HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2018-09-11SPRINGFIELD ,% City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street springfield, oR 97477 54r-726 3.r53 OREGON Web Addr€ss: www.sprinqfield_or.9ov Building Permit Residential Structural Permit Number: 81 1 -1 8-001979-STR IVR Number 811035979646 Ema,L Address: oermrtcenter(drsprinqfield_or 9ov Permit lssued: September 11, 2018 TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Single Family Dwelling Type of Work: Repair Submitted Job Value: $65,000.00 Description ot Work: Fire restoration/repair-NO INSPECTIONS awaiting plans to be submitted JOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite address 643 4TH ST Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel 1703352401600 MARKS DAVID ALAN 44230 MCKENZIE HWY LEABURG. OR 97489 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business name XXL INC - Primary License License number 109867 Phone 541 -7 47 -5413 SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issutng jurisdiction andicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this p.oject. Schedule or track inspections at www buildingpermits.oregon gov Schedute by phone ca 1-8BB-299-2821 use IVR number: 811035979646 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting tnspection App, search ,,epermitting" in the app store PERMIT FEES Fee Description Technology Fee Structural building permit fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (l2ok of applicable fees) Quantity Total Fees: Fee Amount $36.27 $725.46 $8 7.06 $848.79 Permits musl be posted in clear view on the worlsite. Pehits expire if work is not started within 1go Days of issuance or if woIk issuspended fo. rao Days or,onser depending "" ,n" ,".ri.; "-g;;"; ffi; - ,'. All provisions of taws ancl o.dinances o.a permit does nor pres;;ffi"":il.t',,:::ins this tvpe of work will be comprie l.rff^ffiA.^l16liio;.TIi,:T*,"r,^. ."t' t" ''o'"t" oi ""n""i,i" o.ol,]s'-"'r'xcd w h whether speciried herein or not' Grantins or i,i'r;'#*",."-""J#liLi5,liY,?13;ff:;ff;.;T:IH J##,'.,,lil flTidil;ffi ffiil;ill'ffi:#""J"il1151f^';:l'Xl:*:;:$::::.IXj:ffi;;Tlo,?J;J;";" -."s exempted by oRs 7ol o,o sld_Burtdingperm(_pr Owner: Address: Structural Permit Application OEPARTMENT USE ONLY pemitno., lh-bfi?q oare: $\ tt"\ f B 225 Fift]l Srreer. Sp gEeld OR 97,177. PH(541)726-3753 . F,{X(541)726--1689 H This permit is issued under O.A,R 918-460-0030. Permits erpire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or ifrvork is suspended for 180 days. FEE SCHEDULE 1. Vrluation inform.tion (a) Job descriprion: FUte- lZgfut fZ- IT.Z,.?,A4L Occupancy Conslnrcrion rype Squarc teel /3P Cost per square tbot Othcr intbrmation T) t,c oflleat: Energr Pnth I new flalteration I addition O) Foundation-only permit'l E Yes ENo s 61. oo 2. Building fees (a) Permil fee (irse \aluation table)S (b) Investigative fee (equal to [2a])5 (c) Rcinspcc(ion (S per hour) (number o1 hours x t'cc per hour)S (d) Enter l27o suchar8e (.l2 x [2a+2b+2c])5 (e) Subtotal of fees abo\'e (2a through 2d):s 3. Plan revierv fees (a) Plan rcview (65% x pcrmit lee [2a])S (b) Fire and lil! saGty (65% x permit fee [2a]):S (c) Subtotrl of fees above (3s rnd 3b):S 4. Nliscellaneous fees (a) Seismic fee. lolo (.01 x pe.mit fee [2a])S (b) Tech lte, 5olo (.05 x permit fee[2a]+PR tle [3c])s fOTAl, fees and surcharges (2e-r3c+4a+b): ulL.tvr'tu'n-1):L dNi.v! 4Jt{^-fl ,f LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL l)arc This project has t-rnal land-use approlal Siglature: This project has DEQ approval SiSnature:1)ate Zoning approralrerilied: ! Yes E l. Property is within llood plain: IYes ENo CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION flR.'d.nr,"r ! t;or rtnnrent E Commercral JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Job site address Gq3 "l +r^ J+ ciry: SFFLD -State: O L ztP:l 7,17 7 Subdivision Lot no Taxtot: t7'O1'31' J't - 0l600 PROPERW OWNER Narne: 214 4 l2*K J , DAVI D Address: 1423O /1/Lc k€/\'.zi € (+N! State: O R-ztP: 1 74e7 s,l t- 35?- ? t78Phone Fax Building Owner or Owner's acent au$orizrng this application slg, t";, '7- ' E This inslallariofl is being made on residential or f'arm property owned by me or a member of rny irnmediate l'amily, al1d is exempt from licensing requirenents under ORS 701.010. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Business name: XXL / 4/C Address: 37?( OLY,44OC 57, City: S PF LA State: t*-zt:f7 I ?t Phone:S 1t - 71t 7't.i i 3 Fax: stl -7ttr-OJ73 e [seJ @ 548Y,vtT. C2,4 CCB lic o E-rnail '/ Print nanrc -t € tt€ S€"L SUBtoNTRAcToR INFoRMATIoN \rme (lCB Liceost #Phonc \unrber Electricdl Plunhiog }Iechanil:'ll Last edited 5-5-2017 BJones j)u.-.dl- w-tti^ar t""a-P -t - \F x-^1''-'=Jf'-)J Crrv or Sptncnrslo, oREGoN Total rrlulrtion:ReGrencc: E-mail: Sigoature: