HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 2018-09-26SPRINGTIELD tn City of Springfield Development and Public works 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 54 t-7 26- 37 53ORE6ON Web Address: www.springR€ld-o..9ov Buildinq Permit Residential Plumbing Permit Number: 811-18-002285-PLM-01 IVR Number A1 1 05464A7 A4 Email Address: permitcenter@spnn9field-or.gov Permit lssued: September 26, 2018 TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction: None Specified Submitted Job Value: $0 00 Description o, Work: Demo all structures on tax lot 1802052300100 Type of Work: None Specified JOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite address 920 S 42ND ST Sprlngfield, OR 97478 4,164 JASPER RD Springfield, OR 97478 4196 JASPER RD Springfield, OR 97478 Owner: Address JAMES R CHALLIS LIVING TRUST 64390 AIRPORT LN LA GRANDE OR 97850 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business name SEE PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION ' Primary License Owner (Property) License number OWNER Phone PENDING INSPECTIONS lnspaction 3810 Faxture Cap lnsp€ction group Plumb Res lnspection status Pending SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope ol work. Contact the issurng jurisdiction andacated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregoo.gov Schedule by phone call 1-888-299-2A21 use IVR numbe( 811054648784 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting lnspection App, search "epermittrng" rn the app store Permits must be posted in cl€ar view on the worlsite. Permits expire iI work is not started within 180 Oays of issuance or it work is suspended for 180 Days or longer deponding on the issuing agency's policy. All provisions of laws and ordinances goveming this type of wor* will be complied with whether sp€cified herein or not. Granting ot a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. ATTENTION - CALL BEFORE YOU DlGi Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon LJtiljty Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952{01-0010 through OAR 952-001-0090. You may obtain copies ol the rules by calling the Center at (877) 568{001 or dial 811. All persons or entities performing work under this permit are required to be licens6d unless exempted by ORS 701.010 (Structur.l/Mechanical), ORS 479.540 (Electrical), and ORS 593.0'10{20 (Plumbang). Pnnred on 9/26118 Page 1 ol2 srd BuidrngPermrl_pr Parcel 1802052300100 Permit Number: 81'l -1 8-002285-PLM-01 Page 2 of 2 Fee Desc.iption Technology Fee Sewer Cap State of Oregon Surcharge - Plumb (12olo of applicable fees) Pnnied on: 9/26/1E Quantity Total Fees: Fee Amount $4.95 $99.00 $ 11 .88 $ 115.83 std_BuildrngPermil_pr 1 Page 2 ol2 PERMIT FEES k-*fr Transaction Receipt 811-18-002285,PLM-01 Receipt Number:468145 Receipt Date: 9/26/18 C,ly of SpnngneE ww\r spflngrield'or gov DeveroDmenr ..d Pobrrc works 225 F'fth Svet Spn69neld, OR 97477 54r 726 1753 permrtcenter@spnogneE-or qov Worksite address:920 S 42NO ST, SpringneE. OR 97478 Parcel:160205230O100 Fees Paid 9t2d1A 1.00 Qiy 100 Ea 22,1-oOOOGzl256031 034 $99 00 599 00 9126118 9/26/18 Slale ol Oregon Surcharge - Plumb (12% o,821 -0000G2 1 5002L0000 1 0G00000-4256090000 $11E8 $4 95 s11E6 s4 951 00 Aulomalic Tecnoobgy Fee PaynEnl Method: Check number 831789 Payer JAMES R CHALLIS LIVING TRUST s115 63 Cashier Chris Carpenler 1115.83 FIN_r..ru.ci6.R.c.'pi,. Crrv or SpRrNcrtBlD, OREGoN Plumbing Permit Application 225 Finh SLra . Springiicld, oR 97477 . PH(541)72G3751 . FAX(54 I )725-3689 LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL Zoring approval verificd? D Yes ! Nn Sanitation approval verificd? ! Yes I No CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION E Residential E Govemrnent U Commercial JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Job site address:41 96 Jasper Road City: Sprrngfield State: OR zrP:97 478 Reference: Map 1 8-02-05-23 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Sanitary sewer cap associated with demolition of vacant structure PROPERTY OWNER Name:James R. Challis Living Trust address: 64390 Airport Lane Cityi La Grande Stare:OR zlP:97850 Phone: 541-786-0353 Fax E-mail: chal li.i@eou.edu This installation is being rtradc on residential or farm property owned by me or a member of my immediate family, and is exempt iom licensing requirements undq OAR 918-695-0020 Signature: CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Busiuess name Address City State zrc Pllone Fax E-mail BCD license no. Plumbing license no Print name Sigratue irrlt DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Pennit no {/Y- 22[ f Datc ?/zr, / t,/ This permit is lssued under OAR 918-780-00,60. Permits are issued only to the person or cortractor dolng the worlc Permlts explre if work is not started wlthin 180 days ofissuance or ifwork ls suspended for 180 days, FEE SCHEOULE Dsscription Qtv Cost ea. \ew residenlial I balhoorn/l ktlchen (incluLles. frst I00feet oJaater/sb-er lines, hose bibs, ice mdker, underflar low-point draihs and ruih-droifi packages) s323.00 s 2 bathrooms/l kllchen $506.00 S 3 bathrooms/l kitchen $595.00 s Each additronal bathroom (over 3)$'128.00 s Eacb additional kilchen (over I )312a.00 s Residential firc sprinklers (include$ plan revle$) 0 to 2,000 square feet s99.00 S 2,001 to.l,(O0 square feet s158.O0 S 3,601 to 7,200 squarc feet s236.00 S 7,201 square feet ard grealer s315.00 s IlBnu{:rcturcd dwelling or prc-fab (circle onc) Connections to buildmg sewer and water supply ss9.00 s Commercirl, lDdNtrirl, ird dwellings other thrn otre- or two-faldly Minimum fee 1 s99.00 s9900 Bach fixturc s24.00 S \tiscellaneous fees 100' stonD, s€wer, water line s103.00 s Each fixtr.re, appurt€nance, and piping t24.00 S Stom water retention/det€ntion fi cility $103,00 Irrigation systems/Backfl ow s24.00 S Piping or private stom drainage svstems exceedins the 6rst 100 feet t24.00 S Specialty fixtur€s t24.00 S Reinspection (no. ofhrs. x fee per hr.)s99.00 s Special rcqucsted inspections (no. of hrs. x fee per hr.)s99.00 S Each additi{,nal inspe.tion: (l )s99.00 s lledical gas pipirlg Minimum fee S Enlcr !alue of inskllaljon cnrl equrpmenr 5 _. Enter fee bascd on installation and equipmenl value.S DEPARTMENT USE (A) Enter subtotal of above f€es (MiDimum P€rmlt Fee $99.00)s 99.00 (B) Investigativ€ fee (equal to [A])S (C) Enrer 12% surcharge (.12 )( [A+B])$ 1 1.88 (D) Technolos/ Fee (5% of[A])s 4.95 TOT-A.L fees rnd surch.rges (A through D):s 1 15.83 Inst ediled ?/l/?018 bj@es Taxlot.: 00 100 CCB license no.: Totrlcost