HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 04 Council MinutesAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 12/3/2018 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: AJ Ripka Staff Phone No: 541-726-3700 Estimated Time: Consent Calendar S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Mandate ITEM TITLE: COUNCIL MINUTES ACTION REQUESTED: By motion, approval of the attached minutes. ISSUE STATEMENT: The attached minutes are submitted for Council approval. ATTACHMENTS: Minutes: a. April 16, 2018 – Regular Meeting DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. City of Springfield Regular Meeting MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY APRIL 16, 2018 The City of Springfield Council met in regular session in the Council Chambers, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday April 16, 2018 at 7:00 p.m., with Mayor Lundberg presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Lundberg and Councilors Wylie, Moore, Stoehr, Woodrow and Pishioneri. Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Kristina Kraaz, City Recorder AJ Ripka and members of the staff. Councilor VanGordon was absent (excused). PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Lundberg. SPRINGFIELD UPBEAT 1. Mayor’s Recognition a. Child Abuse Prevention Month Proclamation. Mayor Lundberg read from the proclamation and proclaimed April 2018 as Child Abuse Prevention Month. b. Fair Housing Month Proclamation. Mayor Lundberg read from the proclamation and proclaimed April 2018 to be Fair Housing Month. 2. Other a. Earth Day Rain Barrel Art Contest. The winners of the Rain Barrel Art Contest were announced by Laura Keir and a certificate was presented by Mayor Lundberg and Springfield Schools Superintendent Sue Rieke-Smith. Third Place: Mrs. Moore’s class from Maple Elementary Andy Gomez-Morales, Audriana Fletes, Brynn Weimer, Giselle Guiterrez, Shawn O’Rourke, and Lucy Rogers. Second Place: Ms. Grant’s class from Riverbend Elementary Quentin Lewis, Aimelia Maisch, Gavin Alston, Levi Watkins, Alicia Landeros, and Kassidy Hadden First Place: Mrs. LaMar’s class from Riverbend Elementary Aubrie Fhy, Kaylee Izazaga, Evelyn Ceja, Aryonna Barrow, Vanessa Martinez, Laney Lister, Wyatt Hillsberry, and Amya Gulovsen. CONSENT CALENDAR City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes April 16, 2018 Page 2 1. Claims a. Approval of the March 2018, Disbursements for Approval. 2. Minutes a. March 26, 2018 – Work Session b. April 2, 2018 – Work Session c. April 2, 2018 – Regular Session Meeting 3. Resolutions 4. Ordinances 5. Other Routine Matters a. Authorize City Manager to sign a contract with Metro West Ambulance, Inc. for pre-scheduled and inter-facility non-emergent BLS, ILS and ALS ambulance transports in ASA #5. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WOODROW TO APPROVE THE CONSENT CALENDAR. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST (1 ABSENT – VANGORDON). ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE Mayor Lundberg expressed that she had a number of cards from people requesting to speak. Mayor Lundberg wanted to point out “It is not appropriate to call out or any other outburst from the audience. Let each person have their three minutes to speak and then I will call the next speaker and I would very much appreciate it if everybody would be respectful of those rules.” 1. Johanis Tadeo, Springfield, OR Mr. Tadeo began by saying that he wanted to acknowledge the folks in the room who were there to stand up with him and to stop hate. He expressed that they have and have had graffiti terrorizing the community. Mr. Tadeo said that there is another group terrorizing the community and has a contract with the federal government, with Immigration Customs Enforcement. Mr. Tadeo asked the City Council “if you see something, say something” to combat hate crimes in our community. 2. Alex Aguilar, Springfield, OR Mr. Aguilar stated that he is one of the Directors for Citywide MEChA and that he was born in Eugene, but raised in Springfield and he feels that, as a person of color, he has had racism shoved in his face. Mr. Aguilar would like to demand that the City do something about the graffiti and racism issue. Mr. Aguilar expressed concern that he does not want these issues “normalized” in our community. 3. Alex Tadeo, Springfield, OR Alex is 9 years old and lives in Springfield. Alex attends Maple Elementary. Alex has been called names in school and in stores and wants to stop being called bad names by grown-ups. Alex asked that the Council help make change. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes April 16, 2018 Page 3 4. Jessi Preston, Springfield, OR Ms. Preston stated that she is here to find out how she can help the Council help the community better. Ms. Preston called the police several times to ask for help when her car had a swastika painted on it. Ms. Preston has been called names and her daughter was beaten up at school. Ms. Preston plans to meet with the Police Chief in an effort to find ways that make it easier for the police to protect their citizens. Ms. Preston asked for any direction on how community members can help the Council and Police keep this community safe. 5. Donna Riddle, Springfield, OR Ms. Riddle expressed her hope that everyone can work together to reduce the amount of hate and racism in the community. Ms. Riddle said that she has a son who is Native American and when he was 3 years old he said to her “Mom, I don’t want to be brown like dad. I want to be white like you.” Being white is a privilege and we need to take the opportunity to do something to end discrimination and hate. 6. Derek Boyd, Springfield, OR Mr. Boyd said that he was here on behalf of the Springfield Democrats. Mr. Boyd feels that the Police and City Council would be doing more if someone was driving a truck down the road with ISIS painted on it. Mr. Boyd expressed that he doesn’t have the solution and realizes that sometimes your hands are tied but, you ran for office because you are the people who can come up with solutions. He said that we need a solution to terrorism that is happening in our communities. 7. Pat Riggs-Henson, Springfield, OR Ms. Riggs-Henson expressed that she has lived in this town and believe that no Springfield family should be afraid to come out their door. She doesn’t believe that one child should be afraid to walk out of their home and go to school. We have one brave woman who is putting herself out there to ask you to please, stop this destruction to our community. Ms. Riggs-Henson asked that the Mayor and City Counselors be brave enough to step up and find a solution. 8. Chelsea Jennings, Springfield, OR Ms. Jennings has lived in the Springfield Community for over twenty-five years and graduated from Springfield Public Schools. Springfield police has a contract with ICE and this unacceptable. City Council and other local leaders in Springfield have an opportunity to respond quickly and renounce these acts of hate and to look further into the contract the City has with ICE. Ms. Jennings expressed that silence, in and of itself, is an act of complicity and an act of violence. Ms. Jennings came here to urge all of the Council to no longer be silent when white supremacy rears its ugly head here in Springfield. Hate has no place here in Springfield and will not be tolerated. She opined that those of us who come from a place of privilege need to step up to the plate and stop putting the onus on people of color to end white supremacy. 9. Sarita Lief, Springfield, OR Ms. Lief urged that every time the Council learns of an instance of hatred, harassment and bullying in the City, that they stand up and speak loudly against it. 10. Angel Dorantes read a statement on behalf of Philip Carrasco, Springfield, OR In summary Mr. Carrasco has been a Springfield resident since August of 2009. These discriminatory and racist behaviors have always been a core problem of our society. As a person of color in a predominantly white city and state, he experiences and hears from friends, students, and people of color about constant racial, ethnic, linguistic, and homophobic micro aggressions. In the predominantly white supremacist system we live in, these acts of hate are intended to intimidate, dehumanize, and to treat people of color as second class citizens. This city can act as a catalyst to lead community discussions, to educate and advocate for a hate-free society. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes April 16, 2018 Page 4 11. Virginia Canavan, Springfield, OR Ms. Canavan reminded Council that it is the role of our leaders to stand up to white supremacists who are emboldened by your lack of action. Ms. Canavan expressed that it can very difficult for people who experience an act of hate to let the city know. In fact, her understanding is that if you want to report an act of graffiti on the website, the link doesn’t work. Something needs to happen such as an agency or group of citizens need to be developed to receive and immediately respond to these acts. 12. Manuel Mejia Gonzalez, Springfield, OR Mr. Gonzalez has lived in Springfield for 12 years. In his day to day life, he sees people being completely dismissive on city council meetings. Mr. Gonzalez has had people uncomfortably ask him if he is a citizen of the US because of his accent and label him as an immigrant. Mr. Gonzalez expressed that the fact that the City hosting ICE in our jail is worrisome. 