HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-4-26 , , ' : " ~~>"" :,: (JJt;,: 'k, \1/&' . Lt.',ld'1(J/~ ~kS f/J, FOR OFFICE'USE" ONLY ~~~z"AU,t;r~;-c 5::'::'i.11.,,03 , ,'_ DThree. Copies'of 'Pl~t. Plans "",":"P . / v: '/ RANGE Y ~ .,1: SE~_~:;~:9"('?,-.' '/ I T~. :::'" ,A'[yl'};h, D,Mech/Plumbing' Ch~Cklis,t _, / 0.., \.J z/..C"~' ~b't'/(;;,/, DLegal Interest Do'cumen,t SJ~VISIO~~~'i9Wf c'!blel., ' A':/.O// oLl:~OT/P~RCE,L-"'1 BLOC~.'". Dpfan"fh~ck->iit:o .~h~;'~ '. ~~ // r'J'< ~ ''p/~ S7?, <:~X . :. ,,::::>'. ,'- , ;?f!J~tf!~~z~?tb '!:::::~:;""B':::~;:':'" ~'~ ~f~~~. '~__/Y/~J~ ~~' ~4~4'~ " ' , : "SC jl'OJ-. S~9-')t?:u;,~~W"~715.' '~~- /'" ~:...; "c 'Aif!C// ~~LA.""D J VALUE '~~. -~#~~~?-1'-",.~~- ,~#~~'/~ ~ ~F -:~~ "J' OF ST~p' r 'O~ ~ ;, I WAT~~ SU:{L~: ~. , .,~.:,~. ", R ~~~~~~~~. ~A?;@j~~ /a~4!~~ Jo/Or' 17.J2~?Y(/ . '"t:QI'tTRAC .5 NAME AND~' , ~ >" _,") .r:J. ' . " . "j -TEL E, PHONE-NuMBER ( ~' . ~ /~: ;"~~ "7?P77 .,'. :: ,:" 7Y:;Z-~/'Y7' P"'" TO' TO tNN,l A ~~ - . : " , " 'I . TEi.~PHO NUMBER - .~ ~_ _.,:,,' _~-{-(~. '... ", , r, -'!,." ~ 1 HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED T~E COHPLETED APPL~CA'TI0N. FOR PEfUUT, and ,.do hereby certify' th';t al{ ir;forin~tl'o"n ne'reon i~ true and .c:orl."l~ct, and that I have the ;o;~owing leg~i int"e,rest>n ~re"p:r~pe.~tY:'~riel of r;ecord; 0 c~nt:as..~ pU:~cha5er; D~uthori'~ed ~g~:mt' Wi;h 'evidence ,o.f authot"ity atta~h~ed. I f:.:rth~r certify that any ,and all work performed sha~l'be dor:e in accordance with th;, Ordinances of LaneCO\ll1ty <;tnd the Laws of. the State of 'Orego.n pertai.ning to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will'bemade of any,' structure with';'ut'the permission,ofthe Building Division. I fur-: ther 'cert{fy "that registration'with the 'Bul'lder's 'Board" is in full for~~' and"e[{~ct'as'required by ORSt 701:055, that' if exe~pt the" basis for exemption is not~d hereon, and th~t. ~nly subcont;actors and 'employees -who are in' co~liancewith' 'ORS 701.055 - will be used on' this proje.ct_ I HAVE READ -AND CHE&~C~;;~#~~h/d,;(' ':~~'Si~triJfJD ~~, t,'AME (ple,ase print), ' SIGNp;TURE :..DATE ~ , READ THIS SECTION CAREF.U'LLY. 'YOUR AUTHORIZATION,...Hl\.S':BEEN"BA,~ED ON'THE FOLLOWTNG Minimum Setbacks; C 1;; ')~n~ R~5/~J!:':.., partiti,on # f~o~t ' CL,"~iJe' "'.. '. pa~ce1'~'# ." CONDI "dONS;...... .. , . ;..e.e..ao......", '\..~ . ' Parcel S~ze .. / a..c... o PLANN1NG/ZONING" .,..'..: '. , iriterio:r< . J: 1 /:5' r'ear 51 " ':, ". CO~E,tENTS:' . I " , .^ .. , , : " )d FLO~D~~~IN~: , Dti.