HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Miscellaneous 1973-6-16 '{ffi~.'^~~;:;~;~[;~ri~~~;;i~;~~:~~:;.''';;:;~!'::-2~::7E.~;~g;-,;-:~::;;_~:t;'~~ DEP~;~~ME~~7~::~p:~~:;~~:~:;'~~~; .;~::'OCCUPANCY NAME ":-, J~ii::~:/'~:r"-J.-:'~ .~,,~. rr/~lt I ,.:-'. -;,:..~.;~~, '!;"'~i: . ;:;.i'::'.!.:,,"..(~. _ '" ;~~.~-..;...: -.,:"... '. ~ .' . ... - i1.~' '-'.~":"'. ..", ...... l"~. ~ .~. - ..,. .. ',.. . _ .. ',- .. " _ / . _~; "',.'.j:a:~ ':".":_::.'.;,~.-~~(':'-";",.",~.,,', '"..~ 1:";,:>', ....$."-'".,.........i,-..r~:~..'..W.,...,..~..':.'...::""._._.,'-<..._._;...............:_,..,....... ........:."~,.,_..-..~.:~;~~'_..~--........"'I.iS.."-. - ..'... - .....~ ._~.,,,.< .";. ..... ,'-,' _ ,~ f-. . ;",'. "~' '.":~'~ '>r ~ ;:, ,;,;"~~'<<". . ..'.. 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Maintain 36" clearance in front of electrical panel, ~ . _;~r-:: ("";~......,~..!.~-~.'. .::.." ,"~~.; . .:;..11.404 .:'1-" -:-' 4. Malntain~ wiring In, good co~dltion and protect from damage. '.~: ..'1.......;.. ..) __>:,:. ::."";"~,~4....<..~.{! ~-I .- ":-:8 EXITS' ,,/ '. ,-":-:,~...,.". :,~~"- .'., ._t.'~:"'~"""'';\~~';_'''-~'.-':'~.':.;~-.'':.'':.~...::,..:..-;. .:~ 12.104(b) . . . 1. Remove unapproved locks or iatch~s fr~m exit do~;.s. .' . ,.. '. ~ .~ .-:" .'~: . ..:: -: :- '>:_>l:';"' - 12.104(b) - 2. Unlock al1 exit doors during business hours. ~. ... i.' "~ 4.... 12.103(a) 3. Ramove obstructions Irom exits, aisles. corridors and stairways. ~~ 12.105(f) 4. Remove obstructions Irom amoke doors and maintain to operate properly. 12,104 " 5, Repair or maintain e~it door and hardware to operate properly, , ~. , ' . ~ _r 12.113(cl 12.-113(a) 12.113(a) 10.301 (a) 10.301 (a) 10.301 (a) 10.301 (a) 10.302(0) 10.302(a) 10.302(0) 10.302(a) 10.313 10.302(0) 10.402 10.401 11.408 79.103(1) 79.103(2) 79.104 79.402(b) 79.111 79.402(a) 79.109(a) 79.110 " I I I '" . .,'" ':',,,:" I!t~; . :~i~ .B~~: ~~e'- ?~ :;; -'\i!' , "; ..~:,. I ~,:;;::J I .'."-';:.'.' <#;;;.~ I >'.'. ~ :"';;;" <11 .... .-"'~. ~ REMARKS \ .... :.-':{I>:',.I. ;; '': ,i ;", r; i,-::'.. ""':"-.: ,.....".... ~~ "- ..... "-'! ,.,::,; :.i'r::~~,,:'~l.; ~ / - -) t\ . r~::'-~:,rI -.: .' f.' I ...~- I....~ill:;::,ll'(': d.'"1""' .-, I I I '....,-. '_ ..1 ':.:~~:'..."';.. ~ ,'" I I I I KJer..."l -to .,;::/..(' '(;.:..uU .9U-I>?Ccf'" Ir C,-I7.K:"J '., ~ / .','. ~ C. EXIT LIGHTING 1. Maintain lighting lor exit signs. - 2. Proylde lighting for corridors, stairways and exterior exltways. - 3. Exits shall be Illuminated at aU times the building is occupied. D. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS . ..';."... .~.. " J: ,. Provide I extlngulsher(l) of a ."1 ..!l ~ minimum rating. ~~. 2. Mount eilirigUTsher where readily avallaDle, wlln top not higher than 5 feet. - 3. Post signs indicating location where exllnguishers are not readily visible. = 4. Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after use. E. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 1. Maintain access to and operation of standpipes, fire hose, sprinkler valves and fire hydrant(a). 2. Inspect and test sprinkler system and maintain records. 3. Identify sprinkler valves and standpipes and secure In open position. 4. Provide spare sprinklers (6 minimum) and sprinkler wrench. 5. Inspect and service hood and duct extinguishing system over cooking equipment. 6. Replace damaged, c.orroded or painted sprinkler heads. F, FIRE SEPARATIONS ,. Remove obstructions froml/re doors and maintain to operate properly. . - 2. Seal unapproved openings with approved material. 3. Keep attic access and scuttle openings closed. Q, FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS " Reduce Clasa 110 less than 5 gal. inside or 10 gal. outside without permit. - 2. Reduce Class II &. 11110 25 9al. inside or 60 gal. outside without permit. - 3. Remove liquids not stored in original containers or closed metal containers. ---: 4, Remove flammable liquids not used for malnt. In assembly bldgs., offices, apts. or motels. --:- 5. Discontinue use of Class I liquids (gasoline. etc.) for cleaning. - 6. Store liquids away from corridors, aisles. stairways and exit areas. - 7. Discontinue dispensing from containers exceeding 5 gal. or provide pump taking suction from top. = a Discontinue the diSCharge of liquids into drains or on the gro,:!nd. -, : " . -. .~;' .*3 -~, -~~~ .i:, !~, ,,"{j: .~:~i ~~