HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 2018-10-055PRINGTIELD City of Springfield Development and Public works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 s4 r-7 26- 37 53 .!t OitEGON web Address: www.springfield or.gov Building Permit Commercial Sign Permit Number: 81'l-'18-002363-SIGN IVR Number 81 1047440799 Email Address: permitcenter@spnngfield'or.qov Permat lssued: Oclober 05 2018 ryPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Sign Type ot Work: None Specrfred Submitted Job Value: $0 00 Oescription oI Work: Sign wall signsfor Greyhound Bus Termrnal atLTDStatron JOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite address 355SAST Springfield OR 97477 Parcel 1703353113201 TANE TRANSIT DISTRICT PO BOX 7070 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97475 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business name ES&ASIGNCORP-Pnmary PENDING INSPECTIONS lnspection group Sagns Signs Signs lnspoction status Pending Pending Pendrng SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Various inspeclions are minimally required on each project and often dependent on lhe scope of work Contact lhe lssurng jurisdiction indrcaled on the permit to delermine required inspections for thrs projecl Schedule or lrack rnspectrons at www burldingpermits oregon gov Schedule by phone call 1-888-299 2821 use IVR number. 81 1 04 7440799 Schedule using the Oregon ePermittrng lnspection App, search "epermitting in the app store Permits must be posted in clear view on the worksite. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 Days of issuance or if work issuspended for 180 Days o.longer depending on the issuing agency's policy. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type otwork willbe complied wath whether specified herein or not. cranting ofa permit doas not presume to give authority to violate or cancolthe provisions of any other state or local law regulating constructionor the performance of construction, ATTENTIoN _ cALL BEFoRE YOU olG: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the oregon Utility Notification center. Those rules are set Iorth in OAR 952-001{OlO through OAR 952-OOl-OO9O. you may obtain copies of the rules by calting the Center at(877) 668.4001 or dial 811. All persons or entities performing work under this permit are r6quired to be licensed unless exempted by ORS 7O.t.OlO(StructuIal/Mechanical), ORS 479.540 (Etectricat), and ORS 693.OlO-O20 (ptumbing). Printed on: 10/5/14 page 1 of 2 Owner: Address: License License number 163470 Phone 541 -485-5546 lnspection 6999 Final Sign 6940 Sign Attachment 6950 Electrical Service - Sign sld_BuildrngPe.md-pr Permit Number: 811-18-002363-SIGN Page 2 ol 2 Fee Description Sign or outline lighting Technology Fee City Admin Fee 10o/o - enter fee amount State of Oregon Surcharge - tlec (12o/o of applicable fees) Permanent srgn . 0 to 35 square feer, per srgn Sign plan review, per sign Quantity 170 Fee Amount $t72.0o $21.60 $ 17.00 $20.64 $170.00 $90.00 $491.24 std_BurldingPermn_pr 2 2 2 Total Fees: P^ge 2 ol 2 PERMIT FEES ffi City of Springlield Oevelopment and Publrc Works 225 Frfth Skeet Spn.9reld, OR 97{77 541.)26-3753 perm'tcente.@spr ngneld-or 9ov Worksite add.ess: 355 S A ST, Spflngtletd. oR 97477 Pa.cel: 1703353113201 Fees Paid 10t5t1a 10/5/18 10/5/18 10/5/18 10/5/1E 2.00 oty 2@ Ea 170 0O Amounl 200 Ea 100 Ea D93criptlon Sign plan revi€w, per sign Pefiraneni sign - O to 35 squa.e fe€t. p€r srgn Cty Admin Fee 10% - €nlcr Iee amounl SEfl or oulline lighling Stare ol Orcgon Sorcrrarcc - etec \12rk ol 224-(FO0G425602- 1030 22+W&42fiO2-1030 224-000q!42660t0000 224-00000-4261 02-1033 82 1 ,0000+21 5004,0000 t90 00 1170 00 t17.00 s172 00 $20 64 $90 00 s170 00 117 00 s172 o0 $20 64 10/5/18 100 00000-425605 0000 521 60 521 60 Paymeni Method Credil c€rd adnorization 00536j Transaclion Comment via phone $!91 24 Cashier: Kalrina Andercon Pnnr.d ro/5n310.3.m 1491.24 FrN IGned'onR.c.rr pr Transaction Receipt 811-18-002363.stGN Receipt Number:468249 Receipt Oate:10/5/'18lrww.springfield-or gov CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Electrical Permit A lication 225 Filth Slrerl t Springtield, OR 97477. PH(541 )?26-3?53. FAX(S{l )726-3689 This permit is issued under OAR 918-309-0000. Permits are nontransferable. Permits expire ifwork is not started withir 180 days ofissuance or ifwork is suspended for lE0 days. EftR StG,1/ Z.q / DEPARTMENT USE ONLY /6-00z363 -Permit no o*", /o/i/ ( LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL Zoning approval verified? fl yes ! No CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION -! Residentiai ! Goyemment ffinrrnercial JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Job site address 355 5t,ll^ * sf City Statel o(ztP: Referenc!: 'l)o\ ) 4r; l,Taxlot.: 324 I DESCRIPTION OF WORK e let lt:, PROPERTY Name Address:" ftr6o^ )iro City: Spr:*C..ll State 0f-ztp: cth ){ Phone Fax E-mail for sale, exchange, lease, or re!t. OAR propefiy This lsprop 479. This installation is be owned bv me or a 479.s60(l ) of rnv immediate familv rl:sidential or taml CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Business name: €_5 * k S. ,: ,-, s Address: }qq)< Pru,.;o' Ar) City Q7oy.-t12_-State:1->{zwtqlra) Phone: g1f {( 53q[,Fax:54r 4t{-.>Zt\ E-mail: /har.clcr r,r bi<zZg .',: nS , Ort* CCB license no.: iL ),.1)O BCD license no.: ,D -;\ ) C-/S Signing supervisor's license no.: 5l+ 5tG Signature of signi[g supervisor Print name ofsi sor: FEE SCHEDULE Numb€r of ibspectiotr. per iteD ( )Qty Cost ea. Total cost Residetrtir!, per unit, serrice included: s1,000 sq. ft. or less (4)s171.00 Each additional 500 sq. Ii- or ponion thereof s 33.00 s Limited energy (2)s 41.00 s Each manufacturcd home or modular dwelling scrvicc or fcedcr (2)s 81.00 S Services or fcad€B: lrlrtallation, olleration, rcbcatiofi 200 amps or less (2)s 103.00 S 201 to 400 amps (2)s120.00 s s203.00 s 601 to 1,000 amps (2)s261.00 s s599.00 SOver 1,000 amps or volts (2) s 81.00 sReconned only (2) Temporary ser\ice! or teellertt instollation, ahentiott, rcloutio 200 amps or less (2)s 8't.00 s 201 to 400 amps (2), 111.00 s 401 to 600 amps (2)s162.00 s Over 600 amps or 1,000 volts, see sewices or feeders section above Branch circuits: xelt; alteratio,t, ?