HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2018-09-11SPRINGTIETD City of Springfield Development and Public works 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 54 t-7 26-37 53 ! ls OR€GO Building Permit Residential Structural Permit Number: 81 1-18-001978-STR IVR Number: 81 10049'l 5731 Web Address: www.springneld'or.gov EmarlAddress: permitcenter@sp.rngneld or gov TYPE OF WORK Category of Const uction: Single Family Dwelling Type of Work: Repair Submitted Job Value: $46,000.00 Description of Work: Fire restoration/repair-NO INSPECTIONS waiting for plans to be submitted JOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite add.ess 611 1gTH ST Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel 1703361212900 Owner: Address: AYRES CHRIS 29974 HWY 99 W CORVALLIS, OR 97333 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORiIATION Business name XXL INC - Primary License number '109867 Phons 541 -7 47 -5413 SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work Contact the issurng jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspecttons for this project Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits oregon.gov Schedule by phone call 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 81 100491573'1 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting lnspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store PERMIT FEES Fee Description Technology Fee Structural building permit fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (12o/o of applicable fees) Quantity Total Fees: P€rmits musl be posted in clear view on the worksite. Permits expire if work is not started within 180 Oays of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 D.ys or longer dependjng on the issuing agency's policy. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type ot work will be complied wilh vrhether specifiod herein or not. Granting of a permit does not presume to give autho.ity to violate or cancel the provisions ot any other state or local la\iv regulating coostruction or the pedormance of conslruction. ATTENTION - CALL BEFORE YOU DIG: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Lrtility Notilication Center. Those rules are set fonh in OAR 952{01-0010 through OAR 952-001-0090. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the Center at (877) 668-4001 or dial 811. All persons or entities pe.forming work under lhis permit are required to be licens€d unless exempted by ORS 70'1.010 (StructurauMechanical), ORS 479.540 (Electrical), and ORS 693.010{20 (Plumbing). Pnnbd on 9/'11118 Page 1 ol 1 sld_Burtdrngpemit pr Fee Amount $29.60 $591.90 $ 71.03 $692.s3 Permit lssued: September 11, 2018 License CCB SPRINGFIELD ,b OREGON www.springfield-or gov Worksite address: 611 'lgTH ST, Springfield, OR97477 Parcel: 17033612'12900 Transaction Receipt 81 1-18-001978-STR Receipt Number: 467992 Receipt Date: 9/11/18 Oevelopment and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield. OR 97477 541-7 26-37 53 permitcenter@springfi eld-or.gov City of Springfield Fees Paid Transaction date 9t11t18 Units 1.00 Ea Description Structural building permit fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (12% of applicable fees) Account code 22 4 -OOOOO - 425602 - 1 030 Fee amount $591.90 Paid amount $591 90 9t11t18 9t11t18 1.00 Ea 1.00 Automatic Technology Fee 821-00000-215004-0000 100-00000-425605,0000 $71 03 $29 60 $71.03 Payment lvethod: Check number: 17810 Payer: Mckenzie Taylor Construction Payment Amount $692.53 Cashier: Katrina Anderson Receipt Tota l:$692.53 Pnnred th 1/18 2 48 prn FIN_TransactionRece pt_pr $29.60 Structural Permit Application DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Pe'mitno: lb blq?g Date: fi llc IZ ll5 Fifth Slrect . SprinSlicld. OR 97477 . PII(J.l1)726-3753 . [AX(5-11)7]6,:1689 ffi This permit is issued under OAR 918-460-0030. Permits expire if work is not started withir 180 days of issuance or if rvork is suspended for 180 days. FEE SCHEDULE l. Valuation information (a) Job descriprion: FlrCg ftef*tA Construction 5pe Square f'eet lbfo t )1hcr rntbnDstion Tr pe of Hert E n"" fialteration I addrrion (b) Foundationrnly permit'l ! Yes ts f,{o Total laluation s {6,uw 2. Building fees (a) Permit fee (use valuation table)\ O) lnvestigative lee (equal to [2a]) (c) Reinspecrion (S per hour) (number ofhours x fee per hour)s (d) Enrer l2o% surcharge ( l2 x [2a+2b+2c])! (e) Subtotal of fees above (2a through 2d)! 3. Plan rerierv fees (a) Plan review (65% x permit lee [2a])J (b) Fire and lilL salety (65% x permit fee [2aj)s (c) sublotil of fees aboye (Jr rnd 3b) 4. Nliscellaneous fees (a) Seismic tee, lolo (.01 x permit fee [2a])S (b) Tech fee, 5% (.05 x permit fee[2a]+PR fee []cl)\ JOTAL fees and surcharges (2e+3c+44+b): Ae^o - <a E?o lLT (a-attt arv - 'fu.t4 J tfl"€.'t/o"us. € LE <--( r.l cAc ' (Ltd r Ae / mrta*f f 7e'"tt'l (CvaFtrvG - /Z€P'+te €rUTl /vG l/vlu.-A1 toN - /L€/LAc€ €XLlr('vt' D /L! uv Avt- F(/{AC >+#-.a"-' q^"q\D-"4 wdL'J w* Em- U;;";*J ?'-+"--r- k1' LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL 'fhis project has final land-use ap,proval Signature:Dare: This project has DEQ approral Srgnature:Date: Zoning approval verilied: I Yes E No Prope(y is within Iood plain: IYes ENo CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION fln*,,r..r,"t I Govemment E Commcrcial JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Job site address 6 // t ?ta J7. CNv: SPEIA/GFIELD state: 0R--zrP:? 7177 Subdivision Lot no ReLrence Taxlor: / 7- 03' 7b" l)-1?tot PROPERTY OWNER Name: 4Va*e5, c-Het! ^ddrcss: 2717 ''l U ou/ 7 7 {.r' Ciry. Co lLV 4 cL I t stat : oz-ztP:?7ij) phone: S{/- 337- 72217 E-rnail Building Owner or Owner's agenl authonzing this application --'@,-Sign here E fni. i*t tt"rid. [eing made on residmtial or larm pmperty ouned by me or a member of my immediate lbmily, and is exempt ftom licensing requireme[ts under ORS 701.010. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Business name XXL / NC eddress: j 1-? ( a-Y.tt Pt c {7. city: SffL4 State: OA ztP: ? ?'.U Ph""..s,u-)t7- rf13 Fax:s41 -7tt-o|78 /vtT. .o CCB lic E-mail 1o? @ SmB6t'7etre Set-t- Signature INFORMATION ('(lB l,icense #Phone Numbcr' flectricrl boue Parue,r- Elfc./tt,t(t t,-lt- L4 ),15eoo \ Plumbing Nlechanical Las( edited 5-5,2017 BJones CITY oF SPRTNGFIELD. oREGoN Occupancy Cost per square foot: Etrergt Path: $ Fax Print nam€: