HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-04-11 SEDA Meeting Minutes`` MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY HELD MONDAY,APRIL 11,2005 The Springfield Economic Development Agency met in the Jesse Maine Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield,Oregon, on Monday,April 11,2005 at 7:35 p.m.,with Board Member Lundberg calling the meeting to order. ATTENDANCE Present were Board Members Anne Ballew,Dave Ralston, Sid Leiken,Christine Lundberg,Joe Pishioneri,Bill Dwyer and Faye Stewart. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Community Development Manager John Tamulonis and City Recorder Amy Sowa. Board Chair Tammy Fitch and Board Member John Woodrow were absent(excused). APPROVAL MINUTES a. Minutes of March 28, 2005. IT WAS MOVED BY BOARD MEMBER LEIKEN WITH A SECOND BY BOARD MEMBER STEWART TO APPROVE THE MARCH 28,2005 SEDA MINUTES. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 7 FOR AND 0 AGAINST(2 ABSENT). COMMUNICATIONS a. Business from the Audience Dave Carvo,4010 East 16th,Eugene,OR Mr. Carvo said he had some thoughts and questions regarding system development charges(SDC's)in the Urban Renewal District. He said there was potential that SEDA could pay for sewers and storm drains and the city would collect the SDC on that and not reimburse SEDA. He said there was a need to look into that situation. An agreement may be worked out to allow SEDA to receive a credit if SEDA pays for the installation. It would vary because some people in Glenwood would get sewer paid for by SEDA and others would not. He discussed the city's policy that everyone pays SDC on storm and sewer. There may be confusion in the future and it may be best to work something out ahead of time. He said if no agreement was made, it would not be fair for SEDA to spend taxpayer dollars and the city to collect taxpayer dollars. Board Member Ralston asked if Mr. Carvo was discussing initial SDC's or recurring fees. Mr.Carvo said he was discussing initial SDC charges. Board Member Pishioneri said waiving of SDC fees should be put before council. Mr.Carvo said that was true,but he felt the SEDA board should also be aware of the issue. He said he would also bring it to council. Board Member Lundberg asked who the staff contact would be for this issue. Technical Services Manager Len Goodwin would be on point. Mr. Goodwin said this does raise some interesting issues because the standard methodology for construction of SDC's would factor in all available sources of revenue. The use of"non-city" Springfield Economic Development Agency Minutes April 11,2005 Page 2 revenue would be something that would be factored into developing the methodology. He said he was not sure that type of transaction could occur. The amount that would be raised by the SDC would depend on the amount proposed to be expended for the future development. If the future developments were not to be funded by the city,the city might not be able to include that amount of money in the estimated costs of the project list upon which the SDC's were based. Board Member Lundberg asked if that methodology needed to be created for this situation or if there was something already in place. Mr. Goodwin said staff brought information to the council during a previous work session regarding the sanitary sewer methodology which was in place,but may need revisited. If the funding sources for the projects on the existing project list change,that would have an impact on SDC's,either an increase due to additional projects,or a decrease due to additional funding that could be used. The storm sewer SDC methodology needed to be revisited as well. Mr.Tamulonis said staff could bring back additional information. Mr.Carvo said he just wanted to bring this to the board's attention. • Board Member Ballew asked staff to bring back information on how SDC methodology would work in an Urban Renewal District. Mr.Tamulonis discussed assessments on buildings and how they were charged SDC's. b. Correspondence c. Business from the Staff • Update Glenwood Renewal Advisory Committee Meetings. Mr.Tamulonis distributed a list of the appointed members of the Glenwood Renewal Agency Committee(GRAC). He asked members that were present to introduce themselves. Those in the audience were Randy Hledik(Wildish Co.), Steve Roth(Roaring Rapids/Camp Putt),John Oldham,Joan Armstead,Jim Peterson and Dave Carvo(Glenwood Water District). The first meeting of the GRAC was scheduled for April 19 at City Hall in the Jesse Maine Room. There would be one more meeting of the GRAC followed by a joint meeting with the SEDA Board on May 23. REPORT OF CHAIR REPORT OF COMMITTEES OLD BUSINESS a. Update on Glenwood Riverfront Plan. City Planner Susanna Julber gave a power point presentation on redevelopment through the Glenwood Riverfront Plan. The city received Transportation Growth Management Grant funding to study this area mostly because of its proximity along the riverfront,between the downtown areas of Springfield and Eugene,and the advent of Bus Rapid Transit along Franklin Boulevard. When Glenwood came into the city's jurisdiction in 1998,the council identified direction for the riverfront as a top priority. It is close to Springfield's downtown and is an asset to the city. Council envisioned a mix of uses in this area. Ms.Julber said a public hearing was Springfield Economic Development Agency Minutes April 11,2005 Page 3 scheduled for April 19 before the Lane County and Springfield Planning Commissions. This would be the start of the adoption