-te; ...q-~"K~" . ',' . '. _4~ 7 -R'- A '"i 3~ ~ ~ . ...., . In flood hazard ~rea? kRl NO'O Yes, SEE ATTACHED. SHEET. " ,Date; " >1( ~L,~NS, EXAMINATION: ~pe : Groun .~ ---. U~e . " ".;\ COl1L\lENTS;' ,.~;, " , . SEE REVERSE SIDE OFPERMIT,AND ".' " ~N"'i n~II~j:'O:::)j:'n~LLATION ":,' C REQUiREMENTS, 'PERMITS FOR All ELECTRICAL WORK' ::Jt1J\LL t..t:, :)t.\...UKl:.Lr"'KUM'IHt.~IAIt. ' 'OF O~EGON, DEPARTMENT OF " ; " . , . CUMMt.t'(l,;t. t.l~,t:It-{ICA~ SECTlqN.~, ~.. .:r ... . ~~ '. :.'T.....;.;-..' ... . " " , " .~ate : 5/3/PJ3 " n ." TOTAL 'VALUATION i $' ,..' ,', , CONSTRUCTION, 'AUTHORIZED 'BY 'THIS PERMI,T '. Floodp'lal.n Fee subsurface Fees .._, ." . /O,~ $ $ //?'-Z-.... $ '02. ,~a ,$/~, ~ '$ _ &:0 ?t~t~e '~,ur7harg~. '$' ~ .:-- $ .<Cs&- " TOTAL FEE' $$ /~a.t/rj . 5/S/~ ',~. .. DATE DEQ Surcharge ~C. . ,r " ".> -j. -' .. ~ ..- "r '.... .... " ~ ." ze~~;;Y:~ %~#~e.,,~':' . /7tft:?/A-#~d~K-;/d/, : .~,~-b, " Sq.. Ft'~ I" 1/ Fi:xed Fee!' . ,'Urlit Co~t ". ~ : ?u~~di!1g E'ee 'I.l::::lch/Plmbg, Fee ... ..10 I pl'an~'..C~.ec'k Fee , " '. " , , ", . '2lfa,., 456.805 (-1)) '. '. " "PE,RMIT APPROVED BY ~BUILDING OF.FICIAL/DESIGNEE (per QRS ,', , . . LANE COUNTY DEP~TMENT OF, ?LANNING &.COMMUNITY DEVELO~MEN}.I l25 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE, :~UGENE~ OREGON 9)401 , s'h REV~RSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION \ '" " \'" \.'-1 t..' t.... ''',. ,,: :" ], ~l~':' . ,.,J"; .~~. ;.~ " eo... ~ ..., .', "...;- -: " "1.' , ;0 ......... 'I ., '-'4. .J .~,'~ ' ;, . . . ~ ~:-: '1 ~ ..~j: 'I .~. . , , .' 1) 1'.'''' ~" .' ., ' , ~., ~ .\ ' -.'-. . " ..M.1 ...t 7., , " ':'l' ~.. '':,.,:" ~" . :" ;......:... . ~", , , , , ~ ~-..-:.~ ,1;-'" '.. ... .-.......<'t-,. '., " , ,. ~. .. ..... ,p .,., ',,' i.... "'.~ J ", ./ '. .<;. ....... ~:' , '.. ,~ . .;' '.. ..... . -..: J,.~'... ~:~"::-.':" 'i. .=->> , ___..., ~ l. ,,::'.j"~''''' , SETBACKS AND' OTHER. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST..:BE ?TRICTLY 'OBSERVED. VIOLATION 'CAN 'RESULT IN REVO- 'J'" : CAT.ION OF '~~HIS - PERMIT " 'CITATION QNDE'R-PROVISIONS "OF" LANE COUNTY" s ...iNFRACTION. ORDINANCE, AND/OR" OTHER. " REHEDI'ES'-ALLOWED BY.LAW. '..f':" .,.... ~..-......_:, ..>~~~...,~,;_,' . '~~..'.d +-- u -0 ., ~ _ _ _. ..._....._. b. ' .WHENREADY .~~~ IN~PECTioN, CALL 68H'065..jh",'iNiMUM OF 'AT 'LEAST 24 HOURS";6~;NCE .~~;:~'CE FOR';~~'~~~~;"\'" TiON REQUESTS 'MUST BE GIVEN., Have the.follOwing i'nfS~rma"i'io'n-ready:" ~pEtimit" numbe'r';, "'job--;.'addr,ess~_:type".-. ofLinspection ,'when,~ t ,w'"ill be ready 1 yoyr, name andphon~ .