HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-7-28 .. RESII)eTlAL" APPLICATioN/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 !JO( Q ~ ,"l("\\,()r( 'i \ t T9- ~,J /' \1)O'~\ \ 'd 8- T= Lot- #- O\l O(j)(j. Job Location: ABGeSGOl'Z' Map # Subdivision: SPRINGFIELD . :::;gi~ ~crd" ~.~J~~l1+'8; CiPJ: ~~l~D. .~:414~.f n Describe flol'k: n ::iticn " ~~ R :::::LHoma~ ~ ~ ~ Date of Applioaticn ~ 1:), Value l.Q I rm -'-.- I. Rcoe~pt # \ L, 1 6CJ 0&6 "" \ . .~F/'.:::;e . Signed: ~ Date: Lj ~Iq -q() Contractglrs l\.. _.1 Address II. General ~\)1((11~ \'Q\ l'n.\i1.Q\)(j ,Plumbing' (\ i Hechanical IE~ectrical St1pe):;..\(a.t1.~.l1g Electr~cian 'niJt)~ ~~~~idO~~~t61 ~~Wl>( qTI~~@ - \.::tI:. 51 ~rA . ,4 In -101 If ,ON'U-IJ'6'(,/QO . '\ 1 . . It is the responsibility of the permit heldezo to see that all incpections cn"e made at the proper tim~~ that each ~eBs is reada.h~e ; from the street, and that the permit canl is located at the front of the prope:r>ty. ~!3ui!ding D"~vi~ior: appr01:ed plan s.Ju:.lZ. remain on tha Bu-:-Zding sits at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RSQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state yOUI' City designated job nur.:ber.. job addrcss.. type of in3pec::icn ~equestcd ar.d when you will be ready for inspec~~on.. Contractors or OWne~s name end phone number. Requests received before ?:oo ~ .~H:e,made the swne dGy, requests made."(t~ :::::::G:~::: ::: :::e~::,ng ~Y:I,Qcn6l)() ~p.mli~~d T~Rna~tir."R D SITE INSPECTION: To be made after ~ INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: excavation.. bu.t pr>ior to set up of ~ To be made after aZL insuZ:;.ti:m w.d forms. IF,. required vapor barriers are in place : but before any lath.. gypsum board or D. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & lN~U covering is applied.. and before MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is aovared. . . . p:ny insulation is concealed. l8l FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be rrade after trenches are excavated and forms are erected.. but prior to ."pou.Ping ccncret~. D. . UNDERC.P.OUND PLUMBING._ SEWER. WATElJ.., ! DRAINAGE: To be rrade prior to fil- .lir.g trenches. 0, o UNDERFWOR PLUl,ffJINC & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to in3taLlation of j!oor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instalLation of !tOOl" insulation or deoking. ROUGH PUP.!BIHG. ELECTRTCAL & MECH- ANICAL: No :.Jork is to be covered .u.r.ti! these inspectior.s have. beer. made and apprqved. . Fr.r::EPLACE: 'Pr>ior to pLacir.g facing materiaLs and before framing inspec- tion. o D .r81 FRAJ.!INC: Must be requeDted after approvaL of rough plurbing.. electri- cal (1 mechanicaL. AU rOOfing bracing & chimneys.. etc. ~~st be ;'completed. llo work is to be CQn- ..~,ceGLed until thiD inspection has : bee.n made and approl..'ed. "fVI DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made ~ after all drywall is in place.. 'F i~rior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location.. bond beams.. grouting or verticals in accorodance with U. B. C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpleted. D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After' forms m>e erected but prior to pouring ~OnDrete. I I D[,'.!OLITION OR ;~:OVE; BUILDIi.'GS =:J Sa:ni:;aI'Y se'..Jer ~apped at pr:.op;;rt~ lir:e ~ Septic tank p:l.r~ped and fiUad with grant, . I :J . . ., d I F'tnczL - r.'hen above 1-te.'