HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2018-10-12SPRINGFIELD ti city of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-726-3753OREGOi{Building Permit Commercial Structural Permit Number: 81 1 -1 8-002173-STR IVR Number 811098413148 web Address: www.springrield-or.9ov Email Address: permrtcenter@sprinqneld or.9ov Permit lssued: Octobet 12,2018 TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Commercial Submitted Job Value: $80,000.00 Description of Work: Alterations lo existing medical clinic Type of Work: Alteration JOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite address 3355 RiverBend DR Springfield, OR 97477 Owner: Address PEACEHEALTH ,I,115 SE 164TH AVE VANCOUVER, WA 98683 LICENSEO PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Businsss name MEILI CONSTRUCTION CO - Primary Lic6nso ccB License number 63771 Phone 541-485-1417 PENDING INSPECTIONS lnspection 1999 Final Building 8999 Final Fire 1260 Framing 1460 lnsulation 1 540 Gypsum Board/Lath/Drywall 1600 Ceiling Grid lnsPection group Struct Com Fire Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com lnsp€ction status Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Various inspections are minimally required on each proJect and often dependent on the scope of work Contact lhe rssurng JUrisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required rnspections for this prolect. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon. gov Schedule by phone call 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number. 811098413148 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting lnspection App, search "epermitting' in the app store Permits must be posted in clear view on the worksite. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 Days of issuance or it work is suspended for 180 Days or longer dopending on the issuing agency s policy. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work wall be complied with whether specified herein or not. Granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction, ATTENTION - CALL BEFORE YOU DIG: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center- Those rules are set fonh in OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952{01{090. You may obtain copi* ot the rules by calling the Center at (877) 668-1001 or dial811. All peEons or entities performing work under this permit are required to be licensecl unless exempted by ORS 701.010 (Structural/Mechanical), ORS 479.540 (Elecrrical), and ORS 693.010-020 (Plumbing). Pinted on: 10/12118 Pagelor2 sld_BuildrngPermrl_pr Parcel 1703220004101 Permit Number: 81 1 -18-002173-STR Page 2 ol 2 Fee Description Technology Fee SDC: Total Sewer Administration Fee SDC: Reimbursement Cost Local Wastewater Structural building permit fee Structural plan review fee State of Oregon SLrrcharge - Bldg (12o/o of applicable fees) 74.49 1489.86 Quantity Fee Amount $67.72 $74.49 $1,489.86 $820.86 $533.55 $98.50 $3,084.99 sld_Buildin9Permrl pr Total Fees: PERMIT FEES k'{811,18-002173-STR Receipt Number: 468320 Receipt Oate: 10/12118 OeveloPment and Pebrr Works 225 F'fth Stret s1n^gfretd, oR97477 54r-t 26-3t 53 permrtcenter@sp(n9nerd-or.9ov Transaction Receipt Cny ol Springtield www springrield'or gov Wortsite address 3355 RiverBend DR. Sprngfield. OR 97477 Parcel 1703220004101 Fees Paid 101'l2t'lB 100 Ea Slructural building permt lee 224-OOOOG425602-1030 9820 86 $E20 86 10112t18 1@ Ea 1.0O Aulomalic 1,zl89.EG Amounl Siaie of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (12oi of SDC: Toial Sewer Admrnrslralion Fee 821 -0000c2 1 5004,0000 7r+0000c426604 8800 $98 50 s74 49 s98 50 $74 49 10t12t'18 10112t1A 10G00000-42500t0000 61 1-0000s.44602+EE00 $67 72 $1,489.E6 s67 72 $1.489.86SDC: Reimbursemenl Cost - Local 10112t18 Cred cardauthorizaiion 008065 $2.551 43 Casher: Kalrina Anderson 32,551.43 FIN lr.ns.d6.R€e'pr ,. Structural Permit Application Hd*{ DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permit no l8 --ar}3 Dare. C a This permit is issued utrder OAR 918-460-00-10. Permits eripire if}r ork is trot started lvithitr 180 dal's of issua ce or if work is suspeaded for 180 da1's. LOCAL GOYERNMENT APPROVAL FEE SCHEDULE I This Drojecr has final land-use approval lsig.ut*", l. \'eluation informrtion This projeci has DEQ approval Silnature: Occupalcl ::i Fifth Srreei . Springietd. OR 97.