HomeMy WebLinkAboutGovernance-Team-Meeting-Notes-01-23-14Main Street Project Governance Team January 23, 2014 3:00pm to 4:00pm CMO Conference Room Meeting Notes Attendees: Mayor Lundberg (COS), Marilee Woodrow (COS), Doris Towery (LTD), Ron Kilcoyne (LTD), Frannie Brindle (ODOT), Staff: Tom Schwetz (LTD), Tom Boyatt (COS), David Reesor (COS), Tonja Kling (COS), Linda Pauly (COS), and John Evans (LTD). Attendees from the Public: Steve Moe Mayor Lundberg opened the meeting stating that she does not want the Governance Team to meet unless all four GT members will be in attendance. Prior to each meeting, Staff will confirm that all four will be in attendance, if not; the meeting will be canceled. I. Discuss Draft Stakeholder Working Group Purpose, Role, and Membership Group decided to change the name of the Stakeholders Working Group (SWG) title to the Stakeholders Advisory Group (SAG). Stan Biles and Chris Watchie will facilitate the group meetings. Discussed the Draft Purpose and Roles provided by David Reesor and John Evans. Need to make clear that team will provide input on criteria but not on final transit alternatives. Governance Team (GT) members agreed with facilitator’s recommendations that the SAG purpose and roles should be defined in more detail prior to new member solicitation. It was agreed that staff would finalize the draft SAG purpose and roles based on this GT input. Membership Categories David suggested that the recruitment/advertising for the 6 citizens-at-large positions take place prior to the next GT meeting. Staff will bring back all submitted applications to the February GT meeting. All other membership categories will be filled through invitations in consultation with GT members. Counselor Woodrow asked that the six citizen-at-large positions be as geographically disbursed as possible so every area is represented. The GT asked that one membership category represent seniors and another represent disabled populations. The Mayor asked staff to create a list of all possible members and what category they could represent. The GT noted that the SAG needs to have diversity and needs to include Springfield residents or business or property owners in Springfield. When advertising for this position, the time commitment with the number of meetings needs to be provided to each interested person so they know what type of time commitment will be expected. Decision & Recommendations (Roles) Need to list milestones, there is a lot of good information that can be used from the Public Outreach memo provided to this group for the December meeting. The SAG will need to have rules for the committee. It was suggested that the rules be bullet points and posted on the back of each person’s name plate so they are always present. SAG members should declare their conflicts of interest to the group. Discussion ensued about what constituted potential conflicts of interest. Staff noted that they will verify with the City’s legal counsel about potential conflict of interest issues. II. Corridor Vision Plan Update Linda Pauly provided a handout of the Main Street Corridor Vision Plan Public Engagement Summary. This document is mostly verbatim from the meetings held last summer. The document will be posted to the website in the future. Linda also provided the Springfield Main Street Vision Plan Project Schedule noting that the next public event is scheduled for March 6, 2014. Linda said that there is a lot of data on the corridor and she will provide the Existing Conditions Report soon to the GT. Linda asked GT members if they had any suggestions on groups she could go talk to about Main Street. Doris Towery suggested Rotary. Meeting adjourned at approximately 4:10pm Next GT meeting, Thursday, February 27, 2014 3:00pm