HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2018-10-18SPRINGfIELO ,b OREGO web Addressr www.springfield-or.9ov Building Permit Residential Electrical Permit Number: 81 1-18402469-ELEC IVR Numberi 81 106'121 1265 City of Springfield Development and Pub|c Works 225 F fth Street Spnrgf e d, OR 97477 54t-126-3153 Email Address: permitcenter@springfield-or.9ov Permit lssued: October 18. 2018 TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Single Family Dwelling Submitted Job Value: $0 00 Description oI Work: Addition/Remodel Typs of Work: Addition JOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite address 2448 20lH Sr Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel 17 03244301701 Owner: Address EWNG OANIELLE R 2448 2OTH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business name HARDING ELECTRIC INC - Primary License CCB License number 132089 Phone 541 688,5006 PENDING INSPECTIONS lnspection 4999 Final Electrical 4500 Rough Electrical 4250 Branch circuits lnspectjon group Elec Res Elec Res Elec Res lnspection status Pending Pending Pending SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issurng jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this pro,ect. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits oregon.gov Schedule by phone call '1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811061211265 Schedule using the Oregon ePe.mitting lnspection App, search "epermittrng" in the app store PERMIT FEES Fee Description Branch circuits without service or feeder Technology Fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Elec (12olo of applicable fees) Quantity 4 Total Fees Fee Amount $ 108.26 $5.41 $12.99 $ 126.66 Permits must be posted in clear view on the worksite. Permits expire if work is not staned within 180 Days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 Oays or longer depending on the issuing agency's policy. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this ty pe of work will be complied with whether specitied herein or not. cranting of a permit does not presume lo give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other slate or local law regulating conslruction or the performance oI construction. ATTENTION - CALL AEFORE YOU DIG: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Ljtility Notification Center. Those rules are set Iorth in OAR 952{01-0010 through OAR 952-001-0090. You may obtain copies of ths rules by calling the Cenler at (877) 668-4001 or dial81l. All persons or entities performing work under this permit are required to be licensed unless exempt€d by ORS 701.010 (StructuraUMechanical), ORS 479.540 (Electrical), and ORS 693.010-020 (Plumbing). Pnnied on 10/18x6 Page 1 ol 1 std_BlrtdLngPermt_pr wlvw spnngfield-or gov ffi Transaction Receipt E11-18-002469-ELEC Rocoipt Number: 468378 Rocalpt Dats: 10/1E/18 Cily ot SpringneE Developm€nt a.d Pubrrc works 225 Ffth Svet spnngfierd, oR 97477 54t-726-3J51 permrtcenter@spaoqneld or.gov Ur'orks e sddress 244E 20TH ST. Springfi€ld. OR 97477 Parcet: 1703244301701 10/18/18 Unit6 4 0O Oty 10O Ea Foos Paid Oercription Branch circuits withoul seNice or