HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2008-7-2 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO. COM2008-00945 ISSUED' 07/02/2008 APPLIED: 06/3012008 EXPIRES: 0110212009 VALUE: $ 145,250.00 Status Issued 225 F,lth Street, Sprlllgfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 IlIspectlOn Lme SITE ADDRESS 5716 MINERAL WAY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO 1802033210000 SPRINGFIETYPE OF WORK Slllgle Family ResIdence TYPE OF USE New PROJECT DESCRIPTION Slllgle family reSIdence SAME AS COM2008-00182 5793 Cinder Owner HAYDEN HOMES LLC Address 2464 SW GLACIER PL REDMOND OR 97756 I. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type General Electrical Mechamcal Plumblllg Contractor HA YDEN ENTERPRISES TOP NOTCH ELECTRIC INC PACIFIC AIR COMFORT INC PLUMBING PLUS INC License 92208 172366 39237 90482 BUILDING INFORMATION' # ofUmts Primary Occupancy Group Secondary Occupancy Group Primary ConstructIOn Type Secondary ConstructIOn Type # of Bedrooms I R-3 U VB # of Stories I HeIght of Structure 1600 Type of Heat Forced AIr Gas Water Type Gas Range Type Electnc Energy Path Path 1 Sprlllkled BUlldmg No 3 I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I ReSldentJal ExpIratIOn Date 07/29/2009 09/28/2008 03/25/2010 05/1 0/2009 Phone 541-228-1081 541-317-1998 541-672-9510 54 I -926-3 I 90 Lot SIZe Sq Ft 1st Floor Sq Ft 2nd Floor Sq Ft Basement Sq Ft GaragelCarport Sq Ft Other Occupant Load 5,201 1,234 560 REQUIRED PARKING Frolltyard Setback 2050 Overlay DlSt' Total 2 SIde I Setback 10 00 # Street Trees Rqd 3 HandIcapped SIde 2 Setback II 40 P dved Drive Rqd No Compact Rearyard Setback 11 00 % of Lot Coverage 3440 Solar Setbacks 10 00 ATTENTION Ore on law r I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I g eqUln,__._ Street Imprfu;&mePiiles adopted bYtiI;y'rvCffGBP.aJJtllity SIdewalk Type CurbSIde 7' NotJ.f!~l1t!Q.J;l Center Those rules are ~t forth Storm se"'~rOAA'~~001-0010throu hOAR 9 t~ , Downspouts/Drdllls Curb and Guller SpecIal In ~uctJo.n 9 2 001 u~u, r()u may obtain copies of the rules by NOTICE: XPIRE If 1HE WORK ~~,the center .lNote the tel..ohonr. oco~nll c:.HA~L E.nMlT Ie: l\InT Notes P~ 3f f&"wr~ ~%'"g5!\'rnll~W~M;~rcdof'?Q~omes mdde ijiI\\i!lI. wrw 5rB'ND'E~""\!fl3'~rt"'''''YlnlJt' llIeetmg 30' ra IUS Center IS 1-800-332-2344). AU1HORlZE OR IS ABANDONED fOR COMMENCED ANY 180 DAY PERIOD Page 1 or 4 Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO. COM2008-00945 ISSUED: 07/02/2008 APPLIED: 06/30/2008 EXPIRES: 0110212009 VALUE' $ 145,25000 225 FIfth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 54 I -726-3 769 InspectIOn Lme I ValuatIon Descriotion I V Wood Frame Garaee $ Per Sq Ft or multlpher $10500 $28 00 Square Footage or B,d Amount 1,23400 560 00 Value Date Calculdted Descrlphon Dwelhnes Garaee Tvpe of Construcllon Total Value of ProJect $129,57000 $ I 5,680 00 $145,25000 06/30/2008 06/30/2008 L.Fpp~ pqi.dJ Fee DescriptIOn Amount PaId Date PaId RecClpt Number -Mech Iss 2+ Apphances- $40 00 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 + 10% AdmllllStrallve Fee $145 12 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 + 12% State Surcharge $16338 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 + 5% Technology Fee $86 83 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 2 Baths One or Two Family $280 00 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 Addresslllg ASSlgllmellt $35 00 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 Apphance Vellt $700 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 Bmldlllg Permit $787 52 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 Curbcut PermIt $85 00 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 Dryer Vent $700 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 Exhaust Hoods $1000 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 Fife SF Fee - ReSldenllal $89 70 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 Furnace - up to 100,000 btu $1400 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 Gas Outlets 1-4 $500 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 Plan ReVIew Major - Planmng $205 00 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 Plan ReVIew Same As $220 00 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 ReSIdence Wiring 1000 Sq Ft $11700 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 ReSIdence Wiring Ea Addtl 500 $42 00 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 Samtary Sewer - Improvement $46929 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 Samtary Sewer - Reimbursement $617 17 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 SDC MWMC AdmlmstrdtlOlI $1000 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 SDC MWMC Improvement $990 39 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 SDC MWMC ReImbursement $95 35 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 SDC SamtarylStorm Admlll $140 50 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 SDC Transpo Improvement $862 25 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 SDC Transpo ReImbursement $19548 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 SDC TransportatIOn Admlll $71 34 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 Sidewalk PermIt $85 00 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 Storm Drallldge ImpervIOUs Area $996 89 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 Storm Sewer Each Addtl 100' $1600 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 Temp Power 200 amps or less $55 00 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 Vent Fan $2100 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 Wlllamalane Smgle Family $2,513 00 7/2/08 2200800000000001009 Total Amoullt PaId $9,47821 Page 2 of4 -~~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit Status Iss u ed PERMIT NO. COM2008-00945 ISSUED: 07/0212008 APPLIED: 06/30/2008 EXPIRES: 0110212009 VALUE: $ 145,250.00 225 FIfth Street, Springfield, OR 54 I -726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme Planmn2 Review Structurdl Review 06/30/2008 06/30/2008 Plan