~~mbe;'i ~.n9. ~ny. ?pecial:directions to si~_e. : ......" .,.....'~_-J".:. w_,_,.~...._:._2"._~.__..~~"":",,,,, ~'...",.' _.;:..,. .' . ''':'', :".;.'.: .... ....~. .' ~,"".j '. .";0' BUILDING DIVISTON: "". ........ ", ...., ..' , .' . ' ,~ ....: . ... """. ...., . " .., 1.. . Founda tion, Inspection: . To. be.-made after:t'i'enches are excavated'" and,"forms' erected and when 'aoJ:I' -, materialsc.tor ~thefoun'dation are delivered on. the"job: '.Whe're concrete-"-Li::"om a-~c'eotra"l rn~'iing- p~an? . (c~~~n~'y:j_e,(I?e4,.,.~~.~t:~a~'~i:t. .mixe~:~ r\t~: 't?"be ~s:~', >ua !~!.'~~ls""~~ed.J.n.ot -,'b.; ,.o~'~\J;l~ "jci?";~, :~:.' _ :'. , ,'" " .: _'~ " .....' .' 'i' ...._ .: .,' . i . ..... . ", .l' ..~ 2. ."concrete .Slab or 'Under-Floor Inspection,: To" be m?p.'e'''.<:ifter allin-sUib,or".l.;1nder.:..floor'-building , s.e!:'vice _eq~ipment., condu.l t" piping. ::-cces,s9ries, arid:;-oth-er _:anci'llary eq'uipment i,t.i?ftls. .arl;:?,in~ :.~;.,,_ w' I place .but before any con.cr~.te i's\youre.d or floor .sheathing, in5talle,d~, including 'th.e S-ubfloor., ~l'":- '" . ,.. ~ .' . ~ ' .. '. .' .' . --': ....... ~ ' '.,- ~ra~inq & _'Irisulatio~'-.-Inspecti'ons':' ~o be::ni~g? afte'~~~h~~;Jof', . a'll. fr~'~ing: i-i,i-~ "t;ioCki'n'cj',:an~' ~'...~... ~ ',bracing ..are in place and all pip_es, ffre,places," chimneysl ,:and'. v.ents are"complete and ,all T'ough '.~" elec tr'i"cal . and piumbing are api:>roved. ~"'All; 'wa'll."'"in'sula d:on 'aiid vapor . harr"'ier . are i~' p'lace:-,~ ~'...., : , .~. '. - ..--;....t;~,." +..'" ~,-. .. '--,~'" ,"" ,"'" ~-~-:. ~:--.(,-"t.-.'';'....l' :".-~: ~.--:-:~~,""~'...'-'--~...' '-'~':"."'" -.......4.. Lath and/~'r' c'ypsum Board Inspection: Tej be 'made after all'.lathing ana,gyp'sum, boar'd, inter'io"'r '\- ':~a,nd. exte~,IOr" "lS ;in...pJ.ace .bu t before a.ii.y, pl.as tering,~s.. appLl'ed 'an'd::..$efore, .gyp_sum ,board.":'joi:nts.;' .;::.... ,. I' and fasteners" are ~taped and finished. ~ j' ' '.' . ~. -~.- - ,-. . ." '.,.. ", ", ... ,. ~ . ."5'. 'Final.' I'nspectio'ri':" To, 'be made after'" the building' is c6mpl~t~...;~r;,d before' occupancy... .,' "\." ,\:':'~ " 1 'f _,'. r', ..'--. '.:;.,: ",'I' ;,.:'::"' ~-1 :. 'A-"": ....,_,,,;f . .. APpROVAL REQU}Rt:~.: .N~, workl<lshal1 'be done, on any~.par~ of the, b~lldJ:ng, or s,tructl;Ll;e beyond ,t;,h,e p~nnt lndlca ted In each, ~uccessi ve .lnSpectlon: wi thout. first obtaining) the approval.of the building official., ,. Su'ch approval ~shal1 rbegiv'en o[lly 'aft'er an .in'spection .shall have' been made of each successive step , !,. '. J in the coo's truction .as ~ indica ted, by each' of.' the inspections re'quired'" . ~. ~,CN6TE"~''''l 1"tl~~building perini ts .r.