HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Substandard Building 1987-10-22 "-- . -. o .~ AJof e 'PRING FIELD CITY OF SPRING.ll'lliLD . - -. - - - .. .. .. - - .. I~' ~I -, ",,:. ,.' "..r, 01; l"'~ II: ,-" . :.., 'to' r.......'..l~..., 'l' ....... ,.~.., 'l' ...~....' .li:7.: .L"" ........ .;:',;,.'4 ~"':' ',~., .', '!'I~' :.... ~'.; ",t.: .#.- ", _~_." .,' ',,-#.?o,. '''. ""'.......... ,....._...... ....._.... "", ,..... '.-. _ .... . ..... .,.'., . "lll '_, Office of Community and Economic Development , . . t. , I", I.. . . . ..:,., i'., \': 't: l::i::." . . , . ,"' ". ",'#\', . 'f . ','. .. ," . ,\. :, I " ..:':, ~~ >1. ": :, ,:" , '.' ~. ".' :1; ~ _1'~ .~j.r.~"~, ~ .,.,' "#t;'.,,' <', . . ',';)~;I ;:. ~ ':I,.' . . ,:,1:'" ,..i:,;." Subject: , .', ~ ,.t. -,' .,,",' - " .f '. '. ''I':.' .~'I :. .oj." '..~! ',' ", . " . . . .. i, . I. ''''IM~' .,t..-..r. .'.'....,. ',' "'.." ,',' . dl.i,t!..'.t'.. ,.').~:;t:::l"r':' ',. .' f. '. . ';:';i<A.~.">;~'","~, 'Attn: Mr. Derick Payne . ,'. ,:~"J :' 1.., . ';'~i" . . " ....,....l ~~)~ '.., \.} - ,) .. ." '." , ,'f~-'11' .~. .~ 'f') ",: '; I..' .. I ':M;!t~'("<~N',;:;' 'NOTICE AND ORDER TO COMPLY WITH THE SPRING~IELD BUILDING SAFETY CODES, AND . 'ilj:,~,,',;.l:'. TO VACATE TIIE BUILDING ',~.,;.\~> ".- ~~. " ' " . '.w.'" .......~'" , \., .-'-' '.(1' t:.,I.:'::,'I.V.I;' . t ,f' ..;, .'r:'.l ".' .....,ff.:/. : :""1. ~"f . . .( :- ..' ., " '.' ,', I. ... .,' . . . of, ~ ~'\ II .: '~ ' . . , . ''i ;:;.-41,:)....,:1.: . 'l~, ',' , , . ,','1:'\ ': . .. " ~, . ,',' .. I' .'. . _. J , r~'~" ".' .. '. . ~ . . . , . ,. \ , ,..... '; .J . ~ -. .. ., r;. CERTIFIED LETTER October 22, 1987 Pac/States Box & Basket Co "P.O. Box 152 . . Glendale, CA 91209 , . . . '. ' . " .' . I' . : . , ',,', t;". .' . '. Hazardous Buildinff at 4143 Daisy Springfield, Oregon. Tax Lot # 18 02 05 00 03100 '.. ... . .' ~: " .': ',,';:'{ : , ,;' 1 , , .. .'. '. ..... , . .. i \ ~ ..:_ . '. . ," .. \ '.~ ':~..!~!~". (,....1' ., ';, -,' . . ,"." . , ' '1" .-'. j :;, . . ,~. , ~ " I '. ;:'~'~;:' , _ '....: '. ."..... The structure located at the above address, more particularly described as .Lane County Assessor's Map & Tax Lot# referenced above, is for the reasons indicated below an unsafe and substandard building as described in the 'Springfield Housing Code ~applicable code excerpts are attached). Lane County Assessment and Tax~tion records' indicate that you are the owner of this property. ,'J t',' .. . , I. ....: l. /'.- . ,,- ....." . ~ ,. :.... 'J,,':" '.. j' : .'. ,.... . ;"...."'l '. '~,;,' ',./ " I .. Section 203 of the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code (BSC) describes buildings and structures which are substandard or wlsafe as those which are structurally inadequate, have inadequate egress, or which constitute a potential fire hazard or are otherwise dangerous to human life. Section 1001 of the Springfield Housing Code specifies conditions constituting a substandard building. The following items include but are not limited to conditions existing at the structure, classifying it as a substandard building. Hazardous Conditions/Deficiencies , !. .. 'f 1. Wood columns which support the building exhibit signs of deterioration at the ground connections. These columns have been encased in concrete above the connections which prohibits examination of the base connections, however the attached engineer's report confirms the serious nature of the structural deficiencies. '." .,:.,...... " ( ~ /1'.\:;1 . 2. Sagging of the roof structure has become increasingly more evident within the past several months indicating that the structural deterioration is .. 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 503/726-3753 ..... . J ." .' '~~~.:~~I.IA:.y.:.~:\...,",,'~..... . i"'"~,;"";,, ... , ." e - Pac/States Box & Basket Co October 22, 1987 Page 2 progressing. 