RevIews I 06/30/2008 APP 06/30/2008 APP TAJ DLM Approved as noted on the Plans Pubhc Works Review 06/30/2008 07/01/2008 APP LKW Dnveway on radiUs curve does not meet 30' standards Ok per Ken V ogeney To Request an mspectlOn call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. wIll be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7 00 a m. wIll be made the followmg work day. ~eonire1JnsnectJons I EroslOn/Gradmg InspectJon Prior to ground dISturbance and after erosIOn measures dre mstalled Footmg Aller trenches dre excavdted FOllndatlOn After forms are erected but prior to concrete placement Post and Beam Prior to Iloor msulatJon or deckmg Floor Insulahon Prior to deckmg Shear Wall Nadmg Before covermg sheathmg WIth fiDlsh materials Frammg InspectIOn Prior to cover and after all rough m mspectlOns have been approved Wall InsulatJon Prior to cover Cellmg InsulatIOn Prior to cover Drywall Prior to tapmg Hold Downs Installed Spec..1 InspectlOlI performed prior to placement of concrete ProvIde report to CIty BUlldmg Inspector Fmal BUlldmg After all reqUIred mspectlOns have been requested alld approved and the bUlldlDg IS complete UnderIloor Plumbmg Prior to msulatlOn or deckmg Underl100r Dram Prior to cover or placement of concrete Rough Plumbmg Prior to cover and mcludmg reqUIred testmg Water Lme Prior to filhng trench and mcludmg reqUIred testmg SaDltary Sewer Lme Prior to filhng trench and mcludmg reqUIred testmg Storm Sewer Lme Prior to filhllg trench Fmal Plumbmg Whell all plumbmg work IS complete UllderIloor MechaDlcal Prior to msulatlOn or deckmg and mcludmg reqUIred testmg UnderIloor Gas After hne IS mstalled and reqUIred testmg and capped If not attached to all apphance Page 3 of 4 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit Status Issued PERMIT NO: COM2008-00945 ISSUED: . 07/02/2008 APPLIED. 06/30/2008 EXPIRES: 01102/2009 VALUE: $ 145,250.00 225 Fifth Street, Sprmgtield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme Rough Gas Alter hlle IS mstalled and reqUIred testmg and capped If not attached to an apphance Gas ServIce After hne IS mstalled and hlle has beell cOllllected to a mlmmum of one apphance mcludmg required testmg Presure test done at thIS pomt Rough Mechamcal Prior to Cover Fmal Gas When all gas work IS complete Fmal Mechamcal Whell all mechamcal work IS complete Temporary Electric Approval reqUIred prior to Utlhty Company energlzmg pole Rough Electric Prior to Cover Electric ServIce Approval reqUIred prior to utlhty company energIZIng servIce Fmal Electric When all electrical work IS complete S,dewalk - CurbSIde After forms are erected but prior to placement of concrete Curbcut - Standard After forms are erected but prior to placement of concrete EroslOn/Gradmg InspectIOn Prior to groulld dlStUl bdnce and after erosIOn measures are mstalled By SIgnature, I state and agree, that I have carefully exammed the completed apphcatlOn and do hereby certlfy that all mformatlOn hereon IS true and correct, and I further certlfy that any and all work performed shall be