HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1978-8-14 TRS, TL 17-03-24 i Job Location 'i~94/'" S,I. # 7t'-?t:;6:r HAYDEN BRIDGE DRIVE " Written Directions Subdivision: CHURCH SUB: PHI 2 I Lot Block l ' SITE FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL , APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS JACK LOY 14'.66 HAYDEN BRIDGE RD SPRINGFI ELD OREGON --- . -' . ..-c- Phone 746-3589 OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS '-----..... Mail report to' ;(X) Applicant () Owner ) , .~ STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY SAME ) Prefer to pick up. Call NONE Phone (owner, etc,) when ready. P- ''\POSED USE OF PROPERTY . ,NEW DWELLI ~G SITE WATER SUPPLY , I' PUBLI C WATER E Ml LE OF THE CITY,OF NA (NO) -'.hereby certif~. that the above statements are true and accura:te, and that I have th ollowing I,tgalinterest in the property: XX owner of record; contract purchaser;.' potential buyer;, realtor or agent. I fur er certify thatj(jf not the owner) I am authorized to act for the ,owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this ~tion. " t . ' ..' NO~I f . JACK LOY 8/8/78 1 Signature'" Date /' / TEST HOLES READY ._ * * * * * "* * * * * * * *.* "* * * "* * * * * * "* * * * OFFICE USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE * * * * * * * * * ; * * * * * * * * * * * * *. * * * * f. \ ".SFlE rn'MEETS STATESTANDARDS 0 DOES NOT MEET STATE STANDARDS, f-...A-:j 1:'~~:::5~~ ~ a..... -Pp--f ~ ~~ ~ . ~~ "'- ^~~.. . pL.. .,~.t'."....-=-~~,. , U- - ......._ . \ \ Zoninc Acreage or Lot Siz~ 16.000 so Partit'ioning # NA Parce I # LAND USE COMPLIANCE RA ' ft: (TOTAL) (,J Completed ( ) Pending . '; .' ,i;~... : THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT ENSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING p;ERMIT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDI, TURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. IF SITE IS APPROVED, SEE REVERSE SIDE, . , ". A d-~, AUTHORIZED StGNAT.URE {I Division 'of Water Pollution Control J'-/'l-7f DATE ;' V I. DONNALEE MElts 8/17/78 AUiHORtZED SIGNATURE DATE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT C55-32 . Permit Processing Section , 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE,.EUGENE, OREG'ON 97401 I. 687,4061 . '.. . -,..t "" ....... .:-j.~;L: :. ~ . . , .~: : : " " ., '. ' , " OAR Chapter 340, Division 7, Section 72,020(6): This report shall remain in effect until issuance of a permit to constru'ct, unless in the meantime conditions on this or adjacent properties have been altered in any manner which would prohibit issuance of a permit, in which case this evaluation report shall be con, sidered null and void. Technical'rule cn'anges will not invalidate any evaluation report issued pursuant to this section. , , Before constructionis'.started bring this .form to 'the .Department of Environmental Management and apply' for a building permit, Exact specifications for the sewage disposal system will appear on',thepermit. ,', ., ' '. . If the property is only a ~o.r~~on of a ta.x Ieit,. a partitionin~:orJsubdiv,ision m~.st. be approved before the' permit will be issued. ,,' '. ,. ." . ~ ... .. . ' Only persons having a valid license issued by th~ Departm'ent of EnvironmenUI Quality under OR$' 454.695' to install subsurface' Sewage disposal systems or a~ owner or contract purchaser or his regular employees may ,install subsur:face sewage disposal systems. A certificate of satisfactory completion will not be issued if persons other than the above perform the installation, - . - '. - . ~ . , ! , , " I , " ., ,) : . , . ,. , , \ -'~ ., l.