13. Trevor Whitbread, Springfield, OR Mr. Whitbread expressed his concerns regarding the contract the jail has with Immigration. Mr. Whitbread then read a section of ORS 181a.820 that is often referred to as the state’s sanctuary states law. Mr. Whitbread also referenced the article published in The Register Guard and encouraged the Council to revisit their decision making process when reviewing contracts like the one the City has with ICE. 14. Kris McAllister, Springfield, OR Mr. McAllister shared that he is a second generation Springfield resident, a third generation Oregonian, and a third generation immigrant. Mr. McAllister asks the Council look at other ways to receive revenue in the form of grant opportunities vs. the small amount of money that the City receives from the contract with ICE. 15. Lonnie Douglas, Springfield, OR Mr. Douglas expressed that, as a 47 year old white man, he has never had to experience racism in his life and he can’t imagine what his friends who are of color go through. Mr. Douglas is an organizer with Springfield Roughnecks and they are the working class and working poor. Their goal is to counter recruit against racists in our community. You, as City Counselors, can do a lot. The City can do programs to educate people on how bad racism is and how it hurts us. 16. Mike Eyster, Springfield, OR Mr. Eyster asked that the Council consider changing a policy that allows ICE to use the City jail. We want to convey a sense of welcome and inclusion like it says on the Council goals and he believes that using the jail for ICE does just the opposite. Mr. Eyster expressed that the goal of inclusion and being welcoming is more important than the money received for this contract. 17. Judith Anderson, Springfield, OR Ms. Anderson noticed in the paper there’s going to be a development, not in her neighborhood, but close to her neighborhood. Ms. Anderson expressed concern that it appears that the development would be approved as a higher density. Ms. Anderson wants to encourage collaboration and cooperation between the City and the surrounding neighbors. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes April 16, 2018 Page 5 COUNCIL RESPONSE Mayor Lundberg expressed that the issues raised in the public testimony at this meeting may have the appearance that the Council has neglected the issues, but that she doesn’t believe that has been the intention of the Council. If everyone in the room is willing to sharing information about what is going on now, where you want to be regarding these issues, what can be done differently, and how to move forward, it will be helpful to the Council. The Council can do some things, but it really takes the community to do what needs to be done when it comes to complex issues like these. Mayor Lundberg expressed her appreciation that everyone took their time to attend the meeting and express their feelings and concerns. City Staff will plan to contact everyone who testified this evening to get information on how they feel the City and Community can work better together in the future. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS 1. Correspondence from Gateway Village Apartments regarding Franchise Agreement with Sanipac. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WOODROW TO ACCEPT FOR FILING. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST (1 ABSENT – VANGORDON). BIDS ORDINANCES 1. Adoption of Amended Findings and Amended Ordinance for a Metro Plan Diagram Amendment and Zone Change for a 3.35 Acre Property on 5th Street, Cases TYP417-00002 and TYP317- 00004. ORDINANCE NO. 1 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN (METRO PLAN) DIAGRAM BY REDESIGNATING APPROXIMATELY 1.96 ACRES OF LAND FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (LDR) TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (MDR); CONCURRENTLY AMENDING THE SPRINGFIELD ZONING MAP BY REZONING THE SAME APPROXIMATELY 1.96 ACRES OF LAND FROM LDR TO MDR; AMENDING THE METRO PLAN DIAGRAM BY REDESIGNATING APPROXIMATELY 1.39 ACRES OF LAND FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (LDR) TO HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (HDR); CONCURRENTLY AMENDING THE SPRINGFIELD ZONING MAP BY REZONING THE SAME APPROXIMATELY 1.39 ACRES OF LAND FROM LDR TO HDR; ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Prior to any motion regarding Ordinance No. 1, City Attorney Kristina Kraaz read a brief explanation and introduction. Because the matter presented is a quasi-judicial land use decision, the State Oregon State Law requires the Council to disclose any ex parte contacts or conflicts of interest that are related to this matter. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes April 16, 2018 Page 6 Councilor Wylie made the declaration for the record that she has not had any ex parte contacts and does not have any conflicts of interest in the is matter. Councilor Moore spoke to neighbors outside of the Council meeting last week and advised them that she lives within the Q Street Refinement Area and expressed her concern that they didn’t feel that the Council had heard them and their concerns. She expressed that they had discussion at that time about the process, but nothing about the actual “happenings.” Councilor Moore also disclosed that she read an email from Vickie Johnson which stated that she was concerned that Councilor Moore and other Councilors had not considered the zone change from the neighbors’ perspective. Mayor Lundberg declared for the records that she has had no ex parte contacts. Councilor Pishioneri declared for the record that his only ex parte contact was the same email that Councilor Moore referred to from Vickie Johnson and that all of the Councilors received. Councilor Woodrow declared for the record that she also received the email from Vickie Johnson and that was her only ex parte contact. Councilor Stoehr declared for the record the email from Vickie Johnson and that was also his only ex parte contact. The City Council gave first reading of the Ordinance to implement the Metro Plan diagram, Q Street Refinement Plan diagram, and Zoning Map amendments at the regular meeting on April 2, 2018. At that time, staff recommended that the City Council conduct deliberations and consider adopting the Ordinance at the regular meeting on April 16, 2018. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR PISHIONERI WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WOODROW TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 1. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST (1 ABSENT – VANGORDON). BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Committee Appointments 2. Business from Council a. Committee Reports Councilor Woodrow reported that Thurston Middle School Principal Brandi Stark was honored today by the Confederation of Oregon School Administrators (COSA) as The Outstanding Middle School Principal of the Year for the State of Oregon. There are 197 districts in the State of Oregon and she, Principal Stark, was chosen out of all of those schools and districts to win this award. 2. Councilor Moore reported that, on April 11th , she attended a Downtown Language Celebration of their program and new location. Councilor Moore expressed that she is very impressed with the number of individuals served by the program, some of which included immigrants from China, Iran, Mexico, many Latin American countries, and others. The Executive Director told the story of a 91 year old gentleman who had gone through Downtown Languages citizenship classes and passed the test to become an American citizen last November. City of Springfield Council Regular Meeting Minutes April 16, 2018 Page 7 3. Councilor Pishioneri provided a short brief regarding the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission adopting a Capital Program of 34.1 million dollars. There is a Regional Operating Budget of 18.1 million dollars and there was a forecasted 3.5% increase to rates that was decreased to 2.5% based on how the MWMC has been managed. There is an extensive public information program going on to inform customers via the Lane County Fair, Home and Garden Show, and Social Media. The Clean Water University had approximately 240 Springfield Schools 5th grade students who were involved in the three week program that includes a tour of the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The MWMC also adopted an Asset Management Program that will track equipment to ensure correct maintenance and/or replacement throughout the lifespan of its use at the treatment plant. 4. Councilor Stoehr reported that the Arts Commission voted to sponsor a “Charreada” this summer which is similar to the Pendleton Round Up where, in addition to a round up, there will be lots of other arts and crafts involved. Councilor Stoehr also thanked the Planning Commission for their hard work on the issue that the Council voted on in this meeting. b. Other Business 1. Councilor Woodrow asked that the broken graffiti link be corrected so the citizens can easily report graffiti in the community. 2. Councilor Wylie would like information from staff if they are aware of who is doing the majority of the graffiti in the community. Is it gangs, kids, criminals, etc.? What information do we have regarding the most recent graffiti and historically? 3. Councilor Pishioneri would like to know if there have been felony level cases of graffiti brought before the DA’s office that were not prosecuted. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER BUSINESS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:14 p.m. Minutes Recorder – AJ Ripka ______________________ Christine L. Lundberg Mayor Attest: ____________________ AJ Ripka City Recorder