done m accordance WIth the Ordmances of the CIty 01 Sprmgfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertammg to the work desctlbed herem, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure wltbout permISsIOn of the Commumty Services DIVIsIOn, BUlldmg Safety I lurther certlfy that only contractors and employees who are m comphance WIth ORS 701 005 WIll be used on thIS project I further agree to ensure that all reqUIred mspectlons are requested at the proper tlme, that each address IS readable from the street, that the permIt card IS located at the fro lit of the property, and the approved set of plans will remam on the SIte at all tImes dUflOg construction L. /UhL1 Owner or Contractors S\gnature :r"'/'J- 2 - Olr Date Pa2e 4 of4 . FAX (511)726-,639 SPRINGFIELD ~ it t4 ...r<f'<.......t\ [1 _~.... ~:;--,- ~!~"./ ,....:f,.1 II 'iT',. (~-4;'" j l.'}-'I'~~~Y~1l.. ~J! "'-i LON fNJ1lALS DATE SOURCE ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION CIty Job Number ("~ 26Jc9;b - tp 0'/ 4- S- r}J!,....,...'I/""!ul!'w."jv...~~3.."J.~~'v.,o,,-,rA"'-...?.,'t.\,: "~tl ~~-, 'II, ~ I'TL~ 1 ;'EtiiCi]A!'FIONlOFu.t,SiFiJRDlTION "i:/')," 5-7;;;";;);;:);;;;2 "'/jAr' " ,,- LEGAL DESCRIPTION /fWJ2-&J332- /0 ee-o JOB DESCRIPTION _ s-'r,?CJ/!l~ fC:;~e , PermIts are non-transferable and expll e If work 1S not started wlthm 180 days of lSSUDnce or lfwork:ls _ _ _SuspendecLlot:.-180-days- - - - - -- - ---~ - -- tjji,{r~nili?"Jt,Nfn~i~~&r?:JN~~ n;1~1~11~;lt;1:r1V"tJ'''J'~~~ "/g-~,r"1",;J~l 2 L~1~,2NMH~~L~mtclLg~1~~~QR ;.~~!l Date 1/ ~ /0 z( , , 11' '"I\~J-~""I',,~,,~IJ-r '1-""~?~]f,.J'I,..-'~'-"""'7,,"1"-.'J!,;,~)~\l;-t'_' tJ I~'i,-...-r", 1-.. : 'COl'YlYIili'FEF'EE-SCHEDT.JDE'BELOW,' ,c-:, ~'.'\, ' [f~ _ ,_~" _ _h,~"t"wf '!.~t~J.'..J' ~0~~"',,--';;... 1.~' ~~k J... ~~'~l..~ ~ --, ," 3 _, 1F"I:;}.;''F','lf~:~(pjI1r,jJ~~~",1(w1rrl]F:O;~TrJ (,"~\rS-':r ;0!.n -c, t ~\ "'~-::'''f\('Vl 'I' f -"-I A ':N\i\Y:l;{eSidel)t!h1.~,Sfifgk'Qlt,Mlllil;iiift1)11'pei-'dwc!lJng uOlt, ", ~ "",A1.J.<\~~'~"""/'I~I..J:;"'-"JIJ~~:;]"'~f.........,-,-~t".=!,-,,~,..........,; ~~..~...' ~ L __r!. l ~ ServIce Included 1000 sq ft or less Eacb addItlOnal 500 sq ft or portIon thereof Each Manufact'd Home or Modular DwellIng ServIce or _ _ Ie.eder____ / $11700 /17.~ $ 21 00 12 Z- $55 00 -B ~:llS\rI'15:@J~1~}~)tfr;~~~~~1~~,~~PlIlffl~~\}n){:f~b'~;\\:J,,}mz'1;:r.r~~;~ff~ ~R'~'I:'~:l~~; f,J~l~(~j " erylces or~~"eeq~lj$lT ,gsw a on\\Al Cl allolls~on e ocntlon , ,~,.. ~ I~,~t..t'" k:l', ~!-,~i' tr.....i:!:.~!--';(J ~t l~I..'b-\.....t,ll.fr'::" '>! .l..:~..,)..'~.) k'::.1.\t:::" r~ j~i>J.'~r..l' -~' ') " Il~Nl ~ ElectrIcal Contractor -r;"jJ)J~k~ .["/{'C 200 Amps or less 201 Amps to 400 Amps ;;2o(f7'1 eve", L f 401 Amps to 600 Amps () ( : 601 Amps to 1000 Amps n ~.,("----P]jone 5'7;- Sn-i-/9 ~g-Oven OO(}ANps1Y OllS I Reconnect Only Pump or ll11gallon $ 55 00 ATTE I ' SIgnlOut]me LIghtmg $ 55 00 N'tION1.Q\eQon law reqLlreoi you to ... - - ~WNERtoi(b1\,',..\tq a'db)i~<iQy_1!J\i Q[e.