~ " .,.. ~ . , "" .' . L 'f.- ,.. TRS, TT \"1:' QJ,. ::)~ PRatt PDsn.., Subdivision C.~, ( t - "-..-\;"" Lot--==-\.~::2. Block " , I Vicinity Map """". . 1 ~ f' Job Location (Address) Permit ulip-, b~ln For"',~ -,.-\"" Permit U For Permit U' For ~~ 7:;!~ r;--/ JJ ;' / .. ;' 0/ ~/ /' , ,// '\ r\ , ' \ \ II \, I,.. \'\ i /'. () 1 IY ,!.' 10 ~L p I N ~'. \\" C 'LJ_~ ~\{'-' 'Y"" _ '(\, ".)~ Permit U ,- Permit U Permit II \\-~ ( ~)(-, C\C~'~"-- For ,,~ For For D-Vfll"5<L."<r L./t--..-' '-fO -(& $.C-,l, , ~ \:l u.~ /~ ~ / :/,.1 \~\, ~< c.Y<;?Os e ~ . . I.' ~,-\~ ~ '\ ,jJ --" .-/ II! ~ , j , iJ' I ~ 1\ j'f\ \7 ,0,.\\.00 51# '7 f - ~Gh SITE EVALUATION WORKSHEET LOCATION: 17 _/ <-/ TAX LOT # s::: J:;;) TWP. RANGE (9'7., SECTION ZONING: PROPOSED USE: SIZE OF PROPERTY:' AMOUNT USABLE AREA: /L~-b PUBLIC 0 INDIVIDUAL I " I WATER SUPPLY: COMMUNITY IKL- SUBDIVISION/PARTITION LOT BLOCK PARCEL IF SITE MEETS STANDARDS FILL OUT: Type of structure and approximate sewage flow: 'J<ro Single Family Industrial Multi-family gpd gpd Institutional Commercial MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: Length of disposal trench required 1&0 l.~ . serialJO . No [Rl.. Distribution Method: Curtain drain required: Other: Equal [@-- Yes 0 SPECIAL SITE. CONSIDERATIONS OR VARIANCE OPTIONS OR OTHER ALTERNATIVES: NAME: /I, r~/f:- ?f t:~ ~.-------" {/ DATE OF EVALUATION: C74-l26 gpd gpd gpd /150 gal. S1# / f' - ref'. #'1 TEST HO PERCHED WATER Predicted Observed Date in. in. PROFILE Inch # 2 T E S H 0 L E PREDICTED WATER PROFILE Predicted in. Inch Observed in. Date SATURATED ZONE 12 - ~IC( L(J ft<,.- 12 - SATURATED ZONE Predicted Observed Date in, in. 24- Predicted Observed Date in in 24 - Restrictive Layer~ Impervious Layer- . in. Mottling vvt1u.Q. ~n. 36 _ if. .1 1Q' 'me 48 - ~:......-' 36 - Restrictive Layer Impervious Layer Mottling in in in 48 - FS' 4 fJ, - , SLOPE -#,,-h/ SITE DOES .0tJ DOES NOT ADMINISTRATIVE RULES 60_ SLOPE ~ Ii 60 - o t;1EET MINIMUM STANDARDS. REOUIRE ~ MINIMUM DEPTH OF: ON YOUR PROPERTY ~ DEPTH ~: 0 36 inches to an impermeable layer 0 30 inches to a restrictive layer 0 60 inches to a permanent ~ater table 0 24 inches to a temporarily perched water table OTHER REASONS FOR DENIAL inches inches inches inches jllli++L++'11 ,"I: I :_=::1-1-; III: 'I:: I +H-J I :' ,11_'f-': l'll'-:.-:-~ PLOT PLAN: ,,+;j+H-+c.l-4. .rl rrtT +' I U I I II 'I I' : i Stream I : ' , ! I-t Lt-, ~J= .::'- = +.:::: ~ .::t:_t-L, -H- -i+!- - T:~=l= -1- --;-i-- -I t 1:::::1:: ~='::::J:t ~ Drainage or [111 :-, -~I I t[. -:::Fr,=--'tttrtLtt'l ,:..!1tLl~+ .l~. ~r::!=2=t-HtI Pond rr-' H...L11 1 i rj-- +I'+t:-::1'1tl:j;i~ II, I , I: 'rTt ,--H-H-; , I ; , , I ' +1-:1 ' ..Ll_'+ 1<'-~e;P~ 0~ I r _...L I I II I I , ~~::"..,...." #I:::t = +~I::l"1-: (#~~tJ=,i' ~ : J8i=L t7r1 :r rH R-:: +"- = + l- t tt:1: -, H-t I I ll~ ++- J: I I -!,...I I I I I I I I I I ----:., I'!IIIIIII'::'::-'-,., -'-'---'--'-111 I-I, I~ 1'-1-- Test Hole QD :'I!I::- H--=H11 J~j==+j:t:::,--i-:III_ __11,'~1 +-L ,+' I _J i 1 -+~I ='::'::=_1 =: , 1 "" I r + I .++ I ' _, I II I I I I , "q I ++_...L-!-' II ..-- II I' J II ,+ ' 1,--1 ~ % Slope Hf+-I; j'--i-i--'J-c:-=:rr:1----' .