HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-06-12 SEDA Meeting Minutes MINUTES Springfield Economic Development Agency June 12 - 7:00 P.M. Springfield City Hall — Jessie Maine Meeting Room 225 Fifth Street- Springfield MEMBERS PRESENT: Tammy Fitch, Chair; Anne Ballew, Bill Dwyer, Sid Leiken, Christine Lundberg, Joe Pishioneri, Dave Ralston, Faye Stewart, and John Woodrow. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: John Tamulonis, Gino Grimaldi I. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Tammy Fitch called the meeting of the Springfield Economic Development Agency (SEDA) to order at 6:50 p.m. Minutes Recorder Daniel called the roll, noted the absence of Bill Dwyer, and stated that a quo- rum was present. H. APPROVAL OF MINUTES John Woodrow moved, seconded by Sid Leiken, to accept the minutes of the May 22, 2006, meeting. The motion was adopted unanimously, 7:0, Mr. Dwyer having not yet joined the meeting. III. COMMUNICATIONS A. Business from the Audience None. B. Correspondence Mr. Tamulonis referred to a June 8 letter from Bill Dwyer, Chairperson of the Lane County Board of County Commissioners, which expressed disappointment that consideration of a contract to study possible relocation of the Glenwood Central Receiving Station had been on the agenda of the May 8 SEDA meeting. He noted that the proposal had been included in recommendations of the Glenwood Redevelopment Advisory Committee as a project idea for the 2006-07 SEDA Capital Projects Budget. He explained that he had followed the recommendation of members and sought more information about the study proposal. Faye Stewart said he had been surprised by the reaction of Mr. Dwyer because he had consid- ered his concerns to have been satisfied at the May 8 meeting. He said he could support en- gaging in a study of relocating the Receiving Station. Mr. Tamulonis reported that he had faxed to the Lane County Administrator a copy of the pro- posed study of long-term redevelopment of Glenwood solid waste and recycling services con- sidered by the Advisory Committee in making its recommendation and asking for an appropriate Springfield Economic Development Agency Minutes June 12, 2006 Page 2 way to find out how to discuss with the County its interest in the proposed study. He said the letter from Mr. Dwyer had been the only reply. Chairperson Fitch stated that it was her recollection that the original SEDA Budget had included funding for a study of relocating the Receiving Station. Mr. Dwyer joined the meeting at 6:55 p.m. He said he was willing to consider the proposed study, but that it would have to include concerns raised in his letter— SEDA assume responsibil- ity for costs, replacement facility be at least functionally equivalent, private companies associ- ated with Receiving Station agree, Lane County Waste Management Division be in charge and be paid for its staff involvement, SEDA obtain all land use and regulation approval. He said he was most concerned that an explanation be provided of why the Central Receiving Station did not fit the SEDA vision for Glenwood redevelopment. Chairperson Fitch said she believed the SEDA vision for Glenwood redevelopment had been fully shared by members and with the public. She suggested that what SEDA had considered at its May 8 meeting had been a "baby step" to begin a relocation study and that its members had agreed to seek the concurrence of Lane County officials in taking it. Anne Ballew said she believed Mr. Dwyer had done a good job identifying potential Lane County concerns regarding relocation of the Receiving Station. She said she did not consider study of its relocation a high priority and suggested that it only be included as part of the "long range view." Mr. Dwyer said he did not believe he would be in a leadership position in 20 years and was con- cerned that questions he had raised be considered to facilitate mitigation of negative impacts of the Receiving Station on Glenwood redevelopment. Mr. Leiken moved, seconded by Dave Ralston, to accept the correspondence. The mo- tion was adopted unanimously, 8:0. Mr. Tamulonis stated that he would continue to work with Lane County staff regarding the pro- pose relocation study. Mr. Leiken said he believed issues related to impacts on area businesses of relocating the Re- ceiving Station were important to consider. C. Business from Staff Mr. Tamulonis circulated an aerial photograph of new construction by Williams Bakery in the Glenwood area. He said the first baking operations had begun at the facility and that full pro- duction was expected soon. He reported that a two-day celebration of the opening was to be scheduled in the near future. Mr. Tamulonis circulated a copy of the final version of the Request for Qualifications being pub- lished for development of the Glenwood Riverfront Area. He said the City Attorney had made a few minor changes to the document since it had been reviewed by SEDA at its previous meet- ing. He said the publication and response schedule already approved would be lengthened by about two weeks. In response to a question from Mr. Leiken, Mr. Tamulonis said that as many as 20 developers had already contacted his office regarding the Request. IV. REPORT OF CHAIR AND COMMITTEES Springfield Economic Development Agency Minutes June 12, 2006 Page 3 None. V. OLD BUSINESS None. VI. NEW BUSINESS A. Public Hearing and Resolution for Fiscal Year 2006-07 SEDA Budget Mr. Tamulonis distributed copies of a May 30 memorandum from Springfield Budget Officer Bob Brew regarding changes to be proposed for development of future SEDA Budgets. He noted that the intent of the changes was to more clearly separate the governance and operations of the urban renewal district from those of the City, as encouraged by State statutes. He said the changes would be considered by the City Council on June 19. Chairperson Fitch read Resolution No. 2006-01 by title: RESOLUTION NO. 2006-07 — A RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE SEDA BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006-07, MAKE APPROPRIATIONS, AND TO APPROVE AND CERTIFY A REQUEST TO THE LANE COUNTY ASSESSOR AUTHORIZING THE DIVISION OF TAXES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE OREGON CONSTITUTION, ARTICLE IX, SECTION 1C AND ORS CHAPTER 457 FOR TAX INCREMENT WITHIN THE GLENWOOD URBAN RENEWAL PLAN. Mr. Tamulonis stated that the Budget Proposal being considered was identical to what had been previously presented and discussed. He said that it would be possible to make changes after the Public Hearing. Chairperson Fitch opened the Public Hearing. She determined there was no one present wish- ing to present testimony. She closed the Public Hearing. Mr. Dwyer moved, seconded by Mr. Ralston to approve Resolution No. 2006-01. The mo- tion was adopted unanimously, 8:0. The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m. (Recorded by Daniel Lindstrom) Christine Lundberg if Secretary