HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2018-09-28SPRINGTIELD 15 City of Springfield Development and Public works 225 Fifth Street Spnngfleld, OR 97477 541-726-3153 OREGO l.l Web Addressi www.springfield-or.9ov Building Permit Commercial Structural Permit Number: 81 1 -18-001 739-STR IVR Number: 81 1024045578 Emarl Address: permitcenter@spnnqfield or.9ov Permit lssued: September 28, 2018 TYPE OF WORK Catsgory of Construction: Commercial Submitted Job Value: $540.000.00 Description of Work: Alterations lor new outpatient clinic Typs ol Work: Tenant lmprovement JOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite address 3377 RIVERBEND DR Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel 1703220004102 Owner: AddJess PEACEHEALTH 1115 SE 164TH AVE VANCOUVER, WA 98683 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business name GBC CONSTRUCTION LLC - Primary License CCB License number 166612 Phone 541-752-0381 PENDING INSPECTIONS lnspection 1999 Final Building 8999 Final Fire 8675 Overhead Sprinkler Systems 8690 Fire Sprinkler Final 8790 Fire Alarm Final '1260 Framing '1540 Gypsum Board/Lalh/Drywall 1600 Ceiling Grid lnspection group Struct Com Fire Fire Fire Fire Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com lnspection status Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pendang Pending various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issutng JUrisdi.ti.n indicated on the permit to dgtermine required inspections for this project Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermjts.oregon.gov Schedule by phone call 1_BBA_299_2B21use IVR number: B11OZ4O4S57B Schedule using the Oregon epermitting lnspection App, search "epermitting,, in the app store Permits musl be posted in clear vrew on the worksite. Permits expire if work is not started withan 1go Days of issuance or if work issuspended for 180 Days or longer depending on the issuing agency.s poticy. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether sp€cified herein or not. cranting ota permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions ot any other state or local law rcgulating constructionor the performance of construction. ATTENTIoN _ CALL BEFoRE You DlGi oregon law requires you to follow rutes adopted by the oregon uiitity Notitication center.Those rules are set forth in oAR 952{01{)o lo through oAR 952-oo1{090. You may obtaan copies of the rutes by ca ing the c€nler at(877) 668-4001 or diat 8.fl. All persons o. entities (Structural/Mechanica performing work under this permit a16 requircd to be licensed untess exempted by ORS 701.O1Ol), ORS 479.540 (Etectricat), and ORS 693.010{20 (ptulnbing). Page 1 o{ 2 nd_Bu'ldrngPermil_pr SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Perm it Num ber: 81 1-18-00'l 739-5TR Page 2 ol 2 Fee Description Technology Fee SDC: Total Sewer Administration Fee SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Local Wastewater SDCr Improvement Cost - Local Wastewater Structural plan review fee Structural building permit fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Btdg (12olo of applicable fees) 49.42 662.16 326.16 Quantity Fee Amount $27O.61 $49.42 $662.16 $326.16 $2,132.04 $3,280.06 $393.61 $7,114.06 sld_BuildrngPemit-Pr Total Fees: Page 2 ol2 PERMIT FEES k 811-t 8-001739-STR Receipt Number: il68'178 Roceipt Date: 9/28/18 Oevelophent and Pubhc Works 225 frfth Stret Spnngreld, OR 97477 54 t-126.3153 perh tcenter@sp. ngneE-or gov Transaction Receipt C,ly ol SprngneE wlvw sprngtield-or gov Worksite address 3377 RIVERBEND DR Spnngfield. OR 97477 Parcelr 1703220004102 Fees Paid 9t2At1A 10O Ea St.!ctural b!ildrng perm lee 224-00000-425602,1030 $3,280.06 $3 2E0 06 9t28t18 100 100 662.16 326 16 49 42 Ea Stale ol Oreson Surcharge - BldE (12% d E21 00000,215004 0000 s393 61 s393 61 9t2al1a 9t2A1B 9t2At1A 9t28t18 SDC: Roimbulsement Cosl Local 10G00000-425605{000 61 1-0000G44802+8800 1270 61 $66216 s27061 $662 16 SDC: lmprovemenl Cosl ' Loc6lWaslewaler S DC: Total Sewer AdminislratDn Fee 61 1-00000"448025-8800 7190000G426604,8800 s32€ 16 $49 42 $326 16 v9 42 Paymeni Melhod: Check number 8336114 $4 982 02 Cashier: Kakna Anderson a1,aa2.o2 FrN_Tnn5.cl.^R.e'prjr SPRIi.IGTIELD ,$ 0iliGO.t www spnngfield-or gov Transaction Receipt 8J 1-18-001739-STR Receipt Numbor: 467391 Recoipt Dat€: 7/1 8/1 8 City ol Spmqueld oe4looment and Publlc work! 225 Fifth sr,et SpnnqneE, oR 97,177 51r-126-3753 p€.mt eter@spnnqneE-or. gov Wbrtsite address: 3333 RIVERBEND OR. Spnnqfield, OR 97477 Parcel: 11O322WY1O2 Fees Paid 7l18t1A 10O Ea Slruclural plan rcview lee 22+0cco0.!25602.143o $2.132 04 92.132 04 Credit cad authorization @1426 s2.132.04 C6shler:Chns Ca.penrer $2,132.04 FrN-rEredrcnR.6F!, CrrY oF SpntNcprelo, oREcoN Structural Permit Application HffiT225 Fifth Street r Springlisld, OR 97477 r PH(541)726-1753 . F,iLX(541)726-3689 This permit is issued under OAR 918-460-0030, Permits expire if work is not started within 180 days of suspended for 180 days. LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL This project has final land-use approval Signature:Date This project has DEQ approval Signature:Date Zoning approval verified: I Yes E lo Property is within flood plain: E Yes E No CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION E Residential ! Govemment dcommercial JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Job sitc addrcss:3333 RIVERBEND DRIVE Cily: SPRINGFIELD Lot no Reference Taxlot: 17032200-4102 PROPERTY OWNER Name: PEACEHEALTH Address:'1115 SE 'l64TH AVENUE. (lirr':VANCOUVER State: WA Zll':98683 Phone: (541)228-6194 E-mai l: JIOLLOWAY@PEACEHEA(TH.ORG Builfrg Owner o.!*r.r'r authorizing this upplication Sign here: -i ! This installation is being made on residential or farm property owned by me or a member ofmy immcdiate farnily, and is exempt from licensing requirements under ORS 701.010. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION llusiness name: GBC CONSTRUCTION i\ddress:2273 NW PROFESSIONAL DRIVE, SUIrE 200 Citv: CORVALLIS State: oR ZIP:97330 Phone - (541)752-0381 li-nrail CCB license no.: 166612 77- Signalure SUB.CONTRACTOR INFORMATION \ame CCB License #Phone Number Elc(trical OEG (s41)747-0811 Plumbing Harvev + Price Co 77 (s41)746-1621 Mechrnicrl Harvev + Price Co 77 (541)746-1621 suance or if u ork is fQ- 2_ ) 5q.e?