?lS are cc"rrpl,.et~ l and when demolition is compLete 01' st~~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. . Nobile Hcrnes =:J Blocking and Sat-up =:J Plumbing connections sewer arA water ~ Elcctrical Connection - Blocking.. set-u? ~ and plumbing connections ~~st be approvec , before requeBt~ng elec;roical inspec;io~ =.J AccesaoP'd Buildf-ng ",' O SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For aU con- crete pavjng within street right- \ of-way.. to bc made after aU exca- .l... bating. ccmpLete & fOr::1 work & sub- . base material in place. , , o PENCE: !.,rher: compLt;te -- Provide- gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. . I FinaL - Aft.:;!' p:Jrcr.es.. sk-:-rting.. decks.. ~ etc. are comple~cd. o ALL project conditions.. such as the instaLlat-:-on of s:;reet trees.. c~~lation of t~e requ.ired landscc:.pir'.g.. etc... must be Datisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be raquestad. o FIliAL PWMBIIIG o FIliAL !1E~HA.'IICAL o FIlIAL ELECTRICnL o ~ FINAL BUILDING: The PinaL Building Inspection must be requeated after the FinaL Pl~bing ELectrical.. and Mechar.icaL InspectionD have been made and approvad. " D "'ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS lfUST BE ACCESSIBLE.. ADJUST;'fEN'!' TO,BE 1.~~DE AT NO C'.JST TO CI'!'Y I pa;,c of 2 ,.j Oc~panct{ Gl LOT TYPE Interio!' Corner JOB NO. I Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg. Z of lot Coverag~ ,II. of Stories Total Height Topogmphy I IITEN I SQ. FTC X I Main I Gc:raae I CarvO'1't I Accesso'1'U I I Is.D.c. TOTAL VALUE (vc/..uc) 1.5 x Building Permit State Su:r>aharqe TotaL Cha~gea lITEM I 'NO. I FEEl I Firtures I Residential f1 bath) I I I Sani tary Sewe'1' I I Wate'1' I I , I I , Plumbing Perrd t State Sw>cr.arge Total Charaes lITEM I Res. So. fta~ I New/Extend Ci'1'cuits I Tempo'1'ary Service' I I NO'1 I I ..,1 :L 'I I Elect'1'iaal Permit State Su:r>chaI'ae Total Charc;es ITEM 1//0. . FEE Purnace ETU'S Exhaust Hood I I Vent Fan I I woodstove I I I Permit Issuanca Me::hanical per>rnit State Surcharac Total C'haraP-l) -- ENCROACHMENT -- I Securitt{ Daoosit I Storage lMaintenan::e Permit \ , Total Cha'1'aCB I CU:l'baut Ii Sidewalk l-pcn:::e I Elect'1'ical Label l M<?bi le Home l)')\ \'\ ~ "\>,, \\aCi I . . '\ I TOTAL Af.!O~IIT DUE" I I I I 1 I I I I' I <.'Y.O.m J c!) . '33,1 I QC\ .~?J._ CHARCE~ c.'~I' :~",,' '. I I I I I I I , ' I I I I I I I , SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- 1<.'7, Panhandle Cul-de-sac Value I I I. 'I I I AI/If , I FEE CHARGE I I i, I I I I I I I )/!A- I I NIA- ., ClIARGE 1?-1o. \l~ I qlo.CXpI rc.gc ~ L-COG->:< I Lot Faces - I I P.L. !IVorth lEast [South [West "';;-N I I Ene'1'au Sou'1'ces 'I I .'ieat '-ACcess. -I I I II II II II T.me T7-/'pe/Cor:st: Bedrooms: Sethacks I Houce Ca'1'aqe I I [ Water Yt:>att<?'1' Range Fi'1'eplace f/ooactot:e Faes I I I I I I T I &. Building Value Permit " i This permit io granted on the exp'1'eS8 condition that the said construction shaZl~ in all respaats~ conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield~ .inaZuding the Zoning crdinance~ regulating the ccnstructicn and use of buildings~ and m~y be suspended or revoked at any time upon vic- lation of any provisions of said OrdiY'.ance~.' .' , . . '..-I ,. !Plan Check Fee: I Date Paid, IReceipt #: iSigned, ;..l,( o. '1-:2., I I I I I I Pe r m it Plumbing ~. . 