phase. Ms.Julber said the consultant was assigned to redesign Franklin Boulevard. She discussed residential,mixed use residential and commercial uses for this area. Ms.Julber displayed pictures of possible buildings and development opportunities. She discussed making this area pedestrian friendly. She noted that council would eventually need to adopt a new section in the Development Code for the Glenwood Riverfront Plan District with certain design guidelines. Eventually,those codes could be used for a Mohawk District and Downtown District. She referred to a picture in the power point presentation depicting a model of a possible convention center in this area. Discussion was held regarding parking issues and housing for low-income residents. Mr.Tamulonis distributed a photo of the Aurora Building in Eugene which has financing to allow the rents to remain affordable for low income families. Something similar could be incorporated into this plan and there is currently a project in the list that would be assistance to develop a similar facility. Board Member Lundberg said the first job of the GRAC would be to advise the board regarding the residential components. Ms.Julber noted that the design standards for this area were not any different than those already in place in existing zoning districts. Discussion was held regarding the use of a catch basin to get water back into the aquifer. Ms. Julber said consultants were asked to look for a possible site for the McKenzie Willamette Triad Hospital. She referred to a drawing of a potential site. Mr.Tamulonis said over time the city may receive proposals for development and redevelopment in Glenwood. Ms.Julber met with the council to get direction regarding guidelines in that area. Council may choose to make further adjustments to the planning in the future depending on what works. Board Member Dwyer asked about SDC's for stormwater if the basin approach was used for a portion of the area. Mr. Tamulonis said master planning for all of Glenwood was just now being completed for stormwater. Consultants were looking at this area to determine where the stormwater would best be handled. He noted a ridge south of Franklin Boulevard where most of the water north would go to the river and south would go to the railroad tracks. Most of the land it would flow into was private land. He said no set system was in place that was clean or maintained and capacities wouldn't be known until the plan was complete. He discussed three pieces of property the state was looking to sell as surplus property which could be key to that flow. There are places that do not have a good flow. Board Member Dwyer said stormwater SDC's for alternate types of systems are a tool and would be important to consider. There would be a minimum charge whether it was all handled on site or not. Springfield Economic Development Agency Minutes April 11,2005 Page 4 Mr.Tamulonis said the city was asked to consider a green roof on one of the new BRING Recycling buildings. The Urban Renewal Agency could consider such a proposal. He noted that Ms.Julber's work over the last few years was a fresh look at Glenwood. Council would set the standards and SEDA could fund some of the possible projects that could make that work. b. Review of Industrial Strategy. Mr.Tamulonis said he would refer to Randy Hledik from Wildish for questions on this item. He distributed a map prepared by Wildish several years ago regarding a corporate,business and industrial park in this area. He referred to the map with these types of developments in this area. He described the area. The road system would be changed for the development of Williams Bakery. Wildish was also considering upgrading the front of their industrial park near McVey Highway. Mr.Tamulonis described a business park in the area and the possibility for a corporate park.He discussed the flood plain in that area and working with the Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA) for permitting changes to allow more development to that area. He referred to the setback and the Willamette Greenway. There are a few existing buildings at this location. The state and Wildish reached agreement on some property that would allow improvements along Franklin Boulevard and McVey Highway. Board Member Lundberg asked how much of the referenced property was owned by Wildish. Mr.Tamulonis said everything referenced within the pink border on the map other than one building that was occupied by Precision Screw. He discussed the access issues for this property and sanitary sewer issues. He referred to the extension of the line. He discussed the stormwater issues that were being faced at this time. Eventually, it was hoped the stormwater would come in to a public facility. He referred to the surplus properties that may be available from the state. Negotiations have begun on those properties. The long-term view could be a productive development for Glenwood Mr. Tamulonis said staff would complete the stormwater evaluation for the whole area of Glenwood. Staff would also look at properties that could be needed for that system. That would be a key piece in allowing development to occur in Glenwood south of Franklin Boulevard. The city would work with Wildish for potential development along the east edge of the Willamette River. NEW BUSINESS Mr.Tamulonis noted that during the next meeting,the SEDA budget would be discussed RESOLUTIONS ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 pm. Minutes Recorder—Amy Sowa Christine Lundberg , Secretary