{'3t15 DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permitno.:$i, ' /07? Date "7)t9 l t I FEE SCHEOULE l. Valuation information (a) Job description: ALTERATION TO EXISTING l\,lEDlCAL CLINIC Occupancy B - Outpatient Clinic Construction type: 1-B Square feet: 13,500 Cost per square foot Other information Typc ofHeat; Unergy Path: E ncw Uult..ution E addition (b) Foundation-only permit? E Yes VNo Total \'sluation $ s40,000 2. Building fees (a) Permit fee (use valuation table)$<)fu(' (b) Invcstigative fee (equ.ll to [2a])$ (c) Reinspection ($ per hour) (number ofhours x fee per hour)$ (d) Enter l27o su.chaige (.12 x [2a+2b+2c])$ (e) Subtotal offees above (2a through 2d)S 3. Plan review fees (a) Plan review (657. x permit fee [2a])j2172! (b) Firc and life safety (657. x permii Ge [2a]):$ (c) Sublotal offees abovc (f,a and 3b)s 4. Miscellaneous fees (a) Seismic fee, l% (.01 x permit fee [2a])5 (b) Tech fee, 5% (.05 x permit fee[2a]+PR fee [3c])5 (c) Continuing Education Fee $2.50 s2.50 IOTAL fees and surchrrges (2e+3cl{a+b+c+d):{.tt)b) l,asl edited 5-5-2017 BJoncs State: WA ZIP:97 477 Subdivision: Fax: Farr P rint name :l(EEtYr#tHS---l 203 Sysre*rs DpvtloPMENT CHARGES The City requires Systems Development Charges (SDCs) on new development and redevelopment to accumulate funds to construct new streets, wastewater facilities and storm drainage facilities to accommodate the needs of development, Because SDCs are based on the intensity ofthe impact on City systems that a use oflhe property will have, these charges are sometimes large for commercial developments and can apply even iflittle or no change is required to the physical skucture of a property. We are always concemed that someone starting a business in Springfield not be surprised in needing to pay a significant charge. For that reason, we ask everyone who applies for a commercial building permit, or inquires about using a vacant or occupied prope*y for commercial or residential purposes (other than one and two family dwelling units), to give us some basic information so that we can discuss the potential impact of SDCs. While we can't provide a precise estimate until we have much more detail, we can point out approximate costs you may wish to consider. Please provide the information below, and we can have someone from the City's Public Works Department contact you to discuss how your development proposal could include the need to pay SDCs. Address or location of the proposed business: 3333 RIVERBEND DRIVE, PRINGFIELD OR 97477 EDICAL CLINIC SERVICES IN 13,500 SQFT Describe the business activities you are proposing at that location and how much area they will Will the general public use or come to your location for the proposed business activity? YES NODoou antici addin ous surfaces or buildi s?or removl AI tm What's the best way and time to contact you? Email:dpklute@gma-arch.com Phone Numbers:(541)344-9157 Name Date use. lves Do you anticipate needing additional plumbing fixtures and./or needing water or wastewater facilities? CII'\ OF SPI{I\CT'I}]I,D S\ SI I]\IS DT\ t]LOP\IT]\I' CII,\RGE \\()RKSIIT]T]'T JOITRNAL OR JOB NUMBER NAIIE OR COTIPANY: LOCATION: N'AP & TAX LOT NUMBIRI DfVELOPIIENT IYPE: Peacellcalth 3377 Riverbend I)ri\e 1703220004102 lnterior Remodal 5. ADMINISTRATTVE FEES: BASE CIIARCE (SUBTOTAL ABOVE) STORM DRA]NAGE ADMINISTRATION FEE: SEWER ADMINISTRATION FEE: TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION FEE: I-OCAL MWMC ADMINISTRATION FEE: 988.32 MWMC MWMC 5IO ITI] 6t0 I I-u LOT SIZE S,F (s TO TAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE SI: NEW EXISTING DEVELOPED AREA (S.F',) 610 610 I. STOR\{ DRAINAGf, NEW IMPERVIOUS SQ, FT. A, REIMBURSEMENT COST IMPERVIOUS SQ. FT, TOl',\I, STOIT\I DRAIN.\GI' SDC: X S 0.294 PER SF xs Cost per SF= $ $0.00 $0.00O.{2{ PER SF 0.718 B- IMPROVEMENT COST IMPERVIOUS SQ. FT, 2. SANIIARY SEWER-CITY (see reverse side) A- RETMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBEROFDFU'S 4 X $ EI-54 PER DFU s 247.08,TOTAL LOCAL WASTf,WATER SDC: B- IMPROVEMENT COST NUMBER OF DFU'S .l X $ 165,54 PER DFU BLDG AREA TGSF x TRIP RA,ID x COST PER ADT x NEW TRIP FACTOR $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.85 0.85 s 385.69 TOT,TI, TR"{NSPORTATION SDC:s $0.00 [E \R,\\ IMPROVEMENl'COST 0.00 13.22\ EXISTING $0.00PI]R TRIP 0.85 NTF NTF NTF 0.85 NTF REIMBURSEMENT COST: 0.00 x. 13.22 $ 19,28 PER TzuP S 366 4I PER TRIP TOTAL TRANSPORTATION REIMBURSEMENT SDC: TOTAL TRANSPORTATION IMPRO\TEMENT SDC: REIMBURSEMENT COST: 0.00 x 13.22 X $ 19,28 PER TRIP B, IMPROVEMENT COST: 0.00 \ 13.22 x s 366.41 $0.00 $o.oo s $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU'S 0.00 IMPROVEMENT COST. - NUMBER OF FEU'S 0.00 COMPLTANCE COSI: NUMBER OF FEU'S 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 $187.57 0.00 $t,899.77 $27.37 \ \0.00 SUBTOTAL AI)D ITEMS I &.t NUW B MWMC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) ISTING TO r' \L I\\ \tC St)( r PER FEU PER FEU PER FEU $187.57 PER FEU $ I,899-77 PER FEU 527,37 PER FEU REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU'S IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU'S COMPLTANCE COST: NT]MBER OF FEU'S TOTAI- MWMC REIMBURSEMENT FEE TOTAL MWMC IMPROVEMENT FEE TOTAL MWMC COMPLIANCE FEE MWMC ADMINISTRATIVE FEE 988.32S re-@ I@ I@ -@ IUU - $49..r2 0.00 19.12 0.00 0.00 Kyle Greene s 7/20/2018 ,I'OTAI- SDC CII-\RGES 8t l-18-001739-STR I so oo I so.oo $0.00l-3ddd I$ rpl? ?{ DRAINAGf, FL\TURE LTNIT (DFU) CALCULATION T-{BLE NUMBER OF NEW FIXTURES x TINIT EQUIVAIENT = DRAINACE FIXTURE UNITS OTE: FOR REMODELS CA.I-CULATL ONLY TIIE NET ADDII'IONAI F]X'I URES) #RET I FIXTUR]]S NEW OLD LI}JIT UIVALENT DRAINAGE FIXTTJRE IJNITSFIXTURIl TYPE BATHTUB DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR DRAIN, FLOOR SINK INTERCEPTORS FOR GREASE/OIUSOLIDS/ETC. INTERCEPTORS FOR SAND/AUTO WASH/ETC. LAUNDRY TUB CLOTHES WASHER/MOP SINK CLOTHES WASHER . 3 OR MORE (EA) MOBILE HOME PARK TRAP (I PER TRAILER) RECEPTOR FOR REFRIGERATOR/WATER STATION/ETC. RECEPTOR FOR COMMERCTAL SINK./ DISHWASHER/ETC SHOWER, SINGLE STALL SHOWER, CANG (NUMBER OF HEADS) SINK: COMMERCIAL. RESIDENTIAL KITCHEN SINK: COMMERCIAL BAR SINK: WASH BAS IN/DOUBLE LAVATORY SINK: SINGLE LAVATORY/RESIDENTIAL BAR URINAL, STALUWALL TOILET, PT,IBLIC INSTALLATION TOILET, PRIVATE INSTAILATION MISCELLANEOUS: 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 I 3 6 2 3 6 t2 I 3 2 2 3 2 2 I 5 6 3 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 12 6 0 25 6 t1 0 0 0 0 NIIMBER OF F,DIIS* *EDU (Equi\alent D\lclling Unit) is a dischargc equivalent to a single CREDIT CALCT,]LATION TABLE: BASED ON ASSESSED VAIUE IF IMPROVEMENTS OCCURRED AITER ANNELATION DATE IN TABLE, CALCULATE CREDITS SEPARATELY YEAR ANNEXED RATE PER $I.OOO ASSESSED VAIUE $1.45 $1.2s $1.09 $0.92 $0.12 $0.48 $0.28 $0.09 $0.05 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 x $0.00 $0.00 I so.oo RATE PER $1,OOO ASSESSED VALTJE YEAR ANNEI-ED t992 1993 t994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 t979 I980 t98 r 1982 1983 r984 r985 1986 1987 1988 t989 1990 l99l $5.29 $5.r9 $5.12 $4.96 $4.E0 $4.63 $4.40 $4.07 $3.67 $3.22 $2.73 $2.25 $1.80 or before CREDIT FOR PARCEL OR LAND ONLY IF APPLICABLE IMPROVEMENT OF AFTER ANNEXATION DATE) CREDIT TOTAL -6 TOTAL DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS = E Generated by COMcheck-Web Software lnterior Lighting Gompliance Certificate Section 1: Project lnformation Energy Code: 2014 Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Codo Project Title: 18026 Neuro Project Type: Alteration Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Section 2: lnterior Lighting and Power Calculation Area Category B Floor /qrea (ft2) c Allowed Watts / ft2 D Allowcd Watti (BxC) Deslgner/Contractor: (8FT )INNER PRIV OFFICES AND EXAM ROOMS (Common Space Types:Offlce - Enclosed) (Celling Height 8 ft.) JANITORIAL AND SOILED H. (Common Space Types:Active Slorage) (Ceiling Heiqht 8 ft.) INNER OPEN OFFICE (Common Space Types:Offce - Opon Plan) (C6iling Height 8 ft.) CONFERENCE (Common Space Types:Conference/Meeting/Multipurpose) (Ceiling Height I fr.) PATIENT PORTAL ELEVATOR LOBBY (Common Spac€ Types:Lobby) (Ceiling Height I ft.) RR (Common Space Types:Restrooms) (Ceiling Height 8 fr.) HALLS (Hospital:Corridors /Transition) (Ceiling He'ght 8 ft.) BREAK ROON,I (Hospital:Lounge/Recreation) (Coiling Height 8 ft.) OPEN OFFICE (Common Space Types:Office - Open Plan) (Ceiling Height I ft.) 9 FT CEILING PRIV. OFFICES (Common Spaco TypesrOffic€ - Enclosod) (Ceiling Height I ft. ) 4407 186 197 1912 351 3510 263 476 2002 0.97 0.63 0.93 1.'11 0.9 0.82 0.94 0.71 0.93 0.s7 4275 40 173 219 1721 288 3299 187 443 1942 Section 3: lnterior Lighting Fixture Schedule A Fixture lO : Doscrlption / Lamp / Wattage Per Lamp / Ballast BCLamps/ # of Flxturc Fixtures D Fixture Watt. E (cxD) (8FT )INNER PRIV OFFICES AND EXAM ROOMS (Common Space Types: Office - Enclosed, 4407 sq.ft.) LED: TROFFER: LED Panel44w: 1 LED: B 1X4 FT CLG MTD: LED Panel4owi 1 LED: UCi LED Undercabinet Unit 5.7W: 1 JANITORIAL AND SOILED H. (Common Space Types: Active Slorage, 63 sq.ft.) LED: G 4FT WALL MTD: LED Linear 33W: 1 LED:TROFFER: LED Panel44w: 1 INNER OPEN OFFICE (Common Space Types: Office - Open Plan, 186 sq.ft.) LEDTTROFFER: LED Panel44w: 1 CONFERENCE (Common Space Types: Conference/Moeting/Multipurpose, 197 sq.fr.) LED F DOWN LIGHTS| Other: 1 PATIENT PORTAL ELEVATOR LOBBY (Common Space Types: Lobby, 1912 sq.ft.) LED] M DOME LIGHT: LED A Lamp 13W: 3 LED] D DOWN LIGHTI LED A Lamp 9W: 1 LED F DOWN LIGHT| Othe. 1 LED:TRoFFER: LED Panel44wr 1 6 68 33 44 40 5.7 264 2720 188.1 1 3 4 33 44 132 44 176 6 10 60 2 30 2 4 7A 300 20 176 Project Titler 18026 Neuro Data filename: 3S 10 10 44 TotalAllowed Watts = 12585 Report dato: 07/16/18 Pag€ 1 of 4 LED: UC: LED Undercabinet Unit 5.7W: RR (Common Space Types: R€strooms, 351 sq.fr.) LED: G 4FT WALL MTD: LED Linear 33W: LEDi D DOWN LIGHT: LED A Lamp gW: HALLS (Hospital: Corrldors /Transition, 3510 sq.ft.) LED: TROFFER: LED Panel ,l4W: LEO: D DOWN LIGHTS: LED A Lamp 9W: LED: N DOME LIGHTS: Othor: BREAK ROOM (Hospilal: Lounge/R€creation, 263 sq.ft.) LED: TROFFER: LED Panel 44W: LED: UC: LED Undercabinet Unit 5.7W: OPEN OFFICE (Common Space Types: Offlce - Op€n Plan, 476 sq.ft.) LED: TROFFER: LED Panel ,l4W: I FT CEILING PRIV. OFFICES (Common Space Types: Offc€ - Enclosed, 2002 sq.ft.) LED: LED Panel 44W: LED: F DOWN LIGHTS: Other: 57 5-1 33 10 297 10 I 1 39 3 5 3 2 6 44 10 17 1716 30 85 37 44 5.7 132 11.4 44 264 44 10 1628 10 Total Proposed Watts = 8336 ln the following requioments, blank checkboxos identify requirements that the applicant has not acknowledged as being meL Checkmarks identify requiements that the applicant acknowledges arc mel ot excepted fram compliance. 'Plans rcference page/section' identfies where in lhe plans/specs the rcquiemenl can be verified as being satislied. J Lighting Wattage: 1 . Total proposed watts must be less than or equal to total allowed watts Allowed Wattager 12585 Proposed Wattage:8336 Complies:YES Mandatory Requirements: d 2. Exit signs. lnternally illuminated exit si ns shall not exceed 5 watls per side Plans reference page/section &f 3. Daylight zone control. All daylight zones are provided with individual controls that control the lights independent of general area lighting in the non-daylight zone. ln all individual daylight zones larger than 350 sq.fl., automatic daylight controls is provided. Automatic daylight sensing controls reduce the light output of the conkolled luminaires at least 50 percent, and provide an automatic OFF control, while maintaining a uniform level of illumination. Contiguous dayljght zones adjacent to vertical feneskation may be controlled by a single controlling device provaded that they do not include zones facing more lhan two adjacent cardinal orientations (i.e., north, easl south, west). Daylighl zones under skylights shall be controlled separately from daylight zones adjacent to vertical fenestration. Exception(s): Retail spaces adjacent to vertical glazing (retail spaces under overhead glazing are not exempt)tl D tr tr Display, exhibition and specialty lighting HID lamps 150 watts or less. Spaces required lo have occupancy sensors Plans reference page/section d;4 lnterior lighting controls. At least one local shutoff lighting control has been provided for every 2,000 square feet of Iit floor area and each ar€a enclosed by walls or floor-to-ceiling partitions. The requirod conkols are located within the area served by the controls or are a remote switch that identifles the lights served and indicates their status. Exception(s): fl Lighting systems serving areas designated as security or emergency areas that must be continuously lighted. D Lighting in public areas such as conmurses, staiMays or corridors that are elements of the means of egress with switches that are accossible only to authorized personnel. fl Lighting for warehouses, parking garages or spaces using less than 0.5 watts per square foot. fl Lighting for contiguous, single-tenant retailspaces Plans reference page/section unit conkols I\,4aster I guest room Plans reference page/section Sheet A3.20 Sheet A3.20 Not Applicable R€pon date:07/16/18 Page 2 ol 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Section 4: Requirements Checklist g/6. Egress lighting. Egress illumination is controlled by a combination of listed emergency relay and occupancy sensors to shut off during periods that the building space served by the means of egress is unoccupied. Sheet A3.20 Project Titlei 18026 Neuro Data tilename: Plans reference page/section d7. Additional controls. Each area that is required to have a manual control shall havo additional controls that meet the roquirements of Sections 505.2.2.'1 and 5O5.2.2.2. Plans reference page/section gt 8. Light reduction controls. Each spac€ required to have a manual control atso allows for reducing the connected lighting load by at least 50 percent by either 1) controlling (dimming or multi-level switching)all luminaires; or 2) dual switching of altemate rows of luminakes, altemate luminaires, or altemate lamps; or 3) switching tho rhiddle lamp luminaires indepondently of other lampst or 4) switching sach luminaire or each lamp. Exception(s): D Only one luminaire in space. fl An occupant-sensing device controls the area. Il The ar€a is a coridor, storeroom, reshoom, public lobby or sl€eping unit. E Electricalandmechanicalroom. fl Areas that use less than 0.6 Watts/sq.ft. Plans reference page/section E, L Buildings larger than 2,000 square feet are equipped with an automalic conkol device to shut otf lighting in those areas. This automalic controldevic€ shall function on eather| 1) a scheduled basis, using time-of-day, with an independenl program schedule that controls the int€rior lighting in areas that do not exceed 10,000 square feet and are nol more than one floor; or 2) an occupant sonsor that shall turn lighting off within 30 minutes of an occupanl leaving a space; or 3) a signal from another conkol or alarm system that indicates tho ar6a is unoccupied. Excoption(s): E Sleeping units, patient care areas; and spaces where aulomatjc shutoffwould endanger safety or security. Plans ref€rence page/section ql l0.Occupancy sensors in rooms that include dayight zones are required to have Manual ON activation Plans referenco page/section 6a'11.An occupant sensor conkol device is installed that automatacally tums lighting off within 30 minutes of all occupants leaving a space Exception(s): B Classrooms and lecture halls. O Conference, meeting