HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2018-10-24SPRIN6FI€LD OREGON Building Permit Residential Structural Permit Number: 81 1-18{02380-STR IVR Number: 81 1001666983 City of Springfield Development and Pub|c Works 225 Frfth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 54 r-7 26-37 53 Email Address: permitc€nter@spnngfield'or.9ov Permit lssued: Octobet 24.2018 TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Manufactured Dwelling Submitted Job Value: 59.000.00 Description of Work: Carport spc#107 Type of Work: New JOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite address 1125 58TH ST Springfield, OR 97478 Parcel 1702342200100 Owner: Address GOLDEN OAKS MHC LLC 18006 SKY PARK CIR #200 rRVrNE. CA 92614 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business name TWlN CITY MOBILE HOME SERVICE LLC - Primary License CCB License number 207234 Phone 541-684-6474 PENDING INSPEGTIONS lnspection 1999 Final Building 1260 Framing 1110 Footing lnapection group Struct Res Strucl Res Struct Res lnspection statua Pendang Pending Pending SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Various inspectrons are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track rnspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon gov Schedule by phone call 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811001666983 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting lnspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store Permits must be posted in clear view on the worksite. Permits expiro if work is not started within 180 Days of issuance or if work is suspended ror 180 Days or longer depending on the issuing agency's policy. All provisions of,aws and ordinances governing this type ofworkwillbe complied with whelher sp€citied herein ornot. Granting of a pelmit does not presum6 to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating consttuction or lhe performance of construciion. ATTENTION - CALL BEFORE YOU DIG: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952{01-0010 through OAR 952-001-0090. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the Center at (877) 668400't or dialS'l't. All persons or entities performing work under this permit are required to be lic€nsed unl€ss exemptod by ORS 701.010 (Structural/rvlechanical), ORS 479.540 (Electrical), and ORS 593.010{20 (Plumbing). Pnnled on: 10/24118 Page r of 2 std_BurldlngPerm[_pr tt Web Address: www.springfield'or.9ov Permit Number: 81 'l -1 8-002380-STR Page 2 ol 2 Fee Description Technology Fee Structural building permit fee Structural plan review fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (12ok of applicable fees) Quantity Total Fees: Fee Amount $ 15.51 $188.04 $t22.23 $22.s6 $348.34 Pnnted on l0/24118 Page 2 ot 2 std BurldrngPermit pr PERMIT FEES SPRIN6fIELO b 0 R€GOrl www springfierd-or gov Transaction Receipt 811-18-002380-STR Rsceipt Numben 468430 Receipt Date: 10/2/Y18 Development and Pubtrc works 225 Frlth Sveet Sgnnafield, OR 97177 54t.120 3753 p€rmrtcenGr@sp.ncneld-or qov Wbrtste address 1r25 58TH ST. Spingtietd, OR 97476 Parcel 1702342200100 Fees Paid 1.00 Ea Struclural