HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 2018-09-13SPRINGFIELD OREGON Web Address: www.sprioglield-or.9ov City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, oR 974)7 54r-726-3753Building Permit Commercial Plumbing Permit Number: 81 1 -18-002172-PLM IVR Number: 81 1091641269 Email Addressr permitcenter@sprhglield'or.9ov Permit lssued: September 13, 2018 TYPE OF WORK Category o, Construction: Commercral Submitted Job Value: $0.00 Description ot Work: New Sanitary Sewer New Domestic Water JOB SITE INFORMATION Parcel 1702322201600 Owner: Address: PAISLEY LLC 21,I,I PRAIRIE RD EUGENE, OR 97402 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business name GREENSUNS INC - Primary License CCB LicEnse number 31366 Phone 54'1-933-1020 PENDING INSPECTIONS lnspection 3200 Sanitary Sewer 3315 Water Line lnspection group Plumb Com Plumb Com lnspection status Pending Pending SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work Contact the issurng jurisdictron rndicated on the permit to determine requrred inspectrons for this prolect Schedule or track inspections at www burldingperm[s oregon gov Schedule by phone call 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number 8'11091641269 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting lnspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store PERMIT FEES Fee Description Technology Fee Sanitary sewer - Total linear feet Water service - Total linear feet State of Oregon Surcharge - Plumb (12olo of applicable fees) Quantity Total Fees: 100 100 Fee Amount $ 10.30 $ 103.00 $ 10 3.00 $24.72 ' $241.02 Permits must be posted in clear view on the worksite. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 Oays of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 Days or longer dependang on the issuing agency's policy. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of \ ork will be complaed with whether sp6cifi6d herein or not. Granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. ATTENTION - CALL BEFORE YOU Dlc: Oregon law requires you to tollow rules adopted by the Oregon tJtility Notitication Cenier- Those rules are set forth in OAR 952{01-0010 through OAR 952-001-0090. You may obtain copies of lhe rules by calling the Center at (877) 6684001 or dial 81'1. All pe6ons or entities performing work under this permil are required to be licensed unless exempted by ORS 701.010 (Slructural/Mechanical), ORS 479.540 (Electrical), and ORS 693.010-020 (Plumbing). Pnnred on 9/13/18 Page 1 ol2 sld BurldingPermn-pr 'b Type of Work: New Worksite address 820 42nd ST Springfield OR 97477 Pe.m it Number: 81 1-'l 8-002'1 72-PLM Page 2 ol 2 std_BuildingPermitjr L-*{8t t-t 8{02 t72-PLM Receipt Numb6r: 468030 R€coipt Date: 9/13/18 Development and Publ( works 225 F'fth stret Spnnqnerd, OR 97477 54t 726 1753 permrtcerter@spnnsneld-o. gov Transaction Receipt City ol Spnngneld www spnnglield-or gov Vvi'rtsile address 620 42nd ST, SpringneE, OR 97477 Parcel: 1702322201600 Fees Paid 9/1U18 9/13/18 9t1U1A 224-00000-425603 1034 224-00000-425603 1A34 821-00000-215004-0000 t103.00 $103.00 524 72 $103 00 $103 00 $2412 Sannary sewer - Toiallinear leel 9/13/18 Waler serv ce Totallrnear leel 1 00 Aulomalrc Technology Fee State ofOregon Surcharge - Plumb (12% ol 1 00,00000-425605-0000 s10 30 $10 30 Cred ca.d authorization 034568 $241 A2 Cash er Kalrna Anderson 3241.02 1tP.00 LnFt 100.00 LnFt 100 Ea Plumbing Permit Application OEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permil no - 2tra g ltr sPr.NcrqEr-D E-.1 225 Fifih Streer. Springfield OR97477. PH(541)726,3753 . FAX( 54 I )726,3689 Zoning approval veri6ed? ! Yes D No Sanitadon approval verified? ! Yes ! No Date This permit is issued under OAR 918-780-0060. Permits are issued otrl] to the person