{77 . PH(541 )7?6-175j . FA-X( 541 )725-1689 Dare I Zoning appmval venfied. J t es X fo I Propeq is \^'ithin flood plain: ! Yes I tio CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION n Residential ! Govemment ommerclal (al Joh descnplion Dal Construction l?e Square feet: Cosi pei square foo! Tvpe of Hett Job site address Subdilision eeb vtr- TPN n ne" [aiteration ! addition Lol no (bl Foundadon-oni\ permil?\-es fro Reference i Taxlor Total \'aluation P ERTY OWNER 2. Buildhg fees \a]ne (al Permit fee (use valualion BbleJ L 2-tc,n,.fPbCHVit O Srare lL ZlP. Lb.rt6 (c) Reinspecdon ($ per hour) (number ofhous x fee per hour)Phone zt Fa\ (b) investigarive fee (equal to [f,a]) E-mai1 Buiidins Sign herc Thls msraliation is beins made on rcsidential or farm properA owTTed b] me or a membei ofmv immediaae famil\- and is exempt fiom iicensine requirements under ORS 701.010 CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Busrness name E L Address Cin Siare {e) Subtotal offees abo\e (f,a through 2d) 3, Plan reviel fees (a) Pian revieu (65'/i, x pedrir fee []al) (b) Fire and life safel (659a x permit fee [2a]) (c) Subtotal of fees above (3a and 3b) 4. Miscellaneous fees (al Seismic fee. l90 (.01 x permil fee [:a]) (b)Tech fee. i% (.05 x permil feelf,a]-PR fee J3cl) lrrei or Oqrer :r:,:., lg this applicarion A v TOTAL fees aDd surcharges (2e+3c-4r-b) CrrY oF SPRTNGFELD. oREGoN Citr s"t ) p-PP-t Pnone E-mail Print name Fa'i f-u &7 6K Si!nature SUB-CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ?LNG -;12 atc b\d(A t No orrs 6a) ll,qi atalablc fu(i^#11^^fl,,.^CCB License * Phon€ \umber Electrical P rnq l,ast editel 5'5-201- Blones I JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Otner informadon: Ln.rg\ Path: s Address. ,,aL{-4- (d) Enler i2olo surcharge (.12 x [2a-2b+2c]): S s 5 ZIP ccs ircense no.:@]-'l-'l I I SPRI}.IGFIELO 'bOR6GON www.springfl eld-or.gov Worksile address: 3355 RiverBend DR, Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel:'1703220004101 Transaction Receipt 81 1-18-002173-STR Receipt Number: 467995 Receipt Date: 9/11/18 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 9747) 54L-726-3753 permitcenter@sprlngfield-or.qov Fees Paid Transaction date 9t11t1A Units 1.00 Ea Descrlptlon Structural plan review fee Account code 224-00000-425602-'t 030 Fee amount $533.s6 Paid amount $533.56 Credit card authorization 008760 Payer: Daniel Klute Payment Amount $533.56 Cash er: Toste lvlunrz Receipt Total:$533.56 Prinred 9/11/18 3:07 pm Page I of 1 FIN_TransaclionReceiptjr Payment Method: Generated by COMcheck-Web Software lnterior Lighting Compliance Certificate A Area Catogory B Floor Area (ft2) c Allowed Watts / ft2 D Allowed Watts(Bxc) Designer/Contractor: HospitaliPatienl Room: Exempt (Ceilinq Height I ft Total Allowed Watts =N/A Area Category Exemption Quallfi cations Activity Area TotalWattage TotalPre-AltPre-Alt. Post-Alt. Fixtures # Fixtures Repl./Added HospitaL: Patient Room (258 sq.ft.): Exemption: Less than 10 fixtures replaced. Section 3: lnterior Lighting Fixture Schedule A Fixture lD : Description / Lamp / Watlage Per Lamp / Ballast 2A N/A BCLamps/ # of Fixture Fixtuaes D Fixture Watt. E(cxo) Hospital: Patient Room (258 sq.ft.): Exempt Total Proposed Watts = N/A Section 4: Requirements Checklist ln the following requirements, blank checkboxes identify rcquirements that the applicant has not acknowledged as being met Checkmarks identify requiremenls that tha applicanl acknowledges are mel or excepted from compliance. 