HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1978-2-17 , J!v-; L, . 1"";6' TRS, TI -.'. . '. (6'-3- / I, ';.;2. tP7~ '. ~VJOB LOCATION-- .. " 'J, /'"\G1'O.' ~"'_I I ' , ,. , . 11 /-f - 7 - 9!/oA{-cU;IJi ~ri-P S' 8' () LANE'COUNTY PERMIT St:i Acreage or Lot Si~o tJO'1</75' Partitioning # /1/4 ,() <1mpleted Subdivision --.-::1'd~l f- ~VLe....--. Contractor's O.S. # Lot ..::l f . Block ~ APPLlCA~T'S NAME AND ADDR''':~ ijv~ af&:i) sZ; ~/.., Xl Sf!- S~'f.J~ Phon;P'7-L(rog<: OWNER'SNAMEANDADDRESS(Lt~tl(.{.L.;'-~--e-^-" , ~~" , . . Phon!, ,. CONTRACTOR'SNAMEANDADDRESc:~./n..eA..u'~ rI'lN~U!:-::' "~ Phon'; " Mail permit to ( ) Applicant ( ) Owner, ( ) Contraetor. (i.-rPrefer to pick up, Call '7'11-"'-TOU C:I (owner, etc,l when readY:,;: ,..--...' STRUCTURES NOW ON,THE PROPER;rV c..-' THIS PERMIT IS Fo~_muf-~l di:..o~J---.-.-, WATER SUPPLY cZ+&.. - ' - U) THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF # BEDROOMS~# PLUMBING CONNECTIONS /1//1. /SO~-7y S,I.# - SI7l--Vl cd dl _ SEWAGE DISPOSAl ~NriJ . PLUMBING BY , ' L' I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: _owner of record; contract purchaser; _ potential buyer; _ realtor or agent, I further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action. I hereby agree to<COmply .with all ap[Jlicable Codes relating to this permit. Sr J /0 V ( L. 0." k ().. CJJs..-. ;;2 - I - -ii, Fee Paid ~ \.t? '-1 Signaturo ~~ Dato ( I NEW ADDRESS ( ) FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT, ("'\'"SPECIAL PMT, AREA. MIN, ELEVATION: gELCrZ-J BUILDiNG L';;';E COUNTY SPECIAl PERMiT AREA Type of Construction Ilse Classification Comments: /fJ()~ /~ r /11/ / S/-f ,c Loo,..e /0 .<3e /t.r' t: IE A-S ~'I /,5"FEGT /I/G#e,e. //1/9# ;<<'.~S/>/).c:.E:.. \~. LOG-A- f C ;(/ e)( r To GA rc-/~ ';,845/..v /ir, /vre/~5I!E.c..r/ON or=- /ft/?-/lAJhu't-U~ ;r- 1I!1;/'f /f,-c:;,e ~ ~ , ,:1".'/ By:yt.- ;g.~ 6-"'1~ 9~ ,;. Date: :J- -/7-- ,7 i . Date: Date Issued: 9-11-7,p SIDE FACING STREET, -=- _(F.BO.M~/L), I.NI. SIDI;: YA.RD':;;' REAR' _ (FROM PILI ' - ,....- .-......... ...... -,--;,,",_._;--;::::-:--- !..'v~',,;JIV LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 1,25 EAS')" 8T.H,~E,,<EUGENE,.OREGON 9740.1 PHONE: 687-43\ ' " ' POST THIS PERMIT ON M~~~~ILDI~G A~~~;E" (-iff:. t:= T OF A7E Vl.E-rfrh':I\/F ~ C55-13 BLDG. PERMIT "":,wHIT-E; -BUILo'ING -"GREEN; PLUMBING - CANARY; SANITATION - GOLDENROD; OFFICE COPY - WHITE .' . . ~., > SANITATION _____ ~ ~ Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) . /~~ Drainfield'Required - Lineal Feet' ' ...)Vr Maximum Depth ' .L -L Comments: n?crt~ ~A..''i..-- ~ L .M/{' ~- ~l?-A ~ ~ /lU~AoiL~ t'1 ~~U~ A5; ~ ;;tt.o.-/()" ~~:tJ,~~L.Jn..... ~J.:, ,'~-/1fJ ~-:;;rr;:;;:.;z; d~ -V ---~ !J~ ~: S~ ~____ Date:.z -/1" 7'i?' PLANNI~G REQUIR~MENTS SATISFIED. By: ZONE: K-itff J if SETBACKS: FRONT-1LS ' " ~: , Group lane county- L tiLl APPLICATION #~ ~s-S-7o ~ -~~rf,:frJt ($f~P-l-dJ rJ Zi p Code Name Addres s The above applicatio"n is being held by the Permit Processing Section for the following reasons: x:tL~r~~ a~d-ci~L-cJ2 UJ-C- ~ ~ ~61 kr! JL()~ ~' .... -0G--<,....