or contractor doing the work Permits expire if work is not started n'ithin 180 days of issuance or if work is suspeuded for 180 days, LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL \err residenlial CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION 1 bathroom/l kitchen (includes. .first I 00 .feer ofwater.isewer lines. hose bibs. ice maker. undedoor loy,-point drains and rain4roin packages) E Residential I Govemment Commercial Job site address: A ON4D4 I ba$rooms l kitchen s506 00s i bathrooms'l kirchen s595.00 S23.00 Cin Reference 1D^)/> Address: Z DESCRIPTION OF WORK State .OL IIP OL Each additional bathroom (over l) I Srcrm warer retenrion/delention faciliq Snte 5 lr,,. e l ztP Ta\loi.: s128.00 s128.00 s99.00 s S s s24.00 $ s99.00 r $ s99.00 s Cin E-mail This installation is being made on residentid or farm properq I ouned b1 me or a member of mr immediate family. and is I exemrrt fiom hcensing requiremenL( under OAR a I 8-6s5-00:0 i ,t*"*., CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Business name q,t€tuSur1t An/ L Address 41b35 Each additional kitchen (over I ) 0 to 2.000 square feel :.001 to 3.600 square feet $,sE.oo ls Manufgctured drrelli fab (circle obe) Connections to building sewer and u'ater supplJ Z Commercial. itrdustrirl. and dwellings other than otre.or ovo-famih N{inimun fee s99.00 s24.00 S Each flr.Iure lltiscellareous fees 100 storm. sewer. uaEr line p.s103.00 s Each fix'ture. appunmance. and piping s24.00 $103.00 s I) I cin Y Far BCD license no 7.fi'Special!' fixtures Reinspecdon (no. ofhJs. x fee per hr.) Special requesred inspections (no. oi Phone E-mail CCB license no I Plumbin g license no Bi Print name Sisnature I hrs. x fee per hr.l Eacb additiotral inspection: (l s99.00 ! Minimum fee SMedical gas pipitrg EnEr fee ba-sed on insrallation and equipme vaiue. DEPARTMENT USE (A) Enler subbtal ofabove fees (Mitrimum Permil Fe€ 599.00) (B) lovesdgative fee (equalro IA]) (C) Enter l2% surcharye (.12 r [A-B]) S 5 S(D) Technolos Fee (5% oflAl) Crry or SpnrxcrrrlD, OREGoN JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION \(J PROPERTY OWNER Name Phonej t FEE SCHEDULE Description Cost e3. 3.601 to 7.200 square feer s235.00 S ?.201 square feer and greater | $315.00 ! {_ l(Smte:$[- TOTAL fees atrd surchr rges (A through D): S iq I I Totsl cost Residential fire sprinklers (itrcludes plan rel,ielr ) Qty. lrrigarion syslemsBackllo\ S24,OO i S I Piping or privare storm drainage- I I s24.o0 l ( svstems exceedtnq lhe tlrsl 100 leet I " Enter value of installalion and equipment S _. G REENSU NS P0 Box 71698 | EUGENE 0R | 97!75 CONSTRUCIION WWW GREENSUNS COM {4-} .:-: l -/a--,-z-.' d4c- olL sr,tz {*J P'u.,,"I J s?,"-<.rs- Pr+^"f "_$ v,L,c *lJ b.,"-ta4l-" -,t (Aq" s- 4Lru ) os 6hd..- ^ 'r\e.$-l\-+1 ,c.-tLLA Y fr o,. t*.-., "fl"L Ltt^,tMr-t-t" \s" dh^r-^e-rY+1,Ilb T*t.l-*,(J*rJ"o'y\ So* UN f\ b- eJ *-.u"^ ^rr{ i c.i'$ t" l.-sJ-r-{ r <.\ It{-&J "^(, ,.'4{, hl,t r pLvz.\ul4A +-&'a y.,"",*4 4^ k.--- C ulo-tr.r> .d.'r o-).\z-o4^- +> . &re. Ew \*rf,b-.d,+'u* LJ**.^.1 t J ?v." \)1 r'c t z^' (4w*^ *-"--.< +!*,t1" ,rJ ,L c.-u-- PHONE 541.933.1020 FAX 541 933.1028 CCB r31366 --rL* L g-r--r1c 644 ab8 Lllq s :i t NO]IIO Ot:lil9Nlds . jlt!_Is puz' N 028 1ll[otd ,Nt^vd oNV ]lEJo sl-rYs SI)OOOUd IS:IUOJ lNVl !! :-::: . !? = i N q) r' I I {\ Iitr^tI!l!:I j i i I I J JJ t I\ t / :r I ii ,) I :t !Iall I I t i t I : EiI !i tl u1 -: ! E I =J E Nofluo ar!rSfNrdslltxls puzt N 028 llrlold f,Nr^vd cNv ll llo slrvs rlncoud r_stuol 3N\fl= !i" i: i;i:::i rt: !! i; ,_:I jq! =;iI :iii N ii o- ( Jri'd t E I rt !- I .lJ JJ :ri!1r 1.3?E- ! Ea !l!8. Ei :i J I1 it ^l { i{ ll FT {Ib t Ei \ _t){') ti.-ltL: ld -{-I .t "-.1.> )'i\f eo I l:ii :Pi: 3l .! E 3l 5l N * I ( I I \ l i! L :r I E tr g;::ii,;;i,8il! rEl