HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1978-2-3 /g~j'-II ;;J.:l. , ' 3 ;Jo 0 JOB LOCATION e:2(D8'o 1Ja"t J-~ /JA. () 7/7 H /3t/- '/8 --4N~ t~ ' TRS, TI .. "() Cj 90 Aereage or Lot S17~ /:; 'fro X. I Contractor's 0 S # APPLICANT'S NAM/AND ADDRI=C::C:: }y7:zc.;; ~ {) OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS _, /I II , CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESC::";>/~ /1'/ PI- Mail permit to (L--)'J\ppl:cant ( ) Owner ( -) Contractor ( ) Prefer to pick up Call PartitIOning fr LANE COUNTY PERMIT ST5..1.. ~ ,( ) Completed ~UbdlvlSlon ,---;t;L( kct _ o-p-<!.-/ '" Lot rt c.y Blocl< 6::i n cP. ?nC (! ad./tu ~3 ~ Uuk/~-4;~ /et:~;;;;0- /7JlJ" J7 J f./ Phonp Phonp (owner, ete) when ready . -'" STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY '-" THISPERMITISFOR ml-J ~j UJ (tr/Y1 r~~ c/' THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF ;;2 . ' # BEDROOMS ;# PLUMBING CONNECTION5- 1,-1 a ? /Y~ , SEWAGE DISPOSAL t 1 ~- /. . S I # . WATER SUPPLY PLUMBING BY I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal Interest In thp oroperty _owner of record, contract purehaser, _ potential buyer, _ realtor or agent I further certify that (If not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner IS aware and approves of th,s action I hereby agree to/comply with all apRl,cable Codes relating to th,s permit FeePalH 5(p.t>l/O. Slgnatur~~,t:?~('(~ P~if'/?.Y ( ) NEW ADDRESS ( ) FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT ( ) SPECIAL PMT AREA MI~JELE~ATION 4~,y;CJ BUILDING LANE COUNTY SPECIAL PERMIT AREA Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Type of Construction Group, Fire Zone Dralnfleld Required. Lineal Feet "se Classlftcatloj / _ Maximum Depth . /. Comments ~~ ~ Comments fl/t/~ ~r"""'-'- "{t ~ ~~ p Z'~ ~ S;/)S. I)j; ~ ~ ~/1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~/O'~ ,j-.' ~ .J2v,~~ (/~~ .,....,,~-' ~'t. , ~ J2/~n---:J .w~ ..4 ~r~ _ Date ~~/-/8' B/Jt'/&-~<1 h Q~Date.2 -3 _7%V FPLANNLNGREQUIREM-ENTSSATISFIED By ~::'::":,~~~ (/ Dated9-P-'V- ..-/0' Date Issued .z:J-~--,(:j /j..ZONE !.,-;.I7lj / /;!i SETBAc.K.S" FROJ;JT,,'~ _SlDE FACING STRE~T (FROM C!L) INT SIDE YARDY REAR S i (FROM P!L) ~, '-""f...^-T /~~l' --- -, v '-""'<:::7 L~N(E COUNTY DEPAH(r~~T OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 *(j !:f_-?-td ~ ..3' -/3-76"" POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE C5513 - SLOG PERMiT - WHITE BUILDING - GREEN PLUMBING ~ CANARY, SANITATION - GOLDENROD, OFFICE COPY - WHITE / '. '" SANITAT~~ (~O -r-l/ ~~ PHONE 6874394 ~ _..- .. ,- BOLD SLIP APPLICATIO~ l0JildriJ1~l-v 177 H /3'--/- 70 lane county -.: -- . .. ffYe /4.J /IF'c ~ "::J () j ") ,mO' dj:;~U) t:..4.A ~ /, '5/ -......)t.O-/f'tY" ( ~..J . / I v Zlp Code Name Address ~......- ... l ~ The above appllcatlon lS belng held by the Permlt Processlng Sectlon for the reasons ~ O,(5jJ 3 sF .jL_LUCU)~/ ,(J u~? ~ ~ a;;ptda~;-~ . C fA ,t:llJg - d f:, ---, t - - /~ ;y-j D1V1Slon ~/hf---/'((~/o9 Ii Slgnature ~C/ttJv--...2.