HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 04 - 06 Planning Commission Appointment AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 10/1/2018 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Brenda Jones, DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-3610 Estimated Time: Consent Calendar S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Mandate ITEM TITLE: PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT ACTION REQUESTED: Ratify the selections of: Andrew Landen to serve on the Planning Commission by official appointment on October 1, 2018 with said appointment expiring on October 1, 2022; Sophie E. McGinley to serve the Planning Commission by official appointment on October 1, 2018 with said appointment expiring on October 1, 2022; Kuri K. Gill to serve the Planning Commission by official appointment on October 1, 2018 with said appointment expiring on February 5, 2023 ISSUE STATEMENT: The seven-member Planning Commission has two vacancies and one reappointment: 1. Commissioner Andrew Landen is seeking reappointment; 2. Commissioner Sean Dunn resigned his appointment to the Planning Commission on July 17, 2018; 3. Commissioner Greg James’ second 4-year term expires on October 2, 2018. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Sean Dunn Resignation 2. Applications of Andrew W. Landen; Kuri K. Gill; and Sophie E. McGinley 3. Planning Commission Roster DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City received seven applications for three vacancies during a 7-week recruitment period. At the September 24, 2018 Work Session the Council interviewed seven candidates. At the conclusion of this interview process the Council supported reappointing Andrew E. Landen; appointing Kuri K. Gill to fulfill the remaining term of Sean Dunn and an additional 4-year term; and appoint Sophie E. McGinley to replace Commissioner James who is terming out. Formal appointment is requested. Attachment 1, Page 1 of 1 Attachment 2, Page 1 of 9 Attachment 2, Page 2 of 9 Attachment 2, Page 3 of 9 Attachment 2, Page 4 of 9 Attachment 2, Page 5 of 9 Attachment 2, Page 6 of 9 Application for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board/Commission/Committee For more information please call the City Manager’s Office 541.726.3700 Return this application to the City Manager’s Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield Oregon 97477 Printed on Recycled Paper City Manager’s Office • 225 Fifth Street • Springfield, OR 97477 PLEASE NOTE: x When possible, council will not appoint people currently serving on another governing body to the Planning Commission or Budget Committee. x When appointing people to any of the other city boards, commissions or committees, the Council shall take into account whethe r that person is being reappointed for a subsequent term, is currently serving on another governing body or currently appointed to another city board, commission or committee. x When possible, the Council will appoint people to serve on one City board, commission or committee only. Board / Commission / Committee applying for: (A separate application must be completed for each board / commission / committee) Name: First Middle Initial Last Home address: Street City Zip Mailing address: Street City Zip Day Phone: Evening phone: Email Address: Preferred Form of Contact: Do you live within the Springfield city limits? Yes If yes, how long? No If no, do you live inside Springfield’s Urban Growth Boundary? Ward number (City residents only): Yes No Are you a Springfield property owner? Yes No Are you a Springfield business owner? Yes No Are you a registered voter? Yes No Occupation: Place of employment/School: Business address: Education: Are you currently serving on any other board, committee, or commission? If so, please list them here: How did you hear about the above vacancy? Newspaper ad Newspaper article Radio/TV Mail notice Word of mouth Board/Commission/Committee member Internet (Over, please) Planning Commission Sophie E McGinley 336 Main Street Apt 3 Springfield 97477 336 Main Street Apt 3 Springfield 97477 (804) 335-4134 (804) 335-4134 mcginleyse@gmail.com Day Phone ✔September 2018 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Assistant Planner Metro Planning 370 Q Street Springfield, OR 97477 Bachelor of Science, Planning, Public Policy, and Management- University of Oregon No ✔ Attachment 2, Page 7 of 9 Application for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board/Commission/Committee For more information please call the City Manager’s Office 541.726.3700 Return this application to the City Manager’s Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield Oregon 97477 Printed on Recycled Paper Please print or type: 1. What experiences / training / qualifications do you have for this particular board / commission / committee? 2. What specific contribution do you hope to make? 3. Briefly describe your involvement in relevant community groups and activities. (Lack of previous involvement will not necessarily disqualify you from consideration.) 4. What community topics concern you that relate to this board / commission / committee? Why do you want to become a member? 5. Most boards / commissions / committees meet monthly. Subcommittees may meet more frequently. Meetings generally last one and one-half hours. It is highly recommended you attend a meeting before submitting the application. Please read the news release for this position which contains the normal dates and times for these meetings and can be found at www.ci.springfield.or.us/CMO/newsrel.htm. Are you available to attend meetings on the dates listed for this committee? Yes No Comments: I certify the information in this application and attachments are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that false or misleading statements or missing information is cause for rejection of application, removal of name from eligible list, or dismissal from the position. I hereby waive my rights to claims or damages against any employer and the City of Springfield, its officers, agents, and employees, in regard to this exchange of information. I hereby authorize to permit the City of Springfield and/or the Springfield Police Department to review my background information and if required my DMV records. I have reviewed the Advisory and meet the minimum requirements to serve/volunteer in the desired posit ion. I also authorize to permit any materials listed above to be copied and retained by the City of Springfield. I authorize the use of my photograph. I will defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Springfield, its