building permii fee 22+000@42560}1030 4188.04 t1E6 04 10124118 10t24118 100 Ea 1 0O Aulomalic Technolosy Fee Stale ol Oreson Surcharge - Bldg (120n ot applicablo fees) 821,0000G215004-0000 10+00000 42560+0000 s22 56 s15 51 s22 56 $15 51 Cred erd authonz.tbn $226 11 cashier Kakina AndeBon Pn .d 102al13 3 56 pn s226.11 10124118 CrY or SPRTNGFIELD, oREGoN LA Structural Permit Application 225 Fiftl Slreer. Spnngfield, OR 97477 r PH(541)726-1753 . FAX(541)726-3689 H#n DEPARTMENT USE ONLY 64Permir no Date )tb q This Permit is issued under OAR 918-460-0030. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 days ofissuaDce or ifl,ork is suspended for 180 days. a b3k l,| Fa)i >ot-) FEE SCHEDULE 1 Valuation hformrtion (a) Job descriptjon +to Occupanc) Consruction tlpe Square feet ASoo Cost per square foot Other inlormarion T!?e of Heat: ! nero Ealteration I addition (b) Foundation-only pemit? ! Yes n lo s106e' 2. Building fees (a) Permit fe€ (use valuation table)ls S (c) Reinspection ($ per hour) (number ofhours x fee per hour)s (d) Enter 129; surcharge (.12 x [2a-2b-2c])s (e) Subtotal of fees above (2a through 2d):s 3. Plan revien' fees (a.) Pian revie$ (65% x permit fee [2a]) (b) Firc and life safeq (65% x pemit fee [2a])s (c) Subtotal of fee! above (3a and 3b):s tw.7:5 4. Miscellaneous fees {al Seismic fee. Ioof.0l xperm[fee[]alJ S (b) Tech fee, 5% (.05 x pemit fee[2a]-PR fee [3c])jq TOTAL fees and surcharges (2e+3cf4a+b):s (b) lnvestigative fee (equa1 to [2aj) s Business name E-mail { CCB license no Electrical iPlumbins Mechsnicsl ZP ltt a , PhoDe Number LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL This projeo has fina1 land-use approval Siglature:Dale This project has DEQ approval Signalure: Zoning approval verified: I Yes f]No Propen) js $ithin flood piain: !Yes ENo CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION -tf..l Residential ll lcovemmenr ! Commercial JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Job site address t l2E 11rl tr lt to7 ZIPCirvSate: O (4- Taxlot DLo1 noSubdivrstoll PROPERfY OW}IER Name ZD IL r I Phore: Q(J- 440 ^ 07m Fax E-mail Building owner or Owner's agent author;ing this application: Sign here: E This installation is being made on reaidenrial or farm propeq owned b] me or a member ofm) immediaae familr. and is exempt from licensing requiremenis under ORS 701 .0I0. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATIOI{ Address {1 L4,^4-Llt!: Lv sEte: o( PhonepJt -lA0- bq?tl Prinr name Siglarure SUB.CO},ITRACTOR IT{ FORi'ATION t\ame .l ' CCB License # ac I I Energt Path: I Total valuation: Datel Reference: Address: Stare: Last edited 5-5-2011 Biones ffi Transaction Receipt 811-18-002380-STR Rocoipt Number: 468272 Rsceipt Oats:1o/E/'lE C y or Spnng,ield Oevelooment and Pub c Works 225 Frtth Sveet Spnnglleld, 4R 91471 54r-)26-3757 permrtcenter@5Dnnqteld-or 9ovw\rv/ springfield'or gov Worksile address: 1125 58TH ST, Springfield. OR 97478 Parc€l: 1702342200100 Fees Paid 10/8/18 100 E6 Slruclural plan review fee 224-0000G425602,1030 $122 23 s122 23 Credn card eulhonzaion 51E074 $122 23 Cashier Katrna Andelson 112?.23 FrN rr.n!.d'onR.c.'pr_pr Plon