and training rooms. B Employee lunch and break rooms. D Rooms used for document copying and printing D Offico spaces up to 300 square feet. E Restrooms. fl Dressing, fitting and locker rooms. Plans reference page/section: Oi-l2.Additional controls. An occupant sensor control dovice that automatically tums lighting ofi within 30 minutes of all occupants leaving a space or a locally activated switch that automatically tums lighting off within 30 minutes of b6ing aclivated is installed in all storage and supply rooms up to 1000 square feet. Plans referenc€ page/section l3.Occupant ovenide. Automatic lighting shutoff operating on a time-of-day scheduled basis incorporales an override switching device that: 1) is readily accessible, 2) is located so that a person using th6 device can see the lights or the area controlled by that switch, or lhe area being lit is annunciated, 3) is manually operated, 4) allows the lighting to remain on for no more than 2 hours when an is initiated, and 5) controls an area not exc€eding 2,000 square feet. tr tr rcades, auditoriums, singlo-tenant retail spacos, industrial facilities and arenas, where captive-key override is lime is permittod to exceed 2 hours and arcad uditoriums, single{enant retail spaces, industrial facilities and aronas, the area conkolled shall not exc€ed square feet.Not Applicable Plans refercnce page/section ln malls utalized ln malls 20,000 Report dater 07/16/'18 Page 3 of 4 Exception(s): E Building exits as defned in Section '1002 of the Oregon Structural Specialty Code. Project Title: 18026 Neuro Data filename: gftn.Hotiday scheduling. Automatic lighting shutoff op€rating on a time-of-day scheduled basis has an automatic holiday scheduling lGature thal tums otl all loads for at leasl 24 hours, then resumes tho normally scheduled op€ration. Exceplion(s): O Retail slores and associaled malls, restaurants, grocery storcs, places of religious worship, theatsrs and exterior lighting zones E Single zone electronic time control devices End self-contained wall box preset lighting controls. 5.Exlerior Iighting controls. Lighting not designated for dusk{o-dawn operation shall be controlled by either a combinalion of a time switch, or an aslronomical lime swilch. Lighting d€signated for dusk{o-dawn oporatlon shall be controlled by an astronomical ti sor Plans reference page/seclion 16.Tandem wiring. The following luminaires located within the same area shall be tandem wired: 1. Fluorescent luminakes equipped with or odd-numbored lamp configurations, thal are recess-mounted within '10 feet center-to-center ot each other. 2. Fluorescent equipped with one, three or any odd-numbered lamp conllguration, that are pendanf or surface-mounted wilhin 1 foot edge- e,lhree to-€d9e other Exception(s): fl Where electronic hi ncy ballasts are used D Luminaires on emergency circu l:l Luminaires with no available pair in the Plans reference page/section Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable edicaltask Iighting or sruhistory display lighting claimed to b6 exempt from compliance has a conkol devic€ independent of the control of the Plans reference page/seclion unit in a building ls metered sepa Plans reference page/section Not Applicable lntorlor Llghling PASSES Section 5: Compliance Statement Complianco Slatemont: The proposed lighting design represented in this documenl is consistent with lhe building plans. specillcation6 and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed lighting system has beon designed to meet the 2014 Oregon Energy Efllciency Specialty Code requiremenls in COMche.k-We6 and to compl requirements in lhe Requiroments Checklist.d a-lJonnre fni A L^C -6Alh Ar"[,]..t,or/tr/ r t Date Project Notes: ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING MEDICAL CLINIC 5TH FLOORWORK INCLUDES DEMOLITION, FRAMING, CASEWORK, FINISHES, PLUMB!NG. MECHANICAL. ANO ELECTRICAL, NO NEW SQUARE FOOTAGE, Report date: 07/18/18 Page 4 ol 4 P ans reference oage/section' Name - Title Proiect Title: 18026 Neuro Data filensme: Generated by COMcheck-Web Software lnterior Lighting Gompliance Certificate Section 1: Project lnformation Energy Code: 2014 Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Code Project Title: 18026 Neuro Project Type: Alteration Construction Site; Owner/Agent: Area Catoqory B Floor Area llt2l c Allowod Watts / ft2 D Allowed Watts(BxC) (8FT )INNER PRIV OFFICES AND EXAM ROOMS (Common Space Types:Office - Enclosod) (Ceiling Hoight 8 ft.) JANITORIAL AND SOILED H. (Common Space Types:Active Storage) (C6ilin9 Hoisht 8 ft.) INNER OPEN OFFICE (Common Spac€ Typ€s:Office - Open Plan) (Ceiling Height 8 fl.) CONFERENCE (Common Space Types:Conference/Meeting/Multipurposo) (Ceiling Height I ff.) PATIENT PORTAL ELEVATOR LOBBY (Common Space Types:Lobby) (C6iling Height I ft. ) RR (Common Spaco Types:Restrooms) (Ceiling Height 8 ft.) HALLS (HospitalrConidors /Transition) (Ceiling Height I ft.) BREAK ROOM (Hospital:Lounge/Recrealion) (Ceiling Height 8 ft.) OPEN OFFICE (Common Space Types:Offic6 - Open Plan) (C€iling Height I fr.) I FT CEILING PRIV. OFFICES (Common Space Types:Offic€ - Endosed) (C6ilins Heisht I ft.) 4407 63 't 86 197 '1912 351 3510 263 476 2002 0.97 0.63 0.93 1.11 0.9 o.a2 0.94 0.71 0.93 0.97 4275 40 173 219 1721 288 3299 187 443 1942 Total Allowed Watts = 12585 Section 3: lnterior Lighting Fixture Schedule A Flxturo lD : D€scription / Lamp / Wattage Por Lamp / Ballast acLamps/ # ol Flxture Fixturos D Flxture Wan, E(cxo) (8FT )INNER PRIV OFFICES AND EXAI\.1 ROOMS (Common Spac€ Typ6s: Office - Enclosed, 4407 LED:TROFFER: LED Panol44w: 1 LED: B 1X4 FT CLG MTD: LED Panel 40W: 1 LED: UC: LED Undercabinet Unit 5.7W: 1 JANITORIAL AND SOILED H. (Common Space Types: Active Storage, 63 sq.ft.) LED| G 4FT WALL MTD: LED Linear 33Wr 1 LED:TROFFER| LED Panel44w: 1 INNER OPEN OFFICE (Common Spac6 Types: Ofiic€ - Open Plan, 186 sq.ft.) LED] TROFFERT LED Panel44w: 1 CONFERENCE (Common Space Types: Conference/Meeting/Multipurpose, 197 sq.ft.) LED: F DOWN LIGHTS| Olher: 1 PATIENT PORTAL ELEVATOR LOBBY (Common Space Types: Lobby, 1912 sq.ft.) LED: M DOME LIGHT: LED A Lamp 13W: 3 LED: D DOWN LIGHT| LED A Lamp 9W: 1 LED] F DOWN LIGHT: Other: 1 LED: TROFFERT LED Panel44w: 1 sq 6 68 44 40 5.7 264 2720 188.1 33 132 7a 300 20 176 33 44 44 10 I 3 4 6 2 176 60 30 2 4 Project Titler 18026 Neuro Data fllename: 39 10 '10 44 Report dater 07/16/18 Page 1 of 4 Section 2: lnterior Lighting and Power Calculation Designer/Contractori 57 5.7 I 1 3 5 3 2 6 33 10 297 10 44 10 17 716 30 85 37 44 5.7 11.4 44 264 44 10 1628 10 TotalProposed Watts = 8336 Section 4: Requirements Checklist ln the following rcquirements, blank checkboxes identih/ requiremenls that the applicant has not acknowledged as being meL Chackmarks identify rcquirements that the applicant acknowledges are mel or excepted from compliance. 