HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-12-06 SEDA Meeting Minutes MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY HELD MONDAY,DECEMBER 6,2010 The Springfield Economic Development Agency met in the Jesse Maine Meeting Room,225 Fifth Street, Springfield,Oregon on Monday,December 6,2010 at 8:15 p.m.,with Board Chair Joe Pishioneri presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Board Chair Joe Pishioneri and Board Members Dave Ralston,Hillary Wylie, Sheri Moore,Fred Simmons,and Christine Lundberg. Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Attorney Bill Van Vactor,Community Development Manager John Tamulonis and City Recorder Amy Sowa. Board Members Bill Dwyer and Faye Stewart were absent. (excused) APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Minutes of June 14, 2010. IT WAS MOVED BY BOARD MEMBER WYLIE WITH A SECOND BY BOARD MEMBER MOORE TO APPROVE THE JUNE 14,2010 MINUTES.THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST(2 ABSENT—DWYER AND STEWART. COMMUNICATIONS a. Business from the Audience -None b. Correspondence -None c. Business from the Staff. —Mr. Tamulonis said staff would be providing information to the Board in a Communications Packet for preparation for their first meeting in January. There would be some updates to their SEDA notebooks, and also copies of the Downtown Plan and Parking Plan which had been approved by the City Council. REPORT OF CHAIR None. REPORT OF COMMITTEES None. PUBLIC HEARINGS This item was moved to new business. NEW BUSINESS Springfield Economic Development Agency Minutes December 6,2010 Page 2 a. Funding City Contract for Downtown Transportation Study. Community Development Manager John Tamulonis and Transportation Manager Tom Boyatt presented this item. Mr.Tamulonis said this was a contract that would be managed by the City to do the Automobile and Truck Mobility Streets Design from the Springfield Downtown Urban Design Plan regarding making Main Street and South A Street two-way.This agreement was for a study to look at all of that. SEDA would fund the contract,which the City would run,with Kittleson Associates,Inc.,one of the city's on-call contractors.The amount would not exceed $100,000. Board Member Simmons asked about the study area on the map included on Attachment 1 of the agenda packet. Mr.Tamulonis explained the area shown on the map and said the study area would encompass a larger area. Mr.Boyatt said this was the focus area of the study,but they may need to look a little broader to organize things appropriately on the east and west ends. Board Member Simmons said he would be concerned if they limited it to the focus area. The impact could be substantial. He explained. Mr.Tamulonis said this was a system that was owned and operated by the Oregon Department of Transportation(ODOT). City staff would be working with ODOT on this project. Board Chair Pishioneri asked if ODOT was interested in this project. Mr. Boyatt said they had no funding,but staff was supportive. Both ODOT and Lane Transit District(LTD)were on board. Board Chair Pishioneri said it would be a waste of funds if they were not part of the decision making process. Mr. Boyatt said City staff was getting good advice from ODOT staff in Springfield who were working with staff in Salem. In the ideal future,ODOT would be a partner in the study and the recommendations.In doing that,they could prove that they understood downtowns and Main Streets. Board Member Lundberg said because of Mr.Boyatt's past employment with ODOT,he understood how to approach them. Board Member Ralston asked if the funding was only for a four block study area. Mr.Boyatt said the study area would most likely be from 21S` Street to the west side of THE bridges.It was unsure what the recommended outcomes would be for early actions,middle actions,and final conversion. They may need to rely on the street grid network to have traffic sort itself back out on the east side. Details of the action would be interesting. Springfield Economic Development Agency Minutes December 6,2010 Page 3 Board Member Moore said she was excited just seeing"Plaza"written on the report, and also that one of the key proposals was to change the transportation system and that was already being undertaken. IT WAS MOVED BY BOARD MEMBER RALSTON WITH A SECOND BY BOARD MEMBER WYLIE TO APPROVE SEDA'S FUNDING A CONTRACT BY THE CITY, NOT TO EXCEED$100,000,TO STUDY THE TWO-WAY MAIN STREET PROPOSED IN THE DOWNTOWN DISTRICT URBAN DESIGN PLAN.THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST(2 ABSENT-DWYER AND STEWART). OLD BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:25 p.m. Minutes Recorder—Amy Sowa .. .- . . .:.- ° Sh: 140o re_ Secretary