HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 10 Spring Garden Seafood Restaurant Liquor License AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 10/1/2018 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Robin Holman - DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-3662 Estimated Time: Consent Calendar S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Mandate ITEM TITLE: LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION FOR A NEW OUTLET FOR LUCKY WHEEL INC., DBA: SPRING GARDEN SEAFOOD RESTAURANT. ACTION REQUESTED: Endorsement of OLCC Liquor License Application for Spring Garden Seafood Restaurant, located at 215 Main Street Springfield, OR 97477. ISSUE STATEMENT: The owner of Lucky Wheel Inc. has requested the City Council to endorse its OLCC Liquor License Application. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1. OLCC Liquor License Application. DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The license endorsement for Lucky Wheel Inc. DBA: Spring Garden Seafood Restaurant is for a New Outlet with Limited On-Premises Sales. The license application has been reviewed and approved by the appropriate City Departments. 82418,09.42a t.L w @ OREGON LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION LIQUOR L]CENSE APPLICATION LrcEnfSE FEE: Do not indude the license fee with the application (the license fee willbe colleeted at a later time). APTCATION: Application is being made for: [ 8rewery fl Brewery-Public House lF-] oirtep*lU Fufl On-Prgnbes, Com mercial Full On-Premises, Caterer Full On-Premises, Passenger Carrier Full On-Premises, Other Public Location Full On-Premises, Nonprofit Private Club Full On-Premises, For-Profit Prirrate Oub Grower Sales Privilege Limited On-Premises Off-Premises Off-Premises vrith Fuel Pumps Warehouse Wholesale Malt Bevenage & Wine (WMBW) Winery ntr tr trtriltr tr trtr trtr tr CTTY AND COUNTY USE ONLY Date application received Name of Cityor C-ounty Recommends this license be Granted _ Denied By Date Applicatbn received by u5E ( Date License Actiom t New f,utflef 1. 1EFAL B.lTlTY (example: corporation or tLCl or INDNIIDUAL{SI applying ior the license: Applicant fi1 Lucky lttfteel lnc Applicant S2 Applicant fl3 AppEcant #4 2. Trade Narne of the Business (the name customers will see); Garden Seafood Bestaurant 3- Business l.ocation: Number and Street 21S Main SL !# I-ane ZaP 97477 4. ls the business at this loetion currendy licensed by the OLCC?Yes Eruo 5. MallinE Addr,*s {where the OLCCwill send your moil): PO Bof Number, Street, Rural Route 215 ilain St City Springlktd state oFl zlP 6. Phone Nurnberof the Eusiness Location: 54?-726.98S5 7. Contast Person forthis Name Pei Yu Chen Phone Number 5G}412{839 Mailing Address, City, State, ZtP fr:X} SE Dirisiqr St, Ste 207 Pordand, OB 92266 I understand that madjuana (sudr as use, consumption, ingestion, inhalation, samptes, give-auray, sale, etc.) is on tre licensed Signature of Applicant f1?q slwn n4 Signature of Applicant #3 sid5tuie or ipgiEfifi+ ' OLCC [igu6 (tenre Applicadon (Rer. 0612017) E mail peiyu @Unite+Cpzrli. com Signature of Applicam #2 A; J,>.,o-L^ Attachment 1, Page 1 of 3 82418,09:41a FS OREGON LIQUOR CONTROL GOMMISSION BUSINESS INFORMATION Please Print orType Applitmnt Name \Jh€r,l ]DNc Pnone: 5+t- ?zb - BtsBL Trade Name (dba): Business Location Address 215 tC\a^,\ 6t . City;ZIP Code: taqla DAYS AND HOURS OF OPERATION Business Hours: sunday \tors to to?rn outdoorArea Hours: N /* SGrdEr Monday Tuesday Wednesday musaay Friday Saturdaly The oudmr area is used fon N / A O Fod service Hours to El Alcdtd service Hours: to tr Endosed, how_. The s@risaea b adequaElyYiexr€d andlor supervised by Service Penrftbes. ( lnvestigator's lnitials) to ln{on&y Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday -$s,6-to\\arn o --llon- to ltorr. to t\artto t\nrn rr --{,r+-a^ -lao+!D-Jo4.r$(6pln . toirn Ibe.\ to to to to b to SeasonalVariations: fl Yes fl No [f yes, explain ENTERTAINMENT DAYS & HOURS OF LIVE OR DJ MUSIC SEATING COUNT tr u E] tr tr Live Music Recorded Music DJ Music Dancing Nude Entertainers Other (explain): Total Seating' & N/^ ffi to to to to to----E6-- to- Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thurcday Friday Saturday Restaurant: 5Z Lounge: BanqueL 2t r-8004s2-olcc (cs22) wwv.orqon-govlolcc OLCC USE ONLY kuesnigalorVerifiedSeatng: (Y)_(N) lrreSigabr lnillzl< rmy deny my licens-e application.I understand if my answens are not tue and compteE, ttte OLGGI ----zshko tqApplicant Signature ,9tti $eu IAAT) Check all that apply: EI raraore E corr-operated Games El vio"o Lottery Macfrines E s*i"t Gaming E -"*lrables fl o,n". 0utdoon Dx*, &-.? j--ao l& Attachment 1, Page 2 of 3 I 24 '18,09:41a ftz OREGON LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION CORPORATION QU ESTIONNAI RE Hea* Pint or Tyoe Corporation Nam Wheeltnc Year lncorprated :2016 Trade Narne (dba):Spring Garden Seafood Restaurant Business Location Address:21 5 Main St. ZIP Code:e7477 List Goryorate Officers : Gui Li President (name)(title) Vice presidentDuiTan Ust Board of Directors: Gui Qiang Ll, Dui Shao Tan List stockhotders: (Note: tf any stockhotder is another legal entity, that entity mlvalso need 8c compiete another 'Corporafion Questionnaire. See Liqrior License Ooplr._ :I_Eide for more inforrnation') (name) Stockholders: Nunber ur '1 Shares Held: GuiQiang Li 500 Dui Shao Tan so0 Server Education De-signee :DuiShaoTan DOB: (See Liquor License Application Guide for rnore information) I understard that if mY Officer's Signature: afistvers are not true and complete, the OLCC may deny rrry license application' fWQ6Eq.I wtxw-oiltryron-goufokc o^t",8-23 hll Shares Authorized Unissued:o 1000 Nurnber of Stock Shares: fev:ffi|1) 1 lssued:1000 Attachment 1, Page 3 of 3