(}~'nJJ1J!ity Ilulllted Ener~/ResldentIal -=-_ _ ___='.:--" _ $ 28 00 rhe mstaO:OIlltC8lI9lmG;anrlllroiflilmlif'fD1e5'l'ffiJ"tlt!ffurth [unIted Energy/Co=ercral l . ~ N~~lf'lJU ------ IS not mtllil,QAB,Ss2<QfrM,@>tCl<U1!rough OAR $52.001.MlDlli'um El-;'ctrlC PermIt I;speetIo; Fee~I;I$?,(l'-ro~Q1urch"rgeS 0090. You may obtain copies of the1rules by ~~'1Cj'~~""~'"<Ig)!'!I1'!;\~I"'~I"~r.'''\''''''1'''''''>'1;1\;'''':'~''"':iJl,R;"I',,"';" o S ....w.... the cent (N t h' 4 ~ {UL> !iJw8'.W Qlllllil'RIi);W,f,!lr' ;' 0, ,I-,ll)' ":;"11:;"'\ " /} / j wners 1l5fHJllUtf ere 0 e: t e telephone r~, ~i~'1 ~~!jhI~~J.il,~u~1if'yliL~'m~<~~j;gi'C~\~~~J~1.Jfui\lt~~ilu'~'j~:)~5tait..?- f- numbp_dnr t"_'" ?reg~n ,~I~lty~ Nolltlcalion - ] 2% State Surcharge 25 ":6 ? .14) , 10% AdmJmstralIve Fee 2- I -1'-0 5% Technology Fee / (i 70 :z7 J,7f> Shared Dnve(f )/BUlldmg [onTIslElectncal Pemllt Apphcntlon ] 08 doc Address ---TIty SupervIsor LIcense Nmnber 1f 0:/ 7 S ExpIratIon Date (2n '7 Constr Contr Number /7 2 > &> G, ExpIratIon Date ,:;2()() '1 Slgnat re of SupervJSlDl! Electnr-liln 9J 4 qJ4ddR/l .~- JJAtfllOU' 5t,T." Address 24M S'uJ .;/AoQtt. ~L , i CIty ;fCJYntPi) ()j;J, Pho~e ~ -C7i:J 3 S" Owners Name InspectIOn Request 726-3769 $ 7000 $ &3 00 $ 138 00 $] 8000 - -~4 ]TOO--- -- $ 55 00 c ~~dfMfJl~~Ni~'~!~"r~~~tP!l~llr,~WllJr~~1 a~ll!l~r,:,~~lt'r~ l~t~~~~~J;t!~tyJ.~b' ~r.lt~AJj ~~~f I(ll'c..~& ....li:~L..~-"J~1J~j:i1~~~S'~qfhw ~m7!'h~r...-Ab~\Jt,crr~J;..1'.u(",.1~)~.>!.j~~t)it1J ri-:;;'Jli,l-! l NOTICE: n\ffil~m~M'A'lto~PIFtt'fF'mE WORK AGl'Pl6mmJ t:lMDER THIS PERMIT is Nor5500 5"2,- CGmr\'f,{,;1'ffi~TJ4{3ji{lJ&~BANDONED FOR $ 76 00 AN'Jl1100rl/JA'lIflltlR'WEf $] 10 00 Over 600 Amps or ] 000 Volts see "B" above D ~~BP!0;n.J~~j;a~t~r'~lfiliM li.~~l!IIJlj~l~?~'lW~~Tl~~;~~W,i'~l~'~?li 1'1~li~~t.li~J~~frl;tlr " '< I ,',r< ~:1()'f J l~l!.~~~m~i1.~~~~~~~'01~~ii,,~~rl~~.:1~ L~it~:~iili~'~,f-\:i,,"r~ 1 New Alteration or ExtenslOD Per Panel One CIrCUIt Each Add,tlOoa] CIrCUIt or wltb ServIce or Feeder PeIIDJt $ 48 00 $ 400 E ~ r-2i~~f&iWf~i~l;f:I'~~($,m~Jt\1f,t~ln~r~,~)'r~~~~\Sj' '1~f~{~1'~ ~ ~ r If~ w ~~.'Ur.~'~e.Lrl~A'Ui(.El~~i'J.Dl~'i~;~8~~~~Jtlli?.JMJ~]~iJlll.,~~~li~~~~d:&~t\~~i~3,1 TOTAL CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT WORKSHEET JOURNAL OR JOB NUMBER COM2008-00945 NAME OR COMPANY Havden Homes LOCATION 5716 MIneral Way TAX LOT NUMBER 1802033210000 DEVeLOPMENT TYPe SIngle Farmlv ReSIdence NEW DWELLING UNITS I BUILDING SIZE (SF 1794 LOT SIZE (SF) I STORM DRAINAGE DIRECT RUNOFF TO CITY STORM SYSTEM 1 IMPERVIOUS S F x I COST PER S F CHARGE I I 288100 I $0346 I = I $99689 RUNOFF ROU I ED 10 DRYWELL DeSIGNeD AND CONSTRUCTED TO CITY STANDARDS I IMPERVIOUS S Fix 1 COST peR S F I x 1 DISCOUNT RATE I 1 o 00 I I $0 346 I I 50% I ~ I ITEM I TOTAL - STORM DRAINAGE SDC $99689 I 2 SANITARY SEWER - c:rTY A REIMBURSEMENT COST 1 NUMBER OF DFU's I I 23 I B IMPRoveMENT COST I NUMBER OF DFU's 1 1 23 1 x COST PER DFU $26 83 COST peR DFU $20 40 x ITEM 2 TOTAL - CITY SANITARY SEWER SDC DISCOUNT $000 ~ , $1,08646 5201 $996 89 $6t717 $469 29 Vl w a o u Ip:: W I- Vl G ~ 1070 I 11091 I 11092 II I 3 