~LZ c(J, 04/1 r;2}-e....-f ~C' fk-u- /.' ~ 00..../('/0<-/1 b J' 7- c/ d/(f/ - " Signature: (j l!.-/)aa) {/ Division: Date=7'd - 75 ~CUP 76~073 ~Jl~:4--;;;Z( -7 d 14-0' ~7 }-2-0-I% Di vi s i on : Si gnature: Date This application will be held until If the information r'equired above has not been furnished by that date your application will be cancelled. Fees paid for waste disposal systems (site inspections and/or applications to instoll, the septic tank and drainfield) are nonrefundable. Some refund may be made on the building and plumbing portion of your applicatiqn if cancellation is necessary. In the event a Planning or some other long-term problem exists over which you have no control we will hold the permit until the oroblem is ,resolved and we t'eceive word from you as to ,whether to proceed with permit issuance ar process a cancellation, PERMIT PROCESS H1G SECTION - 687-4394 C74-139 ~..' ,'""~" ....; ~' 'l" -",- ',", '''-'~'' ';'-'" ~)"."-';' ;'''; ;t-< ' r'\ -;. ~' s.- '",. :.'.' ~~.~.., , '", .,'1"~ ;-.. ." ''-'' '.>t- """, '~,' .,''".~ '~"l"r;.- ',n",_, "::0','. T '., -~'--"' ;,-.,,, " ':-' 'r"~,;-, HOLD SLIP lane county ~ APPLICATION #/Jl/1-2S52-1 f' ,,~ U-->~~/ d~ S? ~ .&,.fi'::;>;z -' /t ./J " _d -T:, vl:-u -" "';"~,A/" .: .P' ~/ /r?./, 9'7' C/ '7"1 v c7/ -/ Zip Code The above application is being held by the Permit Processing Section for the following reasonSZfeup ?'J1-{}7~dV~ rt_d?'?-~., ~Uue-- ~~~ ;;(tl-nf-, ~" tttl--U:Yzty t2b~ 6-r;'1/~ ~zi-~ ,d~~ ~-n~~ -'yj cp"-;J.;;Pe-,,e...At..- ~~d /J,aZi ',; ,.7;r~c? ap-c/~~0_ r. Name Address Divi sion: e:1 ~N/~ o ./ A/1/'./~ Dafe ;/-.2,f'-7cY-'" Si gnature: 4/ .A1I!-&~.A ./ cJ(( Ij~c;;~ ' f ((JLA.J - ') 60<1- Division: ----> Si gnature: Date This application will be held until , If the information required above has not been furnished by that ,date your application will be cancelled, Fees paid for waste disposal systems (site inspections and/or applications to install the septic tank and drainfield) are nonrefundable. Some refund may be made on the building and plumbing portion of your application if cancellation is necessary, In the event a Planning or some 'other long-term problem exists over which you have no control we will hold the permit until the problem is resolved and we receive word from you as to whethe r to procee d with pe rmit i ss uance 0 r process a cance 11 ati on. PERMIT PROCESSING SECTION - 687-4394 C74-139 '"'." : - ~~,' ,; , .. ': .~.. . ,r",:':';, "" , .' ~ii : i" ~" ff' ~.' - ."1.', l~ , .~,:;.;. .~ ",,~- .~. 'i;. <' ...'_. ~f ~" f.t!" ~ t'" ~' ;-.". t , , i 'j' ~, !\i. t>' ." '" 'it it ~, ~ \. ,-<,~ o UJ "7 ~ st (:) <;i. CJ tP g; -:( J:: 2090 I : r"'~~ -'.':';:;r 6v'(j'J\... f \LeSl~"1 & LCUI 3 <.-oT [..UI j"1 2cao T",~ -. '" -~ :J-- -~ \)';'.' 