec Com lnspection status Pending Pending Pending Pending SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work Contact the issurng jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determrne required inspections for this project Schedule or track inspections at www buildingpermits oregon gov Schedule by phone call 18A8-299-282!. use IVR number: 811005036658 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting lnspeclion App, search "epermitting" in the app store Pe.mits musl be posted in clear vi€w on the worksite. Permits expire if work is not started srithin 180 Oays of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 Days or Ionger depending on the issuing agency,s poticy. AII provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be com plaed with whether specitied herein or not. crantrng ol a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. ATTENTION _ CALL BEFORE YOU DIG: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utitity Notification Center. Those rules are set torth in OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001-0090- You may obtain copies of the rutes by ca[ing the Center at(877) 668-4001 or diat 811. All persons or entities performing work under this permit are required to be licensed unless exempted by ORS 701.OlO (Slructural/Mechanical), ORS 479.540 (Etectricat), and ORS 693.010-020 (ptumbing). Printed on 10/3/18 page 1 ol2 std_Buitdrngpemit_pr JOB SITE INFORi'ATION Permit N umber: 811 -18-002378-ELEC Page 2 ol 2 Fee Descraption Branch circuits without service or feeder Technology Fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Elec (12olo of applicable fees) Quantity Total Fees: Fee Amount $100.84 $5.04 $ 12. 10 $ 117.98 srd_aurEingPermrl-Pr 3 Page 2 at 2 PERMIT FEES ffi Transaction Receipt 8r't -18-002378-ELEC Recaipt Number: 46E268 Rocsipt oate: 10/8/18 Cly or Spnngrield Development.nd Publrc wo.ks 225 Ffth Sneet S9rnglteld, OA 97417 541-125-3153 perm tcenter@spnn9neld-or 9ovww sPangfie d or gov Works,te address 2090 OLYMPIC ST C. SpnngneE OR 97477 Parcet: 1703254201501 Fees Paid 1oftt14 3.0O Qty 1.00 Ea B€nch circuits without service or feeder 224-0000G426102-1033 $100 84 s100 84 10/8/1E 10/8/18 Siate ot Oregon Surcharge - elF.c (12% d 821 00000 215004 0000 1 0G0000G425605-0000 $12 10 s5 04 $12 r0 $5 04l.m Aulom.lrc Tecnnobgy Fee Payrneni Meihod Credii cald aulhorizalion 074192 Transaction Commeni via phone s117 98 Cash er Karrina Anderso.ll17.98 FrN_I.an3adronRoc. pr_pr CITY OF SPRINGFIDLD, OITEGON Electrical Permit A lication 2:5 Hf!n S.r..t. Sp.irr6.!d, OR 971??. Prl{Sri )rr5.3753r FAJ((Srl )?15.16t9 [;ffi Pemlit no dU oo?3Tc Dalc:S\r!5 ,# 'fhls pcrmil is issued under OAR 918-309.0000. Permits {re nontransferable. Permits erpire if$'ork is nol siarled rritbi0 180 da)'s ofisruaoce ol if$'orl( ii guspended for 180 di)'s. FEE SCHEOULE Numbcr ofln.t,.cilo,|s pcr llcnr ( )Qt)Coil cn, Totalcosl llaslderllal, Icr unil, 5crvicc includcdl 1,000 q. fr or lcss (4)5 r 81.00 s Each ,ddlionnl 50U sq. ft. or ponion rhcrcof 136.00 s Limil.d cncr$r (2)s 43.00 5 E.ch m.nuf.clurcd homc or rnodul.r dwclling scrYicc or focdcr (2)s 85.00 ! Seniccs or rccdcEi i,,rlolldlio . ah.rclion, rclocalio 200 ,nps or les, (2)s 109.00 s 201 ro 400 amps (2)s127.00 S ,{01 to 600 .,!ps (2)s216.00 s 601 to 1,000 a$ps (2) Ov.r 1,000 6mp3 or volB (2) s277.00 s s635.00 s 06.00 s Rccon,tccr onl)'(2)5 'f.nrpon n tcnices or fc.d.tst inttallo!ioh, alt.ratior, rclo.ot@n 200 lmps or l.sr (2) 201 ro a00 arnps (2) t 86.00 s t t'18.00 t 401 lo 600 anrps (2)s Ovcr 600 6mps or 1,000 volts, scr scNiccs or fcrdcE icction.bov. Bren.b circui13: ,lsrr ohe.ation. etitension pe. poDel a. Fc! for brlnch circuils ryilh purchls. of. scrvicc or ficdcr fcc: t 7.12 s b. Fcc for b6nch circuits ryithour purchas. of . iGwic. or f.rd.r fce Firsr branch circuir (2)s 85.00 s Each additional branch circuit s 7 -42 s liirccllon.our fc€.: re.rr'ice ot [e!.lu not inchdc.l Esch pump or irrigarion circir (2)t E6.00 s Esch si8n or oudioc lightins (2)5 99.00 s SiSnalcjrcut or 3 limir.d-.nargy pencl, eltcration, or cxtcIsion (?) Esch ,ddilionol itrspccllon: ()) s 00.00 5 s99.00 DEPARTMENT USE (A) Enter subtolal ofsbove fccs (Mllln nD Plrorh F.c 599.00)s (B) EnEr l2% surchirgc (.12 x IAI)5 (C)'lcchnolos ,r.e (5% ofIA]) TOJAL fccs and sorchar8cs (A rhrough D) s s ,I\ \d\k LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL Zooing approral vcrified? [ Ycs D No ATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION C Rcsidcntial D Covemnrent JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION City:tJb(tl Job sit. address o ZIP tc_ , Srstcl d Refercncc Taxlol DESCRIPTION OF WORK Cutt-,t,2)(\ PROPERTY OWNER Naurc: Addressi cio:SlEte ztP Phone: Tiis installation is being made on rcsidcntial or farm pmpeny owncd by mc o. E nrcmbcr ofm) immcdiate f8mily. This property is nol inlcndcd for s81., exchangc, lcasc, or rent. OAR 479.540(l) and 479.560(l). sigtBturc: CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION BlsLnes!ryrngr KU,.t eU' €cCLt tLc, Addressr 2a O Nl . Cr.l 4 d^Jd^l ciry r<a5 (i1 t ltL (.,SEtc: f) /L ?rPn74.76 taonedttl - 616 9134 Fax Ku^r;+rp (,uje,rr - l. c.o,r,rr CCB license no.: Q${19 BCD li@nse no.: l0 ,,P,( - Priht nsme of LSisor's liccnse no supct\,1 Signorure of signing superv La3l cdir.d r/ta0l8 EJon!t DEPARTMENT USE ONLY E.Corrmcrcial Fax: E-m8il: E-m8il: I tt72.00 4 s