HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2018-11-16SPRINGFIELD Building Permit Residential 1 & 2 Fam Dwelling (New Only) Permit Number: 81 1 -1 8-00251 6-DWL IVR Number 81 106961 7845 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springrield, OR 97477 541-'126-3753onE60N web Address: www.springfi eld-or.9ov Permit lssued: November 16, 2018 TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Sangle Family Dwelling Calculated Job Valuei $245,725.30 Description of Work: New Single Family Residence Type of Work: New JOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite address 1013 LUPINE ST Sprinqfield. OR 97477 Parcel 17 03342109400 Owner: Address: DADY LLC 1953 GARDEN AVE EUGENE, OR 97403 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Busingss name ANSLOW & DEGENEAULT INC - Primary MARSHALLS INC C&RPLUMBINGLLC CITY WDE ELECTRIC INC License CCB License number 49169 Phone 54',t -484-OO7 0 CCB ccB 25790 167015 202008 541-747-7445 541 -206-761 1 541 -221 -2665 PENDING INSPECTIONS Permits must be posted in clear view on the worksite. Permits expire if work is not sbned within 180 Days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 Days or longer depending on the issuing agency's policy. All provisions of latr6 and ordinances governing this type of work will be com plied with whether specified herein ornot. Granting ot a permit does not presume to giv€ authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the pedormance of construction. ATTENTION - CALL BEFORE YOU DIG: Oregon law requircs you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notafication Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-00't{010 through OAR 952{01-0090. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the Center at (877) 668-4001 or dial 811. All persons or entities pertorming work under this permit are required to b€ licens€d unl€ss exempted by ORS 701.010 (Structural/Mechanical), ORS 479.540 (Electrical), and ORS 693.010420 (Plumbing). Pdnled on: 11/16/16 Pagelofs sld-BuildingPermil-pr Emarl Address: permrtcenter@spnnSfield or. gov Permit Number: 8l'l -1 8-00251 5-DWL lnspection 2999 Final Mechanical 3999 Final Plumbing 4999 Final Electrical 1060 Driveway Approach 1065 Sidewalk '1020 Zoning/setbacks '1260 Framing 1090 Street Trees 1110 Footing 1118 Footrng Drain 1120 Foundation 1160 UFER Ground 1220 Underfloor framing 1530 Exlerior Shearwall 1370 Masonry Veneer 1410 Underfloor insulation 1420 lnsulation Vapor Barrier '1430 lnsulation Wall 1440 lnsulation Ceiling 1520 lnterior Shearwall 1999 Final Building 2200 Underfloor Mechanical 22'10 Underfloor Gas 2255 Gas Pressure Test 2310 Rough Gas 2995 Final Gas 3'1 30 Footing/Foundation Drains 3'170 Underfloor Plumbing 3200 Sanitary Sewer 3315 Water Line 3400 Storm Sewer 3500 Rough Plumbing 4500 Rough Electrical 4000 Temporary Power Service 4225 Service or Feeder Pnnred onr 11/16/18 Page 2 of 5 lnspection group 1_2 Famdwell 1_2 Famdwell 1_2 Famdwell '1_2 Famdwell '1_2 Famdwell 'l_2 Famdwell 1_2 Famdwell 1_2 Famdwell 1_2 Famdwell 1_2 Famdwell 1_2 Famdwell 1_2 Famdwell 1_2 Famdwell 1_2 Famdwell 1_2 Famdwell 1_2 Famdwell 1_2 Famdwell 1-2 