HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 2018-09-19OiEGO web Address: www.springfield-or.9ov Building Permit Commercial Sign Permit Nu mber: 81 I -18-002213-SIGN IVR Number: 81 1043950745 City of Springfield Development and Public works 225 Flfth Street Springfield, OR 97477 54L-7 26-37 53 Email Address: permitcenter@sprin9rield-or.9ov SPRINGTI€LD b Permit lssued: September 19,2018 Category of Construction: Commercial Submitted Job Value: $0.00 Description of Work: Sign - Wall Sign for Jax Oeli Type of Work: None Specified Worksite address 134 S 32ND ST Springfield, OR 97478 Owner: Add.ess: MCGLADE & ALBERTS LLC 4055 SPRING BLVD EUGENE, OR 97405 Business name ES&ASIGNCORP-Primary License CCB License number 163470 Phgne 541-485-5546 lnspection 6999 Final Sign 6940 Sign Attachment 6950 Electrical Service - Sign lnapection group Signs Signs Signs lnspection atatua Pending Pending Pending Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon.gov Schedule by phone call 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 81'1043950745 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting lnspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store All provisions of la!l6 and o.dinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. Granting of a permit does not pr*ume to givo authoaity to violate or cancel the provision3 o, any other Blate or local law regulating conslruction or the perfohance of construction. ATTENTION - CALL BEFORE YOU DIG: Oregon law requires you to follow ru1e3 adopted by lhe Oregon Utility Notificalion C€nter. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952401{010 through OAR 952{01{090. You may obtain copie3 of the rules by calling the Center at (877) 668-4001 or dial 811. All persons or €ntities p€rforming work under this permit are required to b€ lic6rued unle3s erempted by ORS 701.010 (StructuraUirechanical), ORS 479.5,10 (Electrical), and ORS 693.010-020 (Plumbing). Pnnled on: 9/19/1E Page 1 d 2 std-BuildingPefm(-Jrr TYPE OF WORK JOB SITE IN FORIIIATION Parcel 1702310000501 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORITIATIOI{ PENDING INSPECTIONS SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Permils must be postod in clear view on the worksite. Permits expire iI work is not staned wilhin 180 Days of issuance or if work is suspended for't80 Days or longer depending on the issuing agency's policy. Permit Number: 8l 1-18-002213-s|GN Page 2 o'12 Fee Description Balance of minimum permit fees - electrical Sign or outline lighting Technology Fee City Admin Fee 10olo - enter fee amount State of Oregon Surcharge - Elec (12olo of applicable fees) Permanent sign - 0 to 35 square feet. per sign Sign plan review, per sign Pnnred on:9/19/18 Quantity Fee Amount $13.00 $86.00 $ 11.45 $8.s0 $11.88 $85.00 $45.00 $260.83 1 B5 1 1 Total Fees: Page 2 ol 2 sld_B! i drng P erm it_pr PERMTT FEES SPRINGFIELO ,b 0R6G0( www.springf ield-or. gov Development and Public Works 225 Flfth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-7 26-37 53 permitcenter@springfleld-or.qov Transaction Receipt 811-18-002213-StGN Receipt Number: 468079 Receipt Date: 9/19/18 City of Springfield Tranaaction datg 