HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-04-10 SEDA Meeting Minutes MINUTES Springfield Economic Development Agency Regular Session April 10, 2006 — Following Executive Session Springfield City Hall — Library Meeting Room 225 Fifth Street- Springfield MEMBERS PRESENT: Tammy Fitch, Chair; Anne Ballew, Sid Leiken, Joe Pishioneri, Dave Ralston, Faye Stewart, and John Woodrow. MEMBERS ABSENT: Bill Dwyer and Christine Lundberg. STAFF PRESENT: John Tamulonis, Cynthia Pappas, Bob Duey, Bob Brew and Bill Grile. I. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Tammy Fitch called the meeting of the Springfield Economic Development Agency (SEDA) to order at 8:10 p.m. Mr. Tamulonis called the roll and stated that a quorum was present. II. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ms. Ballew moved, seconded by Mr. Ralston, to accept the minutes of the January 23, 2005, meeting. The motion was adopted unanimously, 7:0. III. COMMUNICATIONS A. Business From the Audience Fred Simmons, 312 S. 52nd Place, referred to the draft Fiscal Year 2006/07 SEDA Budget to be considered later in the meeting. He suggested that since its summary showed $1.6 million in anticipated in Interest/Property Sales Revenue, interest expense should also be noted. B. Correspondence Mr. Tamulonis reported that a letter had been received from Williams Bakery with information that the estimated cost of construction of its new plant had grown from $29.9 million to $41 mil- lion. He said the increase resulted from the creating a new"bun line" in its bakery operations and additional construction costs. Mr. Tamulonis reported that SEDA should become a member of the Oregon Association of Ur- ban Renewal Agencies. He said benefits included advice, counsel and mutual support. He said a meeting of the association was scheduled for May 13 in Astoria. Mr. Tamulonis reported that an unsolicited proposal from a Portland firm regarding options for solid waste disposal alternatives to the current Glenwood Transfer Site was anticipated. He said he would discuss the proposal with Lane County officials and bring specifics to a SEDA meeting. Mr. Tamulonis reported that Michelle Emmons, a representative of REI, had indicated that a July 2006 Clean Up the Willamette River project would include efforts by volunteers along Glenwood Riverfront areas. Springfield Economic Development Agency Minutes April 10, 2006 Page 2 C. Business from the Staff None. IV. REPORT OF THE CHAIR None. V. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES None. VI. OLD BUSINESS None. VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Fiscal Year 2006-07 SEDA Draft Budget and Process Mr. Tamulonis referred to an Agenda Item Summary regarding the SEDA Draft Budget and Process for Fiscal Year 2006/07, the Draft Budget and Worksheet, and his April 4 memorandum regarding a Proposed SEDA Budget Message. He said the SEDA Budget Committee would meet and hold a Public Hearing on the Budget on May 9, and report its recommendation to a SEDA meeting on May 22 or June 12, and the City Council would act on its adoption as part of the City Budget on19. Mr. Tamulonis reviewed information contained on the Budget Worksheet and invited members to discuss its proposals. Mr. Pishioneri asked why the amounts on the adopted 2005/06 Budget and Proposed 2006/07 Budget Appraisal Services and Environmental Services were reversed. Mr. Tamulonis replied that it reflected an anticipated reduction in need for appraisal services and increase in need for environmental services as properties were purchased. Ms. Ballew asked for clarification on seeming contradictions between the Budget Summary and Budget Worksheet and about formatting on the Worksheet. Mr. Tamulonis provided the infor- mation requested and said changes would be made to the confusing formatting. Chairperson Fitch determined there was consensus to present the draft Budget and Worksheet to the Budget Committee for its recommendation. B. Request for Interest from Developers Mr. Tamulonis reported that a Request for Information (RFI) process had been used in 2003 to determine interest in redevelopment under the Glenwood Riverfront Plan. He said minimal re- sponse had been received. Mr. Tamulonis referred to an Agenda Item Summary regarding a request to provide staff guid- ance on revising and re-issuing the RFI because of the changed conditions in the area. He noted that printed material used in the 2003 process had been distributed. He suggested that re-issuing the RFI could elicit a greater response. He invited members to discuss the proposal. Springfield Economic Development Agency Minutes April 10, 2006 Page 3 Ms. Ballew said she believed that, in addition to updating RFI factual information, it would be positive to include SEDA willingness to be "flexible" in dealing with development proposals. Mr. Woodrow asked what cost was involved in issuing an RFI. Mr. Tamulonis replied that the costs involved would relate almost exclusively to staff time and would be minimal. Mr. Leiken said he believed business development should be encouraged in the RFI because it was his belief that nonprofit taxpaying agencies often had difficulty in securing appropriate fi- nancing arrangements. Mr. Pishioneri suggested that discussed improvements to Franklin Avenue be highlighted in the RFI. Mr. Ralston asked for clarification of the meaning of the sixth "major objective" included in the 2003 RFI — Reduce reliance on Oregon State Highway 126 (Franklin Boulevard) for Glenwood's local east-west traffic through a strategy to resolve and reduce access conflicts within the pro- ject Area. Mr. Tamulonis replied that an example of the reference was to impacts such as those that could be created by construction of a new Franklin Boulevard Intersection. He said more than half of the current business driveways accessing Franklin Boulevard may not have legal access on Franklin Boulevard. A new Intersection and the creation of alternate access from new frontage roads would reduce reliance and be desirable. Mr. Stewart said he supported any effort that would encourage development in the Glenwood Riverfront Project Area. Jim Peterson, 4075 East 15th Avenue, Eugene, stated that he would be serving on the SEDA Budget Committee. He suggested that the Glenwood Redevelopment Project Citizen Advisory Committee be provided a small budget to support its efforts. He also suggested that SEDA in- corporate improvement of the safety of bicycle pathways in its vision and the RFI. Mr. Stewart moved, seconded by Mr. Pishioneri, to direct staff to prepare a revised Re- quest for Interest to encourage proposals for redevelopment under the Glenwood River- front Plan, as soon as possible. The motion was adopted unanimously, 7:0. Mr. Tamulonis said he would present a RFI and related material for approval at an upcoming SEDA meeting in May. Mr. Tamulonis reported that Mr. Lenz had agreed to accept an option to purchase residential property offered to the City as discussed at the previous meeting in January. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Minutes Recorder— Dan Lindstrom 7‘;7627Wit► Christine Lundberg Secretary