HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 02 Transportation Funding AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 11/19/2018 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Emma Newman/DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-4585 Estimated Time: 15 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities ITEM TITLE: TRANSPORTATION FUNDING ACTION REQUESTED: Address inadequate transportation capital project funding by approving reallocation of Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) discretionary funds to complete previously prioritized projects. ISSUE STATEMENT: New information has led to needing to make transportation project funding adjustments. Staff is seeking Council input on how to address funding gaps. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Recommendation Details Attachment 2: Communication Memorandums dated 8/9/18 and 11/15/18 Attachment 3: Aerial Map S. 28th Street Attachment 4: Capital Projects Overview DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City of Springfield has successfully secured funding to undertake a large number of transportation capital projects. A high level overview of estimated project completion timing is provided in Attachment 4. Although the projects are listed as one line each, most projects on the list consist of several phases that span several years that lead up to construction and project completion. Most projects require establishing an IGA with ODOT, planning and design, and construction. Some of the projects also require additional time and resources for right-of-way acquisition. Staff is seeking Council’s input on how to address funding gaps that have occurred due to recent cost increases. See Attachment 1 for funding reallocation options. M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield Date: 11/19/2018 To: Gino Grimaldi COUNCIL From: Tom Boyatt, Interim DPW Director Sandy Belson, Interim CMD Manager Emma Newman, Senior Transportation Planner BRIEFING Subject: Transportation Funding MEMORANDUM ISSUE: New information has led to needing to make transportation project funding adjustments. Staff is seeking Council input on how to address funding gaps. COUNCIL GOALS/ MANDATE: Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities BACKGROUND: Construction and design costs have greatly increased over the last couple of years. With the approval of several large transportation funding packages in the western United States and other factors, contractors and consultants have plenty of work to do and bids are coming in much higher. Additionally, with stricter enforcement of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) design standards, the cost of ADA ramps has nearly doubled. Mill Street Reconstruction Mill Street is scheduled to start IGA paperwork with ODOT in late 2019, complete planning and design in 2021, and construct in 2022. The previously approved Mill Street construction phase included $616,755 of City funds in addition to the minimal match required. Construction has been scheduled for 2022 to avoid detour and construction disruption during the 2021 World Championship Games. Option #1 below delivers the project on the same timeline (paying for design in 2021 through the current funding cycle), but seeks new construction funds in the 2022 and beyond funding cycle at the minimal local match rate of 10.27%. This approach could result in a lower local match and reallocate the currently approved MPO funds for the construction phase to other 2019-2021 project needs. If City Council wants to prioritize delivering Mill Street Reconstruct as soon as possible and delay other projects, Option #2 provides the option to do so. S. 28th Street Dust Mitigation and 28th St Pavement Preservation Based on design and construction cost increases, the S. 28th Street project is also underfunded. The exact amount it is underfunded is unknown until further scoping and design concept development is completed. It would be most efficient and cost effective to deliver the S. 28th Street projects in one package instead of splitting the projects into different design and construction schedules. Virginia-Daisy Bikeway and Pavement Preservation The Virginia-Daisy Project has a funding shortfall of approximately $1,900,000 due to design and construction cost increases, ADA cost increases, and inflation. For additional details on Virginia-Daisy project updates, please see August 9, 2018 and November 19, 2018 Communication Packets. People are awaiting the project construction and completion. Filling Attachment 1, Page 1 of 2 the funding gap will enable the project to reduce construction disruptions along the corridor. The full corridor is at 30% design. Phase 1 is close to 60% design, expecting to be put out to bid for construction in 2019. Phases 2 and 3 timelines are dependent upon filling the funding gap. Option #1 