Review Checklist I sl E E E E !ilfina E E Check address on plans ls correct Check to see if LDAP has been issued. Read all comments from other work groups to see if anything needs to be considered during structural review. Check Setbacks on Site Plan Check RLID to make sure taxlot matches what is shown on drawings, that topography lines are on the plans and that owner info matches Check to see if lot is sloped or flat - lf sloped, will back deck meet setbacks lf a new home is being built at Mountaingate or River Heights, check the subdivision books to see if a Geo-Tech report is req. check soils to determine whether or not a Geotechnical evaluation should be required tf property is on septic, check for proper setbacks from building to tank, distribution box, and leach field Make sure that property is not in Flood Hazard A affected property according to Mapspring (if it is we need 3 engineers surveys) Check that everything required to be engineered has engineering and that the stamp is current Check the truss package and make sure it matches the plans (qty of trusses, type, attachements) - lf the numbering doesn't *match but the uplift and reactions look correct it is OK. Falls under field verify +Make sure that if there is HVAC equipment in the attic, the trusses were designed to support it Check to see if anything over 4000lbs is bearing down on strip footings. lf so this needs to be enlarged. Check Hoh.Dgwns Check Fou ndation Venting Make notes on plans with stepped foundations how far back they need to be from the edge of the cut and the uphill cut. Check header sizes Check footihg sizes fheck energy code requirements *Make sure that insulation called out meets the energy code and if not make note of the required R value. *On additions/remodels where existing conditions come into play, see code section N1101.3 & table N1101.2 Check tempered glazing (hazardous locations, windows in stairwell, within 24" of door, etc) Check bedrooms for egress (window sizes, make sure that garage door to house doesn't go into bedrooms) Check to see if there is a living area above the garage, if so, make note of 5/8" type x gyp board fire separation requirement. Check for mechanical equipment protection {bollards) in the garage lf DETACHED garage is being built less than 3ft to existing structure in needs to have 1,/2 gyp board on the interior walls Check for smoke alarms/Carbon Monoxide alarms (look on electrcial sheets if there aren't any shown on floor plan) Check wall braclng E E Ei!t E Eil IT !7IIltltll T ilt ITu E [7g, l<E tr Ex heck minimum room size Make sure that minimum bathroom fixture distances are met Check to make sure stairs meet code Check roofing materia I Spanish tile, metal, etc.) Check for attic access and underfloor access on pla ns Check beam sizes Read over all the general notes to make certain that nothing was missed and there are no conflicts Make sure that Willamalane form is attached. Transfer all notes made by other work groups until there are two identical sets of plans Uobsite and city set) lnclude stan ard attachments : Exterior Wall Envelope Self-Certification Form Moisture Content