Famdwell 1_2 Famdwell 1_2 Famdwell 1_2 Famdwell 1_2 Famdwell '1_2 Famdwell 1_2 Famdwell '1_2 Famdwell '1_2 Famdwell 1_2 Famdwell 1_2 Famdwell 1 2 Famdwell '1-2 Famdwell 1_2 Famdwell 1_2 Famdwell '1_2 Famdwell 1_2 Famdwell 1 2 Famdwell Page 2 of 5 lnspection status Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending $d_auildingPermitjr Permit Number: 81 1-18-002516-DWL Page 3 of 5 Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work Contact the issuing lurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this prorect. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon.gov Schedule by phone call 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 8'l'1069617845 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting lnspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store Pnnled on 11/16/18 Page 3 o, 5 std_BurldrngPermrl_pr SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Page 4 of 5 Fee Description Residential wiring Technology Fee Furnace/burner including duct work/vent/liner Gas or wood fareplace/insert Gas fuel piping outlets Other fuel appliance Water heater Plan Review - l,1ajor, City Single Family Residence - Baths Address assignment - each new or change requested externally, per each 5DC: Reimbursement - Transportation SDC SDCr Total MWI4C Administration Fee - Local SDC: Total Transportation Administration Fee SDC: Total Sewer Administration Fee SDC: Total Storm Administration Fee SDC: Administrative Fee - MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC SDC: I4WMC Credit - Regional Wastewate. SDC SDCr Compliance Cost - NIWMC Regional Wastewater SDC SDC: Improvement Cost - I4WMC Regional Wastewater SDC SDC: Reimbursement Cost - MWMC Regional Wastewater SDC SDCr lmprovement - Transportation SDC SDC: Rermbursement Cost - Storm Drainage SDC: ImprovemenL CosL Slorm Drarnage SDCr Reimbursement Cost - LocalWastewater SDCi Improvement Cost - Local Wastewater Fire SDC - New Res Construction Sq Ft fee - enter sq ftg Structural building permit fee Structural plan review fee Willamalane fees - Single Family Detached, per unit State of Oregon Surcharge - Plumb (12olo of applicable fees) State of Oregon Surcharge - Elec (72a/o of applicable fees) State of Oregon Surcharge - Mech (12olo of applicable fees) State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (l2a/o of applicable fees) Curb cut fee - enter # of cuts Curb cut and Sidewalk construction multiple permit discount Sidewalk construction - permit/ first 90 linear feet 1 1 5 1 1 2 1 184.51 85.69 184.55 296.5 717.99 10 -48.33 22.82 t597 .44 131.89 3506.54 966.28 1393.54 3972,96 19 56,96 2 563 Quantity 2 563 Fee Amount $321.00 $218.04 $22.00 $s2.00 $13.78 $90.00 $18.00 $244.OO $506.00 $s2.00 $184.51 $8s.69 $184.55 $296.s0 $tt1 .99 $ 10.00 $-48.33 $22.42 $1,597.44 $131.89 $3,506.54 $966.28 $ 1,393.54 $3,972.96 $1,956,96 $ 153,78 $1,721.86 $ 1,119.21 $3,721.OO $60.72 $38. s2 $23.49 $206.62 $121.00 $-41.00 $121.00 $23,t62.36 1 1 1 Total Fees: sld_Bu dingPermit prPrinted on 11/16/18 Permit Number: 81 1 -1 8-00251 6-OWL PERMIT FEES 1 :VALUAIIONINFORMATION Page 4 of 5 Permit Number: 81 1 -'l 8-00251 6"DWL Construction