Secure funds for Mill Street Reconstruct for 2022 construction during the next MPO discretionary funding allocation discussion; and Re-allocate a portion of the already secured Mill Street construction funds that were previously allocated in order to fully complete the Virginia-Daisy project and fully complete S. 28th St Dust Mitigation and Pavement Preservation by the end of 2020; and Construct 28th St Pavement Preservation in coordination with 28th St Sidewalk In-Fill (Main St to Olympic St) in 2020 as planned. Option #2 Move Mill Street Reconstruct construction phase forward to 2021 and complete Virginia-Daisy project by end of 2020; and Reallocate S. 28th Street Pavement Preservation project (existing paved section of S. 28th St) and 28th Street Preservation (Main Street to Olympic Street) funding to Mill St Reconstruct and Virginia-Daisy. Continue to construct S. 28th Street Dust Mitigation project (southern gravel section) and 28th St Sidewalk In-Fill in 2020 as planned. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends approving Option #1 to address transportation capital project funding gaps. Attachment 1, Page 2 of 2 M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield Date: 8/9/2018 To: Gino Grimaldi COMMUNICATION From: Tom Boyatt, Interim Director of Development and Public Works Jeff Paschall, City Engineer PACKET Subject: Virginia-Daisy Bikeway Project Update MEMORANDUM INFORMATION SHARE: The City Council approved the Virginia-Daisy Bikeway draft design concept November 21, 2016, and since the last update to the City Council in November 2017, progress was slowed this past winter, but has recently picked up: 1. Project Schedule Shortly after the November 2017 update went to the City Council, the capital projects delivery section experienced some staffing changes as the capital project designer made his retirement official the end of 2017 and we had an engineering intern position go unfilled. Several active projects were affected including the Virginia-Daisy Bikeway Project. Following recruitment, the design technician position was filled in April, and progress has recently picked up on the project as this is a priority for the assigned project team. The Plan is to Bid the project in late fall with construction starting in spring 2019. 2. Project Design a. Mini Roundabouts – The City hired a roundabout design consultant, who has completed evaluation and 2D design for the intersections approved for implementation of a roundabout (S. 35th, S. 41st, S. 42nd, and S. 51st Place). Staff has reviewed these designs and, due to right of way need impacts to adjacent property owners, is not planning to move forward with mini roundabouts at S. 35th Street and S. 41st Street. To achieve the safety goals desired through the corridor and keep right of way needs and costs down, staff will move forward with tabled intersections at S. 35th Street and S. 41st Street. b. S. 42nd Street/Daisy Roundabout – With the 2D design complete for S. 42nd Street, staff will renew outreach to the affected property owners and begin right of way needs evaluations and acquisition. Outreach to the utilities is also underway. c. ADA Ramp Designs – There are 97 ramps along the 2.5 mile corridor that do not meet current ADA standards. The early estimate for completing the upgrades is $675,000 to $700,000. d. Street Trees – In March, problem street trees between S. 48th Street and S. 51st Place were removed. Damaged sidewalks will be replaced as part of the overall construction project and new street trees will be planted. e. Raised Crosswalks and Speed Cushions – 30% design has been completed for these elements. Attachment 2, Page 1 of 4 3. Project Budget Based on preliminary engineering cost estimates, recent construction cost increases, and ADA ramp upgrade expenses, it is becoming clear that the project has a funding shortage. Staff is proposing to move forward with the S. 42nd Street intersection as a separate project, which is identified in the Springfield Transportation System Plan and is System Development Charge eligible. For the remaining elements, staff is going through a value engineering exercise in addition to identifying other potential funding sources. 