Acknowledgement Form High-Efficiency Lighting Systems Oregon Residential Specialty Code (ORSC) Noise ordinance Notice moke Alarm Ventilation Requirements for Kitchens and Bathrooms Green Approved Plans Cover Sheet (Found under "Cover" in file cabinet) Add all inspections and fees into Accela (including Willamalane fee and addressing fee) Stamp plans with the "Reviewed for Code Compliance" stamp, sign the approved by line and perforate Approve Building Review line in Accela & call or email application with fees due and attach placard to jobsite set Signed electrical a pplication received Print out the Fee Schedule and put it with the Willamalane Spreadsheet on the outside of the folder Put any inspection notes into Accela that need to be there before the plan is issued. Plan check items/notes : ".i com ost x x a B E IA E E I SMITH Thayne From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: SMITH Thayne Wednesday, October 17,2018 1:41 PM 'Greg Wilhelm, Architect' 'Steve Burns'; ANDERSON Katrina; N4UNIZ Toste 1125 58th Street Greg, I am reviewing a set of plans for a carport at 1125 58th Street, Space 107 in Golden Oaks Manufactured Home Park. I start my review at the top and trace the load paths down so the first thing I checked was the 4xL2 DF #2 ridge beam at the top underside of the roof peak. I plugged the info provided for the beam into Srucalc and the beam appears deficient in size. Please provide engineering to show how this roof configuration is sufficient to carry the applied loads Thank you, {Etr-a-vrr-'r-e;S;AO-tttt- Pl-a-Eug ElcA-aED-rljr-eEl CITY oF SPRINGFIELD 225. sTH STREET SPRTNGFTELD, OR 97 477 TSMITH@SPRINGFIELDoR.cov P - 541-72637a3 F - 541-7263649 1 A D C S Eevrslo^s \Fr gEaFo $-l ge -C6 E}^&\ L- oN to/r? DArEi to!!? J8 PR0JECT: Golden Oaks Carport #107 I125 58th 5tr. SpringfiettJ,0regon DEscRlPTloN: Lgp-Ver t7 Pr {?Grg,ba.*,cr ArchitecturaI & Services Greg Withetm, Architect Calif ornia License: C l070i Oregcrr License: 5730 805.550.0719 celt 541.216.5119 tet WEBSITE: www. gregwithetmarchitect. com EMAIL: gwithelmarchitectGrgmait,conl l) tuAGtwwt €ht= ltt-otl ," L) To,nrr*?41 kW; T4= tt,at ( //'T'* o4 Pt. /2:3j - /,o2 ) /,07xPr ta- T** / 02- 6-D +/t*--bvt?3) b*t i; T7L=7.rla{ u. tlf = lOl- 5LeL *_//,b5/%x 7,oqn+ --a /),u -- loL 4f x ill n&r., ?/.Wflq L77- I f," % 'c4&% 0,L"|y# COLDEN OAKS CARPOKT #1O7 112s s8th 5tr., Springfield, oR ROOF PSF PSF TTL. DL t2 ga. standing seam metal roof 14 ga. standing seam metal roof 3-ply composition roof w/ gravel compostion shingles Spanish clay tile clay tile in setting bed flat concrete tile wood shakes underlayment 1/2" plywd or osb sheathing 5/8" plywd or osb sheathing 2X6 T&G sheathing 2x4 ,afle"sljoisl @ 24" olc 2x6 tafle.s/ioisls @ 24" olc 2x6 rafters/joists @ 15" o/c 2x6 ceilng joists @ 16" o,/c 2x6 gangnail trusses @ 16" o/c 2x5 gangnail trusses @ 24" olc 2x8 rafters/joists @ 16" o/c 2x8 rafters/joists @ 24" o/c 2x10 rafters/.ioists @ 16" o/c 2x10 rafters/joists @ 24" o/c 2x12 rafters/joists @ 15" o/c 2x12 rafters/.ioists @ 24" o/c 2x14 rafters/joists @ 24" o/c 4x10 rafters/joists @ 48" o/c 2x4 gangnail roof trusses @ 16" o/c 2x4 gangnail rooftrusses @ 24" o/c R-39 batt insulation R-30 batt insulation R-19 batt insulation 3" rigid insulation 1/2" thck. gypsum drywall ceiling 5/8" thck. gypsum drywall ceiling 4.9 3.6 5.5 2.O 19.0 20.0 16.0 3.