'j:- r-' H :,- !~ LtJ'-'('.,J (;~1~1"/G I..jt\-:-...: If. L..r~; € \ 'ii-1C D~<:( _::::: 1-- -= - '" N ~ ---. , ...,-II.l)I,t";) ). .~~ M2I\,1"eiCl. l.::?(l-\~~~ ,,' " ~ '..,. , ,,~ '", ..... "'t ., clO " -,'~-- -- -- ~ ~ tJ ~ ~~ J:;: X .~_... ~ ~ o ri ('Y) ;0 . , '; I ~I'J'''' -'':Jrn:1:; ~ ---~C)H ""_U', ~,,,...,,,,,, , ., ",' - ~ .... ~""........ " $ E <'n ~ To\ N I<. ~ .-: G<I)[;.O. L( ~J 6 I" 1:2."4.1G -'-----.~ I \ _.i ----.-- ---:- - ) , " " ...... / \:11: w~ ]---1 ' ,.' l!' ~ 1'1/ / <::>'J / C> v --/'--76 I1P/c/O-Y -7 y A ',If) 1~ f '" I r, ~ cLG<:I~~!~- (, Ih",'J(L r { .\.JJ~_\<-'I\---~~ "'- --- +- ~ ~~-ff' - ~: I. -~ -Co J-=----;:: ~""6V{ ~,' l?7o~ ~ I()~,- ~~.f ct.N' I~~ ~ ~~-#- ./ "'-, I ;r-? ". '1 -! > " ~--; ,----"..~_.....",'.--e. C~L~;:F--::;':~~~ '.:---" "'.. 13~,73, 't. .- "., J-~'- .-~~ ". ,.-....- ,. -",;., ,; .',e. $: , ~ ...,.. ..' -'to - J.'," ~" :(" ~ .:~~/;~ . '/ 9" co - I~ ~ , I I L - - ---~...-----,....----,-- -- 'HJ.CO , II..... '" TRS, TI / It :- (J)- / / ,3txZ> Job Location .;I..O'ft) ~&-\ ~ . Sf('A !'~J" "\-() .5. 2~ Wl.....: ".."jJ }.u....~W,H- \WA.l,6'\~ -,\1- INFOOMATlON SHEEt' iI1l!c=lS .~ -7~ Written Directions .j.w..;(, tt4.s "fA' >.* uu -kt..""" tkd.;t I,J.1J.JLW.Jo "ZMV , (j ) Building Permit ) Site Feasibility Study for Septic Tank, Number of sites Test holes will be ready ) C I d S bd' . , .,-.~.... . rI 0, omp ete u IVISlon G,'. _ , 7..u....L...'..,..' ' ( ) Pending . ,r0< <>^w<. WI. \-1: s..tJ.:J APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS Q,,-~_~0J.L- :n~.s.....u....~ I- ~k- OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS, if different from ~pplicant's ~ (\. /\UL~ ,)~-~~ I}c <;7 CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS ~lA. ~",-1.1~ S;"'~ S7'i> ~ " S-t- Mail permit or results of site feasibility study to ( ) Applicant ( ) Owner (.?<.l Contractor. (X) Prefer to pick up, Call -Z'FJ--4-Mf< E.T',S, (owner, etc.) when ready. Acreage or Lot Sizp Partitioning # IQO" \,<)_' ~, <IJ4. ~~ ~ Sft'd LO'lL Block ~3 Phone--.:1..!l-"'1- 4(l,f8 Phone 74- 7 - 'tOO e Phone 71' ~lfdOe . ContractorsO. S. # (;J1~6'f STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY '-1 "-"""'-'-- PROPOSED USE (this permit) 1)..." '" Iu. \)..\, A..\. u~iJJ.. ~ J! P.A-1roans. .3 WATER SUPPLY Gl<\ST'INE'. - C--l-r'l SEWAGE DISPOSAl G><;.\c..,\"t>l& - ~"OVVJA.. I- I ~O ~"-I cJ f (existing or proposed well, etc, If public, name of system) (existing or proposed septic tank, etc,) S,I. # PLUMBING BY ~ ,#-", Q I~ h" ()4 PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF CITY (~.tl~bl ) * ** * * ** ** ** ** * * ******** * * *** ** ** **~ ** * *** ** OF F ICE UJE ON L Y BE LOW 'TH IS Address S'7S _~ - tft.' .<1 Sffll' LINE************.*********.-lI-********************* ( ) New Address Necessary ( ) Facility Permit Necessary ZONELt _ A . _ ,,)/)S~TB~/ fr5Jf1t:; Side Facing Street ~ 2.L.../FLAA.-J~ (:.."r'/.,.,..,...