HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Correspondence 1986-6-3 , , .' . '~~~I~~ELD ~ . ~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development Planning and Development Department June 3, 1986 Mr. D::>n Norris President, D:>n Norris Associates Inc. P.O. Ibx 781 Eugene, OR 97440 SUBJECl.': USE OF PROr~J..LES IN '!HE Gll.TEWAY UXlP AREA !:ear Mr. Norris, In response to your inqw.r~es =ncerning the =upancy of the former labor union building at 1142 Gateway lDop, the foIIller Grantree building at 1162 Gate\<aY Loop, and a vacant parcel on Gate\<aY Lcop, by unspecified office and warehouse users, I can supply you with the following infonnation: 1. All of these properties are zoned CC Ccmnunity Ccrnnercial District. Business and professional offices and personal sezvices are peIIllitted uses in this ,district (Section 18.020(3)). 2. Sane warehousing and/or storage is possible, but it I!\USt be ancillary to the primary peIIllitted use. The only exception to this inVolves warehouse retail and ;,holesale sales and display, and mini warehouses. Withqut knowing ;,hat the relationship is between the office use and the warehouse use, and without knowing the type or am:lunt of materials stored in the Grantree building, it is not possible for us to determine at this time if this use -,.auld be pennitted. 3. The use of the vacant lot as a fleet parking lot is pennitted upon approval of a site plan. 4. An outd=r tru::ks, storage 'wl:;lUld yard not for heavy equipnent, be allowed i. e. backhoes and tanker in this area. You can see fran these responses that it is difficult to give a precise answer to your j,,4vk"'sals with:lut more in:v4..~tion. I ..ould advise you to take advantage of our pre-application process so that you can get the kind of answers you need to assist your client. I-have included an application form for this process with this letter. You will note that there are no fees involved and we. can review your r'4vk"'o>al within 6 days of sul::rnittal.. . If you have any questions a:>ncerning preceding infonnation, please a:>ntact me at your =nvenience. . im?~\;j\ DeveL...""".w Cede l\dmini.strator .225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3753 h',; . . ~..' ~'" .: r - - . -- \ \ "ll \ L:~__ ~; r1 . ~. : r "\ I i\r ' ~/// ~\\ -j,-