HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-02-28 SEDA Meeting Minutes MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY HELD MONDAY,FEBRUARY 28,2005 The Springfield Economic Development Agency met in the Jesse Maine Meeting Room,225 Fifth Street, Springfield,Oregon,on Monday,February 28,2005 at 7:00 p.m., with Board Chair Tammy Fitch calling the meeting to order. Board Chair Fitch noted that since the meeting was starting early, if citizens came to the meeting to speak under Business from the Audience,the board would go back and allow them to speak. ATTENDANCE Present were Board Chair Tammy Fitch and Board Members Bill Dwyer,Dave Ralston, Christine Lundberg,Joe Pishioneri, and Faye Stewart. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Community Development Manager John Tamulonis and City Recorder Amy Sowa. Board Members Sid Leiken,John Woodrow and Anne Ballew were absent(excused). APPROVAL MINUTES a. Minutes of February 14,2005. IT WAS MOVED BY BOARD MEMBER DWYER WITH A SECOND BY BOARD MEMBER STEWART TO APPROVE THE JANUARY 14,2005 SEDA MINUTES. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST(3 ABSENT). COMMUNICATIONS a. Business from the Audience b. Correspondence Mr.Tamulonis said staff held two meetings last week in Glenwood regarding the Glenwood RiverFront Plan which will have some impact on the scheduled design standards that might be applied. In that meeting, some members of the Glenwood area provided some information that summarized the Glenwood RiverFront Plan. Mr.Tamulonis distributed a Glenwood RiverFront Plan-Fact Sheet that included some of that information. It also included information about how those people would like to see some of the development happen in Glenwood. c. Business from the Staff • Tentative Schedule and Topics for SEDA Board. Mr.Tamulonis referred to a scheduled listing of upcoming SEDA meetings and topics that was included in the agenda packet. He said the board could add items or adjust the schedule as needed. • Strategies Summarized. Springfield Economic Development Agency Minutes February 28,2005 Page 2 Mr.Tamulonis referred to a document included in the agenda packet which gave a summary of the strategies the board decided to pursue at the February 14, 2005 meeting. He discussed the primary strategy, Strategy#1,which included industrial development in the Glenwood area. He discussed item#1 of that strategy which was to"Complete quickly the storm water master plan for Glenwood to solve storm water constraints and development issues limited by the inadequate storm water system in Glenwood". He said that the storm water master plan was currently under way and information for Glenwood may be completed in September regarding easements and right-of-way. This would be the first portion for the entire City of Springfield and would be a test case. That would go a long way in solving problems that industrial users are facing. Mr.Tamulonis recapped Strategy#2,which included looking at Requests for Interest(RFI)and Requests for Proposal(RFP)by developers,looking to see what is available through the urban renewal program,and looking to see what would make a large development proposal for the riverfront area a possibility. Staff would try to get information on potential incentive programs back to the board soon. Mr.Tamulonis discussed Strategy#3,which included residential development and redevelopment. The board had suggested assigning this strategy to the Citizen Advisory Committee(CAC)once it is formed. This strategy is also consistent with the Glenwood Riverfront Plan—Fact Sheet handout. REPORT OF CHAIR REPORT OF COMMITTEES OLD BUSINESS a. By-Laws Decision on Article VIII. During the SEDA Board meeting on February 7,2005,the board generally agreed to the proposed changes to Article VIII of the by-laws. This is the first meeting after the 10-day cooling off period required by the current by-laws for actual adoption of changes. Proposed changes are included in Attachment 1,included in the agenda packet, in legislative format. Board Chair Fitch noted that Board Member Woodrow had expressed hope that this would be the last time the board would need to look at by-law changes for a long time. Board Member Dwyer said we need a clear definition of an emergency. Board Member Ralston said that may need to be determined as it occurs. Board Member Dwyer said an emergency is something that is sprung on the board that may be time sensitive. He asked the board to think about how it should be defined so it meets the board's goals. Board Member Ralston gave an example of an emergency. Board Member Dwyer said it is something that is time sensitive. It needs to be defined so it meets the board's objective. Mr.Tamulonis said staff could look at definitions for emergencies from other sources and bring back a recommended definition to the board at a future meeting. Springfield Economic Development Agency Minutes February 28,2005 Page 3 Board Chair Fitch asked if the board was comfortable passing the amended by-laws as presented and defining emergency at a later date. Board Member Pishioneri said the definition does not have to be an amendment,but rather a definition in a glossary of terms. Mr.Tamulonis said that was correct,it would not be an amendment to the by-laws. IT WAS MOVED BY BOARD MEMBER RALSTON WITH A SECOND BY BOARD MEMBER DWYER TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO.2005-02 WITH CHANGES TO ARTICLE VIII OF THE SEDA BY-LAWS. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST(3 ABSENT) NEW BUSINESS Mr.Tamulonis distributed a matrix of all applicants that have turned in applications for the Citizen Advisory Committee(CAC). On the matrix,the applicants were separated by position, although some candidates could fit into several positions. The closing for applications was at 5:00pm today. He noted that Joan Armstead did not want to compete with Dave Carvo for position#5,but would prefer to be considered for one of the other positions. Board Chair Fitch asked about the process. She asked if the board wanted to interview each candidate or just review applications. Board Member Dwyer said he and Board Member Stewart would interview those qualified for positions#1 and#2 and make a recommendation to the whole Board of Commissioners. Board Member Stewart suggested having a City Councilor sit in on their interviews because some of those they interview that are not chosen may fit another position. Board Member Ralston said whoever was not chosen by the Lane County Board could come back into the pool of applicants for SEDA to interview. Discussion was held regarding whether or not to interview all applicants. Board consensus was to have Lane County Commissioners make their appointments first, followed by the City Council and then SEDA. Board Member Dwyer said they would get the interviews set up as soon as possible and have their appointments done in two weeks. Mr. Tamulonis suggested scheduling interviews with the SEDA Board for March 28. Mr.Kelly said at this time the Council Operating Policies and Procedures list which committees the City Council interviews. At this time,the Urban Renewal CAC is not included as one of those committees. If the City Council chose to change their by-laws to include the Urban Renewal CAC as a committee requiring interviews,they could do that in the future. Further discussion was held regarding interviewing or recommending from the applications. Springfield Economic Development Agency Minutes February 28,2005 Page 4 The City Council will not interview,but rather take the recommendation of the Mayor and Council President. They will make their appointment sometime between tonight and March 28. Mr. Tamulonis suggested canceling next Monday's SEDA meeting and moving the agenda topic items from that evening to the March 14 meeting. The board agreed. RESOLUTIONS ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm. Minutes Recorder–Amy Sowa 4:0- —4, Christine Lundberg Secretary