type VB VB VB Unit amount 1,812.00 550 00 201.00 Unit cost $118 45 $47 80 $23 90 Job value $214,631 40 $26,290.00 $4,803 90 U nit Sq Ft Sq Ft Sq Ft Total job value: Page 5 of 5 $245.725 30 std EurldingPermrl_prPage 5 of 5Prinled on: 11/16/18 Occupancy type R-3'l&2family U Utility, misc U Utilily, misc. - half raie H 8't 1-18-002516-DWL Receipt Number:468629 Roceipt Date: 11/16/18 OeveloPment and P!bk Works 225 Frfth Sne€t sr.ncncE, OR 97477 54t-724-3753 ce.mtc.nt€r@spnncneld-or.gov Transaction Receipt Cily or Spingneld www springfield-or gov Wofisne address: '1013 LUPINE ST. Sp.ingfield. OR 97477 Parcel: 1703342109100 Feer Pald fran!.ction d.i. Unlt! o.scriplionl1/1€i/18 1 0O Ea Studural building pemit lee 11/16/1E 2.563.00 SqFl Residenlial Mring 11/16/18 200 Oly Single Family Residence - Balhs 11116t18 1.00 Ea Fumace/bumer including ducl woddvenuliner 11/16/16 1.00 Es Gas or wood rreplace/ansen 11116118 1 00 Ea Waler healer 11116118 5 00 Ea Olher iuel appliance Fe6 Nolesr Rango, waler Heater, Fireplace, Furance E BBQ Stub 11l1d19 5.00 Oty Gasfuelpiping outlets 11l1q1A 1 00 Es Stale of Oregon Surchargs - Elec \12oh ol applicable rees) 11/16,/1E 100 Es Stale of Oregon Surcharge - Mech (12% ol applicable lees) ,1/16i/1E 1OO Ea Stale of Oregon SurctErge - Plumb (12% ot applicable fees) 11/16/18 10O Ea State ol Oregon Surdarge - Bldg (12% ol appli=bletees) 11/16/1E 966.28 Amounl SDC: Reimb'jrsemenl Cosi - Slorm Orainago 11/16/1E 1,393 54 Amounl SDC] lmprovemenl Cosl - Storm Orainags F rLd rr/16/11 351pd P.r.1or3 224{0000{25602- 1030 22+0000G426102- 1033 22+0000G12560& 1 034 224-0000G42560+1 031 224-000q)-42550+1 031 224-0000G425604-1 031 224-0000G42560+1031 s1.721 86 $321@ $506 00 $22.00 i52 0o $1E 00 390.00 t1.72186 132100 $506 00 s22 00 $52 00 s18 00 590 00 224-0000G425604,1 031 E21-0000G21 500+0000 s13.78 938 52 s13.76 s38.52 E21,0000G215002L0000 621,0000G215002L0000 821 -0000G2 1 500+0000 $23 49 $60 72 s206 62 $23 49 s60 72 s206 62 61 7,0000G4480298800 61 7-OOOOG448028-8800 $965.2E S1,393.5'4 1966.28 t1.393.54 FIN_TBn..dDnR.opr-lx 11/15/18 11/16/t8 11t16t14 11116t14 Tran3rction RecGlpt 811t 8-002510-OWL Receipt nolnber: 4e8629 Tranlrction daio Unit3 11116114 3 972 96 Amount 6, 1-0OOOG,lrl8024-8800 611{000G,{,t802$8800 43!-000@4{{t02&8800 434-00000-448027-8800 43!@00G!440248810 433-0000G4480218810 433,0000G426607-E81 0 433-0000G44802t881 0 61 1 ,0000G4266M-8600 71 $O000G.12650,1.8800 7190000G426604-8800 7190000G42660+8800 7190000G426604-8800 201-0000G42806G r 069 20 r,0@@-42806G r 069 1 955 96 Amounl 3.506 54 Amount 131 E9 Amounl SOC: lmprovement Cosl - LocalWaslewater SDC: Rembursement - Transpo(alion S0C SOC: lrnprovement - Transpo(aton SOC SDC: Reimbursemenl Cosl ' MWI,C aegDnal Waslewaler SOC Fees Paid t3,972.96 s1,956.96 $18,151 $3,506.54 $131 89 $1,597.44 322 A2 ${48.33) s10.00 $117 99 $296.50 $184 55 s85.69 $121.00 $(41 oO) s3,972 96 31,955.96 t184.51 $3,506.5,t tl3l.89 31.597.44 322.42 $(48 33) $10.00 $117.99 1296 50 s18i1.55 s85 6S 3121@ l{4100) SOC: Reambursemenl Cosl. Local SOC: lmprovemenl Cosl - MVIA,C Regional SDC Complrance Cosi - I,IWMC Regional SDC lllV\A,lC Credit - Reg ion al Wastewater