'Plans rcference page/seclion' identilies where in the plans/specs the requirement can be verilied as being satisfied. J Lighting Wattage: 1 . Total proposed watts must be less than or equal to tolal allowed watts Allowed Wattage: 12585 Proposed Wattage: 8336 Complies: YES d Mandatory Requirements: 2. Exit signs. lnternally illuminated exit s shall nol exceed 5 watts per side Plans reference paqe/section Mi'3. Daylight zone control. A,ldaylight zones are provided with individual controls that controlthe lights independent of general area lighting in the noniaylight zone. ln all individual daylight zones larger than 350 sq.ft., automatic daylight controls is provided. Automatic daylight sensing controls reduce the light output of the controlled luminaires al least 50 percent, and provide an automatic OFF control, while maintaining a uniform level of illumination. Contiguous daylight zones adjacent to vertical fonestration may be controlled by a single controlling device provided that they do not include zones facing more lhan two adjacent cardinal orientations (i.e., north, east. south, west). Daylight zones under skylights shall be controlled separately from daylight zones adjacent to vertical fenestration. Exception(s): Retail spaces adjacent to vertical glazing (retail spaces under overhead glazing are not exempt). Display, exhibition and specialty lighting HID lamps 150 watts or less. Spaces required to have occupancy sensors. Plans reference page/section gi'4. lnterior lighting conkols. At least one local shutoff lighting control has been provided for every 2,OOO square feet of lit floor area and each area onclosed by walls or lloor-to-ceiling partitions. The required controls are located within the area served by the controls or are a remote switch thal identifies the lights served and indicates lheir status. Exceplion(s): D Lighting systems serving areas designated as security or emergency areas that must be continuously lighted. fl Lighting in public areas such as c,oncourses, stairways or corridors that are elements of the means of egress with switches that are accessible only to authorized personnel. fl Lighting for warehouses, parking garages or spaces using less than 0.5 watts per square foot. U Lighting for contiguous, single tenant retail spaces Plans reference page/section unil controls. Master guest room. Plans reference page/se M/6. Egress lighting. Egross illumination is controlled by a combination of listed emergency relay and occupancy sensors to shut off during periods that the building space served by the means of egress is unoccupied. Efl D u Sheet A3.20 Sheet A3.20 Sheet 43.20 Not Applicable Project Title: 18026 Neuro Data filename; Reporl date: 07/16/18 Page 2 of 4 LED: LJC: LED Undercabinet Unit 5.7Wi RR (Common Space Types: Restrooms, 351 sq.ft.) LEDr G 4FT WALL MTD: LED Linear33W: LED: D DOWN LIGHT: LED A Lamp 9W: HALLS (Hospital: Corridors /Transition, 3510 sq.fl.) LEDiTROFFER: LED Panel 44W: LED; D DOWN LIGHTS: LED A Lamp 9W: LEDr N DON,'lE LIGHTS: Otherl BREAK ROON4 (Hospitali Lounge/Recreation. 263 sq.ft.) LED: TROFFERT LED Panel44W: LED: uC: LED Ljndercabinet Unit 5.7W: OPEN OFFICE (Common Space Types: Office - Open Plan, 476 sq.ft.) LED: TROFFER: LED Panel44W: I FT CEILING PRIV. OFFICES (Common Space Types: Office - Enclosed, 2002 sq.ft.) LEDr LED Panel 44Wl LEOi F DOWN LIGHTS: Otherl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Exception(s): D Building exits as defined in Section 1002 of the Oregon Structural Specialty Code Plans reference page/section d7. Additional controls. Each area that is required to have a manualcontrol shall have additional controls that m66t tho requirements of Sections 505.2.2.1 and 505.2.2.2. Plans roferenco pag€/section Ef 8. Light reduction controls. Each space requir6d lo hav6 a manual conholalso allows for reducing the connocled lighting load by at least 50 p€rcent by 6ith6r 1) conrolling (dimming or multi-level switching)all luminaires; or 2)dual switching oI altemato rows of Iuminaires, altemate luminairos, or altemate lamps: or 3) switching the middle lamp luminaires independendy ofother lamps; or4) switching each luminaire or each lamp. Exception(s): E Only one luminaire in space. B An occupant-sensing device controls the area. B The area is a conidor, stororoom, restroom, public lobby or sleeping unit. D Electricaland mechanical room. E Ar6as lhat use less than 0.6 Watts/sq.ft. Plans reference page/ssctjon E, L Buildings larg€r than 2,000 square feet ar6 equipped with an automatic control dovice to shut off lighting in those areas. This automatic control dovic€ shall function on either: 1) a sch6dul6d basis, using time-ot{ay, with an independent program schedule that controls the interior lighting in areas that do not exceed 10,000 square f€et and are not more than one floor; or 2) an occopant sensor that shalllurn lighting ofiwithin 30 minutes ofan occupant l€aving a spacei or 3) a signal from another control or alam system that indicates the area is unoccupiod. Exception(s): B Sleoping units, patient care areas; and spaces where automatic shutoffwould endanger safety or security. Plans reference page/section gl lO.Occupancy sensors in rooms that include daylighl zones are required to have Manual ON activation Plans reference page/section 5f-11.An occupant sensor control dovice is installod thal automatically tums lighting off within 30 minutes of alloccupants leaving a space Exception(s): fl Classrooms and locture halls. E Conference, meeting and lraining rooms E Employee lunch and break rooms. E Rooms used for document copying and printing. D Office spaces up to 300 square feet. E Restrooms. fl Dressing, fitting and locker rooms. Plans reference page/section Ei/12.Additional controls. An occupant sensor control device that automatjcally turns lighting off within 30 minutes ot all occupants leaving a spac€ or a locally activated switch that automatically turns lighting off within 30 minutes of being activated is installed in all storage and supply rooms up to 1000 square feet. Plans reference page/section l3.Occupant override. Automatic lighting shutofl operating on a lime-of-day scheduled basis incorporates an override switching device thatr '1) is readily accessible, 2) is located so that a person using the device can see the lights or the ar€a controlled by that switch, or the area being lit is annunciated, 3) is manually operated, 4) allows th6 lighting to remain on for no more than 2 hours when an is iniliated, and 5) controls an area not exceeding 2,000 square feet. auditoriums, singl€-tenant retail spaces, industrialfacilities and arenas, wher6 captive-key override is time is permitted to exceed 2 hours itoriums, single-lenant retail spaces, industrialfacilities and arenas, the area conkolled shall not exceed square feet Not Applicable Plans reference page/seclion Report date: 07/16/'18 Page 3 of 4 E ln malls utilized, E ln malls 20,000 and Project Title: 18026 Nouro Data filename: Exlerior Iighting controls. Lighting not d€signated for dusk-to-dawn operation shall be controlled by either a combinalion of a time swilch, or an astronomical time swilch Lighting designated for dusk-toiawn operation shall bo controlled byp an astronomical ti sor Plans reference page/section 16 Tandem wiring. The following luminaires loc€ted within the same area shall be tandem wired: 1. Fluorescent luminaires equlpped with , three or odd-numbered lamp confrgurations, thal are recess-rnounted within 10 feet center-to-center of each other. 