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 4.5 o.7 1.0 1.6 1.5 2.1 7.4 2.6 7.7 3.2 2.t 3.6 2.r 2.6 7.7 2.0 1.8 1.5 2.3 3.5 2.0 1.0 1.4 Total= 5.4 Load tummory Pcae I of I GOLDEN OAKS CARPORT #108 't '1 25 58th Str. Springfield. Oregon Greg Wilhelm. Archatect 541-216,6119 Title Block Line 6 Wood Beam Project Title: Enqineer: Prdect Descr Projecl lD Llcensee : GREG lrYlLHELt{ ARCHITECTLic. # : KW{6003781 File = C \Us€rc\9wrlh\Oo€UME- 1\ENERCA-ltsoldcn ;aks t107 ec6 EtIERCALC lNC. 1983-2016, Bu d:8.18.,t.12, Ver.6.l6 4.30 Description : RIDGE BEAM CODE REFERENCES Calculations per NDS 2012,18C 2012, CBC 2013, ASCE 7-10 Load Combination Set: IBC 2015 Material Properties Analysis MethoAllowable Slress Design Load CombinatlBC 2015 Wood Species Douglas Fir - Larch (North) Wood Grade No. 1 & Btr Beam Bracing Beam is Fully Braced against laleral-torsional b Fb - Tansion Fb - Compr Fc - Prll Fc - Perp Fv Ft 1,150.0 1,150.0 1,800 0 625.0 '180.0 750.0 psr psi psi psi psi psi E : Modulus ot Elasti Ebend- xx 1,800.0ksi Eminbend - x 660.0ksi Densily 30.580pcf tbezo ou O5pa4 t"c. Span=1r0fl Applied Loads Beam sell weight calculated and added to loads Uniform Load : D = 0.0650, Lr = 0.2320 , Tributary Width = 1.0 ft, (DL + LL) DESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio Sec-tion used for this span lb : Aclual FB : Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs = Maximum Dellection Max Downward Transienl Defiection Max Upward Trangient Defreclion Max Downward Total Deflection Max Upward Total Oeflection SeNrce Ioads entered Load Faclors \^/ill be applied for calculalions Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span to Actual Fv . Allowable Load Combination Location ol maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs = 2 7 750.71psi 1,581.25psi +D+Lr+H 5.500fr Span # '1 Combinations 53.24 psi 225.00 psi +D+Lr+H 10 077 ft Span # 1 0 103 in Ratio = o ooo in natio = 0.135 in Ratio = 0.000 in Ratio = Maxlmum Forces & Stresses for Load Load Combination Max Stresa Ratios SegmentLength SPan# M V Cd +O+H Length = 11 oft 1 0.158 0.079 0.90 +D+L+H Length=11.0ft 1 0.143 0.071 1.00 +D+Lr+H Length=110t 1 0.475 0.237 1.25 +O+S+H Lenglh = 1l.0ft 1 0.124 0.062 1.15 +D+0 750Lr+0 750L+H Lenoth=11.0fl 1 0385 0j92 1.25 +O+0 7501+0 7505+H C Mament Values Mfb 111 180.35 1.1 1 180.35 4.62 750.71 1 .'1 1 180.35 374 608 12 Sh6ar Values V fv F'vc:,v 1.100 1 100 1 .'t 00 1 100 I 100 't.100 1.100 1 100 1 .100 1 100 1.100 C1 1.00 1.00 1.00 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1.00 cr 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 100 1.00 100 1.00 100 cm 100 1.00 F'b 0.00 1138.50 0.00 1265.00 0.00 1581 25 0.00 1454.75 0.00 15A1.25 0.00 000 034 0.00 0.34 0.00 140 0.00 0.34 000 1.13 000 0.00 12.79 0.00 12.79 0.00 53.24 0.00 12.79 0.00 43.13 0.00 0.00 162 00 0.00 180 00 000 225.O0 000 207.OO 0.00 225.00 0.00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c 1 1 ,t 1 