- (FROM CENTERLINE OF ROAD) To: ;,anning/Bu-ilding Inspecri/Sanitarian/S~rveyor. This applicant appears to have a problem with Your assistance wi.!1 be appreciated. ) Special Permit Area. Min',mum Elevation: Interior Side Yard Rear, . (FROM PROPERTY LINESl By Permit Processing Section Respon~p. C55,12 By DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Permit Processing Section 125 East 8th Avenue 687-4394 Division u.J '7 ~ 'it (:) <::i <:) t>::l q; <:( --L .2090 f lLBel"'t ~ Lu,-(l TtA,:<.. LoT 61 - ---~ I'!,\.~~-t'>'::, \),":: \'-fL 6l!.O'}Z- 5:.'~ 1{0bl':I'~tJ 1'11/ <:7'-' v /D I' , _ , 1-.26 IJ-IJ/c/O ;g -? Y ? ~ l.;irr jl 2c:.oo I \ \.U><_V'\--'<-'" I- I o ~~ltf' "-- <OJ '01 o! . ,"' _-10 15" I . C 11~' 1'1 G SE"r'~ T""NJ< /;ND l,~""rl vJf\T....:1P LlaJ(. t5G<.')EO~L('IJE '1 cLt3cr'.:t(', Y'r.,<:-vCL so,tQ - 1;).~.qG -, D~<:t:_~\l....-\1J.Jt:l I I __I '" N ~ \jJ " 0 x \ii , " .d 0 ." J ::;: '" '" '" 'o;:D...,.,'" os ~ 0 <i ., " " . r ~ ~t/l'" ..,,~(r1::JS ~1'.J(1~1";J . -~ _Co \tl$ W ,1- '--1- 1,,'" M;:J/\' '(1 Q, ,::)(I,lCl9 ...'..... .' ,-..f"l ~ ".. ~1";;Io 1~".7:3 4-0.0() ~ :;- ... ,.... I i I ~"'''I 17< #~I/)' ,~ 'jJ7 TRS, TI 1F:-3- / J JDB LDCATI.oN <07090 Q' fa? rf::uu t.J1 ' Pi ,~f -? . r ~Su- xlifrJ- j).' "B>~ /:;:: ./ LANE COl:JNTY PERMIT Set- ~ I f,t,.f, /0 'v 11~ P'" /J/4 () C IdS bd' , , A-.r ivl ....LP'Ut t./-R.....,., Acreage or Lot Si?Q (P " artltlontng # omp ete u IVISlon _. ~ Contractor's D.S. #, Lot....;)1 Block '="- APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRES~ tC;:tr~ Oi!&.II.) S 7S s,u....f,( AI Sf- -S~ f 12 Phon;;c/l- C(cof{ .oWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS{ L-t,PY'CK.. U/'.(~IV , ~~ PhonQ " CDNTRACTDR'SNAMEANDADDRESC:c../"n...eA"U'o.::. r.rtH~U!..:::;;' '., '"", Phon" Mail permit to ( ) Applicant ( ) .owner ( ) Contractor. (L.-)'"Prefer to pick up. Call/V j- "->'UV C (owner, etc,) when ready. /" STRUCTUR ES NDW ON THE PRDPERTY _ ~- THIS PERMIT IS FDR _rn i-1 ( eta Jd~ ) # BEDRDDM~~ # PLUMBING CDNNECTIDNLM A WATER SUPPLY c.Zf-f..4... - - SEWAGE DISPDSAl /SO;?;-7cj S,I, # J 1 .(/ / r J C f f THISPROPERTYISWITHINDNEMILEDFTHECITYDF ~P/rd/. ,PLUMBINGBY, L...-J7l-.tAet a.' , . 1/ I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: _owner of record; contract purchaser; _ potential buyer; _ realtor or agent, I further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action, I hereby agree to~mPIYCith all aPRlicabl~ Codes relating to this permit. l Fee Paid :l: .s" . <-/0 Signature .,... "~ 4JAr.. (} .(~\UJ-- ow.? - I -7 e ( ) NEW ADDRESS ( ) FACILITY PERMIT TD TRANSPDRTATIDN DEPT, (..)(SPECIAl PMT, AREA, MIN, ELEVATI.oN: gr.=~ . " SANITATIDN ___ BUILDING lANt WUI\ffV SPEOAi fP _ :~ _ ~ Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Type of Construction Group ...0.... Fj{e'Zi~e . -!~~ Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet I'se Classification ...P{ Maximum Depth ;J / L Comments: f)1()~, ~ Comments:l71crlr<-~~'~ n1--<-'...