2. Fluorescent equipped with one, threa or any odd-numbered lamp configuration, that are pendant- or surface-rnounted within 1 foot edgo- lo-edge other Exceplion(s): \ryhere eleckonic h ncy ballasts are used Luminakes on emergency c Luminahes with no available pair in the Plans reference page/sectjon o o tr Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable cal task Iighting or arvhistory display lighting claimed to be exempt from compliance has a @ntrol device independent oftho conhol ofthe Plans reference page/section nil in a building ls metered soparatel Plans reference paqe/section Not Applicable lntsrlor Llghliog PASSES Section 5: Compliance Statement Complianco Stetement: The proposed lighting deslgn represented in this document is consistent with tho building plans, specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed lighting system has been designed to meet the 2014 Oregon Energy Efllciency Specialty Code requirements in COMcheck-Web and lo requkements in the Requirements Checklist. lJgnnre -6Ah Ar"l.,l..t,l^c or/tz/,t Nam6 - Trtle sis Dato Project Notes: ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING MEOICAL CLINIC sTH FLOORWORK INCLUDES DEMOLITION. FRAMING. CASEWORK, FINISHES, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL. ANO ELECTRICAL. NO NEW SOUARE FOOTAGE, Projecl Title: 18026 Neuro Data flename: Report date: 07/16/18 Page 4 of 4 g/14. Holiday scheduling. AutonEtic lighting shutoff operating on a tims-of-day scteduled basis has an aulomatic holiday scheduling feature that tums off all loads for at least 24 houls, then resumes tho nornally schedulod operation. Exception(s): f] Retail stores and assoclated malls, restaurants, grocery stores, places oI religious woIship. theaters and exterior lighting zoaes. D Single zone electronic time control devices and gelf-contained wall box preset lighting controls. Plans re'erence oaoe/section: Generated by COMchec k-Web Software lnterior Lighting Compliance Certificate Section 1: Project lnformation Energy Code: 2014 Oregon Energy Efriciency Specialty Code Poect Title: 18026 Neuro FIRST FLOOR Project Type: Alteration Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Section 2: lnterior Lighting and Power Calculation Ar€a Category Designer/Contractor B Floor Area Ift2l c Allowed Watts / ft2 D Allowed Watts(Bxc) OPEN OFFICE (Common Space Types:Ofiice - Open Plan) (Ceiling Height I ft.) CEILING PRIV. OFFICES (Common Space Types:Otfic€ - Enclosed) (Ceiling Height I ft.) 304 358 0.93 0.97 283 u7 Total Allowed Watts =630 Section 3: lnterior Lighting Fixture Schedule A Flture lD : Description / Lamp / Wattago Per Lamp / Ballast OPEN OFFICE (Common Spac6 Typ€s: Offce - Open Plan, 304 sq,fr,) LED:TROFFER: LED Panel 44W: CEILING PRIV. OFFICES (Common Space Types: Offrc€ - Enclosod, 358 sq.ft.) LED: TROFFER: LED Panel44W: 22444 44 5 5 220 TotalProposed Watts = 440 Section 4: Requirements Checklist ln the following rcquircments, blank chockboxes identify requirements that the applicant has not acknowledged as being meL Chackmatus identity requhements that the applicant acknowledges are met or excepted from cofidiance. 'Plans roference page/soctioh' identifias where in the plans/specs the rcquircnent can bo verilied as boing satistied. Lighting Wattage: E 1. Total proposed walls must be less than or equal to total allowed watts. Allowod Wattage: 630 Proposed Wattage:440 CompliestYES /Mandatory Requirements: J 2. Exit s'gns. lntemally illuminated exit signs shalt not exceed 5 watts per side Plans reference pago/section g'3. Daylight zone control. Alldaylight zones are provided with individual controls that controlthe lights independent of gonerat area tighting in the noniaylight zone. ln all individual daylighl zones larger than 350 sq.ft., automatic daylight controls is provided. Aulomatic daylight sensing controls reduc€ the llght output of the controlled luminaires at least 50 percent, and provide an automatic OFF controt, while maintaining a uniform level of illumination. Contiguous daylight zones adjacent lo vortical fenestration may be controlled by a single controlling device provided that they do not include zon6s facing more than two adjacent cardinal orientations (i.e., north, €ast, south, west). Daylighl zones under skylights shall be controlled separately from daylight zones adjacent to verticat fonestradon. Exceplion(s): E Retail spaces adjacent to vertical glazing (retail spaces und6r overhead glazing are not exempt). fl Display, exhabition and specialty lighting Sheet 43.20 Project Title: 18026 Neuro FIRST FLOOR Data filename: R6port date; 07/16/18 Pago 1 of 4 BCDELamps/ #ol Fixture (C X D) Flxture Fixturos Watt. 1 1 D HID lamps 150 watts or less. O Spac€s required to have occupancy sensors Plans reference page/section Ef4. lnterior lighting controls. At least one local shuloff lighting control has been provided for every 2,OOO square feet of lit floor area and each area enclosed by walls or floor-to-c€iling partitions. The required controls are located within the area served by the controls or are a remote switch that identifies lhe lights seNed and indicatos their status. Excepion(s): E Lighting systems serving areas designated as security or emergency areas that must be mntinuously lighted. fl Lighting in public areas such as crncourses, stairways or corridors that are elemenls of the means of egress with switches that are accessible only to authorized personnel. fl Lighting for warehouses, parking garages or spaces using less than 0.5 watts per square foot. D Lighting for contiguous, sangle{enant retail spa ng unit controls. Master switch at to hotel/motel guest room Plans reference page/ Ef6. Egress lighting. Egress illumination is controlled by a combination of listed emergency relay and occupancy sensors to shut off during periods that the building space served by the means of egress is unoccupied. Exception(s): D Building exits as defined in Section 1002 ofthe Oregon Structural Specialty Code. Plans reference page/sectiondAddilional controls. Each area that is required to have a manual control shall have additional controls that meet the requirements of Sections 505.2.2.1 and 505.2.2.2. Li Plans reference page/section ht reduction controls. Each space required to have a manual control also allows for reducing the connectod lighting load by at least controlling (dimming or multi-level switching) all luminaires; or 2) dual switching of altemate rows of luminaires, or3 itching the middle lamp luminaires independently of other lamps; or 4) switching each Exception(s): fl Only one luminaire in space occupanl-sensing device controls the area D is a conidor, storeroom, restroom, public lobby or sleeping unit. Ll Electricala cal room E Areas that use less yvatts/sq. ft Buildings larger than 2,000 square feet are equipped automatic control device to shut off tighting in those areas. This automatic control device shall function on eithel 1) a scheduled basis, using time-of-day, with an independent program schedule that controls the interior liqhting in areas that do not exceed 10,000 sqoare feet and arc not more than one floor: or 2) an occupant sensor that shall turn gff within 30 minutes of an occupant leaving a spacei or 3) a signal from another control or alarm system that indicates the area alternate luminaires, or luminaire or each lamp is unoccupie Exceplion(s): lf Sleeping units, patient care areasi and spaces where automatc shutoffwould endanger safety or security Sheet 43.20 Plans nce g11o.o""upun"y ""nsors in rooms