SDC Culb clrl and Sidewalk construction ' multiple 11/16118 I1/16/18 11/16/18 11t16t14 22 82 Amounl 1 00 Oty 100 Ea 11t16t'18 11/16/18 11/15/18 11t16118 11t16t14 11t1q1a 117 99 Amounl 296 50 Amounl 18i155 Amounl 85 69 Amount SDC: Administrative Fee ' MVVlrlC Regional SDC: Toral Siorm Adminisrration Fee SOC: Toial Sewer Administration Fee SOC: Total Transponation Administralion Fee SOC:TolalMVWC Admiflisiraton Fe€ - Curb cul lee ' enler # of cuts FrN rr.n!.cr'onRs6'ptjr 10 00 Amouni fransaciio. R6caipt 611-18-002516-DWL Receipt numb6r:468621 11n 6X 8 11/16/1E I 0O Qly 11n6/18 100 Ea Sidewalk consiruciion - permii, first 90 linear 11/16/18 11t'1d14 l.m Ea t.m Ea 201-00000-42806G 1 009 $12100 $12100 10000000-425002,1 039 224-00000-425602,0000 $244 @ 952 00 i244 00 s52 00 1 0GOOOOO{25605-OO@ 821,0000G215023-OOOO s218 04 63,721.00 $218 04 $3 721 00 Plan Review - Maior, Ciiy Address assignmeni - each new or change requesied exremally, per each 11/16/18 2.563 O0 SqFt Wllamalane tees, Singte Family Oetached, Fire SOC - New Res ConsLuctaon Sq Fl lee -1 0G0000G424005- 1 091 $153 78 $153 78 Crsdil card authorizalbn 086099 Check numb€r: 41620 Payer: godon anslow Payer: anslow & degeneaun $9,500 00 s12.543.15 Cashier: Kalrina Andorson Pnnled 11/15/13 3 51 ,m i22,043.t5 FrN_TGn.aci6.R.@'pl-.tr, Stnucturan lPermit .\pplicatiom l;ffi225 Fifth Suect c SprirSicl4 OR 9742 c PH(541)n6-3753 i I /A<641)126-3689 / This perrnit is issued under OAB. 918-460-0030. P€rmits expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance suspended for 180 days. farK,zr PROPERTY OWNER 5')thur Eu 4^ ?r Building Orlaer tLis applicatioo: & if work is I S ) s )l Sign iere: Address cq a Clty:u htr Q t.r*uo 5ro 4t ' Permitno.: ,lb*L5l(l Date:tolez l LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL Ihis project hrs firnl la[d-use apployal. Si$aturc:Date: Th,i project has DEQ approvd Sigtratue:Date Zo!.iag approval verifiedr nYes ENo Property is withiE flood plaia: EYcs E}{o CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION { Resiaeatial E Governaent I Cooroercial JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Job site addrcss O'l L I 9* ri iq ti4t Stale: (J lQ zrP: q+L\t' Irt no.: Tadot:oo W.UuieavVNarrleytt icw State: 0 K r)+ZIP:Y 0o?o?hone li cbFax:5 lAri- 0'/ngs - t't rYlonE-rrai.l:n \-44-4 LJ 'ft.is instalariotr ttb€iag +tc ooJresidcotial or faro prop€rty owtred by oc or a Eerober of Ey iDEedlElj@ily, aEd is exeExpt froE lic€Esitrg require4eEts ulder OI{S 701-010. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION B,rsitress !a6le:U1 (, nuns low DT zfr,q+q\)3Stsrc: 0 avI00 a oml f.c0fi Ploaei E-mail Fax: i-d 0 r\NE r) CCB license rc ?n Eame: Sigoature UB.CO CTOR INFORMATION Phole Number 9t+t.LLl:Lbt Electricel urYwrPt LWL"'l,PoAo$ wb-7bltlb+o t5 ? r..{?.tr{Ltllslxo FEE SCHEOULE 1. Valuatiotr informatiotr (a) Job desciptioa: iV e h/' lFD Occupaary Colstsuctio! B?e:)l\ tLg Square feet Cost per squarc foot: ILq Other fuformatiol: 6&5'* t\{r*.