-€.) DatJ-/<f~/J ~'~~~A~'i ;2-3-7? fo 11 OWl ng _f7 ~ ~-" u -- D1V1Slon 51 gnature Date ThlS appllcatlon wlll be held untll If the lnformatlon , requlred above has not been fumlshed by that date you1;JappllcatlOn wlll be cancelled Fees pald for waste dlsposal systemo (slte lnspectlOns' and/or apollcatlons to lnstall th'e septTc tank and dralnflel d) are nonrefundable S6me refund may be made on the bUlldlng and plumblng portlon of your appllcatlon,lf cancellatlon lS necessary , , , c I. J,' In the event a Plannlng or some other long-term problem eXlsts over WhlCh you have no control we Wl]] hold the permlt untll the oroblem lS resolved and we recelve word from you as to whether to proceed wlth permlt lSSL'ance or process a cance]]atlon , , .... t PERMIT PROCESS fNG SECTION - 687-4394 .:. '" , C74-139 .~ \ ~ .. " , . ~ ~ .1\ " 4LZV . 3 TRS, TI , \ .,,* " /g--3,-!/ ;J.;;1, .' - ~. i/a'l/tV- t..Pi ' --vY) H' ;...,,, r .;6 / I I 1 / ,;y-j_ "/ (j , "/ I "d~/J or" ';')~O . " ( . ~..-.. ".. JOB LOCATION ""I cj 6'c r LANE COUNTY PERMIT -.S {/. 4".' f ( l , \,.7A:' l-cl v-f. ,,J -.v--€-/ ( ) Completed Subdivision .. } - - - , "'/"" . - ( 7' "~' ,', ,,- L~; / ", ...,BI~ ~..;/~c/C. '. v" ')' Ie.. (" (..//.',T 1'!.4.; ~6S.3 0CJ L&.(Ji-!.f./ /;f), Pho~>7-C:>0- / 7.{0 ;;7 I ,/ Phone " Phone '.., (owner, etc,) when ready. :, .. , < (,{) I"'Ci oC Acreage or Lot Si7e - Y (j X / I Contractor's O,S. # Partitioning # / .. I APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRE"" )11A.-~" /.~-L U. OWNER'S NAME AND ADDR""" .., 1/ 1; , .. CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRES",,)/J!'C" /7j p/-, Mail permit to (L.r-Applicant ( ) Owner' (" ) Contractor. ( ),Prefer to piek up. Call STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY J'j-/)' 'I ...-1/", J (' f A THIS PERMIT IS FOR. ' 't-: (.Lv {...' ,-,.V ,,; . I L!../.' "v' 1",VVl- r ~ -rt..L C/' ~- WATER SUPPLY SEWAGE DISPOSAL # BEDROOM" ;;2_# PLUMBING CONNECTIONs...........- I c/ '1 :;} - 'l L-/ S.1. # '. .' \. THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MI LE OF THE CITY OF --~_. PLUMBING BY " " I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: _owner of record; contract purchaser; _ potential buyer; _ realtor or agent, I further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said ownetis aware and approves of this action, I hereby agree to.comply with all apr:!licable Codes relating to this permit,' ' Fee paiH S(P",L/O ' Signaturl!f;;........,;-1f~ ~ #7f' ("1-t'4~ .~ If /76"- , ( ) NEW ADDRESS ( ') FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT, ( ) SP~'C1AL PMT. AREA, MI~! ELE~ATlON:d'/"'::P:O I' ','" ~ '1 '>. , " . ~ .. BUILDING , Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Type of Construction (;roup Drainfield Required, Lineal Feet Ilse Classification Comments: 11/, J, ,~:,.:im~~..