<J...,j ,<-C.<VL1' r/tV/SH ;::;l...oG),/2. -rO I:3E Ar L-EA-Sr Il.. . ' ~ ~..ur~ ..:::e;; .7~z /u;-<'-""~u-4L /,5" FEt;.T #/G/h:/C... 71/".:;,</ /?/. 5?/ft::-E... r-t\f. &--"--1 _.......~ J',-,-;I~ X ,.......,,~ .ff.",- le/ L-OC-A Tc AlE. I(.. r To CA Tc:/-t" /.3A5/AJ /IT .4ebfl4-<L /~~ ~ ~ f.., I~ 111../7" er:? SEe... T1.0N OF /It'LAlVa UJ~ r ~ r"7'^lc ~/~ . I _ 1-1 tJi /f /!;-c;;e /) /2 ,.' c, . .' pi L .' By: ~ ~ Date:, ::z.. I"I-l? By:y:J:..-/~ ~~ ~ Date: ,:)--/1- 7'11 PLANNII>lG REQUIR~M<ENTSSATISFIED. By:. . Date: Date Issued: 9-11-7? ?:...DNE: K-/t If !.it... SETBACKS: FRDNT~' SIDE~ING STRE51. _:.-,...(F):l9,M~..INJ._~I~E Y~~~;>, . _R7AR - - (F~::~Me!~ll IV LANE CDUNTY DEPARTMENT .oF ENVIRDNMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 1.25,E,AST 8TbI,AVE"..,.EUGENE,.DREGON 9740L PHDNE: 687-4394 t,J......'/ F'7I1-" ,'-c::t:Z1' C4- Rc F-TM.e;/V7 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE 1/ C55-13 BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE; BUILDING - GREEN; PLUMBING - CANARY, SANITATION ~ GOLDENROD; OFFICE COPY - WHITE 'f " #" ~ { SITE INSPECTION ApPROVED Cl DISAPPROVED ~ DATE REMARKS FDUNDATION INSPECTION ApPROVEO 1--1 DISAPPROVEO 1--1 OATE REMARKS FRAMING INSPECTION ApPROVEO ' / / DI SAPPROVEO / / DATE REMARK 5 LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION ApPROVEO L-I DISAPPROVEO ;----? DATE REMARK 5 FINAL INSPECTION INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR ApPROVED DI SAPPROVEO Cl DATE//:)-/h -7g'. NSPECTOR P-' REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE / / NOT READY TO ISSUE / / DATE REMARKS ~ .,,,.' t1?/J INSPECTOR .' .. " I~ ,I ~~~~"=~~i'tr"~"''1~HL~Sl:~"li!O:~'tYftm~~w~~.&~~1~~Ql~JK~~liI''~~~~ {~T;iJ"~:~~'t.~H;i;:::~' " """.,j\ !""I.;-'.'r,,~r~t.-'l''''''' -~~,.......<., .' ',: ;.i......) 'J:.r:'~~ f'\., ""I,'i\itiP ~~f~1:":.I. i;\~:"J!(~.,..i1jt~: :;t'-'\iJ\"l\a~~~I1J !.... .. ~;,r,.:-~' . ""."r ,., r;.:......-__M,.____.~ .~.. ~.__. _., .,......~~ .....:....:_.M--!.!. . ,. ". .~... ,"',' __.... ...,-. j,y." ItN.\l! \"'f'f,J.;f\tlN(pt;... ._..I;..,...~" .. t\~\'lI:~~-'<~"<"'O ' f" ". .-.......,f.~.:'~.f.t. \ '<.~...:"':..l..~l:;r...;.;-.,,~~~r...1'f.,.. ~ ;-':.!:;~'\~,:;:~~I_::."l.'i,::, I .-;. ,. :1".'-" HA\l{t;o~ bjO,\\lE. , ,I I. f: ,r' "~' \~, !l ,I ,~:: t 't,;J"./" '; ,1, '.It" '... ,,', ..:.~',~~ "r." { ' .j. '''' . - ," ," :;'il~' ::;;:~l~. ,1",.'~I~,II' ."1 ,'h; ~'~t ~.:',~~:~,:~(h _ :,' 'r'l ~:~ .,~I ' ,,_tt.T'f;" :;A:~~ 'ii r-~,,' "d'}!"'" '. t~~( ,~~~.,.. J':'-;" :'''L~ ~','~~:- ~.. "'./.\' -,~~}.q;~iroi.JriJ,,;1jZ:~," 'l.~ ';1','.-"" ,!-- , . ',": (:/"'101".' "!f',t 1.1" ... 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I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in the' propert'y:- ~owner of record; contract purchaser; -'-- potential buyer; _ realtor or agent. I further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said ownOer is aware and approves of this action. I hereby agree toICO'')1P\YtW,' ith a,lI app."licable,' ~odes relating to this perm. it, , c.J _<../ ' , v:" \" ,(:1,.. I" (\\\-.