-f-J- ' ~ '+, T' -H-~- 111-1 1-:, il__p.::"== . -~.:::::~::H:r.::~=:------'--t=:=.:::t ,- II '':::;:-, 1 Cut Bank H'i : I 'I==~::::=-+I-':_L== ::tt-4:J--:'-j1::' - -I'i. "-1- '~=-,-II ! __=1+_..1 I ~~Fl ; i ; , I , i+l I I I l-L -L--' -+-.1 _ + _ _ __. ~e~ce' , II i ! , -===-, ,_'_ II '+I?=='_: ,- , - _I_'l. __~I::=- _..I ' i :.. i-i 1'- I' ; I' I -I TfTTT-, "--- -- 1---. I tj i! I I --'IT-----t-- ~-K-)f ~!,t---'===t=~ t1=l=-, ,--;-- -::-::j::j::Cf,-,-'-!~=Ml-.::=.::-, '----1 ,=:: ::!t:-----I+r-::::j::Ll++I--i..:--,- '-I '1111 II, ;.!' ~++ II I ::1 I I i I :-++1-,-' t!::t:t=l::tji:::~..I--: I ! II . I : : . :=+=1 ! : j :- - -::1 : : I U. I o . . LANE COI "'TY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRO'NMEr-JTtI,L MANAGEMENT I:L ..:AST 8TH AV~ENUE. EUGENE,OREC ,97401 , (' Current Zonlng ~ fEE []pending [JCompletcd PLAN~lNG 'DIVISION~ AVERAGE PROCESSING TIHE Partitioning ._ Parcel No. , i I , I! Ii Ii Partitioninq Required Other! s s c=J- WATE~ POL~UTION EO~TROL ~Site Inspection (sr:--~ SOS Con~truction LJ New [J Number ot Bedrooms I S1t(2) s s \1 t' ot. Repair - Commercial/Industrial - Other'i. , .ot- Employ~e8 C'll '6/ ~~V D~ s 0,. :CONSTRUCTION PER."IITS AND INSPECTION (See above tor I ~~ bedrooms/I of employees) tj ~~bile ~ome: o Permanent o Temporary , 0 Renewa 1 Stru<;:ture L FEE s .... Sq. Ft. Valuation S S S s S S S Each S \ I:ach S Subtota 1 . S S S S ~otal V-,lu,"ltion _____ Plumbing fixtures at Scwe~/Wiiter Conn. ",t" ., State Surcharge Pl'ans Check Fee Change ot Occup~~cy TOTAL BUILDING PERMIT FEE s . "Minimum. structural, eetbacks: From ,centerlineot street: Front Exterior Side Address from interl~r lot lin~5:' o Co~',1.plan5 sheet to Sidc______ R~ar. appli'cilnt. 0 Curb cut to <'Ipplicant. o o o PUBLIC IJdWS D Address 0 Nin'imum Elcv.'tion PUBLIC WORKS. 0 .f/'lCill'<t:~~t";I) ()_ EINIRO~j:-O.L:lT/'\.L IIEAL~~(" Chec, I \oL\('~ncC'd i,y~ ,~, \.O~^I. IMini~um Elevation ! s L~ '~~LI__ Ca.llh AFf'IDA'JIT:. If'-.-this permit is.'for an agricultural building, I hereby.declare that" this buildln-q will be ..t.r~ricultural, purposes as .1Ho....ell by zoning and/or the State Building Code. .'and for no her purpal. I further certify that the statements and other informa,tion submitted on this IIp 1 .'n are "true a'nd'accurate, and that I have the following legal. interest in tlie propcrt : wne' f record'; c('mtr:1c,t purch,lSerj l(~s$ce; holder of <'In exclusive option' ta purch, e; y authorizQa-lo act.for "" person whohasth\.l. fOllowing leqal intercst: , <! ' , . '; or th.'l,t the o"'TIcs..- f :~e~ 15 kno....} ~c,lblc of th1S ~~p~~~~,'m f:\Q ownec-r furth.e a'Jecc to c mp1'b h ,<1"r ','.''''0 codcs eclatlnq Dote -/ ~IIIS IS~:D:C:::~:P::"~::~::ES ~ 'PE-~:'mON TO BL/ FOR INFOR..~ THE PROGRESS OF YOUR APPLIC^TIO~l. CALr. PERMIT CONTROL, 687-4357 (687-HELP) r G J " ~ ~ ~ " "' '" 0. " H H <: " n H " ,. "' " H H 0. 0. Z ........-z r ). ;:, ,j ) ':'\m ~ lV' ~~. \ ~ut rf1 ~-- '" ,. Cl '" 0. .., rpt \:,; " (' ~fle county, ca , ~I I' . TRS, TI \"=t- c,--::l....,- ~J.: SUbd~i~~nt ~~I~~,~ LOt::::\\:- :=2 Block Vicinity Map C74-150 Job Location (Address) , Permit II\{PyB,l.olo For~A-<e. Permit # For Permit # For =\\ ('LJ.-\' A -P '--""" ,,~,.....~ pehit II Permit II Permit II V..2) (~, ~~'-" ~ - For For For , ~ "I? '-'~ IY ~ " ~ N x p- I \~\, 'Y0'P'e~0J ~-...\,.~ I~ I 11 -0' I ~ :tJi' I @ ,,<-\\ IX:>