-\tension per penel a. Fee for branch circuils wilh purchase ofa serlice or Leder fee Each bmnch circuit s 7.00 s b- Fee for branch circuits without purchase ofa service or feedcr fee First branch circuil (2.)s 81.00 S Each additional branch cirauit s 7.00 s Miscellrrcous fees: sen ice or.feeder nol inchule.l Each pump or inigation circle (2)s 81.00 s Ea€h sigD or outline lighting (2)a,,s s3.00 st -72 Signalcircuit or a limited-energy panel. altemtion, or extension (2)s 93.00 s Each additionrl inspe.tion: (l)s93.00 S DEPARTMENT USE (A) Enter subtotal ofabore fees (Minimum Per."i Fe$r{sq 7f t'r7L (B) Enter 12% surcharg! (.12, t,cll ircl (C) Tcchnologl Fee (5% of[A])S -S*50:-(DffirfifiFEhfiorrsr'so- $ *>A,TOTAL fees aDd surcharges (A through D): IrIIII Lrsr edited 5-5-t2017 BJon€s ?,ot.i!,'.,n 401 to 600 arlps (2) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225FIFTHSTREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR974'l'l . PH:(541)726-3753 .FAX: (541)726-3689 cftyrobN,,mb.,J e'Ooz3!3 - StGn/ Site Address: 355soulh astro€l, spnnsnold Assessors Map-----.rlaL)--?la [^,S Tax Lot /acnt Owner: Address Po Box 7070 Phonc i 0rd P d 0 .F{ig g ( ciry Springfie d GreyhoondBusiness Name, Firm, etc c OR Descnption of Proposed Sign(s): (Please check and complete all appropriate informalion) &X €t-€r/4r;ol l- watt - Single Face Double Face - Billboard - Other Square Foolage 30 sqtl Total Height above Crade:l1 5' Vedical Dimension ofSign or Enclosue:3' Dimension from Grade to Bottom of Sign Enclosure l1"E'Electrical Installalion:-fYes -No(lf yes additional electrical permit required)(La Matcrial Sign is Constructcd of LtG c" alue ofSign List ALL existing signagc and attach a photogrrph of each sign Horizontal width ofsign or Enclosure: I O ' c}.ll srsn rr(, sq. ntg. J4 I Sq ,^l rll .jrq n et? Sq. Ftg. Sq. Ftg. a{'O) Type (d) Typ€ (a) Type (c) Type Contractor/lDstallcr:ES&A Sion and Awnino Phone 541-868-2385 89975 Prairie RdAddress EugeneCity:State Expires _. 97402Ltpt - o3/16/20't 9Construclion Contraclors Registration Number:163470 tJ.ti El{ tt 0 g Alr b0 .F{ a :->o--t,-*L.Sign District Zor,tng By signature, I state and agree,I I have carefully cxamined the complctcd application and do hereby cediry that all info.rnation herein is true and coftect, and I furlher ceniry that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Odinancasofthe City ofSpringfield, and lhc La\as ofthe State oforegon pertaining lo thc work described herein. I further ccdiry that only contractors and employees who are in conrpliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all requted inspeclions are requested al the proper timg, that project addEss is readable from the street, that lhe peruit card is located at the front ofthc property, and lhe approved set ofplans will remain on thc sitc at all times during Dale o 5Sign ation oflhe sh.r.d Drir.(T:)tsuildine romdsisn P.dn fuDlkaliotl{: d@ zip 9747s Freeslanding Projecting - Roof - Marquce OFFICE T|SE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 22s FIFTH STREET . SPRINGFIELD, OR9'14'l'l . PH:(541\726-3753 . FAX: (541)726-3689 citylobN,-b.,Je49zEb: - st G't'/ Site Address: 355 So'nh A StEel spn.gii.ld Assesso6 Map itlot 4)5 3tl 32pl "JL Tax Lot: Lane Transit DistdctOrvner:Phone Po Box 7070Address: i 0 rFlp d 0ri FIg g ( ci Springfeld state OR 9747 5Zi GreyhoundBusiness Name, Firm. etc Description of Proposed Sign(s)r (Please check and complele all appropriare information) VJe< df-EU *r-to J ]-- wrll F eestanding Projecting - Roof - Marquee tk - Single Face Double face - Billboard - Other Squarc Iroolage 30 sqft Vertical Dimension ofSign or Enclosure 3',lo Dimcnsion fiom Grade lo Boltom ofSign Enclosure 14, Material Sign is Constructed ol Horizontal Width ofSign or Enclosure: Electrical Installation:;{-Yes -No(lf yes additional electrical permit required) value of Sign: d/r OCo"- trri-'s.n;,,;4.1)A'{'o Lisl ALl, existing signage and .ttsch a photograph of esch sign: (a) Type dall 5,cC 4i)?E.bq. Ftg.