~qui'tJii'J!.specti_o~s "for' the :";~r~' ,~uth~r-i}z:'d,. 1'uch ai but....n..ot l~ml t:'d'" to:\. '~.:> . ,.' ....~..., .,.... '" .... .... .... . .... ._,r .' _ .-.. ... ......__ A.' 'Block wall: 'To.be made after'rel.'nforcing is in place, but be for'e , any grout is po~r'~d. 'This ~. ,inspection ~is "'~(iui.red;:~fo'r ....e~U;h,.bond" beam':'pour; ''':',Ther'~ '>will"be~rio"iapprovaX 'url"tI"J:~ tl1e piumbing and >electric~a'l inspe~ctions have .!Jeen ;rnadei'and' -'approved.,.- :\' : ~.. ... '" .~i:,:-.l ' , ,.fl_ B. 'W~~.d St:o~e':," To be :~a'ae aft:'~r completion of ~a:son~ry .(if appllcable')',.and wnen in~~allation .is 'compi~"Installation~ shall be in accordance with ant. approved, :\,natlonally recogiliz'ed testing 'agenc'y and the manufa'ctu:rer,~s installation instru'ctions. \ "':":Y.~ . C. Mob.ile'~H~rne ~ An i'nspec'~i-~n ..:~~' :~~~ir~'d a'fte; the ~~biie home is 'Jonnected to an '.~pprov'ed ,se;"er.o.r _s~ptiq'systert} ~o;: _,setb~Lck req~.ire.ine.nt:.?.., b:locking" 'foqting conn~c.tio.n, tiedowns,' 4.;, skirting,. and'p1:.nnbing connect~ons.. .-1. Footing~ :and, piers to 00mply wi th Sta.'te ,foundatio?: requir'ements' for ,mobile homes. qr as reco~ended by~the manufactufer. ~... _ ~__ ',\~i.-.:". 1. _~ . " '. . Mobile. home minimum finish floor elevation shall-be ,c~rtified when required py a flood- f~~ain ~aii<!.g.eme'Q'i:.letter.' '.. ".,'.', ::,. " ':1., ' .' -. .~ ;1.: +. 3.' Mobile home ti~dow'ns, ,when required,' and ski'iting shal:l be installed and; ready for insi)E~c- tion within at least.30 days after occupancy. . Tiedowns and skirting sh~~lbe inst~lled . ... p<;r en:.closur~.. ~ I .. . ... -~ " -.- :...i, -; . -.' . . D. 'swiinni.'diq Pool.: - B~low grade. when steei,"is~ iri'~place and before conc~ete.is PSlUred: Above grade ' . when po~l.~ ~5 i:h~talied. ;... . . t .... . ........... ........ - ~..... "\,.... ~ ,":.~ -;-..,.... , " .-...... .. REQOiRElf. IN'SPECTtONS: '-.' .... .... -::--......- .- . -.... '.'.. . .3'. { ., ., _, " ,2. r.7:i~,-~ Y'" '. r -\.~.:. O'f ,..;f.. '. , APPROVED PLANS MUST' BE ON THE ,JOB SI"TE AT ALL TIMESDURING'WORKING' HOURS', THIS PERMIT, W'ILL EXPIRE IF WORk DO!~S, NOT; B'EGI-N WJ:.THIN'~-i80 <DAYS~~ OR I-F WORK 1'S ISU'S'PENDED 'OR. ABANDONED "'POR"M6RE 'THAN:':l80 'OA'YS.. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION ,MAY ,OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED~ON 'THE~BASIS'OF~INCOMPLETE,OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION.' -'. ," ..' .'