HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 2008-5-2 I ~...... .I:..,.,:J:/ '..' i t1::1 J ~. '... 'J:I.:t ti '1..' JEVELOPMENTSERWCES 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 r . I L2!.!!!!BlJ I'r "r:."' "OTlCE . .p-J..!~~NG:E!:: I- I ~8::5;::;n ,"IOl";Ct ~I!Otl [::)\:II:'~ I' I 1___ i f/l;;T~- lJ- ,-. --~------ r I 50s --- '.... r- 1 -:-----,~- , ~o,,-!I;'''('E "."",I__~. :' ';?;;'f!CE tJ I) ,il";., I L) ~ ~ . . Drive 97477 .~~-- ......., __ .,,,EZ] "i:::-:'~~~~>.,,'.~--~:::~1;7i..:;-:,:;.':~ .::~ :;:.,,. ::I (4 ((:t"~'="'(.'='...; 1i,/"I",ld"Il,,,II,,,I,I,,I,/'.I,i/,,,',/iliilllll" . ~~_: ':' L, !.,: ..... ~'.,~-':" "':' - . ' . , ~:' \'- - {.~, . '. \ I :: d ~..., . . ... ".. ...... 5~ .... ..... '. _ SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECT/ON . · Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 jf Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front jf space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Kenneth S Yi Ruth S Yi 1968 HarbOr Drive Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: 1968 Harter Drive 2. Article Number (Transfer from service labeQ ." p,Si~~r!" 3811.l\ugust 2001. '_J~' I,! I \ (, I. ~, / COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY A Signature x o Agent o Addressee Date of Delivery B. Received by ( Printed Name) Ie D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes If YES. enter delivery address below: 0 No 3. Service Type }Ct: Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. J 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 7001 1940 0002 2035 7315 Domestic Return Receipt , I : t ~ I : l . 10259S-D2-M-1035 \ SPR.NG~iL;;.l...O ~4'" t, -~I-fl11~fj5 ':3" ~- -, T:0fffl" -1-' -:::'\~~:c2';:]j"""""'" ~'" , , '" <;.'- ' ~..,,~ ~ "'"' (~ \..C) "-'b ci= '~~ o:n! rr...'o ~ ( .l",-~~,,< -4""';.<:.1 \ ~.....~-'>.,.J---"!: ~~ ~""'.>.~,..._ ~~ '" l--..;; . ",._,.:J, '.'" :]5rf'1h~~ . l:;'i..!;:~-;,.Ed-i". ...." -"""",,,", "_..1:.t~~'~~r" ~_', --"~~"'_';:"H"" [;~tt~LOPfrhE1\!1 E::Fl;f'CE2 'JEOPRTMENT 1~~~~~ -. ,~~ ~"':] 225 FIFTH STREET ,- c'. . '. y~J.I "1 SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 (541) 726.3753 FAX (541) 726~3689 WWlrV CI spnngfleld or us , t CERTIFIED LETTER May 2, 2003 Kenneth S YI & Ruth S YI 1968 Harbor Dnve Sprmgfield, OR 97477 Dear Mr and Mrs Y I As a result of a complamt, the CIty of Spnngfield Commumty Services DIVISIOn, BUlldmg Safety, conducted an mspectlOn on February 18, 2003 and has determmed that the structure located at the above referenced locatIOn, also known as Lane county Assessor's Map #18030233, Tax Lot 05800, IS m VIOlation of Section 206 of the Spnngfield BUlldmg Safety Code Adnllmstratlve Code Lane County Assessment and TaxatIOn records reveal that you are the owner of thIs property SectIOn 206 (a) of the Spnngfield BUlldmg Safety Code Adnumstratlve Code states, "It shall be unlawful for any person, to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repmr, move, Improve, remove, convert or demolish, eqUip, use occupy or mamtam any bUlldmg, structure or bUlldmg service eqUipment or cause or permIt the same to be done m VIOlatIOn of thiS Code and the Specialty Codes" Inspector Bob Barnhart and I vIsIted your property located at 1968 Harbor Dnve on February 18, 2003 As we approached the front door of your property It was eVident from the eXlstmg constructIOn debns and the newly constructed lean-to structure on the north Side of your home that constructIOn work was m progress Our office has no record of any permits bemg Issued for thiS constructIOn It also appears that construction work done on the nver Side and north Side of the home IS also m VIOlatIOn of meetmg the reqUIred setbacks from the property lme In our phone conversatIOns you mdlcated that plans where bemg prepared by your archItect and would be ready by Apnll1 th As of today, I have received no plans or phone calls from you or your arcmtect Ifplans are not submitted for plan check approval wlthm 7 days from the date of thiS letter, the City may seek compliance with BUlldmg Safety Codes through legal recourse " 1968 Harbor Dnve May 2, 2003 Page 2 , i Your anl1clpated courtesy and cooperatIOn IS apprecIated If you have any questIOns, you may contact me at 726-3666 Smcerely, -1 ,-,01^ Tom Marx Semor BUlldmg Inspector cc Dave Puent, Commumty ServIces Manager LIsa Hopper, BUlldmg Safety SupervIsor