feoder 22+00000-426142-1033 $108 26 $108 26 10/18/18 10/18/16 Slale of Oregon Surcharge - Elec l12o/a ol 621-00000,215004,0000 100-0000G425605-0000 s12 99 s5 41 s12 99 $5 411.00 Aulomaiic Technology Fee Paymenr Method: Crcdn crrd authorization: 08073d Transaction Comment: via phone Payer: Danielle Ewihg s126 66 Cashler Kalrma Anderson Pnnr.d 1o/1ura r2 30 pm $126.66 FIN l6nedMRece'pur Oct 15 18 O9;26a Harding Electric Electrical erm !?5 nRhsrr( This perllit is i drys of issurrtce LOC Rcf$rEn<i:: lrtion is orvntd by mc ors propeny ts nol i '179.540(l) and 47 Sjguature SignaturE ot sign cln (s41 ) 6s3-9130 p. I DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Pcnait oo. Dn(e:l p tI A lication or fimr prulcrty hmily. This -1. -:,:,1,4. . -iI _;::ffi. id'{.'+')rlclr5.l. FA X(54 1 1726-16E9 Pcrruits rrc ooDarnrsferrble. Dcrmits erpire ifraork is not ilartcd rri{hi! 180 ed for lS0 rlrys- FEE SGHEOULE Number oflotp!.tioo! p.r itcrn ( )Qlv.Cosacz-Tolrl n.sld.ntial, per noil, s.ryj.€ Imlud.d: s !llL' Ench nijdlrioou.l 500 sq. n. olportioo s J3.00 urgy \2)s 4t.00 s ranufrrurcd fiom. o, urodul.r 181-oo sdrl]clljnB ldiccor feed.r (2) Ser1i.t' or ac.dr!s: riKrollotiot), ultuvtio , rclMtiot, 20o impr or l(s (2)s to3.o0 s 201 lo 400 ourps(2) 4Ol 10 600 rrDps (2) 5120.00 s ss2t!3-00 501 ro I.000 amF (2)s2B'l.rl0 S Over l.!00 rrDps 6r volls (2)3598.00 s R.con0.cl only (2)$ ar.00 S remporsry sefri(.r @ (€tdcte ioltdl)atio, oltcrariot. lclodtio 20O.oJrps or llss (2)5 at.00 s 201 to 4oO emps (2) 4Ol to 600 EnFs (2) 1111.00 5 116?.m s Ovcr600 r'np! or I,000 !oll!. slc iErvi(csor flrderE icctio.! ebotr Br.ancl .lrdrllr: raq alt t t)tioL e\!.nriotpc, fa el Eacb bdnch!ucui!S 7.oo b. fcc for br.uch citcuits withort purchaseofa sefliceor f€cdd f€.| Fi6r brrEch.irEqit (2)s 8t-oo S Each r,ldilion!l branch cimrir 3 S 7.oo s l\liic ellar.odr ,..s: .r.rTi. c orlc.do not inch/,.d Erch pump o.ndraliM cirElc (2)g 81.00 S 83.00 s Signnl cir.uiL o.r linritc(l-!n cr8y pan.l, .ltcrdtion, o..xtcnrio[ (2)s Ea.h ndditionol trr!.rlior: (l)ss3ro s DEPARTMENT USE (A) En tcr sublolll o t *hovc fc.s (ltlnimum Pcrdl f .c Srj.oo)S (B) EDtEr l2% rrchrrse (.12 x [Al) (C) Tcclholos),F.c (s1{ oflA))S (D) Corrituina Educslion Fcc52.5o s2.50 s ') 1,000 !q. R. or l*s (a) iat€ . lense, or rcD!. OA-R !. FcI rorb.cnd' cir.uirs wilh purcl&rE ofasavie or tc.d$ Gc: S Eoch sisn oroutlins lighling (2) s 3 , (,8 9?.12. r lf\ ork la iurp d {trdei O.{R GOVERNMEN APPROVAL Zonint approval \:ri6c-r]? tr f.s ON" CATI GORY OF COI iTRUCTION td RcsidEnt i:'l ElGovcntrnc t E ConlrtErcial JOB S}TE AND LOCATIONINFORMATION Job srte addrcss:.i city'.tp;rrrflj .Ll Statc o(z?,cj74 71 'taxtor.: |713fi43 :scRrPTroN ot WORK VA6^UII-ffrl PROPERTY O'I NER Oan t.l I t:. Ft.o it ?1 Addrcs'st 2++X ,.ryh.q, City:.+ri Sln14 ),<ztp' ci'74'7 7 ?ra*,.ht-N-.5 ]r-f Fr *.tr;ir t 64 lLantt l,lorn ruadi 560( r ) of my im d for 6a[c, e INSTco LATION n Addrcss: Busirsss oame:1 ciry: n-\1e.rk-Strte:)R zr,174DZ /,s-tPntne:91/-t@rtsZQtP E-m:ril:n )ft-) B Signin CCB liccns€ !o.: ,,?4 7 ?C5 1r."." \) Larr.dir.d 5-192!1, T()TAL fe&t &od rorclrargcs (A llrorgh D) s Narne: E-mail; $ 9r.oo TTstr"* i