*q No(t/. Type of Eeat: Energy Patb: afrg I additioaao\{ f]alteratioo No(b) Foutrdrtiournty petuit? E Yes (a) PerEdl Ge (use valuatioa table): Total vrluetio!: 2. Building fees (b) I.rvestigative fee (equal to [2a])s s (d) Eate! 12% Eurqhargc (.12 x pa+2Fzo)):s (e) Subtotal offees above (2a through 2d):1$ (a) Pla]] rvie$ (6570 x peEait fee [2a])s I, I lc1 , ,(b) Fire atrd life s€fety (40% x permit fee [2a])5 (c) Subtotel offecs aboye (3a atrd 3b):s 4. Miscellaneous fees (a) Seisa:.ic fee, 1% (.01 x permit fee [2a.])s (b) Tecbnolog/ fee, 5% (-05 x perEit fee[2a])s (c) Coatiouiag Education Fee $2.50 sTOTAL fees .trd sDrcharges (2ef3eHa+4b+4c): I'l er6h[rtl'.I H2.0tin 5 F\,.*,r.i1 ,1,. DL DEPARTMEhlT USE ONLY Subdivision: Ilechadc-al i PluDbing c4K ft$q I ItJ{S, $ (c) Reilspecliotr ($ p6hour)i (nuaber ofhours x fee per hour) 3. Platr review fees Address: ffiu..o."# I Eieetrieal Ferroit Ap This installatiotr is being made on residential or farm property owned by me or a member of my immediate famiiy. This property is not intended for saie, exchange, lease, or rent. OAR 47 9 .s40(1) aad 47 9 .s60(1) . Signature: 225 Fifth Sireet+Springfield, OR 97477 o PH(5 47)126-3153 nF N<(541)726-3689 This perE!it is issued urder OA-R 918-309-0000. Perrrits are !o!'!tralsfe!'able. Pern'.its expire i-[ wo!-k is lot started withir 180 days of issuance or iiwork is suspended ior 180 days. FEE SEHEDULE Number of inspections per item ( )Qtv Cost ea. Total cost ResideEtial, per uoit, seivice included: 1,000 sq. ii. or less (4)$171.00 S Each additional500 sq. ft. orpoltion thereof Limited eoergy (2)$ 41.00 s Each manufactured home or modular dwelling service or feeder (2)$ 81.00 S Seryices or feeders: in:taqatian, altetatioh, relocation 200 amps or less (2)$ 201 to 400 amps (2)$12o.oo 401 to 600 amps (2)$2o3.oo S 601 to 1,000 amps (2)$261.00 S Over i,000 amps or volts (2)$s99.oo S Recomect oDly (2)$ 81.oo s Temporary services or leedesi installatio\ alteratio\ relocation 200 amps or iess (2)$ B1.oo S 201to 400 amps (2)$ 111.00 $ 401 to 600 ampn (2)$162.00 $ Oyer 600 amps or 1,000 volts, see services or feeders section above Branch circuits: zer, aheratioL extension per panel Each bianch cir cuit $ 7.oo $ b. Fee for branch circuits without puchase ofa service or feeder fee: First branch circuit (2)$ 81.00 Each adCitional braoch circuit $ 7.oo s Miscellaneous feesi .rervice or Jbeder not included Each pEmp or ilrigation circle (2)$ 81.00 $ Each siga or outlitre iighting (2)$ s3.oo $ Signal circuit or a limited-eoerry panel, a-iteratioE, or exteEsiotr (2)$ s3.00 Each additional inspection: (1)$93.00 $ DEPARTMENT U5 (A) Eder s.rbtotal of above fees (Minimum Perrnit Fee S93.00) S (C) Technolog Fee (5% of [A])$ @) Continuing Education Fee $2,50 $2.s0 TOTAI- fees atrd surcharges (A through D):! D EPARTft/iEN'i USE Oh{LY permitno.: l?-251U Daie lut "3 It, LOCAL GOVERI\JMENT. APPROVAL Zoning approval verified? E Yes E No CATEGORY OF CO NSTRUCTION lX Residentiai I Govemment E Commercial JOE SiTE INFORIVIATION AND IOCATIOTd Job sire addtess l0 tn LUP|N f rr, city: 9tuuCepn State; OA ZTP:1?111 Reference: Lot q1 oS?LeY t**r DESGRIPT|ON OF WORK ,\r6d t"? #rcy? fiNr!1 151/., PROPERTY OWNER Name: |,pr51p61 4lz (gr't1Wtr, IXC' Address: llrj G,cUa.l AUE crry: AA (t4{6 State: OzL zrP:1')901 phone: f{[ .lgq oo-?O Fax:tq l- 66-l 06.i o CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Busiress name; Cl{l YgQ€ AECfuU C Address: fO eol 11 el clry: 5?