9/'19/18 9/19/18 9/19/18 9/ 19/18 9/19/'!8 9/19/18 Account code 224-00000425602-1030 224-00000t25602- 1030 224-00000426605,0000 224 -OOOOO - 4 26 I 02 - I 033 224 -OOOOO - 426 1 02 - 1 033 821-00000-21 5004-0000 F9€ amount $45.00 $85.00 $8.50 $86.00 $13.00 $11.88 Pald amount $45.00 $85.00 $8.50 $86.00 $13.00 $1 1.88 '1.00 Automatic Fees Paid Doscrlptlon Sign plan review, per sign Permanent sign - 0 to 35 square feet, per sign City Admin Fee 10% - enler fee amount Sign or outline lighling Balance of minimum permit fees - eleclrical Stale oI Oregon Surcharge - Elec (12% of applicable fees) Technology Fee9t19t1B 1 00-00000-425605-0000 $1 '1.45 $1 1.45 Payment Method: Credit card authorization 01954J Transaction Comment: Via Phone Payer: Tim Bennion Payment Amount:$260.83 Cashier: Toste Muniz Receipt Tolal:$260.83 Printed: 9/19/18 8 55 am Page I of 'l FIN_TransaclionReceipU)r Worksite address: '134 S 32ND ST, Springfield, OR 97478 Parcel:'17023'10000501 Units 1.00 oty '1.00 Ea 85.00 Amounl '1.00 Ea '1.00 Automatic 't.00 Ea 16 * b 225 FIFTH STREET . SPRINGFIELD, OR9'7477 . PH:(5411126-3153 . FAX: (541)72c3689 Clh Job Numb / r- zzt3 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. OREGON Site Adrlress: l3rss2ndst l3q S, 3Z i 0rd {J d 0 rF{ FI Assessors Map /70Z3/o-o Owncr:Jax D6lr 134 S 32nd St Tax Lot:oo s-o / ({ Phone: Springfield Business Name, Firm, etc Jar Deli Description ofProposed Sign(s): (Please check aad complete all appropriate information) x Wu[ Freestanding Projecting Roof - Marquee - Single Face Double Face - Billboard - Other Square Footage:Total Height above Grade:16', Vertical Dimeosioo of Sig or Elclosure: a' Dimeusion ftom Grade to Bottom of Sigo Eoclosure 12' Material Sign is Coasaucted of:LED, Acrylic, aluminum, Horizsnt8l Width of Sign or Enclosure: 6'-1" Electical Installation:-!-Yes --No(lfyes additioaal eleckical permit rcquired) Value of Sign:$4,400 Sq. List ,{LL existing signage end attrch & photograph of each Eign (a) Type i3 70 g & ( tJril lr4 )r lr lr 0 A t4 H -(d) Type- Sq. FtC.- Sq. Ftg. Sq.Ftg. (b) Trpe (c) Type - Contraalor,I$taller:ES&A Sian and Awnino Ad&ess:89975 Prairie Rd City:Eugene 97402State:OR z;4 Conskuction Contractors Regisfatioo Nu[ober:163470 Expircs: 03t/162019 Sign District: OFFICE USE Zonirg: b0 rFl U] By signahue, I state aod agree, that I hav€ carefirlty examined the completed application and do hcretry cedify that all information herein is aue ard corect, and I further ccrti$ tbat aoy aod all work perforrred shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances ofthe City of Spriagfield, and the Laws ofthe State of Orogoa pertaining to rtre work described herein. I further certify that only codbactors atrd euployees who are in complianc€ with ORS 701.055 will be uscd oo tbis project. I fiuther agrce !o ensure that all requAed inspections are requestEd at the proper time, thal project address is readable fiom fie streer, that the permit card is located at thc fiont ofthe property, and the approved set ofplans will remain on the site at all Date times during thc irstallati *re sign(s) sb&d Dri!.(T:)Building F6s/sit! P.'loil alP].i..tio I -{2-dc Address: ".*- oR zip !!3-- -. 