(b) Typc (d) Type- 04l (c) T}?e Sq. Ftg. Sq. Ftg Sq. Ftg Contractor^nstallerl ES&A Sion and Avvnino Phorte:541-86&2385 Address:89975 Prairie Rd Cityl Euoene State:OR tJ .F{ Elr It 0 L Alr b0.ti a _. 97402Ltp. - 0:V16/2019Construclion Conhactors Registratiofl Number:163470 Exptes: CC- Dale tolsl,t )o oP-llcE List Sign District l,/t*Tnning: By signature, I slate and agree, that I have lly cxamined the completed application and do hereby cefliry that all information herein is true and correci,further cefiiry lhat any and all work performed shall be done in accordaoce with the Ordinances ofthe City ofSpringfield, and the Laws ofthe State oforegon pcrtaining to the work described herein. I further ce(iry $at only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this p.oject. I further agree to ensure that all required inspectioDs are requested at the prope! time, that project addrcss is readablc liom the street, thal the permit card is located at thc front ofthe property, and lhe approved set ofplans will remain on the site at all times during S llalion of lhe s) Sharrd Dri!.G:)tsuildirg Fotu6ign Pmir ,{!plk.lionl4l de Total Height above C rade: - tC o It_ IkIIlI-a' FJ:C,h.F.i}1 \r -a T I I I { II _2,,':"nri 'ffiJ !F q I a L! .a;.'ra \ --.1 {AI t \ I I I I I I /I I TI ; I I !r r'l I I II I T r'?" a I bo k* L u P r I I# I Ifl I I ,l tr 1 t lr I -, r-? -G'-=_.:-l /rrt,"l ! l N \ \ 'l ti L- I !f'I I l \ I'"1 I I J :T rf, , I r it I /1<<l (l'_ :,s #;co r !Iili:;!::!iiiri:i iliiii iiiiii o: --g?.EHtr IiI I 3 tr Ii-:t-!r Ttre : sX utI:j E -Ei'oT a o-.5zJA Y C'; =:2"-lrl E .5!Eo-aI(,.og , I, ,I a z.ol zl € -e i\JOTiCE; THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR ANY 180 DAY PEBIOD c = '2. 5 DATE RECEIVED 8t BN g-oozlL3 z N c_c-o OCCUPANCY GROUPuNrr I OCCUPANCY LOAD STORTES I TYPE CONSTRUCIlON LEGAT DES N o3 zol ADDRESS 5.s -{ OWNER CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON APPROVED BY o t r-1 l. I I Yl. l tv.I I il 6 @ IHE CONTEN-TS HERE ON T{A}T BEEN REVIEWID, WITH ALTERAIIONS NOTED ON THE PI"\NS OR BY AT'IACHMEN-T. CHANGES OR ALTER\TIONS MADE TO THE APPROVED DRAMNGS OR PROJECT AT'IER THE DATE BELOW SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. ii ri. (D @ la --- # 24'26' GREYHOUND SPRINGFIELD, OR (Spriigti.ld Shllon. Bly'H') 355 S Aslrdt A AAA ffiEx-"o* 18-226 A .".,1 1 a t II: rfi::l- ffilr,pr J:I I 3 .t WEST EEVATION SCALE:3i32" = 1'-0' EAST ELEVANON SCALE:382" = l'-0' Ei $,\' E rnvlb Ittn I r-E t r I"fi :I ,I t0'0' COLOR SPECIFICATIONS (E@ O P..t!n. !o!5c Blu. lX lalGli lln.r Gr.y Vlnyl !er*' 9 -0' Qty: Two (2) FRONT VIE}'/ 3'd..p nLmrly ltuhiirLd cnann.l ro!F. Fi.o lo b! Wil. &rytc rith dilih{y pdniad liD 6p .nd rcluru plid.d Slv.f lllunin.liff ro b. 65lllx wrll. LED s Lolo mu.r.d 1/2' oi ol obii.t. 2' d..p hb,irred .tumiNh @bii.r p.inr.d ro n.r.li P.nron. Blu. 13035c ^r.t fforafig ro BE @ rrenoto n GREYHOUND SPRINGFIELD, OR (Springlilld Slelion - 8ay 'H') 355 SAst !l .A Z\ o 'rt|i D hr t$nff*,* 18-226 A ,*,2 i L I l 1-i lL .' I ri\ lEcrbxtHtu \ -,/ ScilEtotTo&{l