__ .-c" I Fee Paid ~. ---' '-0 S'gnatu ro' ' I Dato ' . \...,..,.....- ~ .- . I ( ) NEW ADDRESS ( ) FACILITY PERMITTO TRANSPORTATION DEPT. (....) SPECIAL PMT, AREA, MIN, ELEVATION: ~:,<:<' ,"".....,.J SANITATIO~ - BUILDING lANE COUN11f SPEGAl lll>""l):n'\"." .., ^ .-:, Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Type of Construction, r,'1'iJI'lp rti:",M. 'Flre,Zoo? /A' .,:/ Drainfield Required. Lineal Feet "se Classification ~" , Maximum Depth Comments: /l;7Ci;;~jZe 'ifn .r.....(._ .). .' ,,(.,.-- Comments:J"......_....... -- ""'<'1,'1-\1. .........~ .4..-", r/~..Il:..'/'I i-L~'r~":': -;"G.J' f~;/' A'r .L.;.f~".T ....";-<:,1.."(.. 1,\('.#" ....:;;} ..A~."# .~ J"":.-:_t._ 1~.5' FctiT /f/C.....ilf,.{.;..~ 7"'",tl...,..v' /~~'..,,'(~ .:;./.,I/.~~ '.:.~' ....... ..... i<.'~._J -"'....~ ..-. ...... :,;~: -'j' / I~'~ L ()G A 7 c A:.E '< T' 7(-"; , .: .,.:..,.... "'-f!<,,- /~.~..,,,~~'... ..._~~:;- ~m~_ .,.-(::: '_ -~".."'",.....-t.:..~.~. 1A./7t:/-t. 5~::.C'~7/C:J;1..) Q,C'- ..,.' '..' ,'. ,;, ....-:,:..:' ,4?//~r! /JR. By: ~~ ~'<'-L.,. Date: 2. -FI- ??' By:S..t.t3~.':3 (~'.f "t<..-~C Date:.:J -r1- -1ft PLANNING REQUIREMENTS SATISFIED, By: Date: Date Issued: 9-11-7J; ZONE: K-flll! 'IV" SETBACKS: FRONT~. SIDE FACING STREI;T. =-- ,,(F_RO,M.C/L) INT SIDE YARDS' REAR' _ (FR-OM P/U #~__'I"'" _~'~"""_.~_"__ ..1/"",,1 LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 1"25 EAST 8TI;j AVE."EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE: 687-4394 '-...--;~.".' /.+-'7t-h/ y'- r-~c- r ~F ,fi'I';,.--!_ 6., 11'7-l1.''7 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY THIS PERMIT IS FOR.n I 1-1 (C-:tt " >. C~.../ ) WATER SUPPLY C-trLI, .I' THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MI LE OF THE CITY OF - ::; , :i.:.t # BEDROOMc:=r # PLUMBING CONNECTION~v ",' /503 tcj S,I.# - '<r 17.,:"').' -{ , ~ ..'~ -} ,-,! C,;.1 /- C /..,/" . '::i.:-:',/} <;' / A...) /,~ '/.. /1 A..IO", ,'.<-.,/,J ~ ..-!: .- T C55-13 BLDG. PERMIT "':WHITE; BUILDING - GREEN; PLUMBING - CANARY; SANITATION - GOLDENROD; OFFICE COPY - WHITE .... ~....~ f ," .' . ~- i - ~i t- .---" 5 LAB FLOOR PLUMBING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED ~ DATE REMARK 5 GAS PIPING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED ~ DATE REMARK 5 j ROUGH PLUMBING ~~PROVEO ~'DISAPPROVEO ;---? DATE REMARKS ROUGH GAS PIPING ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ DATE REMARK 5 FINAL PLUMB I NG INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR ApPROVEO LE3 DISAPPROVEO ~ DATE /O-It;-7.f'INSPECTOR REMARKS OL ocJ( l,f(e ..5K I R T { AI G FINAL GAS PIPING ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ DATE REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Ole oK REMARKS REAOY TO ISSUE ;---? NOT REAOY TO ISSUE / / DATE INSPECTOR f?# INSPECTOR