^tLtG?t8.0 State: 0/-zIP: l'1i15 Phone ,.tl- LLl LL6'Fax: E-mai1: BCD license no.: 6l O o1CCB license no.: 4-01, OOO Signing supervisor's license no.: 5?ZS S Print name of sigdng supervlsor: 5^ 4v. 1-fe"* Sigaature of signing supervisor: Last edited 5-5-5-2017 BJoDes I Taxlot.: ; CMY OF'SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 't I I S.r,.o, I S )r,-llla.t: Go*OW e kplvo\e g.cop' I a Fee for branch circuits with purchase of a service or feeder fee: @) Enter 12% surcharge (.12 x LAI) ]'$ tor.oo I SPRINGIIELD ,b OiITGON www.springf ield-or. gov Worksite address: 1013 LUPINE ST, Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel: 1703342109400 Transaction Receipt 811-18-002516-DWL Recoipt Number: 468410 Recelpt Date: 10/23118 Development and Public works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-726-3753 permitcenter@springfield-or. gov City oI Springfield Fees Paid Transactlon date 10t23118 Unlts 1.00 Ea Descrlption Structural plan review fee Account codE 224-00000425602-1030 Foe amount $'1 ,'r 19.21 Paid amount $1 ,1 19.21 Payment Melhod Credit card authorization 05445G Payer: Gordon Anslow Payment Amount:$1 ,1 19.21 Cashieri Toste Muniz Recoipl Total:$ 1,1 19.21 P nted 10/23118 150pm FIN_TlaosaclionRec€ipt_prPage 1 of 1 JOURNAL OR JOB NIJMBER NAME OR COMPANY: LOCATION: TAX LOT NUMBER: DE\GLOPMENT TYPE] NEW DWELLING UNTTS IMPERVIOUS AREA l8-2516 ANSLOW & DEGENEAULT IOI3II]PINFST 1701342101400 S le Famil ! !LO8M DRAINACE DIRECT RUNOFF TO CITY STORM SYSIEM A RTIMBURSEMENT COST IMPERVIOUS S T- I] IMPROVEMENT COST 3286.66 COST PER S F s0 29{ s0 4l.l COST PER DFU s165.5.1 CoSI' PIjR DFU s8r 54 NUMllllR OIj UNITS l NLN,IBER OF UNITS I COST PER FEU s ll L89 COST PER FEU $t.J97.4-l COST PER FEU s22.82 ADM FEE RATE 59'" AREA DRAINING TO DRYWELL 0 C}IARCE sg66 28 CHARGE $1,393 54 NEW TRIP FACTOR t00 NEW TRIP FACTOR t00 ITEM 1 TOTAL - STOR.V DRAINAGE SDC 2, SANITARY SEWER . CITY A, REIMBURSEMENT COST: :.1 NUMBER OF IEU'S 1 B IMPROVEMENT COST NUMBER OF FELTS I C. COMPLIANCE COST 1 MWMC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) MWMC ADMIMSTRATI\E FEE s2J59.82 s5,929.92 COST PER TRIP 19 28 COST PER TRIP si66..11 s3,691.05 sl.7ll,62 s13,69.t.61 CHARGE s6817{ I'IITI z TOTAI, - CITY S.\]IiI TARY SE\}IR SDC ] .TRANSPORTATION A REIMBURSEMENT COST ADT TRIP RATE 9.57 B IMPRO\€MENT COS']' NUMBER OF DFU'S 21 B IMPRO\EMENT COST ADT TRIP RAIE 9 57 ITE\I -} TOTAI - TRAIIiSPORTATION SDC .I, SANITARY SEWER - MWMC A RIIMBI]RSEMENT COST: rr[\r { TOT.{I - }t\\' ( s.\ti tT,\RY sf,\\ tR sD( s!8 toT-{L (rDD tTEl[S t,2,.], & 1) 5 ADMINISTRATIVE FEE: SUBTOTAL sr3,69.161 TOTAL STORM ADMIMSTRATION FEE TOTAL SEWER ADMINISTRATION FEE: TOTAL'TRANSPORTATION ADMIMSTRATION FEEI TOTAL MWMC ADMINISTRATION FEE - LOCAL 0 I uIl-r)rNC szE (sF):LOT SZE (SF 6031 0 s966.28 s 1.393.s'r sJ,972.96 s1,956.96 sl8{.51 s1,506.5J sl.)1.89 s 1,597..t t (s.rE.r.r) s 10.00 296.50 slE.