4. S. 54th Street The City has received Surface Transportation Program – Urban (STP-U) funds to construct a multi-use path in the undeveloped S. 54th Street right of way between the end of existing paved surface and Daisy Street. DPW currently has an Engineering Intern working on the design, and the Operations Division is looking at the potential for building the project in late summer or early fall. Attachment 2, Page 2 of 4 M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield Date: 11/15/2018 To: Gino Grimaldi COMMUNICATION From: Tom Boyatt, Interim Director of Development and Public Works Jeff Paschall, City Engineer PACKET Subject: Virginia-Daisy Bikeway Project Update MEMORANDUM INFORMATION SHARE: The City Council approved the Virginia-Daisy Bikeway draft design concept November 21, 2016, and since the last update to the City Council in August 2018, the 30% design and review has been completed for the entire corridor and some key decisions have been made: 1. Project Budget The preliminary engineering construction cost estimates based on the 30% design of the full corridor is $3.6 million. Current available budget is approximately $2 million depending on design elements and source of funding. The project cost is being driven by a couple of major elements; the S. 42nd Street roundabout estimate is $750,000 for construction and $250,000 in right of way, plus final design, and administrative costs. Additionally, the estimate for upgrading all ADA ramps (97 ramps) is near $750,000. In order to keep the corridor improvements moving forward as approved by the City Council, the Project team has determined it will be best to split the project into three phases. Phase 1 will include installation of one Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacon (RRFB) at S. 32nd Street, the overlay of asphalt segments and all bicycle and pedestrian enhancements between S. 42nd Street and Bob Straub Parkway. Phase 2 will be construction of the roundabout at S. 42nd Street, and Phase 3 will be the overlay and remaining corridor improvements between S. 32nd Street and S. 42nd Street. 2. Project Design As indicated, the project will be split into three phases going forward. The following table details each phase and status: 3. Project Schedule Phase Limits Status Estimated Construction Cost Description 1 RRFB at 32nd Street; 42nd Street to Bob Straub Parkwy 30% design complete Initiating ROW Acquistion 1,644,000$ Install RRFB @ 32nd/Virginia Intersection; Asphalt Overlay between 42nd Street and Bob Straub; Construct Mini Roundabout at 51st Street Intersection; Install 7 raised crossings, 2 speed cushion, 14 tree wells, and update 55 ADA ramps. 2 42nd Street/ Daisy Intersection 30% design Complete Initiating ROW Acquistion 1,000,000$ Construct a roundabout at the S42nd/Daisy intersection 3 32nd Street to 42nd Street On Hold 30% Design Complete 960,000$ Complete curb work at 32nd Street intersection; Asphalt Overlay between 32nd Street and 42nd Street; Construct tabled intersections at S. 35th and S. 41st; Install 2 raised crossings, 1 speed cushion, 19 tree wells, and update 18 ADA ramps. Attachment 2, Page 3 of 4 With the phasing decision made, Phase 1 design will now move forward at an aggressive pace to achieve 2019 construction. In addition, the project team will begin work on right of way acquisition for the roundabout at S. 42nd Street to have the project shovel ready when the construction funding is identified. 4. S. 54th Multi-Use Path The City received Surface Transportation Program – Urban (STP-U) funds as part of the Walking and Biking Safety Improvements project to construct a multi-use path in the undeveloped S. 54th Street right of way between the end of existing paved surface and Daisy Street. The DPW Operations Division completed construction of the 54th Street multi-use path in September. Attachment 2, Page 4 of 4 Attachment 3, Page 1 of 1 CAPITAL PROJECTS OVERVIEW Estimated Completion: 2019 S.32nd/Agnes Stewart RRFB Thurston MS RRFB Riverbend Elem. Crosswalk RRFB Conversion-4 Locations S. 54th St. Path Centennial Overlay: Aspen to Prescott (Bond) 14th Overlay: Main to ‘B’ and ‘E’ to ‘G’ (Bond) Commercial Overlay: 42nd west to N/S Commercial (Bond) Virginia/Daisy Phase 1 Stormwater/ADA/Overlay (eastern segment) Filling the Gaps Sidewalk Projects Glenwood Riverfront Path Design/NEPA 19th/Marcola Intersection Analysis Glenwood Landscape Entrance Channel 6 Implementation Manhole Surface Repair Main Street PHB Crossing Traffic Signal Modernization Street Light Replacement Estimated Completion: 2020 Mohawk Overlay (Bond) Highbanks/58th Overlay (Bond) Thurston Overlay (Bond) S. 28th Street Dust Mitigation and Pavement Preservation S. 42nd/Daisy Roundabout Virginia/Daisy Phase 3 Overlay (west end) Franklin Phase 2 Design Gateway/Gateway Loop Gateway/Kruse 42nd/International Paper Yolanda/Briggs walking/biking project Estimated Completion: 2021 Olympic Overlay: Aspen to Prescott (Bond) SRTS School Crossing Improvements Attachment 4, Page 1 of 2 Estimated Completion: 2022 42nd Overlay: Main to IP (Bond) Mill Street Reconstruct Estimated Completion: 2023 42nd: I.P. to Marcola (Overlay/Improvements) PROJECTS ON HOLD OR UNKNOWN TIMING 28th Street Sidewalk In-Fill 28th Preservation: Main Street to Olympic W.’D’ Street Bike Improvements 5th Street/EWEB Path Pipe Irving Slough Improvements Over/Under Channel Phase 2 investigation Downtown Street Lighting Various Signalized Intersection Improvements Main Street Lighting Glenwood Internal Streets Centennial/Mohawk Safety Project Attachment 4, Page 2 of 2