1 ,| 1 1 ,| 1 1 t oo 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 L .00 .00 00 00 .o0 00 .00 00 .00 .00 .00 r00 100 100 0 D noK 1283 >=360 0 <360 975 >=180 0 <'t80 GOLDEN OAKS CARPORT #'108 Project Title: 1125 58th Str. Engineer: Project lD: Springfield, oregon Projecl Descr: Greg Wilhelm, Architect 541-2166119 , ,-.') .: a:'.t . I '. .,:.t!Title Block Line 6HS.?:rl*'" *"="''fffil Description : RIDGE BEAM Load Combinaiion I\4ax Slress Ralios Segment Length Span # M V Length = 11.0 ft 1 0.124 O 062 +D+0.60W+H Length = 11.0 ft 1 0.089 0.044 +O+0.70E+H Lensth = 11.0 n I 0.089 0.044 +D+0 750Lr+0 750L+0 450W- Length = 11.0 ft 'l 0.300 0150 +D+0 750L+0 750S+0 450W+ Length = 1'1.0 fr 1 0.089 0044 +D+0 7501+0 750S+0.5250E. Length = 11.0 ft I 0.089 0.044 +0.60D+0.60W+0.60H Length = 11.0 ft 1 0.053 0.027 +0 60O+0 70E+0.60H Length = 11.0 fr I 0.053 0.027 Overall Maximum Deflections Load Combination Span +D+Lr+H 1 Vertical Reactions Load Combination OverallMAXimum OverallMlNimum +o+H +O+L+H +O+Lr+H +D+S+H +O+0 750Lr+0.750L+H +O+0 7501+0 750S+H +D+0.60W+H +O+0.70E+H +D+0.750Lr+0.7501+0 450W+H +D+0.750L+0 75OS+0 450W+H +Df 0. 750L+o.75os+o 5250E+H +0.60D+0.60W+0.60H +0.60O+0.70E+0.60H D Only L. Only L Only S O.ly W Only E Only H Only Moment Values M fb F,b 1.11 180.35 1454.75 0.00111 't80 35 2024.00 0.001.11 180.35 2024.00 0.00374 608.12 202100 0001.11 180.35 202,r.00 0.001.11 180.35 2024.00 0000.67 108.21 2024 00 0000.67 108.21 2024.00 Shear Values VfuF'Vcd crnr 1 .15 1 100 1 .100 1.100 1 100 1 100 1 .100 1 .100 1 100 '1.100 1 .100 1 100 1 100 1 100 1 .100 1 .'100 c t cr 1.00 1.00 1.60 160 60 160 60 60 60 C1 1.00 1.00 r00 1.00 1.00 100 r.00 cr 1.00 100 100 100 1.00 r.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 100 0.34 0.00 0.34 000 034 000I 13 000 034 000 034 000 020 000 020 0.00 12.79 0.00 000 43.13 0.00 12.79 0.00 12.79 0.00 7.67 0.00 7.67 207.00 000 28S.00 0.00 288.O0 000 288.00 000 288 0o 0.00 288.00 0.00 288 00 000 2E8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 o0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Max. "-" Defl Location in Span 0.1354 5 540 Max. '+" Dei Location in Spano.oooo o.ooo Valuss in KIPS Loed Comblnelion Suppo( nolalion : Far leff is # Support 1 1.679 0 242 0.403 0.403 1.679 0.403 1 360 0.403 0.403 0.403 1.360 0.403 0.403 o.242 0.242 0.403 1.276 Support 2 1.679 0.242 0.403 0.403 1.679 0.403 r.360 0.403 0.403 0.403 1 .360 0.403 0.403 0.242 0 242 0 403 1 274 Aev;rr.*lAr.- sq(}}a\TrAL- A D C S PRoJECT: Golden Oaks Carport #107 1 125 58th Str. !pringfield, Oregon DEscRtpTtoN: t*F-/ar zr tu flqe,/dt*yu ArchitecturaI & Services Greg Withetm, Architect Califonria License: C i0702 Oregon License: 6730 805.550.0719 cell 54 r.216.61 19 ret WEB5ITE: www. gregwithetntarchitect. com EMAIL: gwithelmarchitect@gmail.com l) tuhhtwrqt €f,ry-- ltt-at L) 1",nrr*V1 */6+; ft, rt,a,t( '4'" *1 Pr- /2,T- /,o2 ) xPr t1- T** / oL sl 3) u*v'f; t// = lo'LeL Gt-=7., ib{ l*.2OnP 3lx 7, e|n+ , b5/% 1t ,/),b -- /07 ff x Qop4..-- I-//r - 5A ry ?) Seurn ou:; 1X/z t/t- 0,r sb olttz _ro-.!?