'Plans reference page/seclion' identifies where in the plans./specs the requirement can be verified as being satisfied. Section 5: Compliance Statement Compliance Stalementj The proposed lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications and other calculations submittod with this permit application. The proposed lighting system has been designed to meel the 2014 Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Code requirements in COMcheck-Web and lo comply wilh the mandatory requirements in the Requiremenls Checklist. Scarlet Weaver - GlvlA Architects *arbtw+altr 9t712018 lnterior Lightlng PASSES Name - Tille Project Title: Northwest Sp€cialty Clinics Suite 220 Data filenamol Signature Date Report dat€: 09/07/18 Page 1 of 1 Section 1: Project lnformation Energy Code: 2014 Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Code Project Title: Northwest Specialty Clinics Suite 220 Project Type: Alteration Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Section 2: lnterior Lighting and Power Calculation 20 1 Generated by COMchec k-Web Software lnterior Lighting Gertificate Compliance Section 1: Project lnformation Energy Code: 2014 Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Code Project Title: Northwest Specialty Clinics Suite 220 Project Type: Alteration Construction Site Section 2: lnterior Lighting and Power Calculation A.ea Category B Floor Area c Allowed Watts / ft2 o Allowed Watts(Bxc) Designer/Contractor Hospital:Patient Room: Exempl (Ceiling Height g ft.) Total Allowed Watls =N/A Area Category Er(emption Qualifi cations Activity Area TotalWattage TotalPre,Alt.Pr6-Alt. Post-Alt. Fixtures # Fixtures Repl./Added Hospital: Patient Room (258 sq.fr.): Exemption: Less than 10 fixtures replaced. 20 2a NiA Section 3: lnterior Lighting Fixture Schedule A Fixture lD : Descrlption / Lamp / Wattage Per Lamp / Ballast BCLamps/ # of Fixture Fixtures o Fixture Watt. E(cx0) Hospitali Palient Room (258 sq.ft.)r Exempt Total Proposed Watts = N/A Section 4: Requirements Checklist ln the following requiraments, blank checkboxes identify rcquircments that tho applicant has not acknowledged as being meL Checkma*s identily raquirements that the applicant acknowledges are met or excepted from compliance. 'Plans reference page/a,ection' identifias wharo in th6 p/aryspecs tho requiroment can be verified as being salistied. Compliance Slatement The proposed lighting design represented in this documenl is consistent with the building plans, specifications and olher calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed lighting system has been designed to meet the 2014 Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Code requirements in COMcheck-Web and lo comply with the mandatory requirements in the Requirements Chacklist. Scarlet Weaver - GMA Architects tarteln*auet 9t7t2018 lnterior Lighting PASSES Name Title Project Title: Northwest Specialty Clinics Suite 220 Data filename: S gnature Date Report date: 09/07/'18 Page 1 of 1 Owner/Agent: 1 Section 5: Compliance Statement CITY OF SPRI\(;fIEt-D S} STE]ITS DfvI]I-OP\IENT CH,{RGE \\oItKSHT]['T JOT]R\AL OR JOB NTI}IBER N }TE OR CO}TP.tN}': LOCATION: NT-{P & TAX LOT NTJIIBER: DElTLOP}If,NT 'I'YPE; 18-002173 Harrison Strcet 3355 Riverbcnd Dr 1703220004101 Interior Iacmodcl NEW DEVELOPED ARIA (S,F,): EXSTINC DEVELOPED AREA (S.F,): 610 I'I.l:. 610 0 LOT S]ZE (S.F.): 3,250.00 TOI'AL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE slj MWMC WMC 610 610 $0.00TOT.