TRANSPORTATION A REIMBURSEMENT COST I ADT fRIP RA1E I x 957 I B IMPROVEMENT COST 1 ADTTRIP RATE 1 x I 957 I 1 NUMBER OF UNITS I x 1 I I I I 1 NUMBER OF UNITS 1 x 1 I I I I ~ I ITEM 3 TOTAL - TRANSPORTATION SDC COST PER TRIP 2043 x INEW TRIP FACTORI I 100 $195 48 $862 25 I I 1093 I 1 1094 I I ~ SANITARY SEWER - MWMf: A REIMBURSEMENT COST INUMBeR OF FEU's I x I I I ICOST PER FEU I $9535 B IMPROVeMENT COST INUMBER OF fEU's I x I I I ICOST PER FEU $990 39 MWMC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) MWMC ADMINISTRATIVE FEE ITEM 4 TOTAL-MWMC SANITARY SEWERSDC ~ , SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS I, 2, 3, & 4) ~ , 5 ADMINISTRATIVE FEE I SUBTOTAL x I ADM FEE RATE I~ $4 236 82 5% 1 TOTAL SANITARY ADMINISTRATION FEE TOTAL rRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION FeE = $990 39 1055; $000 110541 $10 00 r 1056 I J 1 I 14050 11079 : $7134 11078 I $4,448 66 I - COST PER TRIP $9010 $1,05773 x INEWTRIPFACTORI I 100 I $1,095 74 = $95 35 $4,236 82 CHARGE $21184 110541 Kaye Wilson 7/1/2008 TOTAL SDC CHARGES PREPARED BY DATE DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT (DFU) CALCULATION TABLE ...-.. NUMBER OF NEW FIXTURES x UNIT CQurv ALENT = DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS (NOTE FOR REMODELS CALCULATE ONLY TIlE NET ADDITIONAL FIXl1JRES) NO OF FIXTURES DRAINAGE UNIT FIXTURE FIXTURE TYPE NEW OLD EQUIVALENT UNITS IBATHruB 2 0 -- 3 = 6 IDRlNKING FOUNTAIN 0 0 1 = 0 I FLOOR DRAIN 0 0 3 = 0 IINTERCEPTORS FOR GREASE I OIL I SOLIDS I ETC 0 0 3 = 0 IINTERcePTORS FOR SAND I AUTO WASH I ETC 0 0 6 = 0 I LAUNDRY TUB 0 0 2 = 0 ICLOTHESWASHER I MOP SINK 1 0 3 = 3 ICLOTHESWASHER - 3 OR MORE (EA) 0 0 6 = 0 IMOBILE HOME PARK TRAP (l PER TRAILER) 0 0 12 = 0 I RECEPTOR FOR REFRIG I WATER STATION I ETC 0 0 1 = 0 IRECEPTOR FOR COM SINK I DISHWASHER I ETC 1 0 3 = 3 ISHOWER, SINGLE STALL 0 0 2 = 0 I SHOWER, GANG (NUMBER OF HEADSt 0 0 2 = 0 SINK COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTW~ KITCHEN 1 0 3 = 3 SINK COMMERCIAL BAR 0 0 2 = 0 SINK WASH BASIN/DOUBLE LAVATORY 0 0 2 = 0 I SINK SINGLE LA V ATOR Y /RESIDENTIAL BAR 2 0 1 = 2 IURlNAL, STAI~L I WALL 0 0 5 = 0 IJOILET, PUBLIC INSTALLATION 0 0 6 = 0 ITOILET, PRIVATE INSTALLATION 2 0 3 = 6 MISCELLANEOUS DFU I YPE NUMBER OF EDU'S 20 = 0 ;1 TOTAL DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS 23 *EDU (EQuivalent Dwelling Umt) IS a dlschar,ge :.g,wvalent to a smgle family dwellmg Unit (20 DFU's) set at 167 gallons per day MWMC CREDIT CALCULATION T ABl.E BASED ON COUNTY ASSESSED VALUE YEAR ANNEXED CREDITRATE/$I,OOO J ASSESSED VALUE T~' _If $5?9 J- /r- ,- ..,~, - $5 29 ,,~-TTI 1,.:;-7 $519 ~l T - =-$512- ~ "T , !c _ -$4-98=:~- ., _' '-_$4 80 -, ,= ~ ~$463' - - ~ _ T _ ,..uc ;Lt - - $4-40 r!~ , ~ $4 oj ~, ~ J - - "'~I ~L{' ~367"~\r-tT - ~'$322 -c' -01- , ! _ i" ~" " =_ $2 73 ,--- -, _ -j' d .; ~[,~$2 25 ~ J , $180:~__ _ -~ $1 59,~ rn ~r","1 I $1 45;:".... --1:r ,,.~$-125~ g , -, - :$109 E' ~~ $0-92 ~~:---;.< '-- ,,:$072 , I 1\ '$-0 48e~L/ > ~ ,m $O-28.