~.ep~h r~~J --<:At. ,~.,,~~~.. commen~s,,: jt-GH::'-'.h ;?t:n--e- /?' ,...... ..~f;4..,. .1_ ,s:;i1s, IJ, 7--ViT d~v.>"-- ;,<;<.,,-,, ;/""e.. -,.....e,,->-<.::-~.-::.,.? -/0-..,.- ~7f t:r-r-<:,-<:,r! "~,.....",,,A-,~,."i..~,:'-1 --,:'-<~w.;;;;:../. .<I..;:;;:,.. ro f,v~ "'" /" ",-" ../-~,.".., ",/,,-.J'~~J. /"'t.-:'V'o1ii ')<4" ,':'J0 ___f;.,.,,~,~( . L-~r e.-c..::"~:> ; lBy: /....,' ~.-f.''/>i Date: /:::4/-78 ByVC~.-'J';'''''tf-,''1'' ~4~~'Date:;Z-3-c' 7;(V rPLANNI"NG BE.o~IRj:MENTS SATISFIED, By: ,;::-Z"~~'7't-- t/' Date:;:?' -,;/('1- 770" Date Issued:;:J -275-70 " G?NEii::!!! ~,,~f:5,~: F!?~T~ C~E FACING STREET (FROM CIL) INT, SIDE YARD:::>" REAR S; (FROM P/L) _~L.~N!~i9~NTY [)EP~:R.~~~N~;?~J3~}7j~Mp~::AT~~Ap::~~~~~T~~~~ ::~~:~:G:~~I~~GENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE: 687-4394 C55-13 P BLDG. PERM-IT =- WHITE;' BUIL61NG --=- GREEN; PLUMBING - CAN'A"RY: SANITATION - GOLDENROD; 'OFFICE COpy - WHITE SANITAT~S~ " ISO Fire Zone ',,-.' ~- :::.- . c.::" {~ ~~t . ',,- ,~. , , ':..- L. " '1 .. ~:< .( ~.,', .. '..', ).. . , ~ ~ . . -.. - ~ " ....... ,. ., <. ._..._.... ,..' ...._..:. ,"I SLAB FLOOR PLUMBING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS GAS PIPING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED ;---? DISAPPROVED ~ DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS ROUGH PLUMB I NG ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS ROUGH GAS PIPING ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FINAL PLUMBING ApPROVED i:i:::J' DI SAPPROVED ~ DATE3 -.;r.::J.. 7 tT' I NSPECTOR a.. elf::. REMARK 5 FINAL GAS PIPING ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ;---? DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY \ f READY TO ISSUE ;---? NOT READY TO ISSUE ;---? DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS -, ,) 111 H j.;3Lj. '7f? ~) 0 8' () st/a'll tVL. /JA. .J;a/ ~ LANE COUNTY PERMIT .s {/.. , I.' L./ 6 (( , ()Completed Subdivision ~,!.k( ~ ~~ ,_ . , Lot ~ "7 Bloc~ c;::;j : /f. 7?,/C'(7 ad h<L ~3 ~ W41;;:z=t;~ ;~p '7j;)0-/7 ,it) ,9'1 ./ .1\ I I-~I ,,~'/\ ,..,.,..1.:, . -; /;1.,1.--- '~/.) v..- . TRS, TI Ig -j~,.. /1 ;},:2 , 3 ;)00 JOB LOCATION , , IbO'ffoY)C 91 Acreage or Lot S17~ Partitioning # Contractor's O,S. # , ' tf.' APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRFC:C: /?''If{' h~" OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRI'C:C: -, IJ / ~ , CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESc:v;;..')"r;;A. /0 P!- Mail permit to (L-rJ\pplicant ( ) Owner ( -) Contractor. ( ) Prefer to pick up, Call STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY, -r- THISPERMITISFOR fJil-/ CtOl-ctCv (j fl/.V' Y'/,IAA.-"" _: . L WATER SUPPLY ./'- " ,. c.T'd.. t/' THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MI LE OF THE CITY OF Phon~ Phonp (owner, etc,) when ready, SEWAGE DISPOSAl ;;:;.. # BEDROO_MS ,#}LUMBING CONNECTIONS-.