5-4146&2385rnone: ac- g{r*IrR CITY OF SPRINGFIELD" OREGON Electrical Permit A lication KR2:5 trilth SEeet.Sprlrgtrddr OR 97477aPE(S411?26-3753 aFAX(51I)716.36S9 This perEit is issued under OAR 9l&309-0000. Pendts rrc nortmnsferable. Prrmits expire if uvork is trot started ?ithi8 l8{l deys ofissuaoce or if lYork is suspe[d€d for 1E0 days. I I DEPARTMENT USE ONLY P.rmitrc.: /g-zzl3 s/zr,/rDatc LOCAL GOVERNiIENT APPROVAL ilt CostQtv $ 5gJOB SITE INFORMATION AND OCATION Number ot infpections ler lt€B ( ) Job site address: $r71,00 Residertirl, per uEit, service in.luded: I ,000 sq. ft- or lcss (4) CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION E Residential n Government TotaI cost Bach additioDsl 500 sq. fl. or poftiotr therlof Zoning approval verified? EYo [No citySpf ,\r^-\State: 1sp-ztP,qA7,y Limited etrergy (2)s raxlot.lfSd PROPERTY Re Z s S s $ $ 81.00 Serrices or feederi: in slallation, allerotion, relocatian s 103,00200 amps or less (2) s120.00201 to 400 Bmps (2) DESCRIPTION OF WORK r \,L Each nraaufactwcd honre or morhrlar dwelling sen'ice or feedcr (2) e-40 I 1o 600 adps (2)Name s203.00 s s251.00 5RL{601 to 1,000 amps (2)Address s599,00 s 81.00 S $ 8,t-00being made on member ofmy farmoaIsinstaThistial property fami lsThaOIly rel1t-OARorirtendednotforlease,salc,exchaflge, 794_560 laad(). Sigdature Over 600 mrps or 1,000 volts, see scrvices or fecders sectiot abovc Over 1,000 ffnps or volts (2) R.comccr ooly (2) Tarrgorrry san'lc.s or feellctr: insldllalion, aheration, relocation 200 ulps or lese (2) 201 to 400 adps (2) 401 to 600 arnps (2) State:City Phone:Fax: E-mail CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Br.nch circui6: ,elr, ai@a tion, extansion per panel Brl.sittess +a. Fce for branch cir6!it6 with puIchase of a scrvice or feeder fecnamc: 5s 7.00AddressEach branch circuit State: @{1 b. Fee for brolrch circuils vithout puicirase ofa scrvice or feeder fee:City: Bq/,e\ a- sFtst brarch circl]it (2)FaxPhone(Z S 7.oo se/7 O'*1 Each additional brasch circuitE-mail tt ilcellsleotrs feas; .rervice ot feeder nol includedBCD IicenseCCB license no-: ] Eaoh pump or irrigatioo citcte (2)sSigning supervisor's license no.: ,fr ttLl s 93.00 sq3 s s3.00 sSi8nal circuit or a limited-energy pan€I, sltcratio!, or extcDsiotr (2)SigDature of signing supcrvi SAI' Each sigr or oudire lightitrg (2)Print name of sigDing npervisor: sEsct sddltioDcl lnspectiotr: (l)ss3.00 (A) EltcI slbrotal ofatove fcet (M I trimum Perrdt F€Gif,oo)'$S t(B) EDter l2% surchargc (.12 x [A]) (C) Tecbnology Fee (5% oI [A]) (D) Contiluing EdEcatioo F€€ $2.50 TOTAL feer and surcharges (A through D):s ,/ ti-@ Last edited 5-Si20l? BJones ZlP: DEPARTI'ENT USE 1 | * ,..00 I s lr.oo lo I lr ,tr.* I$-__lls Ill,'.r-T$ l-,rnMr- | | s sr.oo [l s sr'oo It I lL S2.50 fx r5 ( "t3 ^ ( Layout Photo lnlay otoll u)ftHtt uar rq or. r.+!iLrr&.-rr.rardrnr!rl6rrr+,rri-q-i -rF*r -.. $ <. r+ibrrr* r rir t- Fr t-.+-r-roL+i*r*.Ft--! rr.*.LrFrtr-F'l--Dt.r-.r-r-rai!rrrrra-.+-r!trt-E.ait.+tFrv'*flriiBr-tl5i-,lrr-.