-.~' -'..,._ -'. ....::.~....'.. ','\,~~-': :.'. .~-~-:.:;:: . ~".~'. ' .~",.' . "'--.--'-" ANYONE PROCEEDING P'AST,'THE' POINT 'oi REQUIRED INSPECTIONS'.WILL,,'.DO';SO~AT THEIR OWN 'RISK~ ' ....... -' .- -:- ~:...,'" ,- .' :', - ....~"..~,.,,, '-',...~ ."... -... -. SUBSURFACE AND, ALTERNATLVE!'.SEWAGE-'DISPOSAL' SYS'!'EMS':~ 1. ' Permits' sha~l b~:effectiv~ for one;;.y~ar,).t~qmJ.i.~EE7\ d~te:-'~Of..is'suan.~.e... , . . ri 2. Upo~ co'mpreti~ng~the~?iistr'uc.t"ion ~fof-;wb"iC;~";'~'.?~~~:il~;~a~~-. ~e::m i'ssu"~'~J,1~thei(p~ern)ijt'~bO~~~R 5h.~ll 'notlfy .th~. f.an.~ ..~-?~..m..ty Dep~ftmef1t of__,F,\~!ln.l'ng<a!.1d.. c;C!EfU.l1u,n:l;ty _D~v:~r9pmentTtby TSub}1!-r,tt;_~1l,91:.1;.h~ installatio-!l ~S~~9r.d...form. The D,ep~r,tmerit.;sna:ll..,inspect th$ cons'tn~ction to .s.gt.E?m.t[1...~;f;if. it compli.e!? ~.t1;!j:.".'..t.h'a,;x:u.les:~cont,?j.ned ..i"n thi~ 9,-iv-ision. .IlI~: t)1e.',-9s)Ostruct~oB d~es comply w~th such r.,.y.le.s, ...the_ .Dep?r_qn~n t' ,s_h~.~.l.,.;.,J"ss.ue . a ,q~rt.lf 1'ca te ':of=:;,sa,t;t-sfactory~ comp~et~.9I}J' to ,t};1e perm,~tr.~older. If the construction does not. comply w.lth'such rules, the Department shall not.lfy the permlt holder and shall..require :.satis.f~c.tdr:y .compl'e!::::'i,6n" ':.befoie~!~~su.!ng ,the _.c:e~,t:-~.f ic~ te. ';_ Fai"l ure:,.to '~meet the requirements. for satisfactor.y completion. within "a reasonable time constitutes a vio- . 'lation'of ORSG4'S4J'60S 'to,'4s4.74S.:.and 'this rule.~ " ~.. ... '. . , .. .~, .' .. - ... ...Setbacks -..Subsurface .Sewaqe Di:sposal '. ~.\.: 'Septic Tank. ---0 ."")l,, , '. " " ,'. - . Drafnfield. .. , , ~"'" '::;.......,~. .: ----.... ~ ......... ....-... ....... ".. ....-'''-. .,', .-. From: 'Interior propert'y,:lines " 'Edge of road,right-:.ot'-way . '.:!:;":""'u ....B)Jildi-ng -fou~d.itfori " Wells, .other...wa;~er sour.ces.4 - j 10 . .+ :10 I, 5' 50 ; ~....,,:~-~,,-:-_. , , . . ~ - " .... " '...... _. '~i;.",..~ ~...>....' .." r..-:.: ," i'lO! 101_ 10 '.. ~OO " '>., ',,; / c Ci4_2~~~ .......... -.~ ~, ...-' ~ -~ ~ ,. n\" .. . :"~' j. ;~.' . ',- " ., ::~<:~~:~..':::~~,~ ,'.... '\.~. _ ""'...... W4~ .. . ~ ", -,' ", ....\ ..-.....) , .:>- -;;.)~,iR \~~ !>,...-,- \,,', \-- . . ..1'<. \. \..,:.... \~ '{\ \.. "':'~,..' , < ,'-'''- -..-.. , , " " ('J .' \;. J:" . :1, '" " ,',' .... \ \., ..',:.