- I cf 9 ;j - ?' i-f ' S,I. # " -- PLUMBING BY '. I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: _owner of record; contract purchaser; _ potential buyer; _ realtor or agent, I further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner 'is aware and approves of this action. I hereby agree to,comp.lY with all app-licable 90des re~ permit. FeePaid<!: S&~qO Signatur~~It?~('{.r. '~ate /b,/f/7Y ~ ( ) NEW ADDRESS ( ) FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT. ( ) SPECIAL PMT, AREA, MINJELEVATION: 4C/J1t7- BUILDINGLANE COUNTY SPR0IAL PEm"U'i' lI~t'!' Type of Construction , i'iroup ~ite Z:of1\f".'\ "Ise Classificatioy/. _ ' Comments: /~ ~ ~ ~*7,~ ~~ -./, By: //. ~f._ Date: 1~/-7&- By:~If~ h ~ Date::2 - 3 - 7f(~ rPLANI\iINGIiJEP,UIRj:MENTS SATISFIED. Bv: ~~'- (/ Date:& -""U. "';/'0 Date,lssued: D -'dD-7t5 (jJ?NE!;.:;~lj~?- i:E~~~~:J FROf>JT~ -.::~E FACING STREET (FROM C/L) INT, SIDE YARD'::>' REAR:5' (FROM Pill LANE COUNTY DEPARifMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 125 EAST 8TH AVE, EUGENE OREGON 97401 PHONE' 6874394 +,t /1" /,",' '''', (7!."f::: ..3' -;3-76, ,POST THIS PERMIT ON ~AIN BUILDING AT ~ITE ' ' . C55.13 - BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE; BUILDING - GREEN; PLUMBING - CANARY; SANITATION - GOLDENROD; OFFICE COPY - WHITE " . , SANITATION 7(JO ('>0 Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons I Drainfield Required. Lineal Feet Maximum Depth lHl '" . -. "..Comments: rlk"'~V.~ AAft'oh'.'- ~--I -1AL ~",,-,-,,,J~ 1 ,~7 --. ,//.---- c-^s fl' t...1/,' ,..,."" \... ~A'.. ./.."Pl..- ...~j.-:4P"-:1-- ..-.,14 . (t.O MA. ~.().t.... ~",... _ ~W,..~ ~~' ~~ ~ /Or,d-iL L ,'j ,,;(, ..' ",.( J'. cr- _{, _'. ,KAft. ~ ~0i't\l ......,.,.~.(... __(;(..1:'''.( . , ~ " < ~ SITE INSPECTION ApPROVED .C1 DISAPPROVED .C1 DATE REMARKS FOUNDATION INSPECTION ApP.O'EO ~I DISAPP.O'EO ~I DATE REMARKS FRAMING INSPECTION ApPROVED / / OISAPPROVED /7 DATE REMARKS LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION ApPRO'EO ~I DISAPPROVED ~I DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR FINAL INSPECTION ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED .C1 DATE 1/-~- 79 INSPECTOR REMARK 5 /IU '-'" f , CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE / / NOT READY TO ISSUE ! / DATE REMARKS tP!I- INSPECTOR - -. , .,LI':-ni. CU, JIfy, /" /7;r l,j-j <;0 - -b ; II, ~'1~1j ;..,'" -c- S' f1 Sf. ( .~...A. I ,'I - \Ij ,\" '- ~ -\ \) ~ ~ o ;.s r '{\ (;0 G/?l1v...1 D1fV'l.. .:- - /1;71 I' - ~ <--. T ...J- w(Ccr-.... - ">..,) ri::"'t ~ 10"-; .... I' re i-r L Y} " ,.:J -=-- ~ --='= -=-~---=------ St!:f'Tic. h dd =- - . l' ;)c/{ J , '7.:..) ~. ~ - IS .~r- lot; I'J,S r1..LSN liol../1 3<fN rf,~1 :::. ). I!EJ,''''' - i)M( -. fa ISO (11e1175 I ~q q '=-j I - tJ'I.- .OF t3fi./( 36 f-r {Y;I<!{ St ( b;td:::: C;9, q f /~'frr ;,f;j/Ii'Z. (0, ~({rv1I.y "30]3 G..-;.7t......'1-t #(3 Sjlfi(''''-1 {: (r-( J/ c.l1 [ ;; ~V1 72(,,' 17 't;y-