HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-11-14 SEDA Meeting Minutes MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY HELD MONDAY NOVEMBER 14,2016 The Springfield Economic Development Agency met in the Jesse Maine Meeting Room,225 Fifth Street, Springfield,Oregon on Monday November 14,2016 at 6:21 p.m.,with Board Vice Chair Sheri Moore presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Board Vice-Chair Sheri Moore and Board Members Marilee Woodrow, Christine Lundberg,Joe Pishioneri,Hillary Wylie, and Dave Ralston. Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi,Attorney Mary Bridget Smith,and City Recorder Amy Sowa. Board Members VanGordon and Leiken were absent(excused). CONSENT CALENDAR 1. MINUTES a. Minutes of September 26,2016. IT WAS MOVED BY BOARD MEMBER WOODROW WITH A SECOND BY BOARD MEMBER LUNDBERG TO APPROVE THE SEPTEMBER 26,2016 MINUTES.THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST(2 ABSENT— VANGORDON AND LEIKEN). COMMUNICATIONS a. Business from the Audience -None b. Correspondence -None c. Business from the Staff REPORT OF CHAIR -None REPORT OF COMMITTEES -None PUBLIC HEARINGS -None NEW BUSINESS 1. NESSCO Investment Company Request for Downtown Urban Renewal Redevelopment Funds. Courtney Griesel, Economic Development Manager, presented this item.NESSCO Investment, owned by Bill Ruff and his family,has property at 414 Main Street next to the A3 building. The family owns a good portion of the block, including the A3 building and two retail spaces directly east of the current A3 facility.Another property owner has the two vacant lots adjacent to their Springfield Economic Development Agency Minutes November 14,2016 Page 2 property on the east. There are two other retail businesses on the far east of the block. There is a lot of energy on both ends of the block. The Ruff's have come in with a project which is underway, and for the first time in decades,the front of the buildings is visible with windows. They are making significant improvements,over $250,000,to the site to bring them up to ADA standards and make the facilities usable for active, vibrant retail. They have a request for$50,000 in urban renewal funds,potentially on façade improvements, but also for some internal improvements. The project is so big,there are quite a few improvements that would meet eligibility for urban renewal funding and would create immediate property value increases. She referred to a document showing the cost estimate and elements that was included in the agenda packet.The request came to the SEDA Board prior to summer recess. At that meeting,the SEDA board directed staff to return with more details about the project and the SEDA Budget. The approved current Downtown SEDA budget includes $115,000 of available funds for special project and contracts.To date,approximately$50,000 of these funds have been utilized or earmarked for projects including Downtown event sponsorships and a possible allocation to the Entrepreneur Training Fund. Remaining funds for projects are approximately$65,000 and could be used to fund this request. While funds are available, an allocation to this redevelopment may require SEDA to scale back efforts, or delay until July I,the install of decorative crosswalks. Board Member Moore asked if this is the urban renewal district that is nearing its end. Ms. Griesel said both districts are about halfway through their life cycle. This district was for a shorter term than Glenwood, so there are about 8 years left for Downtown. Currently,that district is not bringing in substantial revenues based on its current tax base. We need to see property values increase so we can start getting those receipts. Board Member Ralston said he can't see how this wouldn't be a good thing. It improves Downtown,which is how SEDA works. He is good with this allocation. IT WAS MOVED BY BOARD MEMBER LUNDBERG WITH A SECOND BY BOARD MEMBER WOODROW TO APPROVE REQUEST FOR$50,000 IN DOWNTOWN SPRINGFIELD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY(SEDA)TO BE USED BY NESSCO INVESTMENT COMPANY FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF IDENTIFIED BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS AT 414 MAIN STREET. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR 0 AGAINST(2 ABSENT—VANGORDON AND LEIKEN). 2. Bid Award for Project P21102—Downtown Lights Phase 2. Traffic Engineer Brian Barnett presented this item. This Downtown Lighting project is the second phase of the downtown lighting improvements effort that began with Phase 1 in January 2015. The Phase 2 project consists of the installation of pedestrian level street lighting on Main Street between the Willamette River to Pioneer Parkway East and between 6th Street and 10th Street. The following bids inclusive of bid alternates 1 &2 were received and opened on October 13, 2016: Engineer's Estimate $392,689.00 Lantz Electric,Inc. $362,653.00 Springfield Economic Development Agency Minutes November 14,2016 Page 3 L. R. Brabham, Inc. $537,187.50 Lantz Electric, Inc.is the low bidder on this project. Sufficient funds to allow award of the contract are budgeted in account 881002 Downtown Lighting Phase 2. Board Member Wylie asked where we were in terms of installation. Mr. Barnett said once Phase 2 is completed,there will be lights from the Willamette River to 10th Street along Main Street,and some along the side streets. There may be a little more money that could be applied to some small areas. There are still many lights left. IT WAS MOVED BY BOARD MEMBER WOODROW WITH A SECOND BY BOARD MEMBER LUNDBERG TO AWARD THE SUBJECT CONTRACT TO LANTZ ELECTRIC,INC.INCLUSIVE OF BID ALTERNATES 1 AND 2 IN THE AMOUNT OF $362,653.00. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST (2 ABSENT—VANGORDON AND LEIKEN). OLD BUSINESS -None. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:31 p.m. Minutes Recorder—Amy Sowa 6 Marilee Woodrow Secretary