--r- I DELI] d I ? Speciflcations MarxrtdcrrE & ln iell (2) a6tc of Tdrart W 230-1 16 L6fiar r6ov, PSV 230.1 57 Coban atue PSV & Eack PtlV Appt b bolorn r.6art LaEr rscE o.r €0(Eng pyidl 8lOn. \fily art €rh oob.B, dtnffl€lorla, lrEtaiadon. tml:tJ[[ !0 romo m tr t[ ofit I qEIr rrnlurxrB d6.lollqrgrdr ,tt[ uII: ial. E tr sEr l,jll m t lrat tlE t-11 ll tlr! E& r* nlC lt rcr !,,! ill lt . tt,arglI tt/il,, 74117y.O. -I Ft"E 4 rL.--.r i}t,E-:: ".u. , l-' .', II I trrmrfl rur lltru r!,( I ,m t ,ueE!,0t tut t*l E v>d sr ATTENTION: Orel follow rules ad ol l Notification Ceirirr. in OAH 952-001-C01 0090. You may obtr calling the center number lor lhe Or Center is 1 4\ lg'>" ''s equires you to , ) Oregon Utility.' .rles are set Jorlh h oAR 952-001- s o{ the rules bY the telephonB litv Notification 0-332-2344) . a_.,/\t" ftl rtM SY e\5ta- f sd l- I 1\ fr;:ryr' tt7' Fy;n q DVEIDR t1 I NE UPAN R P UNIT OCCUPANCY LOAD E tEGAt DESCRIPTION ADDRESS OWNER THE CONTENTS HERE ON IIAVE BEEN REI'IEWED, WITH ALTERATIONS NOTED ON THE PLANS OR BY ATTACHMENT. CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS MADE TO THE APPROVED DRAT,VINGS OR PRO]ECT AFTER THE DATE BILOW SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGO I NO QetzI li if ,qt\4lT SHALL EXFTRE IF THE WORK ),' .,!:,.11_D-UNDER THrS FEBt\flT lS N0T ; t:s]J!ED 0H ts ABAI,TD0NED FoR' 1BO DAY PERIOD. APPR OBY DATE I @ Photo lnlay Br0[ oflIefl E&l tc{ 0n L.a-ll.r#4--..-pr.Bihrr*rih-*.,i llrfll!ii,i.iii5.'=-i;f::f;:ffi!1i3il8" lrr.rt 00 qtue! lo trcD um otueo EU Ir} ruuirs |5-rF-'-.if trrr-.+-rtttir.r.bir-p,+rth M.nulbotJr? & lnrtarl (1) sdt ot oharfiBl lrtll'r8 S bl8ct co{ d< Et rE & 1 ' blek Uin cap. Whtb aa.!,{c Le€ wIn 230-1 16 Lenro.r \tlo., PSV & LED llumhdoo. Fab.lcabd atr-rr nun rBcsl\lly pafud lo mabil bdlding.lcn b.nd. FebrlcaH alurnlrum csblnst paklbd to rr5ih hJl,&E w{rt 3,/4' wtilg rrrotr-tnE a 1d audaco e3O-1 57 Cobalt B[16 PeV & PEdbrabd akd< PgV LEB l(fri1eiion. \bnt a.t\,6rk colda. dlrn€rdorE, hdasadon. Layout Side View 6, I'5'r,l'rt-Tt T_ ,l _]_ 't h T-I- ! Sp€cifications otll [rto lft[r aaott t(u!q em r F i t -r-rrr E r- 4r-r -i n. r *.-r r -Itrat rlt& rufit uI! ltflr6 [|tt lt!0lt !n c crlt tl* t .at $& nn fireIt lt l.tl tr${fltoi fi}t A[XrtaIrn$ttH[iD.ot ftl! r tt n${l r I I q' I \ t I ilr 'ELI €*J tr I l' Es&A Slci'l & AWNtt{G $rr Pulllt tD. I tu[trr, fi 9t0? Plfl r.a$.3t16 rlJ4r.{tjarl WALL SECTION DETAIL: CHANNEL LETTER ON TABBED RACEWAY M0UNTED T0 EIFS 01'ISTUD WALL lr N"K c(-),bn SIUD WALL EIFS MOUNT]NG TAB BUILT INTO BACEWAY ANTI-DRUSH SLEEVE 3/8'X4',LAG lNTo W000 GHAilI'lEL LEITER: . FLUSH MOUIITEO, FACE LIT, WITH INTERI{AL LE0 TLLUMn'lAnolt Ii,ET LOCATIO}I LEO #10x1/2', TEK SCREW (TYP) 4.5 PER LEITER POWER SUPPLY J-BOX LOW VOLTAGE II'IFE --- STTITGH MOUi'ITEO TO EXTEBIOR OF BACEWAY 120V P0WER UL LABEL MOUIITEO TO -- EXTERIOR OF RACEWAY _ PLYU'OOD SHEATHII{G ALUMINUM RACEWAY - il ?*.\ t-o v-. ES8A slcil & AWr{tilG rrrs ,tE !!. | trelf,0r r l rlt{tsJrar tlgr-{6jl13 WALI SEGTIOil DETAIL: LED ITLUMIilATED EXTBUDED SIGiI CABIilET M0UilTED T0 EIFS 0t{ SIUD lilAlt ,/ D.t !ar\ o t :r54 EIFS srl{Gu F cED GAEtilEt trIRU8toil SIUD WA}I ATUTI IIIUiI F RETAITTER UE 14'I.AGSGRETU rc)mP (r3) B{rII0r AIN.GRUSH SLEEVE LEXAII FACE WEI LOCANOil tID POWEB SUPPTY J.BOXLOU YOLTIOE wlRE sujrTclt MouilrED T0 EXTERIOB OF CABII'ET . t2ovPowER UL LABEL MOUIITEDM trTEBIOR OF CABIilET WOOD SHETIHIIIG