that include daylight zones are required to have Manual oN activation Plans reference page/section 11.An occupant sensor control device is installed lhat automatically tums lighting off within 30 minutes of all occupants leaving a space Exceplion(s): E Classrooms and lecture halls. fl Conference, meeting and training rooms. E Employee lunch and broak rooms. fl Rooms used for document copying and printing. I Report datei 07/'16/'18 Page 2 ol 4 Sheet A3.20 Plans reference page/section: '93 Plans reference page/section: Not Applicable Project Title: '18026 Neuro FIRST FLOOR Data filenamei D Office spacos up to 300 square feet D Restrooms, E Dressing. litting and locker rooms. Plans aeference page/section A-l2.Additional controls. An occupant sensor control dovico that automatically tums lighting off within 30 minut6s oI all occupants lsaving a space or a locally aclivated switch thal automatically tums lighung ofl withln 30 minutos of being activated Is lnslalled ln all storage and supply rooms up to 1000 square feet. Plans reference pagey'section g[ l3.Occupant override. Automatic lighting shutoff of,orating on a timeolisy schsduled basis incorporates an overdd€ siwitching device that 1) is roadily accessible, 2) is locaied so that a porson using the device can soe th€ lights or the area controlled by that switch. or so that tho area belng llt is annuncialed, 3) is manually op6rat6d, 4) allows tho lighting to remain on for no mor€ than 2 hou6 wh6n an ovenide is initialed. and 5) controls an area not exceodlng 2,000 square fesl. Excoplion(s): E ln malls and arcades, auditoriums, singl€-lonant retail spaces. industrial facllitjes and arenas. where captive-koy ovenide is utilized, override time is permitted to exceed 2 hours. D ln malls and arcades, auditoriums, slngle-t€nant rotail spaces, indust ial facillttos and arenas! lho area controlled shall not exceed 20.000 square feet. Plans relerenc€ page/sedion Plans referenc6 page/section l5.Exterior lighting controls. Lighling not designat€d lor dusklo-dawn op€ratlon shall be controlled by 6ither a combinatjon of a A timo switch, or an astronomic€l tlme switch Lighting designated for dusk-to-dawn operation shall be controlled by an asfonomical timo nsor Plans r€feronc€ p€g€/section 16.Tandem wiring. The following luminaires located wilhin the sam€ area shall be tandem wired: '1. Fluorescent luminaires equipped with lhree or odd-numborgd lamp confgurations, thal are recess-mounled within 10 feet oenter-to-center of 6ach othor. 2. Fluorescent lumi n gquipped with one, three or any odd-numbered lamp conliguration, that ar9 pendant- or surfacs-mounted wtthln 1 toot edge- to-edge of Excoption(s) h6r fl Wher6 oloctronic h ballasls are used D Luminakes on Bmergency circuits 3 Luminaires with no available pair in lho task lighting or arvhistory display lighling claimed lo b€ exempt from compliance has a conkol device indep€ndent of lhe conlrol ol the no Plans reference page/section Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable unit in a building is meteaed Plans reference pago/section Not Applicable lnle.ior Lighting PASSES Section 5: Gompliance Statement Complianca Slatemont: The proposed lighting dosign represonted in lhis doqJmont is conslstent with the buildlng plans, specificalions and other calculatlons submltted wlth this permjt applicalion. Tho proposed lighting syst6m has been dosignod to meet lhe 2014 Oregon Enargy EfUcioncy Specially Code requirements in COM chock-Web and to co requirements in the Requirements Checklist. min - 6,ttl tilr/t, Name - Tltle Projecl Titler '18026 Neuro FIRST FLOOR Dala lilename: , {rc [" mpl manda Date Report date:07/16/18 Pago 3 ol 4 A/ l4.Holiday s.heduling. Automatlc lighting shutoff operating on a timeokay scheduled basis has an automatic holiday scfieduling leaturo that tums ofiall loads for at least 24 hours, then r6sumoa the nomally schoduled operation. E ception(s): E Retail stores and associated malls, reslauranls, grocery stor6s, places of r6llglous worship. theators and extorlor lightjng zones. E Single zone electronic time control devicos and soltcontained wall box preset lighting controls. Plans reference page/seclion: Project Title: '18026 NeLrro FIRST FLOOR Data fllename: Report dater 07/'16/18 Pag6 4 of 4 Project Notes: ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING IVEDICAL CLINIC FIRST FLOORWORK INCLUDES DEMOLITION, FRAI\4ING, FINISHES, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL, NO NEW SOUARE FOOTAGE. Generated by COMcheck-Web Software lnterior Lighting Compliance Certificate Section 1: Project lnformation Energy Code: 2014 Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Code Project Title: 18026 Neuro FIRST FLOOR Prolect Type: Alteration Conskuction Site: Owner/Agent: Section 2: lnterior Lighting and Power Calculation Aroa Category B Floor Aaea (n2) c Allowed Watts / ft2 o Allowed Watts(Brc) oPEN OFFICE (common Space Types:Office - Open Plan) (Ceiling Height I fl.) CEILING PRIV. OFFICES (Common Space Types:Ofiice - Enclosed) (Ceiling Heighl9 fi.) 0.93 0.97 283 347 TotalAllowed Watts =630 Section 3: lnterior Lighting Fixture Schedule Fixtur€ lD : Descr,ption / Lamp / Wattage Per Lamp / Ballast BCDLamps/ # of Fixture Fixture Flxtures Watt. E (cxD) OPEN OFFICE (Common Spac€ Types: Office - Open Plan, 304 sq.fr.) LED: TROFFERT LED Panel 44W: cElLlNG PRIV. oFFlcEs (Common Space Types: Offce - Enc.losed, 358 sq.fi.) LED: TROFFER: LED Panel44W: 5 44 220 44 2205 Total Proposed Watts = 440 Section 4: Requirements Checklist ln the lollowing requircments, blank checkboxes identify rcquircments that the applicant has rct acknowledged as being met. Checkma*s identily rcquhements that the apdicant acknowledges are met ot excoptod frcm compliance. 'Plans Bference page/soction' identifres whorc in the plans,/specs the roquirement can be verified as boing salisfied. Lighting Waftage: A' 1 . Total proposed watts must be less than or equal to total allowed watts. Allowed Wattage: 630 Proposed Wattage:440 Complies: YES ,.Mandatory Requirements: E[ 2. Exit signs. lntemally illuminaled exit signs shall not exceed 5 wafls per sid6 Plans reference page/section gr3. Daylight zone cantrol. All daylighl zones are provided with individual controls that control the lights independent of generat area lighting in the noniaylight zohe. ln all individual daylight zones larger than 350 sq.ft., automatic daylight controls is provided. Automatic daylight sensing controls r€duce the light output of the controlled luminaires at least 50 perc6nt, and prcvide an automatic OFF control, while maintaining a uniform level of illumination. Contiguous daylight zones adjacent to verticat fenestration may be conlrolled by a single controlling device provided that they do not include zones facing more than two adjacent cardinal orientations (i.e., north, east, south, west). Daylight zones under skylights shall be controlled separatoly from daylight zones adjacent to vertical fenestration. Exception(s): E Retail spaces adjacent to vertical glazing (retail spaces under overhead glazing are not exempt)_ fl Display, exhibition and specialty lighting Sheet A3.20 Project Thl6: 18026 Neuro FIRST FLOOR Data filoname: Report date: 07/'16/18 Page 1 of 4 Designer/Contractor: 304 358 T 1 I HID lamps 150 watts