HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1975-7-30 c~ 9100f-tttljetV1i1 1bn'd'cJ-t,~ '15-~/3 S.I,# 3/74,. ~UEST FOR SITE FEASIBILITY STUDY ()(q-o I AA/x?./ Code C.T. Number 5'Ded,;l1 Permit Area ,.) THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR Fu Offic~,y Use On I y A ./ ceived by Yes ~ UrbanizinQ Area PLEASE PRINT FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. OWN RISK. ....1 If Subdivision - Name: Lot # Block # /7 Townsh ip ~ Range .:J .L 5ect"ion </00 J..f ~;;; PJ'6/Vk Tax Lot NO. Owner of Property Yes .:x Owner's No Consent " (;t" ut'?hl &'",<:1 tl. No. of Sites / 'Name ~ J & ..,-";/f)o, '/? ,.<::1. No. of Acres Mail in}g Ad2.r~s,;;'/ '1fr,,'tr'RY ',r),..~ . 9'71/77-.,. Total ?~f- 'j-"/J3 ~<VU c;/J ~--J'1?-1S"~ Telephone # Si~ature ~~I icant Date $ 7.;-. crt) $ $ V> -1 ~cr2) .... r- 'It Owner Seller Proposed Use , I of Property: ,,(jB4) ~/ Appl ieant's Interest Buyer " ,~altor _ in Property: Other (SpecifY):_~_1~~ .. 'Is Property Within on~Mile of itY?/7 I Yes y What City? "/// ~ ,. I "'7"",- S' Legal Access - Road Name Exi'st ing Structures on Proper,ty / Proposed Water Supp I y// Publ ic X District: Spring - Well/Other (Specify): - / , Property Location (Directpio s): cf'LJ ~ "d" C)./~t/~'):.f-, ~/J ~~w"--d!d~ I ,./1/7 /M, '(] II . --M _'I? ,,,," . '~~ f "ff-C/ ~'V'/' .,~ .:2,.,..,/ ~ ~:iJ.,J.f.. oJ:'. ,e::+. ~ When Will 'Test Holes Be Ready? I sY /<//7-:>--- , MARK TEST HOLES WITH OUR FLAGS I / '(Date) / Location of Test Holes on Property: /II.~.- / re~ "'" Draw diagram of property showin~ location ~ a~,Y.) landmarks these landmarks: / /1' / .. .;2 9" "..Y /:)7> 'Property Size ip~Of~r and relationship of test holes to , I -- , "" .-::~ ~ xu ,- ( _-J 1 sh-uct...,..e -- f-~I .. 'C 'f::::) ) .3 o '-, ~ , d:' ~ ~ ~{d: MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MAIL TO: LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CS5-55 Phcn e: 68(-4065 MANAGEMENT, 135 E. 6th Ave., Eugene. Ore, . APPROVED ..../. -....: , - . " '. /..'" " NOT APPROVED ( N~ C'I Auth~ri d _Sjlnature V x-; ~/70 Oate . >7;- .-- ~. ". _"' "'IIo.~..., 'i' ""0,,, . Site'"I," 'l,ct{on #. 7s--7/1 . " '......, ...".'4" ,.'" .,....-.... '.., ....'Q." '..... . ~. . ,. .}'. '", ~J : . ':. ~ r ' \, '. ' . ~ , .. " EVALUATION"-" , . >X9~"DETEl@N.IN,G SIT,.t .s.lJgA,BI~~Ii' . " ,F9R D~~ELO?ME;NT UTILIZING . . SUBS~Rf.AC~, SEWAG~:DISPOSAL METHODS LOCATION: TWP. /7 RANGE /J .. 6.:..) SEC. 2 Lf TAX LOT i:' L/D6 it <. Are public sewers available or 'nearby? (Distance) Are there zoning or environmental considerations? Y1. ......." Size of property: {)qCY'(./")0 Amount useable are~ Are other systems in area known: to be malfunctioning? Is there room for future expansion? i. SURFACE FEATURE CONSIDERATIONS: Slope:' (1"/1001) "0 .. .... (Explain) ,en Flood plain: Plants: Roc.ks : 'Y'\. 0 Cut bank or slope: ,~ , Low area: ". .~. . Dr~ir~ge:,a>:: Streams : WATER'SUPPLY ,AND UTILITI~S: (SKETCH IN PLOT PLAN) Community Water: No' Individual Water: Existing D pr~pos'edI;a Water lines:, Ex;i.s,ting D'~ ~~op~s~d D " Gas lines: Existing 'D P~o~os'edD Wells on,adjacent Existing. D. .Proposed.D properties: -,. , ." .., ..... . ...~', ' . ;.,. _: .