{.55 $85.69 s1JJ79J5 1070 1092 109:l 1091 t051 1055 r054 1056 1079 to77 1078 @ @t@ PREPARED BY Steven Petcren DATE l0/26/2018 ro].AL SDC CHARGES CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT WORKSHEET 3286 66 IMPER\'IOUS S.F,COST PER S.F, NI'MBER OF DFU'S $22,82 I09 t MAX 35yoI MAx 15"/" INTTtr,tBER oF FErr' DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT CALCULATION TABLE NUMBER OF NEW FXTURES x UNIT EQUTVATENT : DRAINACE FXTIIRE IJMTS FOR REMODELS. CALCULATE ONLY TI{E NET ADDITIONAL FIXTURES NO. OF FIX'I'URF]S UNIT FIXTURE TYPE NEW OLD UIVAIENT MISCELLANEOUS DFU TYPE NU]\,IBER OF EDI]'S TOTAL DRAINACE FIXTURE UNITS uivalentDwe Unit unir DFU's set ar 167 IVIWMC CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: BASED ON COUNTY ASSESSED VALUE DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS 20 0 .EDU 29 $5.19 $5.12 $4.98 $4.80 $4.63 $4.40 $4.07 $3.67 $3.22 $2.25 $1.80 IS LAND ELGIBLE FOR ANNEXATION CREDIT? (Enter I for Yes, 2 for No) IS IMPROVEMENT ELGIBLE FOR ANNEX. CREDIT? (Enter I for Yes, 2 for No) BASE YEAR CREDIT FOR LAND (IF APPLICABLE) 2 1919 VAIUE / IOOO $9.14 CREDIT RATE s5.29\ CREDIT FOR IMPROVEMENT OF AI'TER ANNEXATION) VALUE / IOOO CREDIT RATE $0.0o x $5.29 TOTAL MWMC CREDIT$1.59 $1.45 $1.25 $1.09 $0.92 $o.72 $0.48 $0.28 $0.09 $0.05 0 3BAT}{I'UB 1 3 0 1 0DRINKING FOL]NTAIN FLOOR DRAIN 0 0 0 3 0INTERCEPTORS FOR GREASE / OIL / SOLIDS / ETC INTERCEPTORS FOR SAND / AUTO WASH / ETC.0 0 2 CLOTHESWASHER / MOP SINK 0 0 6 0CLOTHESWASHER - 3 OR MORE (EA) MOBILE HOME PARK TRAP (I PER TRAILER)0 0 0 1 0RECEPTOR FOR REFzuG / WATER STATION / ETC RECEPTOR FOR COM, SINK / DISHWASI.IER / ETC 1 3 SHOWER. SIN-GLE STAIL 2 SHOWER. GANG (NUMBER OF HEADS) SINK: COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL KITCIIEN 3 StNK: COMMERCIAL BAR 2 0 StNK: WASH BASIN/DOUBLE LAVATORY 0 SINK: SINGLE LAVATORY/RESIDENTIAL BAR 1 2 URINAL. STALL / WAIL TOILET, PUBLIC INSTALLATION 0 6 0 TOILET. PRIVATE INSTALLATION 6 21 YEAR ANNEXED CREDIT RAIE/$I,OOO ASSESSED VALT'E AEFORE 1979 t9t9 1980 l98l 1982 1983 198.1 1985 $48.33 1986 1987 1988 1989 0 1990 l99l 1992 $48.33 1993 199.1 1995 1996 1997 I998 I999 2000 lololol3l= lolsl= ILAUNDRY Tr.rB m lo loll2 l= 1 lol3l=fol2l=l------r-r--r-=lo 0reloloMI,lolo lolsl=l oIol2lolsl= 2001 1 TIIII TIIII TI Plon Review Checklisr t?-o!- t4- z\ - o9{60 Check address on plans is correct lOlS Lrapr..re check to see if LDAP has been issued. 16 - oooZgt- P'l Read all comments from other work groups to see if anything needs to be considered during structural review Check Setbacks on Site Plan Check RLID to make sure taxlot matches what is shown on drawings, that topography lines are on the plans and that owner info matches Check to see if lot is sloped or flat - lf sloped, will back deck meet setbacks lf a new home is being built at Mountaingate or River Heights, check the subdivision books to see if a Geo-Tech report is req. check soils to determine whether or not a Geotechnical evaluation should be required f property is on septic, check for proper setbacks from building to tank, distribution box, and leach field Make sure that property is not in Flood Hazard A affected property according to Mapspring (if it is we need 3 engineers surveys) Check that everything required to be engineered