-/9 I ? '0,9!4t* / GOLDEN OAKS CARPOKT #1O7 112s s8th Str., Springfield, OR ROOF PSF PSF TTL. DL 12 ga. standing seam metal roof 14 ga. standing seam metal roof 3-ply composition roof w/ gravel compostion shingles Spanish clay tile clay tile in setting bed flat concrete tile wood shakes underlayment 4.9 3.6 5.5 2.0 19.0 20.0 16.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1/2" plywd or osb sheathing 5/8" plywd or osb sheathinE 2X6 T&G sheathing 2x4 raft.?Isljoist @ 24" olc zx, rckerclioisls @ 24" o/c 2x6 rafters/joists @ 16" o,/c 2x6 ceilng joists @ 16" o,/c 2x6 gangnail trusses @ f6" o/c 2x6 gangnail trusses @ 24" olc 2x8 rafters/joists @ 16" o,/c 2x8 rafters/joists @ 24" o/c 2x10 rafters/joists @ 16" o/c 1.5 2.0 4.5 0.7 1.0 1.6 1.5 3.5 2.5 2.7 1..4 2.6 r.7 3.2 2.1 3.6 2.1 2.6 t.7 2.0 1.8 1.5 2.3 2.5 3.5 2.0 T,4 2x10 rafters/joists @ 24" o 2x12 rafters/joists @ 16" o 2x12 rafters/joists @ 24" o /c /c 2x14 rafters/joists @ 24" o/c 4x10 rafters/joists @ 48" o/c 2x4 gangnail roof trusses @ 15" 0/c 2x4 gangnail roof trusses @ 24" o/c R-39 batt insulation R-30 batt insulation R-L9 batt insulation 3" rieid insulation 1/2'' thck. gypsum drywallceiling 5/8" thck. gypsum drywall ceiling Total= 6.4 Lood tummory Poge I of I GOLDEN OAKS CARPORT #,I08 1 125 58th Str. Springfield, Oregon Greg Wilhelm, Architect 54'l-216-6119 OR LicC6730 Project Tille: Engineer: Project Descr Project lD: yg#"*?#}* '""="' ryHf l l Description : RIDGE BEAM CODE REFERENCES Calculations per NDS 2O12,lBC20'12. CBC 2013, ASCE 7-10 Load Combination Set ; IBC 2015 Material Properties Analysis MethoAllowable Stress Design Fb - Tension Load combinatlBc 2015 Fb - comPr Fc - P.ll Wood Species Douglas Fir - Larch (North) Fc - Perp Wood Giade t'lo. i a gtr Fv Ft Beam Bracing Beam is Fully Braced against lateral-torsional buckling '1150 psi 1 150 psi 1800 psi 625 psi 180 psi 750 psi Density 800ksi 660ksi 30.58 pcf E : Modulus ol Elasli Ebend- rc< Eminbend - x D(0 065) L(0 166) 4x12 AppliEd LOadS scrvrce orr]s eflered Loaa Faclofs ,!,,1 be apiired fcr .a cuiatrois Beam self weight calculated and added to loads Uniform Load: D =0.0650, Lr= 0 1860 . Tributary Wadth = 1.0f|, (DL + LL)DESIGNSUITTTARY trEsEil Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = 0.403 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio = 0.201 : 1 Section used for this span 4x'12 Seclion used for this span 4x12fb:Adual = 637.62psi tu:Adual = 45.22 psi FB : Allowable = 1,581.25psi Fv r Allowable = 225.00 psi Load Combination +D+Lr+H Load Combination +D+Lr+H Location of maximum on span = 5 500ft Location of maximum on span = 10.077 ft Span fwh€re maximum occurs = Span#1 Span #where maximum occurs = Span#'l Maximum Deflection Max Downwa.d Transient Defleclion 0 082 in Ratio = 1601 >=360 Max Upward TEngient Oeflec{ion 0.000 in Ratio = 0 <360 Max Downrvard TotalDefledion 0.115 in Ratio= 1148>=180 Max Upward Toial Oeflection 0.000 in Ratio = 0<180 Maxlmum Forces & Stresses for Load Load Combination Max Stress Ratios SegmentLength SPan# M v Co +D+H Length=11.0ft 'l 0.158 0079 0.90 +D+L+H Length = 11.0 fr 1 0.143 0.071 1.00 +D+Lr+H Length=11oft I 0403 O.2O1 1.25 +D+S+H Lenglh = '11.0 ft 1 0j24 0.062 1.15 +u+u. /50L.