[~_- :- '-"'.,JI~ :- -< !:::-~J '" $009 _- -' 1 ~ - I)l_~ "$005 --_c -I~ ~ - ____ BEFORE 1979 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 ]996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 IS LAND ELGIBLE FOR ANNEXATION CREDIT" (Enter I for Yes, 2 for No) IS IMPROVEMENT ELGIBLE FOR ANNEX CREDIT" (Enter I for Yes, 2 for No) BASI: YEAR 2 2 2005 CREDIT FOR LAND (IF APPLICABLE) VALUE I 1000 CREDlTRATI: $000 x $000 ~ , $000 CREDIT fOR IMPROVEMENT (IF AFTER ANNEXATION) VALUE 11000 CREDIT RATE $000 x $000 ~ I o TOTAL MWMC CREDIT $000 = 225 FIfth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 COM2008-00945 Payments Type of Payment CredltCard cRecemtl ~ --- ~-,,_:- CIty of Sprmgfield OffiCIal ReceIpt Development ServIces Department PublIc Works Department RECEIPT #: 2200800000000001009 Date' 07/02/2008 DescriptIOn Plan RevIew Same As Plan Review Major - PlannlOg BUlldlOg Penmt AddresslOg ASSignment Wlllamalane SlOgle Family 2 Baths One or Two Family Storm Sewer Each Addtl 100' Furnace - up to 100,000 btu Vent Fan Appliance Vent Exhaust Hoods Dryer Vent Gas Outlets 1-4 -Mech Iss 2+ ApplIances- ReSidence WIrIng 1000 Sq Ft ReSidence Wmng Ea Addtl 500 Temp Power 200 amps or less Fire SF Fee - ReSidential Sidewalk Permit Curbcut Permit Storm DralOage ImperviOus Area Sallltary Sewer - ReImbursement Sallltary Sewer - Improvement SDC Transpo Reimbursement SDC Transpo Improvement SDC MWMC Reimbursement SDC MWMC Improvement SDC MWMC AdmlOlStratlOn SDC SallltarylStorm AdmlD SDC TransportatIOn AdmlD + 5% Technology Fee + 12% State Surcharge + 10% AdmlDlStralIve Fee PaId By TIM DREILING Item Total Check Number AuthorizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received ddk 062698 In Person Payment Total Page 1 of 1 10 16 47AM Amount Due 220 00 205 00 78752 3500 2,513 00 280 00 1600 1400 2100 700 10 00 700 500 4000 11700 4200 5500 8970 8500 8500 996 89 61717 469 29 19548 862 25 9535 99039 1000 14050 7134 8683 16338 14512 $9,47821 Amount Paid $9,47821 $9,47821 7/2/2008 2~ Willamalane t~ Park & Recreation District, Job No UJJ.#211J~ -(')!)11{; SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE WORKSHEET FOR 2008 NAME ~l)f7t) &1/)01 ~/<;::3" PHONE Z2--f'b - b'7r..? S ADDRESS 2#:../. J/1/ c:;/.4c;~ CITY R~k't&..tl;1 STATEMzlP '977Sc:. /L' LOCATION OF PROPOSED BUILDING SITE Street Address CZ; 7/ h YlI/;J lYtAI... WA-U I Plat Name ~AJ./.J& J1l.f7tflIJUl.(' Tax Lot Number /97/)2- O.? J 2- /Ot5lOV 1. DEVELOPMENT TYPE (Check appropnate dwelling(s) Dwelling type definitions are on the back) A SlRole-Famllv Detached NO OF UNITS / X $2,513 per Unit = B SlRole-Familv Attached NO OF UNITS X $2,726 per Unit = C MultI-Famllv Aoartment NO OF UNITS X $2,323 per Unit = D SlRole Room Occuoancv NO OF UNITS X $1,162 per unit = E Accessorv Dwelhno Unit NO OF UNITS X $1,257 per Unit = WILLAMALANE SDC 2. SDC CREDIT (If applicable) SDC payer must fumlsh proof of Willamalane Credit approval) 3 TOTAL WILLAMALANE NET SDC ASSESSED (If SDC reduced for Credit) \1X\ \krrJ\e...> Deveiopmerit Services Department Date City of Springfield $ 20/2 $ $ $ $ :&1 $ 25/3 I I 5