'No 'person chall construct~ inBta~Z~ alter or change any Y'~W C'1' e:tsting plumbing or drainage system in ~hole or'in part~ unless Buch pe'1'son is the legal possesso'1' of a valid plumber's license~ except tr.at a pe~son may do plumbing wO'1'k to p'1'operty which is owned~ leased or operated by the appli- cant. ~ Electrical Permit Whe'1'e State Law requi'1'eB tr.at the elect'1'ical work be done by an Elect'1'ical Contractor~ the eleatrical pO'1'tion of this per.mit shall r~t be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical ::ontractor. '/ .' , \, , Mecha.nical Permit .. .. , p,Ls5b;~ ~2~ vat, 7/ , I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application fo'1' permit~ and do ~. hereby certify that all information he'1'eon is true and cO'1''1'act~ and I '>-( f.J.'1'ther certify that any ar.d all WO'1'k perfor>:ned shall be do-:7.e in accor-/ dance with the O'1'dinances of the City of Springfield~ and th~ La..;s of the * State of Oregvn p8'1'taining to the wo'1'k cesc'1'ibad he'1'ein~ end that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any struatU'1'2 without permission of the Building Di- vision. I furthe'1' certify that only contra::to'1'S ar~ e~loyecs who are in ca~plianae with ORS ?01.055 will be used on this project ,:: , ., i:~/' {2 UII " tj //7/ft? Date BU ILD ING D IV IS ION JOB'~-900270 FINAL '-ADDRESS- 20G8 INU,ND WAY .' ' '-LEGAL-" LOT BLOCf( . _ir -VALUE- '-'" GOOO- DESCR:STORAGE ROOM 1803112201GOO 900419 I 901116 ...0WNEr,... MR. CHILDRESS 726-4648 2068 INU)ND WiH SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 -ENERGY-. HEAT1- H20- RANGE- -STAT~:;- BLDG ZONE STORIES FLOODPLAIN BEDRM OCC GHp UN ITS SQ FEET CONST TYP E -CONTRACTORS'- GENL-KERRY CARDWELL CONTRACTOH PHONE-74G-I074 pLMB.... ELECT.. MECH- DESGN- 2- .., INFO- HEPA IR RESIDENTIAL III 1 OUAD AREA SEQ-REQUIRED pERMITS-----------FEE-SURcHARGE~DATE-RECEIPT-REPT CAT------VALUE--- 001-002-BUILDING PERMIT 002-001-pLAN CHECK FEE 56..50 36 . '73 2.83 900419 IG759 0.00900419 IG759 '> '> G,OOO o SEQ-MINIMUM INSPECTIONS + REQUIREMENTS------~-------------EXp DATE---ACT DATE- 00l-002-FOOTING 002-003-FOUNDATION 003'-00G-FRAM ING 004-009-INSULATION 005-011-DrnWALL 00G-019-FINAL BUILDING 900423 900510 901116 SEQ--INSPECTIONS-------COMMENTS-------------~------------DATE----RESULT--INSp--- 001-003-FOUNDATION 002-006-FRAMING 003-00G-'FF<Ai1IHO 004-019-FINAL BUILDING 005-006-F[,AM IHG 006-019-FINAL BUILDING CIN TOO CLOSE TO SOIL-NEED CONC.EDGE 900423 01< "',r::' .....,..; 900503 UGE ..'(J '::'CJ 900507 NOTOf( ")1:" t..~ ,J 900510 pOf( .,~ ~J 900:; 1 0 O~( 25 'JOlllG 01< 25 1- FLOODPLAIN (SEE INSPeCTION FILE) . LANE COUNTY TRS# \)< -0"3- \ \ -;::J.'::)\ \ \,-,00 O~R'S NAME () , \ 0Jn QQ 1\ i"'Jl "A- CO TRACTOR'S NAME. . . . .~. ~~ INSPECTIONRFCORQ DATE ISSUED:' \\\Cl\tL\- PERMIT#t877-B3 _ r.~~~~~8JS\7~7-?L\J~ PHONE NUMBER UNDERSLAB PLBG.[] IUNDERFLR PLBG.CJ INSPECTION Approved Date ICorrection Date Inspector "WBtINSPECTION rUlt:OPtAl1J C;L.ot:-VO . CL.P ~. n.,::r 'rf'eu~~ Approved Date. .. . Icorrection~Oate 1-IUJ[nspector _A;:?-o _ ~/ ~;:..L.. ~ : Jk, ~'?f!:1"~~ ~9t:...~- ,__...........d- -"-2"-"i'/'C\-~- ~1'r"-"r;UJf1il1'~l.!r~ iNSPECl110N -J)1~1' ~~. 11'- .m Approved ff Oate_I.....I/. ~>i'.,tICorrection Date Inspector~~ FRAMING INSPECTION Approved Date ICorrection ROUGH MECHANICAL Approved Date ICorrection INSULATION I VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION Approved Date ICorrection LATH I GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION Approved Date ICorrection FINAL MECHANICAL[] IWOOD STOVE [] Approved Date ICorrection - - - -.--- .. --.--.- Date Inspector Date Inspector Date Inspector Date Inspector Date Inspector FINAL PLUMBIN~INSPECTION . \'b.~ Approved / Date t:;:. :k;>.qLICorrection ,. Date Inspector ~ _- FINAL INSPECYON BUILDING [] IMOBILE HOME ~ lAG PLACEMENT[] /) ../ ./ Approved I Date ~- 2;, - 9/ ICorrection Date Inspector (~ - .. ~ CERTIFICATE QF OCCUPANCY [] TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY [] Approved Date Insp. Approved Date Insp. M74-197