+O 750L+H Length = 11.0 ft 1 0.331 0.165 L25 +O+0 750L+0 75OS+H Mfb Shear Values VfoF'V Combinations crN 1 .100 1.100 1.100 1 .100 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100't.100 1.100 1 100 C; 1.OO 100 100 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.O0 't 00 1.00 cr 100 cm 1.00 1.00 r.00 1.00 1.00 Fb 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 c t cL 1.00 1.00 0.00 1138.50 0.00 1265 00 0.00 15E1.25 0.00 1161-75 0.00 1581.25 0@ 0.00 12 79 000 12 79 000 45.22 0.00 12_79 0.00 37.11 0.00 0.00 162.00 0.00 180.00 000 225 00 0.00 207 00 0.00 225.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 100 1.00 1.00 1.00 100 1.00 1.00 100 1.00 100 100 1.1 1 111 392 111 0.00 034 0.00 034 000 1.'t9 0.00 o?1 0.00 0.97 000 00 .00 .00 00 .00 .00 .00 160.35 180 35 637.62 180 35 523.30 GOLDEN OAKS CARPORT #108 1'125 58th Slr. Springlield, Oregon Greg Wilhelm, Architect 541-216-6119 OR Lic#6730 Wood Beam Project Title: Engineer. Project Descr: Project lD Lic. * : KW{6O03741 Licanseo : GREG WILHELT, ARG File = C \Usersbwilh\DOCUME-1\ENERCA-lbdden oaks 11O7.e(6 ENERCALC, lNC. 1983-2016, Euild: 30 Description : RIDGE EEAM Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Segment Length Span # M v Length= 11.0ft 1 0.124 0 062 +D+0.6(}w+H Length=11.0fl I 0.089 0.044 +D+0 70E+H Lenglh = 11.0it t 0.089 0044 +D+O 7!,OLr+O 7501+0 450W- Lenglh = 11.0 ft t 0.259 0.129 +D+0.750L+0 750S+0 450Wr Length=110ft I 0089 0044 +D+0 750L+0 7505+0 5250E' Length= 110ft 1 0.089 0.044 +0 6OD+0 60W+0 6OH Length = 11.0|t 'l 0.053 0.027 +0.60D+0.70E+0.60H Length = I 1.0 ft t 0.053 0.027 Overall Maximum Deflections Load Combination Span +D+1.+H 1 Vertical Reactlons Load Combination OverallMAXimum OverallMlNimum +D+H +D+L}H +D+Lr+H +D+S+H +D+0.750Lr+0 7501+H +O+0.750L+0 750S+H +O+0.60W+H +O+0.70E+H +O+0.7501r+0 7501+0 450w+H +o+0.7501+0 750s+0 450w+H +D+0.7501+0.750S+0.s250E+H +0.60D+0 60W+0.60H +0 600+0 70E+0 60H D Onty Lr Only L Only S Only W Only E Only H Only t\,t fb F'b 1 11 180 35 1454 75 000 1 11 180 35 2024 00 0.00 1 11 180.35 2024.00 0.00322 523.30 2024.00 0.00111 180 35 2024.00 0.00 1 11 180 35 2024 00 0.000.67 10821 2024.00 0.000.67 108.21 2024.00 C6 Csry C; 1.15 't.60 160 1.60 160 1.60 1.60 1.60 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 r00 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1.00 100 1.00 100 cl 1@ 100 cm 1.00 100 0.34 0.00 034 0.00 0.34 0.00 0.97 000 0.34 0.00 o.34 0.00 0.20 000 0.20 12.79 0.00 12.79 0.00 12.79 0.00 37.11 0.00 12.79 0.00 12.79 0.00 7.67 000 767 207 00 0.00 288.00 0.00 288.00 000 28S.00 000 286.00 000 288 00 000 288 00 0.00 288 00 Shear Values VfuF'Vc r cL 100 1.00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 100 100 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0o oo 00 00 o0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 o0 Max. "-" Defl Location in Span Load Combination 0.1150 5 540 Support nolataon : Far left is # Support 1 Suppod 2 1426 1 426 o 242 0.212 0 403 0 403 0.403 0.4031.426 1.4?60.403 0.4031.171 1.1710.403 0 4030.403 0.4030.403 0.4031.171 1.1710.403 0.4030.403 0.403 0.242 0.2420.242 0 2420.403 0 4031.023 1.023 Max. "+'Defl Location in Spano.oooo o.ooo Values rn KIPS