officers, employees, and agents from and against all liability or loss and against any and all claims, actions, causes of actions, proceedings or appeals based upon or arising out of or arising from or in connection with my conduct or performance as a volunteer with the City of Springfield including but not limited damage or injury to persons or property and including without limitation attorney fees and expenses; except for losses, claims or actions resulting from the sole negligence of the City of Springfield. Applicant Signature: Date: My degree from the University of Oregon is in Planning, Public Policy, and Management where I learned Oregon Land Use policy. Additionally, I interned with the City of Springfield Senior Transportation Planner from September 2017- June 2018 where I observed Springfield Planning Commission hearings and the City of Eugene Urban Design Team Spring 2018. I serve on the board of a local nonprofit, Better Eugene Springfield Transportation, and I am employed as an assistant land use planner at Metro Planning. I am passionate about cultivating community connection through land use and transportation planning and have been inspire d by the efforts and progress of the City of Springfield. I hope to encourage smart development, local business development, and community involvement. My hope is to use transparency as well as clear and objective standards to act as a liasion bet ween community members and city council. I serve on the board of directors of Better Eugene- Springfield Transportation and was the Speaker Series Coordinator for the University of Oregon's transporation and liveabili ty student group, LiveMove. While interning for the City of Springfield, I attended Springfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Advis ory Committee meetings and assisted in developing and compiling their 2018 work plan. I am most interested in the activation and development of Downtown Springfield and Glenwood. Additionally, I have interes ts in preserving community character and encouraging development that is catered to the community. I would like to becom e a member because land use decisions can have a massive impact and it is essential to be able to understand Oregon land us e policies and cater them to the community they are serving. I believe in Springfield and want to see it continue to flourish. September 3, 2018 Attachment 2, Page 8 of 9 Supplemental Questions for Planning Commission Application 1.What is your interest in applying for the position? 2.What personal or professional experience has prepared you to be successful on the Planning Commission? 3.What do you think the future holds for Springfield and how can you, as a Planning Commissioner, help to realize that future? 4.What is your understanding of the basis for a Planning Commission decision on a development application? 5.The time commitment for a planning commissioner is about 10-15 hours per month which includes public meetings on the first and third Tuesdays of each month and adequate time to review the reports and documents submitted for the agendas of these public meetings. Understanding this is a volunteer position, can you commit to this level of participation? I currently work as an assistant planner for a land use planning firm, Metro Planning . I also recieved my degree from the University of Oregon in Planning, Public Policy,  and Management. Furthermore, I have internship experience with the City of Sprin gfield Senior Transportation Planner, The City of Eugene Urban Design Team,  and  The City of Springfield Public Works Department. Springfield continues to grow and change: more people are moving to the area and th e Downtown is experiencing an economic resurgance. Additionally, there is a refinem ent plan for Glenwood: one that will encourage mixed use development that will resha pe the riverfront. As a planning commissioner, I would help realize that future by advo cating for smart land use decisions, local business development, and housing options  for all.  The Planning Commission makes decisions based off of clear and objective standards,  weighing community input, factoring in Oregon Land Use Policy, and interpreting the Sp ringfield Development Code. The Planning Commission then makes a recommendation  to Springfield city Council based off of these factors.  Yes I have studied and practiced land use and am passionate about the positive changes it can make in a community. I also believe in transparency and it would be a privilege to serve as a liaison between the community and City Council. Springfield continues to experience a growth in population and, due to the Urban Growth Boundary, has limited land supply to compensate. Therefore, planning decisions that cater to community building and resilience must be made. Attachment 2, Page 9 of 9 City of Springfield Planning Commission MAILING ADDRESS PHONE APPOINTMENT DATE RE-APPOINTMENT DATE EXPIRATION DATE Michael Koivula Vice -Chair 723 Crest Lane Springfield, Oregon 97477 mkoivula@springfield-or.gov R: 541-746-1805 3/16/2015 2/5/2019 Open Position (James) Sophie E, McGinley 336 Main Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 B: 10/1/2018 10/1/2022 Open Position (Dunn) Kuri K. Gill 545 10th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 B: 10/1/2018 To fulfill remaining term thru 1/18/2019 2/5/2023 Open Position (Landen) Andrew W. Landen 6721 Glacier Drive Springfield, Oregon 97478 R: 4/20/2015 10/1/2018 10/1/2022 Grace Bergen 2308 15th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 realtergraceb@gmail.com Realtor C: 541-520-9566 04/02/2018 To fulfill remaining term thru 7/31/2017 7/31/2021 Troy R. Sherwood 280 S. 35th Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 tsherwoo@springfield-or.gov (U of O Telefund Supervisor) C: 503-863-7749 5/5/2016 5/5/2020 Tim Vohs 3708 Cherokee Drive Springfield, Oregon 97478 tvohs@springfield-or.gov R: 541-747-4325 1/17/2012 5/5/2016 5/5/2020 Note: Springfield Planning Commissioners serve four-year terms. Two members may reside outside the Springfield City limits and two members may be employed in real estate. Representatives to the City Council are on a rotating basis CONTACTS: SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT Tom Boyatt: Interim Development and Public Works Department Director 541-726-3697 Sandy Belson: Interim Community Development Division Manager; PC Liaison 541-736-7135 Brenda Jones: Current Development Management Specialist 541-726-3610 Council Liaison: Councilor Leonard Stoehr; lstoehr@springfield-or.gov ; 541-285-3792. Edited October 1, 2018 BJones PUBLIC Attachment 3, Page 1 of 1