HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement Assignment 1993-7-6 _~....I .~-_.~._. . 1~.~.;''-'~' 1. ~_ I~" Z" --.......... .. :X~SI.d~By tc€ 9341051 DECLARATION qF EASEMEIIT 1. The undersigned, hereinafter Grantor(s), 'states that the property more particularly described and set forth in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby declared, granted, conveyed and created to be a perpetual and non-exclusive easement for access, ingress and egress, and drivevay purposes _, 2. Said easement is not personal or in gross but is appurtenant to each and every portion of the property more particularly described and set forth in Exhibit "B", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 3. Said easement shall run vith the properties herein described and shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their heirs, successors or assigns. 4. ,Said easement is made for the purpose of complying vith the Springfield Development Code regarding the division or partition of land or any other development of land. As such, the City of Springfield shall also have the'right and standing to secure judicial recognition and enforcement of the rights granted by this Declaration, and this easement shall not be affected or negated by title or the merger of 'title of the dominant and servient properties in a common ovner. 5. Grantor(s} 'shall at all"tinies;"and vithout. restriction, have the right, to use the easement for purposes not inconsistent vith the easement. iZ~~JJL~Q6~93#02RcC 20.00 ~Z~:UL.Q6'93H02P"JND 10.00 2Z~iJUL,06'93"02A&T "U~D 20.00 DECLAP~TION OF EASEMENT - 1 ~ Y"eCDrdi~ Ve:toYVl 'L._~ ~ ~/...----- -to'. 9341051 . . \ ; . 6. The maintenance and repair of said easement shall be in accordance vith Exhibit "CO, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 7. Grantor(s) further hereby declares, grants, conveys and creates the right to use said easement for a perpetual and non-exclusive easement for access, ingress and egress, and drivevay purposes as may be needed to serve the properties more particularly described and set forth in Exhibit "B", attached heret6 and incorporated herein by reference. 8. The true consideration for this Declaration of Easement is (1) $ (2) other than monetary. ~IN YITNESS THEREOF, I (VI') have executed this Declaration of Easement on this lu-\l1~ -<'Y of '-\1)( · 199,:). ~4 4 t?~.v-' y . - - --y-y;:?~~. t?~. .~~ .v (. STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ) ss. .." \~ Personally appeared before me this 1 Q day vi thin named~~(\t:._4- ~iLJ\P--, ~\\\} I") of ~~v \) , 1995, the vho acknovledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. 1&~.! g -A~ tL Notary Public for or~;~~ My Commission Expires: <;yr. 5, /tf'lt/ -_.:,...~>.,.,-""",".-. " " 1:;";-r.~('.::'.1. "-:~:':'~~ ._ . .." .' ,", . ,,' .'.'.. :'.~ ;. . , . i ~_'. h "'-". l /''',~'''''' '" ".. DECLARATION OF EASEMENT - 2 (END) 118 ..-...., i:'. '" ...". ~, , " .',. .'