{L S'I()RTI DR \I\,{GE SDCCost \ IMPERVIOUS SQ, ITI (; ti IMPERVIOUS SQ. IJT $0.00 $0.000.424 PER SF 0.71E $ SF= $ EW IMPERVIOUS SQ. FT, , REIMBURSEMENT COSI $ l.'189.86 II!E& $0.00 $I ,189.86 REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF DFU'S IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER OF DFU'S x $ 165.54 PER DF(I X $ 8I.54 PER DFU s 247.08 TOTAL LOCAL WASTEWATER SDC: (see reY€rse sidc) 6cn dE !o impmt ftdi& arEd by Paehald BLDG AREA TGSF x TRIP RATE x COST PER ADT x NEW TRIP FACTOR $70,r.1l $ 13,381.38 ($701.1l) s 185.69 0.85 NTF 0.85 NTF 0.85 NTF TOTAI,'I'RANSPORTATION SDC;S $0.00 $0.00 't' B. IMPROVEMENl' COS'f 3.25 t3.22 PER TRIP $0.00 REIMBTJRSEM ENT COST: 3.25 x 13.22 S 19 28 PER TRIP $ 366.,11 PER lRlP TOTAL TRANSPORTATION REIMBURSEMENT SDC TOTAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT SDC EXISTING: A RF,IMBIIRSEMENTCOST: :3.25 x 13.22 X $ 19,28 PERTRIP B. IMPROVEMENT COST: -3.25 x 13.22 x $ 366.41 0.85 NTF $0.00 $609.60 $6,174.25 s88.95 REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU'S -3.25 IMPROVEMENT COSTI NUMBER OF FEU'S -3.25 COMPLIANCF COST: NUMBER OF FEU'S -3.25 WMC CRFDIT lF APPTtCeSTE tSEE REVERSL) ($609.60) ($6,t74.25) l2i $r87.57 125 $t,899.17 s27.371.25 \ x SI-IB-IOTAL NEW SI'ING: PER FEU PER FEU PER FEU $I87 57 PER FEU $I.899.77 PER FEU REIMBURSEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU'S IMPROVEMENT COST: NUMBER OF FEU'S COMPLIANCE COST: NUMBER OF FEU'S TO'I'AL MWMC REIMBURSEMENT FEE TOTAI MWMC IMPROVEMENT FEE TOTAI MWMC COMPLIANCE FEE MWMC ADMINIS'TRATIVE FEE TOTAL ]UWMC SDC ADD ITEMS 1,2.3- & 4\r,189.86 t! ! s0.00 -@ r It[@ s74.'r9 0.0t) 7 4.19 0.00 0.00 5. AD]UI\IS'I R{TIVE FEES: BASE CIIARCE (SUB-TOTAI- ABOVE)$1,.189.86 STORM DRAINAGE ADMINISTRATION FEE: SEWER ADMINISTRATION FEE: TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION FEE: LOCAL MWMC ADMINISTRATION FEE: E IMPROVEMEN I'COST: S 0.29{ PER SI: 9 0 527,37 PER FEU lt t ($1338138)._ $0.00 $0.00I so.oo| $o.oo 9^9t20t8 TOTII- SD(] (]IITRGES $ r,564.35 DRAINAGE FLXIURE UNIT (DFU) CALCULATION TABLE NUMBER OF NEW FIXTURES x tNlT EQUIVALENT = DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS (NOTE: FOR REMODELS, CALCULATE ONLY THE NET ADDITIONAL FIXTURES +REF! Fl)TURESNEW OLD TJNTT EQUIVALENT DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITSFIXTURE I'YPE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1) 3 3 I 3 3 6 2 3 6 t2 I 3 2 2 3 2 2 I 5 6 3 0 0 0 0 NUI\,{BER OF EDU'S* -LDU (Equlralcrt I CREDIT CALCUI-ATION TABLE: BASI-D ON ASSESSED VALUIi lF IMPROVEMLNI S OCCURRED AIfILR ANNEXATION DAl h lN l Allt.E. CALCULA II CRLDII S SEPARATELY YEAR ANNEXED RATE PER $ I,OOO ASSESSED VALUE $1.45 $1.25 $1.09 $0.92 $0.72 $0.48 $0.28 $0.09 $0.05 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 RATE PER $ I.OOO ASSESSED VALUE YEAR ANNEXED 1919 I980 t98l t982 1983 198.1 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 l99l 95.19 $5.12 $4.98 $4.E0 $4.63 $4.40 M.07 $3.67 $3.22 $2.73 $1.80 t992 1993 I994 t 995 t996 1997 t 998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 .29or before CREDIT FOR PARCEL OR LAND ONLY IF APPLICABT,E IMPROVEMENT (IF AFTER ANNEXATION DATE) CREDIT TOTAL | $o.oo BATHTUB DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR DRAIN. FLOOR SINK INTERCEPTORS FOR GREASE/OIUSOLIDS/E C, INTERCEPTORS IOR SAND/AIJTO WASH/ETC. LAL'NDRY TUB CLOTHES WASHERA4OP SINK CLOTHES WASTIER. S OR MORE (EA) MOBILE HOME PARK TRAP (I PER TRAILER) RECEPTOR FOR RETRIGERATOR,'VVATER STA'I'ION/ETC. RECEPTOR FOR COMMERCIAI SINK,/ DIS}IWASHERiETC, SHOWE& SINGLE STALL SHOWER, GANC (NUMBEROF HEADS) SINK: COMMERCIAL. RESIDENTIAL KITCHEN STNK: COMMERCIAL BAR SINK: WASH BASIN/DOUBLE LAVATORY SINK: SINCLE LAVATORY/RESIDENTIAL BAR URINAL, STALT./WALL TOILET, PUBLIC INSTALLATION TOILET, PzuVATE INSTALLATION MISCELLANEOUS: TorAr DRAINACE Frxrune wrrs = E