~' ;''',. " . .j,"':; ", '~ :,: ~' ',!,~l''';' - " L,ANE:: COUNTY DU'T E:Ni.' MGT, I'(ECEIPT ,~~ 61 Mi3 DA'TE 04261]3':]'1; APPLICANT SENKOVICH, EVE ,ADDR 2090 HARBOR, SPRINGFIELD. ,OREG6N TLO 1803112203000 SUBDIV FILBERT GROVE ' LOT 51 BLK 3 NEW BLDG TYPE MH USE R BDRMS 2 UNITS 001 STORIES OBLDGS 001 PHONE 726 3714 OWNER NME: ADDR CODE A0pL NO' AcirON DESCRIPTION SQ PT' UNIT COST VALUATtON ,; lBI" Yjp BP Ell'" ~-{F' MH LC 61683 MH' MHPL NO. FIXTURES: '1ECH SUR PCK ';'DS SLJI': Fr,' " l' n. , ? :~ ,1 , , l ". ~ J' .1 ~ ~. r ~l SDAN CATC;: ';'EQU: TAKEN (.,1:;'1'" o 111' I'(LH I'M / NO. CClNNECTCll'(S: f'lECHAN I Ct,L FEE . STATE SUI'!CHARGE PLAN CHECK FEE . I ~) ,; 00 E(~C:H ..' 4% 0% F(- I EST,- 5'DS' SI., pCI< OTH ISS 4 TOT"L. FEE*,)f 2 ." Cm1PL.Enm, DATE ,...1 I'-I I"EE Df~)YS 62...50 10.00 11'11 2.90 'i 0,,00 ~). 00 1<L 00 1 ~) 100.40 CK ~ ; 'I .:, ,,' , ;.. PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOP~~NT AC:]VITY INFORMATild'-J' SHEET " bne county "'.' :' " S~nJ.{ n u/' c:~,Ev~ IJ/fr<.e.cf ;f/le J1 , PERSON MAKING REQUESt ,PROPERTY OWNER, //a 5 AI 5& Q..,.... rI! q/) 5'7 '5 l> It- ~ MAILING ADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS 'S(.H21'vtC/!(dJ ()~ Q7'17l j~IeIfA-q.t'ej) Oi~ Q7'/-77 , CflY STATE ZIP CODE ' vy{TY , , STAlE' ZIP CODE 7U-37/i.f7ljl-tJ77? 7'17-'7>7/1 7</t1-~~30 BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME'TELEPHONE # BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # ,,2 PROPERTY ADDRESS ;;00.0 tft't-l'2.bol2.. ,/iJrc< Sf R 1'loLJjJJ'eJJ)" . (IF DIFFERENT 'FROM MAILING ADDRESS) I . , ....,.- _.- I :1. , , , : 3 MAP & PARCEL NUMBER, (REQUIRED IN'FORr~ATION) " ' '. ) I1Y , . 1% ~' It-(OO ~ ' . 'TOWNSHIP '~{"ro. TOWNSHIP ,J , (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation' or from tax statement) C3 gzz 3000 RANGE SECTION, .TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING RANGE SECTION" TAX LO~(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: ' ACRES 4 SUBDIVISION (if appl icable) --Eil~<l'?-t /!,'~O VC ~s/.a_:k,<; LOT 5/ BLOCK 3 5 REQUEST (state exactly what ~ou plan to do) n1alc.'Je... 40";',., fJa...cc:...SL, c7'h- LJs+-ec.O Pao 'pe,e.fy 6 ,DIRECTIONS TO SITE:', ,~ 2.~' s-l- '70 ' Y/;""aL ;e., " Ll R . ", NUMBER DATE , ,...' -l ;;0 Vl ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** -- ZONE/LAND USE: BY: DATE: . , -l r-: TIME IN: leYj . " I ( J "~~ . "'J' ,. t' .~, ''0.:. ~ .~.~, :-.!,.. -:; '. !..!-~); ~:'.; ~ '"~"",>V:';;~'~. ';~,:~':C~~i}:l~~ :~~tl~~;;;;",~~~ 1<1<-::4........" j y;..~~:_:;;~r,,~~::,.~~~ ';;t.t~[, 1~r':,-'i{.~!f.~r- - ~~-:~~~~~ -<;~;~~?;otj :;:~":l:--:';\~'..._ ;-L~'"8,,,,."'1J'''-:; , ~ ""'''',,[",.0:: ,- e. 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