-' :.'_ ~.-,r: -.:...~ -:-._..::...,:..~, ......: ,". ",:..:--.-,.::. . .-:"'-.- -~';"';'.' I' . . .......... .~:;l I ~f"III. _. .-- ". '1- (':'.:I..J VlO~ \C\j~ W\\.Y::") ~I u~ ~~ '.~ . . :;~O'" ; ~~. ~ .~.~ l Ji~~~~~~~~t~~~~~~:~-;. ~".. ~.. .~~~~~_N_8_8~~~~~'~~~..N_~.~~';~~:~~~-"-"_8~~~~~:~'____:.~: ':;:\:.~.,., .0 ~~'~, :/.... " I. ':~ I '..: ; l't,~+""... . ~ ,''''". ..:' .~.1.. 0 O..~.. ...-1.;,. '4'("""'. "'0- . ~ HAVOEN BRIDG! ROAD :~. .:, ',;. L. '..- ""'.; ~ V -10. .'...... ""., _ --.;J \HOV,j': .~,... 1....'.. _. . . l' ",', ...' .' I: ;''', ;;;: ~......'...:. -----1 .0 ." -:::. u..t:~..~~ I : ,.. / ~ '., ~:. ' . i :~:. :: ~ ~~. 'l !: ~~ ~\ I~ARM, ! ; i \~ ~ <"~~,p F.~. ~ ~ ~ -' . ':Y0~: . &: :~.-' ~.' .~ ~ ~ ... ., ./'..:.. .~ i!! :;: ......y ~ wi ~ ~ ~ I;' ::/ t-. ~I "~3? 2 :,:;. ,: I ':! . 0 u ..0 ....!../crl:. ,..-;> :!J z' . 2S:.~;/:": !...: :i~ -::23-S( .0 ~. . 0 '_~S.../" ';' r";o'~111 I"" 0 (I _.,.,.. 2::/'-'.' ~O'.. 9: <II. :~ :',/)>",,.:: IS.:;Y!'?i.;SJ:'~:"1 ..____..l :-...: IIfI ! ~ ;i ;:;g~'~. .;\ fi0~.~~P,<. 'do.G' 851 :~.Q' lr~~ .; ::-' ..~ =.i~~/O.: .2 .......: 6!! ': '!:~" -:;:' ; ~ ~i - % \ 48':~~i:~C::~. ~ ~:C~~.R " ~A:::~E;Q~FT. ,,;. "'QO'~l: '!'~ ,0 '. .<~~f~.i :€..~~'~\...i.::.' z -l:;'! t z -l:~ ,Q:~"",,40. .y ~~ .....,- ~ o. .............f/' :; '\ ..".... .....,t' ICO.OO' \ 100.00' //- .:-- S88030'OO.E. 167.20' S881130'OO"E .... $880'10'00.[ '0.01' - 'UO'O'[ "". BRle.G_E_ ROAD eA51S Of B(l.l H- '''''0'00.'. ,.......,.c. .....01 DEOICATION, KN GERTRUDE SHAW AND DESCRIBED 11 AND SHE HEREBY PUBLIC UTI LITY I AND AL50 " THE NORTH LIN' ..~."..o' ".... .f I,ll' 1'-."" 111.00'1 .0 ,<< (.fl~O'" -.. f ~ o I - CJ ~-~~ GERTRUDE 'HA' ACKNOWI..EDOE WHO IS KNOWN EXf:CUTfD THIt 51.10 lNSTRU..EN' A A'O I SIGNED WAY. I ~ P- rJ --.. ..... AJ .' ~-+' .." ...... .... ...... .t>+. Q' ~-..'" . ~;,........... ,Q~~:"Q~ Ie.'. t.....~ ,,; .. ...... 01' I ;..........~ " le.s.II,IZ"I. "'_.'J 1...,....'.[. ",00', -S' 'F' 'T' 'U' - . .... ~ . ~ 168.00 N 88t1}()'OO.W :7 ~ ~ M ~ l.eT &~./ o.#*-- I..ES 1011tATS, P.L.S. 10'S9 ERTS A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL SURVnORS AffIDAVIT, I, us R08 , SUIVE'f'OR "IN THE. STATE OF OREGON, AJrI) BEING DULY SWORN ON LA;- HEa[l1 OEPOS[ AND ..1 TNAT I IIAVE CORRECTU SURVUEO ANO :::~D WITH PROPER ""NUYENTS, THE 1.'1'U AS SN~NES~E:~~~IO~H~ BOUNDAIlIIU OF WHICH ARE DESCRIBED ..... FOLLO'NS. THE N W CORNER OF THE HLIX SCOTT 0.1...:. no. ~2, AS BEGINNING AT . . THENCE S ettl .,' lOCATlD IN c.s. 17,302, IN SECTION 19, 1.1~, S':~~ ::~~lLEL WITH THE 00. E . to fEET TO A pOINT i THENCE .. I 1 . . 00 FEEl TO A '/8. IRON PIN SET ON WEST LINE OF SAID D.L.C., 14B$. r ENCE S88l1 30' OO.E ALONG THE t NE COUN"'" ROAD NO. 681. II ' tE 0' ':0 ~~UNT1 ROAO, 400.06 'EET TO' A POINT I THENCE LEAVING T TO . ...- IAON PIN UARlC1NG THt: SAID ~, 50. 'Z" oa"w. 40.01 FEE NARRATIVE, THE PURPOSE OF THIS AS DESCRIBED IN REEL 812, PAGE RECORDS INTO' 3 PARCELS AS sET THE (. OF LANE COUNTY ROAD NO. FOUND 5/B. IRON piN .A., AS SET NI. 30'00.