HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 2018-09-26SPRiNGFIELD t, City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Streer Sprinqfield. OR97477 54t-726-3753OR6GO web Add.essr www.springfield or.gov Building Permit Residential Demolition Permit Number: 81 1 -18-002285-DEMO IVR Numberi 81 1 037 97 7 029 EmalAddress: permrtcenter@spnngf e d or.qov Permit lssued: September 26, 2018 TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Single Family Dwelling Submifted Job Value: $0.00 Oescription of Work: Demo all structures on tax lot 1802052300100 Type of Wo.k: Demolition JOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite address 920 S 42ND ST Springfield. OR 97478 4164 JASPER RD Springfield OR 97478 4196 JASPER RD Springfield OR 97478 Parcel 1802052300100 Owner: Address: JAMES R CHALLIS LIVING TRUST 64390 AIRPORT LN LA GRANOE, OR 97850 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business name SEE PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION - Primary License Owner (Property) License number O\A/NER Phone PENDING INSPECTIONS lnspection 1820 Demolition lnspection group Struct Res lnspection status Pending SCHEOULING INSPECTIONS Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work Contact the assurng jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required rnspections for this prolect Schedule or track inspections at www buildingpermits oregon.gov Schedule by phone call 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811037977029 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting lnspection App, search 'epermitting' in the app store Permits must be posted in clear view on the worksite- Permits expire if work is not started within 180 Oays of issuance or af work as suspended for 180 Days or longer depending on the issuing agency's policy. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work willbe complied with whether specified herean or not. Grantang of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the per{ormance of construction. ATTENTION - CALL BEFORE YOU DIG: Oregon law requires you to Iollow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are sel forth in OAR 952{0'l-00'10 through OAR 952-001'0090. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the Center at (877) 668{001 or dial811. All persons or entilies performing work under this permit are requircd to be licensed unless exempted by ORS 701.010 (Structural/lVlechanical), ORS 479.540 (Electrical), and ORS 693.010{20 (Plumbing). Panted on 9/26118 Pago 1 of 2 std_BurldrngPemrl_pr Permit Number: 81'l -1 E-0022E5-DEMO Page 2 ot 2 Fee Description Technology Fee Demolition permit fee, total structure P.inted on 9/26118 Page 2 ol 2 Qua.tity Total Fees: Fee Amount $4.95 $99.00 $ 103.95 s1d Bu d.gPerml pr PERMIT FEES k Transaction Receipt 811-'t 8.002285-OEMO Receipt Number:468144 Receipt Date:9/26/18 City or Springfield www.spnngneld-or gov OeveroDment a.d Pubrrc works 225 Frfth Sver Spr nore d, OR 97477 54 r.126-3153 perm'tce.ter@5pr ntneld'or.9ov Worksite address:920 S 42NO ST, Springrisld, OR 97478 Parcel: 1802052300100 Fees Paid 9t2At1A 100 Ea Demoliiion permii fee lotal slructure 224-00000-425602- 1 030 $99 00 s99 00 9i26r18 1 0O Aulomalic Technology Fee 10G00000-425605-0000 $4 95 s4 95 Paymenl lvlelhod: Check number 831796 Payer JAMES R CHALLIS LIVING TRUST $103 95 Cashrer Chns Carpenler t103.95 FIN Tf ns.cionReceipl rrr CITY OF SPRINCFIELD, OREGON 225 FIFTH STREET r SPRINGFIELD, OR97477 . PHt(541)726-3753 . FAx: (s4l)726-368e DEMOLITION PE ITAPPLICATIONS Your demolition permit is currentiy being processed. There may be a slight delay, of up to 2 working days for small structures, due to the time required to review the history ofthe structure to determine if it needs to be documented before demolition. This documentation is for archival purposes only and will not affect the granting of the demolition permit. If the stmcture is very large or complicated the documentation process may take up to a maximum of 4 working days. Documentation will consist of photographing the building, taking measurements and making scaled drawings. The documentation will be undertaken by the City at no cost to you. Documentation is being done on all structures dated prior to 1940 that may have historic importance to the Ci!