has engineering and that the stamp is current Check the truss package and make sure it matches the plans (qty of trusses, type, attachements) - lf the numbering doesn't *match but the uplift and reactions look correct it is OK. Falls under field verify *Make sure that if there is HVAC equipment in the attic, the trusses were designed to support it lf rafter framing, check spans Check to see if anything over 4000lbs is bearing down on strip footings. lf so this needs to be enlarged. Check Hold Downs Check Fou ndation Venting Make notes on plans with stepped foundations how far back they need to be from the edge of the cut and the uphill cut. Check header sizes Check footing sizes Make sure that if rebar is used that it has minimum cover depths. Check energy code requirements *Make sure that insulation called out meets the energy code and if not make note of the required R value. *On additions/remodels where existinB conditions come into play, see code section N1101..3 & table N1101.2 Check tempered glazing (hazardous locations, windows in stairwell, within 24" of door, etc) Check bedrooms for egress (window sizes, make sure that garage door to house doesn't go into bedrooms) heck to see if there is a living area above the garage, if so, make note of 5/8" type X gyp board fire separation requirement. Check for mechanical equipment protection (bollards) in the garage lf DETACHED garage is being built less than 3ft to existing structure it needs to have Ll2 gyp board on the interior walls ttt- E E E gt T E E E l' IIIIIIIIIIIII Check fire/sound separation assembly on 2 family dwellings Check for smoke alarms/Carbon Monoxide alarms (look on electrcial sheets if there aren't any shown on floor plan) Check wall bracing Check minimum room size Make sure that minimum bathroom fixture distances are met Check to make sure stairs meet code Check roofing material (composition shingles, Spanish tile, metal, etc.) Check for attic access and underfloor access on plans Check beam sizes Read over all the general notes to make certain that nothing was missed and there are no conflicts Make sure that Willamalane form is attached. Transfer all notes made by other work groups until there are two identical sets of plans (jobsite and city set) lnclude standard attachments : Exterior Wall Envelope Self-certification Form Moistu re Content Acknowledgement Form High-Efficiency Lighting Systems Oregon Residential Specialty Code (ORSC) Noise Ordina nce Notice Smoke Alarm Ventilation Requirements for Kitchens and Bathrooms Green Approved Plans Cover Sheet (Found under "Cover" in file cabinet) Add all inspections and fees into Accela (including Willamalane fee and addressing fee) Stamp plans with the "Reviewed for Code Compliance" stamp, sign the approved by line and perforate Approve Building Review line in Accela & call or email application with fees due and attach placard to jobsite set Signed electrical a pplication received Print out the Fee Schedule and put it with the Willamalane Spreadsheet on the outside of the folder ut any inspection notes into Accela that need to be there before the plan is issued. Plan check items/notes IIIIII