[ I 20.00 FEET FROIll Feu NORTH 80UNDARY:- OF TAX LOT 400 40.00 ,EET fRO III t WH(N MUSURED LANE COUNTY ROAD NO. 681. THE .S., WAS SET AS FOLLOWS. CORN(R (BURING AND DISTANCE 'ROM C.5. I I/~. IRO" PiPE .8. ... ..." .... ..--..-...... --. ----... d soletY for th~ purpose l If assistl 19 In I nl~ map IS mB e It\: :1 We' tern \OCa.1ng the premise5 hereIn descr "'e. . ;>\"n"eer Title of Lane County aS5umes 3 0 nab'~ . for '. . Jo dJa(lo1isldr6 and IllS .tlons'" .C." .r.snattOn5, If any. to'" ".. ~ tainal)le bY actPl~urveY. ~ en ~-r. \..? .. .0 'i.. <1 - N ~: ~ ~ .% ~ ... '" III . N '" o % -Ill ... 0:: 0 ~ "Z . . ~ ; ~r\ .'C1 ). ~; .#' ~:.j:"'" ,. ~..h;':';l \ . ~ '" .;.,( ,... ':i. If) _... ..-........--..---...-" w . ~ o . . ,'" ,>-0 <.,,'c (( '.J~ -~ '0 . . 0 I . _'. .. ,. . . . - , 9341051 , , -..... - . JOINT DRIVEWAY AGREEMENT Bt1#~ THIS AGREEMENT IS BffN JACK SHAW AND OGDEN LEE LOVDOKKEN, CONCERNING A JOINT DRIVEWAY OFF OF HAYDEN BRIDGE ROAD BETWEEN PARCELS -2 AND -3 OF LAND PARTITION PLAT NO.91-POI37. THE ADDRESS IS, 2889 HAYDEN BRIDGE ROAD, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97177. THE JOINT DRIVEWAV IS TO EXTEND FROM THE EDGE OF THE HARD SURFACED ROAD ON HAVDEN BRIDGE ROAD TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE AND CONTINUE 200 FEET SOUTH BETWEEN THE TWO PROPERTIES, ANY EXTENSIONS OF THE DRIVE WAY WILL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL PROPERTY OWNER. THE DRIVEWAY IS TO BE 12 FEET WIDE, SIX FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE LINE. EACH OWNERS WILL SET ASIDE AN ADDITIONAL 6 FEET OF LAND WHICH MAY BE USED TO COMPLETE THEIR PORTION OF THE DRIVEWAY, SHOULD AT ANY TIME THIS AGREEMENT BE CANCELED BY WRITTEN AGREEMENT OF BOTH PARTlES_ THE ROAD SHOULD BE CONSTRUCTED WITH FOUR INCHES OF QUARRY ROCK, IN ADDITION TO ANY FILL WHICH MAY.BE REQUIRED TO GIVE ~FE ACCESS TO HAYDEN BRIDGE ROAD. TWO, FOUR INCH IRRIGATION PIPES, TO BE PROVIDED BY JACK I SHAW, WILL BE PLACED ACROSS THE BOTTOM OF THE ROAD WAY. l . . THE COST OF THE CONSTRUJTlON AND. MAINTENANCE OF THE ROAD BED WILL BE DIVIDED EQUALLY BETWEEN t\E TWO PARTIES. ANY CHANGES TO THIS AGREEMENT MUST BE DONE WITH THE SIGNED AGREEMENT OF BOTH PARTIES. THIS AGREEMENT WILL BE FILED WITH THE APPROPRIATE GOVERNMENT AGENCY. .// / . //ad d./~" DATf./t?;//~, ff /A.CK i'iHAW . /7. .,/ /7 / /, _ ..' /7 ....P -Y ;c // //~-/;,- (f''1/1 / (Y//1',*~ '-0q6EH LEE LOVDOKKEN DATF ~~tjO 1. tjc:; I u " State of Oregon, County of Lane-55. I, the County Clerk. in and for the said County. do hereby certify thai the within instrument was received for record at 6 ..u. 9> 10: 19 Reel 1860R Lane County OFFICIAL Records. Lime County Clerk ~ c~it y deCK f Oy: /;":. -1'...... ,. '0< .\: '..~ . '- " ,,,.~ " .~:v ('t" ''):'' ,-. '" "', .. ,." 'i' .~,. ,j' ,,' ,,' ., :'/. " t..l ",' ..~~ . .:. ". ... 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