3. The rigid poles which are being used for additional bracing against wind and seismic loading do not provide adequate resistance for the horizontal and uplifting forces. Section 204(b) of the Building Safety Code Administrative Code (BSC) provides procedures where the Building Official may require vacation of the premises when cited deficiencies represent an immediate hazard to life, limb, property or safety of the public or its occupants. Notice 1S _hereby served that the premises are being posted for vacation on the thirtieth (30th) day froln service of this notice and order due to the potential hazards resulting from the above cited conditions. If the cited conditions contributing to the potential hazards are corrected or repaired in a temporary manner which is acceptable to the Building Official prior to the thirty day period, and if effective measures to permanently correct the cited conditions and to bring the building into conformance with the applicable Building Safety Codes are taken within the thirty day time period, as prescribed herein, the notice tp vacate will not be posted. '. Section 204 of the (BSC) requires that structures classified as substandard must either be repaired or demolished. Therefore, this is your notice that you must secure permits to either rebuild the structure where it is deficient (Section 104 of the (BSC) requires that the repairs must comply with the provisions of the Structural, Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical Specialty Codes), or to demolish it. If the building is to be rebuilt, permits must be purchased and work must commence within 30 days from the date of service of this notice and order. If the building is to be demolished, demoli tion ~vork must commence wi thin 30 days, and must be completed within 60 days from the date of this notice and order. Completion means that the structure and property must be inspected and approved by the appropriate represenatives of the Building Safety Division. If one is present, the sewer must be capped at the property line or the septic tan){ must be pumped and filled by a person holding a sewage disposal service license as provided for in Chapter 340, Division 7 of the Oregon Administrative Rules. Permits to rebuild or demolish can be obtained at the Springfield Planning and Development Department, in the City Hall/Library Building at 5th and North A Street. If you do not take corrective action within the time frame outlined above, the City may seek compliance with the Building Safety Codes through legal recourse which may i.nclude Municipal Court proceedings or the City may proceed to eliminate the hazard and charge the costs thereof against the property or its OMlers. Any person having any record title or legal interest in the building may appeal from this notice and order to the Building Board of Appeals, provided that the appeal is made in writing and filed \vith the City " - .'",. '-. ~ -:.... ~ .. : ~~ - , , .: ; ., , . .... . ~ >. " "!, . ';"" .' .:.... . \. " .. .~... .,) I ", ',:' , ;, ',,- " " " ., " .. .!' ,. \ ,: '. . ~' , ,. .' . .... e Pac/States Box & Basket Co October 22, 1987 Page 3 Building Official \~ithin thirty (30) days from the date of service of this notice and order. Failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all right to an aruninistrative hearing [md determination in this matter. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated, Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 726-3759. Sincerely, ~.hYv ~ Don Moore Structural Inspector .,. .,.. ' . . . /,.~'" ,.,' . cc: , '-1.1 " " " I" t.; '.','. ,"', . . . ..i,; I ,) j. ': I,,'. ~ ~.' ," '. "1-,' . '. '_ ,_;~I:r .~,:' :.'.~ t' !'_' : . , ," \ .:,t\' :"Jor'.,,,, 1 '-, :", . -','. t.. r~ ;d'~ t.:,ot N, ,,~ ,.' ,," ,'," , '" I. I . t ". '.1- ....,. :', . .:,", \';. 'l~ .: ',I \ .'" ,'"", i", ",..' "'.,' .' . . '-, . . " " . " . , . ",' \ . "\.' . 1../.'........, . t- " i. . '. , (,' .. ,'j , ' ," I ,;..1, ':/' - ',.~ ... I . '. ., " . '.J.. Dave Puent, Building Official ~1il(e Hudman,. Fire Marshal Joe Leahy, City Attorney , ',f' " j ..; . , , " . ~. . " "1"'" '.J. .'.~\:i,...-~ .', ,. .fr~,~\.,<.I,,~,~ .- -p 329 968 866 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAil NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIOED- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) _NTTO "A.Cls_-t~+~ ~ "t STREET PJ\D NO. 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