or less. E Spaces required to have occupancy sensors Plans reference page/section Ef4. lnterior lighting controls. At least one local shutoff lighting controt has been provided for every 2,OOO square feet of lit floor area and each area enclosed by walls or floor-to-ceiling partitions. The required controls are located within the area served by the controls or are a remote switch that identifies the lights sorved and indicates their status. Exceplion(s): fl Lighting systems servang areas designated as security or €mergency areas that must be continuously lighted. B Lighting in public areas such as concourses, stairways or corridors that are elements of the means of egress with switches that are accessible only to authorized personnel. E Lighting for warehouses, parking garages or spaces using less than 0.5 watts per square fool. I Lighting for contiguous, single{enanl retail spa Plans reference page/section nq unit controls. I\,,laster switch at to hotel/molel guest room Plans reference page/sect Plans reference page/section {,Additional controls. Each area thal is required to have a manual mntrol shall have additional controls that meet the requkements of Sections 505.2.2.1 and 5O5.2.2.2. Plans reference page/section ht reduction controls. Each space required to have a manual control also allows for reducing the connected lighting load by at least controlling (dimming or multllevel switching) all luminaires; or 2) dual switching of altemate rows of luminaires, alternate luminaires,ora or3 ching the middle lamp luminaires independendy of other lampst or 4) switching each luminaire or each lamp. Exception(s): E Only one luminaire in space occupant-sensing devic€ controls the area is a conidor, storeroom, restroom, public lobby or sleeping uniltrTh g/a O Electricalan anical room D Areas that use less t q.ft. Plans reference page/section Buildings larger than 2,000 square feet are equipped automatic conkol device to shut off lighting in those areas. This automatic mnkot device shall function on either: '1) a scheduled basis, using time-of-day, with an independent program schedule that controls the interior lighting in areas lhat do not exceed 10,000 square feet and are not more than one floor: or 2) an occupant sensor that shallturn u/ithin 30 minutes of an occupant leaving a space; or 3) a signal from another control or alarm system that indicates the area rs unoccu Exception(s) fl Sleeping units, patient care areas; and spaces where automatic shutoff would endanger safety or security Sheet A3.20 Sheet 43.20 Not Applicable I Plans reference g/tO-O""rp"n"y ""nsors in rooms that include daylight zones are required to have 14anual ON activation Plans reference page/section 1'1.An occupant sensor conkoldevic€ is installed that automatically tums lighting off within 30 minutes of all occupants leaving a space Exception(s): fl Classrooms and leclure halls. E Conference, meoting ahd training rooms. fl Employee lunch and break rooms. D Rooms used for document copying and printing. Project Title: 18026 Neuro FIRST FLOOR Data filename: Report date:07i'16118 Pago 2 ol 4 Ef6. Egress lighling. Egress illumination is controlled by a combination of listed emergency relay and occupancy sensoG to shut off during periods that the buildlng space served by the means of egress is unoccupied. Exception(s): E Building exits as deflned in Section 1002 of the Oregon Structural Specialty Code. D Offc6 sp.c6s up to 300 square fe6t E R6stroorns. f) Dt96sing, fining and locker rcoms. Plans referonce page/section U/l2.Additional oonlrols, An ocEupant ssnsor control dovicg that automatically tums lighting off within 30 minutBs of all occupanG leaving a space or a locally activaled switch that automatacally lums lighting ofl withln 30 minutss of being activated ls lnstallod in all storage and supply rooms up lo 1000 square feet. Plans relerence page/section gr l3.Occupant ovenide. Automatic lighting shutoff operating on a time-of-day scfrodulod basis incorporates an ov€rido swltching device that: 1) ls r6adily accessible, 2) is located so that a pgrson using tho dovico can see the lights or th6 ar6a controlled by that switch, or so thal the ar6a b€lng lll is ahnundated, 3) is manually oporaled, 4) allowr the lightng to remain on for no moro than 2 hours wh6n an ovenide js lnltisted, and 5) controls an area not oxceedlng 2.000 square f86t. Excaption(s): O ln malls and arcad€s, auditoriums, single-tenant rgtail spaces, industrial facllitios and arenas, where captivo-key ovenide ls utilized, ovenide time is permitted to excood 2 hours. E ln malls and arcades. auditoriums, single-tenant retail spaces, induElrial facilltios and arenas, tho aroa controlled shallnot exc€gd 20,000 square foet. Plans reference pago/section A/ l4.Holiday scheduling. Automatic lighting shutoff operating on a time-okay scheduled basis has an automatic holiday scheduling feature that tums ofl all loads for at least 24 hours, then rosumos the nomally sci6dul6d operation. Excadion(s): B Ratall storgs and assooated malls, rostaurants, grocery storas, places of rgllglous woIship. theat6rs and oxterjor llghling zonos. 0 Single zone elec{ronic lime control d6vlc6s and solf-conlained wall box pr6et lighting conlIols. Plans ref6renc6 pago/seclion 15-Exterior lighting conlrols. Lightjng not desagnated for dusk'to{awn opeaatlon shall be controlled by either a combination of a E tjmo switch, or an astronomlcaltme switch LIghUng deslgnated for dusk-todawn ope.ation shall be controlled by an astronomical lime ensor Plans referonco page/section 16.Tandem wirin9. The lollowing luminaires located wilhin lhe same area shall be tandem wired: '1. Fluoresc€nt luminaires equipped with three or odd-numborod lamp confgurations. that are recass-mounted wilhin 10 feet center-to-center of each other. 2. Fluorescenl with one, three or any odd-number€d lamp conliguration, that are pendant- or suaface-mounted wlthin 1 toot edge- to-edge of Exception(s) ff Where 6l6ctronic hlgh- D Luminairss on emerge ballasts are used ncy clrcu E Luminaires with no availabl€ pair in tho Plans reference page/section ical lask lighting or aruhjstory display lighting claim6d to be exempt from compliance has a control device independent of the control of the Plans reference page/seclion Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable in 6 building is metered sep Plans reference page/seclion Not Applicable lnte.io. Lighting PASSES Section 5: Gompliance Statement conpliance Statetuont: Th€ proposed lighting dosign represented in this document is consistent with th6 building ptans, specilicatjons and other calculations submilted wilh this permit application. Tho proposed lighting system has been designed to meet the 2014 Oregon Enorgy Etflclency Specialty Code requirements in CoMchock-Web and to com requirements in the Requlrsments Checklist. rnin _ 6rrr[ a,ilzlc Name - Title ure Prolecl Title: 18026 Neuro FIRST FLOOR Data filename: ,l ec Is pl manda Report date: 07/16/18 Page 3 ot 4 Date Prqect Notes: ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING MEDICAL CLINIC FIRST FLOORWORK INCLUDES DEMOLITION, FRAIUING, FINISHES, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL, NO NEW SOUARE FOOTAGE. Project Titler 18026 Neuro FIRST FLOOR Data filename: Report date: 07/16/18 Page 4 ol 4