/s development. TIIIS DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT IMPEDE THE DEMOLITION PROCESS. An age cut-off of r94o was chosen because this is the date that the National Parks Service and The Springfield Development Code use to determine potential historic significance. If you would prefer to complete this documentation yourself you must provide the City with the following information: r) black and white photographs of each elevation, a floor plan with measurements, and z) a set of elevation drawings with measurements. Thank you for your patience. I grant the City of Springfield permission to enter my property to complete documentation prior to the requested demolition of the structure located at: Address: ,h, Property Owner Signaturef- f^ .4a\/ t - .LZ L )Job Number:p"1.. 9/20/18 4196 Jasper Road and 920 South 42nd Street:-z "ru CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225 FIFTH STRf,ET . SPRINGFIELD, OR97477 r PH:(541)726-3753 r FAX: (541)726-3639 h DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATION Address: 4196 Jasper Road and 920 South 42nd Street Structure to be Demolished: Vacant Residential and Unfinished Masonry Structures JobNumber: fzi .:Z ;7- The applicant is hereby notified that any redevelopment ofthe subject site must comply with all ofthe applicable laws, codes, ordinances, polices and plans in effect at the time the redevelopment proposal is accepted as complete for City review. This would include correction of substandard conditions associated with the present development. Lxamples of such corrections may include modification of inadequate drainage facilities; compliance with building set- backs from property lines; correction of substandard sidewalks and street improvements, including driveway width and placement; and other corrections which may be necessary to comply with existing development standards. Furthermore, if an existing use is demolished or otherwise removed prior to the development of the proposed use, then the system development charge credit for the previously existing use shall expire two years after the date of issuance ofthe demolition permit or other removal of the previously existing use. (Springfield Municipal Code S.+16(0). My signature below indicates that I have read and understand the above conditions relating to the demolition of the above mentioned structure. 9t20/18 Signature Date <z_<& CII\ OF SPRI\GFIfLD SI STE}IS Df,\'ELoP\Tf\T (]II,TRCf \\ ORKSHft]-I JOURNAL OR JOB NU}lBER NA['E OR COMPANY: LOCA'TION: UAP & T.IX LOT NT,IIBER: DEYfLOPMENT TYPf,I t8-002285-DEMO Jasper Junction Jasper Road 18-02-05-23-00100 Demolition of structures for redeve ( 12,951.14) x STORM DRAINAGE ADMINISTRATION FEE: SEWER ADMINISTRATION FEE: TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION FEE: LOCAL MWMC ADMINISTRATION FEE: 5v" NEW DEVELOPED AREA (S.F.) EXISTING DEVELOPED AREA (S.F.) MWMC MWMC 210 ITE:210 ITE:1.00 6,010TO'I'AL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE 1r 2t0 210 L([ SIZE (S I: $4,3 r 5. r (6,0r0) (6,0r 0) TO L\L STORII DR{IN-,\Gf, SDC: \ Cost (6,010) x $ 0.29{ PERSF l. sToRlr D& NA E MPERVIOUS SQ, I,'T IMPERVIOUS SQ, FT RIIMBURSEMENT COSI' MPERVIOUS SQ, FT IMPRO\EMENT COSTI ($1,766.94 ($2.s4E.240..124 PER SF 0.718 s SF= $ ($2,152 02 REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF DFU'S IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER OF DFU'S X $ 8I,54 PER DFUs 2,t7-08 TOTAL LOCAL WASTf,WATER SDC: \RY Sf ITY (sce re\ erse side) ,13 $ I65.54 PER DFU ($ s AREA TGSI x TRIP RATE x COST PER ADI xNEWIRIPFACTOR $0.00 $0.00 ($ 183.5 5 ) ($3,4E8.22) s 385-69 NTIJ TR.\PORI.\t l \ \ IMPROvEMENT COST 0.00 9.52 \ STING] I OI'.\L TR\\SPOR'I'\ [IO\ SD(': PER'I'RIP \ NTF NTF REIMBT]RSEMENT COSTI 0.00 x 9.52 S 19.28 PER TRIP $ 366,4I PER TRIP TOTAL TRANSPORTATION REIMBT,]RSEMENT SDC TOTAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT SDC X $ 19,28 PERTRIP IMPROVEMENT COST: -1.00 x 9.52 x $ 366.41 I NTF ($131.89) (sr,s97.44) (s22.82) s ($1,7s2.ls) $0.00 $0.00 s0.00 ($131.89) ($1,s97.,{4 $11l 890.00 0.00 $1,597.44 0.00 SUBTOTAL \ x \ S.