~ '.. .,l.: -...., #l'TE S T. .' . .". H 0', #2 T: T H 0 L E Perched Water PRO'ILE Perched Water PROFILE <. Predicted in. Inch Predicted' Inch in. Observed in. ObserVed in. Date .. " Dat'e 12 -- 12 - Saturated Zone Saturated Zone 24. 24. Predicte'd ~L-. Predicted Observed Observed SL Date ( Date . . 36. 36 - Res'tric.tive Layer in. Restrictive Layer _ in Impervious Layer - in. 48. Impervious Layer in 48- Mottling - in. Mottling in ~........... ';"-t' r; 'c; 1', ~_____-'l....r r: IC""~ 60. 60 - Site Does y' Site Does Not Meet minimum standards for individual. ( waste disposal. IF SITE'DOES NOT 'MEET STANDARDS SPECIFY'BAf!S OF DENIAL: _ Administrative RUles Require - _ Your .property found to be.Deficient - .. J IF SITE MEETS STANDARDS FILL OUT: Type 'of structure and approximate sewage flow: Single Family /- GpD GPD r;pD Multi-family Connnercial GpD . Industrial r.pD Institutional NOTE: Soil absorbtion area in SQuare feet Area necessary for sewage disposal systems JDc>1 I ~ ARE ALTERNATIVE SITE LOCATION, DESIGN OR MODIFlCAT~ON AVAILABLE, DESCRIBE: ~~. , DATE OF FIELD EVALUATION~' ffr-~-7S- NA}!" \ BUILDING SITE EVALUATION () BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION NO. . .jS Ie +t- ~UBDI~is. .. 15- ,13 (~ITE INSPECTION PLANNING DIVISION Not Ap!?l icable A6.T () ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) I. 2. 3. 4. 5. Zoning Ordinance Compliance: Zone Subdivision Ordinance Compliance Required Access Building Site (Area, Width; Frontage) Other (see comments) q o-z, S z.4- TAX LOT 400 APPL I CANT DATE LOT: [k Y\ "i BLOCK: No Yes () P--'6. ( ) (c..j-' ()(~ ( ) (4- ( ) ( ) CK'D B'1t:-th-: ~-;ga hE. . Setbacks fr~c/l road: Front ~' S i-tIe-:.. ~ _. : or Setbacks from interior ,1 ines: Side IS' Rea r -zt;)' C)~ a L-D t~u<~.~. Ac;.. ~~~,- COMMENTS: T.ni.<:'A '-"" ,..,..JL.>'<. ~" ~I" (><< (~l'VI~-r p~", \"\"1:.. n.A:-.J e,~ \=-.c:,tJ~ ",~,-,<" PLANNING DIVISION ACTION PENDING: YES( ) NO( } APPLICATION# BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION Not Applicable No Yes 7. Plans Submitted (.{) () TI 8. Soil Stability (footings) (Xl () ( 16: ~~~~~ (~:~nconvnei1tS) /J d/l. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CK'D By~$~'l/-?j' COMMENTS: "tJ/a ~~ -A~./-.7z. qMb~~ DATE cr ( 1/ /j' - -. .. -. / / / 1 /, // :/ c.' ~/ /? ' , /' - c/~- ..J/Y..l'~ //k.U( ~ ~...-...L.-.L/.A./ / ) WATER POLUTION CONTROL Not Applicable ( ) ( ) II. Meets Department of Environmental Quality Standards. 12. Other (see comments) COMMENTS: No ?~ () . ( ) ( ) CK'D By:,,\lQ o/~/?r \. J DATE TO APPLI CANT: ~~Building I Site Inspection: r11, !;~ :an be approved. ~ () Cannot be approved at this time as indicated on item'NO. above. .J.,\~~J? Questions and further information on items 1 through 6 contact the LANE- '17 )\ COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION. Questions and further information on items 7 through 12 contact the LANE COUNTY BUILDING AND SANITATION DIVISION. ( ) Will be held in this office until you can resolve the problems indicated. ( ) Is being returned. ( ) Your building permit applica.!.!.2."_fe",-Ls..beinq..~~t~.m.!l.d under~M.i't.=. cover, OEPARTMENT Of ENVIRONMtNrAL MANAu~M~N' 135 Sixth Avenue East Eugene Oregon 97401 PHONE: 687-4065 LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION PHONE: 687-4186 C55-28 .-