\\II.\R}' SE\\ t]R. ]I\\ \IC I INC REIMBURSEMENI'COST IMPRO\TEMEN-f COST: COMPLIANCE COST: MC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) [o l Al- \r\\]tc sD( : PER FEU PER FEU PER FEU SI3I,89 PER FEt] $I,597,44 PER FEU 522.82 PER FEU ITEMS I, 2, 3, &.1 REIMBTJRSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU'S IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU'S COMPLIANCE COST: NUMBER OF FEU'S NUMBER OF FEU'S -1.00 NUMIIER OF fliti's -1.00 NUMBER OF FEU'S -1.00 TOTAL MWMC REIMBURSEMENT FEE: TOTAL MWMC IMPROVEMENT FEE: TOTAL MWMC COMPLIANCE FEE: MWMC ADMINISTRATI\E FEE: E re @ I@@reE $0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ($12,951. t4) 5. ADMINISTRATTVE FEES: BASE CHARGE (SUBTOTAL ABOVE) 9/26t2018 TOTAI- SDC CH.-\RGES -13 I REIMBURSEMENT COST: -1.00 x 9.52 1!12,e5 l . lol I]iti-[ DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT (DFU) CALCT]LATION TABLE NLMBER oF NEw FIXTURES x UNIT EQUIVALEN] = DRAINACE FXTURE UNITS (NOTE: FOR REMODELS, CALCULATE ONLY THE NET ADDITIONAL FIXTURES) FIXTURES NEW OLD UNIT EQUIVALENI' DRAINAGE FIX'TURE LINITSFIXTURI] TYPE BATHTUB DRINKING FOT]NTAIN FLOOR DRAIN, FLOOR SINK INTERCEPTORS FOR GREASE/OIL/SOLIDS/ETC. INTERCEPTORS FOR SAND/AUTO WASH/ETC. LAUNDRY TT]B CLOTHES WASHERA4OP SINK CLoTHES WASHER - 3 OR MORE (EA) MOB]LE HOME PARK TRAP (I PER TRAILER) RECEPTOR FOR REFRIGERATOR/WATER STATION/ETC, RICEPTOR FOR COMMERCIAL SINK,i DISHWASHER,'ETC SHOWER, SINGLE STALL SHOWER, GANC (NUMBER OF HEADS) SINK: COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL KITCIIEN StNK: COMMERCIAL BAR SINK: WASH BASIN/DOUBLE LAVATORY SINK: SINOLE LAVATORY/RESIDENTIAL BAR TJRINAL. STALUWALL TOILET, PUBLIC INSTAIIATION TOILET, PRIVATE INSTAI-LATION MISCELLANEOUS: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 3 3 6 2 3 6 t2 I 3 2 2 3 2 2 I 5 6 3 -l 0 0 (l 0 NUMBER OF EDU'S* *EDU (Equivalent D\\elling Uoil) is a discharge equivalent 10 a single d\\elli (20 set at 167 CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: BASED ON ASSESSED VALUE IF IMPROVEMENTS OCCURRED AFTER ANNEXATION DATE IN TABLE. CALCT]LATE CREDITS SEPARATELY YEAR ANNEXED RATE PER $I,OOO ASSESSED VAIUE $t.15 $1.25 $r 09 $0.92 $0 72 $0..{8 $0.28 $0 09 $0 0s $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 t $ono RATE PER $1,OOO ASSESSED VALTIE YEAR ANNEXED tg't9 1980 1981 1982 1983 t984 1985 t986 t987 1988 t9E9 1990 l99l or before $5.29 $5.19 $5.12 $4.98 $4.80 $4.63 $4.40 $4.07 $3.67 $3.22 $2.73 $2.2s $1.80 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 199E t999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 CRTDIT FOR PARCEL OR LAND ONLY IF APPLICABLE IMPROVEMENT (IF AFTER ANNEXATION DATE) CR[D]T TO TAL #REF I I I I I -3 -t -3 IOTAL DRAIN,\GE IIX T UNT UNI'TS = f[ SGHIRMER SATRE GROUP Planners, Landscape Architects and Environmental Specialists 375 West 4th Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541)686-4540 . Fax(541)6864577 . www.schirmersatre.com TRANSMITTAL TO: City of Springfield DATE: PROJECT: September 24, 2018 225 5th Street Jasper Junction Springfield, OR 97477 Demolition Permit ATTN: CLIENT PROJ #: SSG PROJ #: TRANSMITTED:Herewith Separate Cover Other DISPOSITION:For Your Approval For Your lnformation/Use For Reply TRANSMITTED: # Copies ltem Dated No. Pages (ln addition to this cover page) 1 paper copy of a Demolition Permit Application Packet 9t20t18 REMARKS: This Demolition Permit Application packet is hereby submitted for processing. The application package includes: Application Feesa. Demolitionb. Plumbing Demolition Permit Application Form Plumbing Permit Application Form Written Statement We look forward to your assistance with the project. Don't hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or need any additional information. Thank you. 4 2 4 COPIES TO: File Owner Agency Consultant Team Other Z0--- Richard lV]. Satre AICP ASLA, CSI 7; EE Et;.ltr BY: