HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-7-9 ;J . POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE ,. JOB ADDRES~:1994-Inland way,] Springfield, Oregon CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # TRS, TL: 18-03-02 Subdivision: . Filbert Grove, 4th add Lot 17, Block 6 LC-190l-79. This permit for the referenced property is hereby approved. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed, Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's I nfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law, Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS # Robert same / / F. Miller, 2026 Westwood. Way, Eugene, Oregon. 97401 Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: Tot<il Construction Value: Cfuv-;~ed~eck @ 330 sqft; l.:. Structures now on property: ~Mh '-,nstruction approved by this permit: Water Supply: cOllllllUnity PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION to be removed and new one placed. # Bedrooms: # Plumbing Fixtures: na na Zoning: RA/MH Partitioning # na Parcel # na Parcel Size: Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, .front: 45' ; centerline of road, side exterior: na ; interior property lines: 5' ;rear property line: 7 'PUE . , . Special Instructions: Greenway OK per TJ. .', For information call 687-4394, Susan Keller 686-8353~***** / / # Employees: na 58 x 123 Site Inspection # na Installation specifications: na gal. min, septic tank capacity; .. na lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches:. na , Special Instructions: No part of any. construction to be within 10' of drainfield. Setbacks Septic Tank ():."'.lterior property lines 10' y '. -'"Edge of road right.of.way 10' Building foundation 5' Wells, other water sources 50' CONSTRUCTION PE RM ITS/I NSPECTION DIVISION Directions to Site: na Date Issued: ~;;79 C55.13 Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' For information call 687-3953between 8:00 ' 9:00 a.m., Ruth Bryant -' "' Type of Construction: 5-N InstruCtions: ~roup: R-3 -' Fire Zone: '3 Use Classification: ,- '. For plans information call 687-3767 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Jim Lamb For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By: Hans Ettlin/ly \ Porch \ ~ne county - -41J.~'~. ~ I 7 /1-w . 11~j~,~,~;,~'i!;~~B~;::.~t~-(~~"' u :Cjty~~//~ t$liIiiiK~!%il1!!l,r-1"'..2:7~ L-z..".L7A..R.- '7'I__~ [t#ll /7 :lH&iiR\!~ APplicati~n' for /P./..--~ J ('1..h7~././p _ . . Struc'tures now on the property %A4t'/i ;,"#'~/. h~ ~- /Jt4.lV&x.e... r---'P 1!Li1ijiiit~;mjg!igtliiif&p~rf&li .&iFII%l1!lm;Ut1li 0 !~llgjfgt~i!i 0 !!l!i!~~fiHJijlE 0 ljlJjjJjl:J~E . , . OEPARTnENT OF ENVIROIII1ENTAL t1ANAGEMENT PSB.. 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401. . MWliftlitj~iNlilil . Lc.-'i~o7:./t;_ ii&li;~T~1\~!IN!im~$t!l Affidav; t: I, ., hereby certify that this ;nform~t;on ;s true and accurate. lli.J.~.~~~llitJoM . If this applicatfon is for an agricultural bui'lding it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lany. ounty Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and fo.r no other purpose. .1 have the followi'19 legal1nterest in the pr"operty: owner of record; contra,ct ,purchaser;' lessee; ,holder of an e~clusive option to purchase; du~~ author~to Jct~ t~e own;r,..jh.; is knowledgea,ble of t~applica>>on, . Signature/Address J~~/ .~ ztffh~ J~r.7:l~j/h"'~: f./~b/~ >(,io) c/7@/ . . Telephone ,6'.86-,8.;;;;:6;":':::: or' . 0 te (!; - :;2" ~ 79 . When per~ s rejdy notify: CI Appl'!'cant ~ner CI Contractor !!L: CI ma il 8" phone Owner r~Lb;;t:,q., '7'?1.//A.-r.~. (,io) Phone ?J?c.-%;:s.s;-:;' Contrac tor (z 1 p) Phone "'-'~,~W",",:<":<~~"",,,,<,:.:<,: :~i~~i!l!H!i.!l: . i$~~;iI8Existing, BP # 4//I-~'7-7 / I~I Proposed, SI # '11~II Valuation Fee $ $ $ $ $ each $ each $ Contractor's .OSR# Plurilbing by ,00 NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # "of emp 1 oyees If Commercial: Residential: 51 test holes ready {~\ lliilicrl'otion ~ _(~..A..P./7~ ~~ .3~ qij.;fill):~.. 7 t'/ " lu-ili~ii~lit~ . . y- '. _ _v">""~:'""""'""".__ Received b,v' 'A'~ .;.-J' Water Supply .~~ Proposed ~ . Existing ~ Year Installed " Total Va.luation: .$ .flliii~~i~l :~. ~ Subtota 1 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Charge of Occupancy " TOTAL PERMIT PROCESSING' . Zonew-Ih H Part. # Parcel # flinimum setbac~s: 11.., front 4.~/' 11.., side /Y A- conments';&~~ ~.L- ~ /--1 To be typed on permi t ?/. " , 1/ ~ By int. Pa rce 1 ,.c;-t' P.;rJ /7. 0A.'" .:.. . ~ -",. Date Use Classification J?~cll :, . ~-? Fire Zone :5 CP&I Type To be typed on permit Group " For plans information call (area insp~ctor) Directions to site II C' By .~ ~ Date II '-1 Phone Plans to: CP& I . ?--';et( s) WPC :. set(s) Date C~f' Hoid Slip to PCC Date Required "/:5 . ~~ CI SIFO <<CP&1 1[)--'iIPc I-I Planning ~bl;c Works - lp-1'levation CI n/a el Address /~/ Faei 1 i ty Permit /~/ Environmental Health - -;/3 , fOR"_INFORHATioN ilbout"progr~s~_,~f your application call: ,C74-171 ., . . Permit Contr9l Center 687.HELP (687.4357) $ $ $ $ $.:10, tJ;z. Sile S<Y X 1:23 ; rear 7' /'.#'F" &.-..2~7Cj' < .. / / 1_ {pI Z./1 177 5"IJCo'L_ Da te to pcc . ~.~. ~'., .~.. iJPi"'~ r~~.~~:~,~EPARTr:;;~~'~:;:~;";~~~N~~;;;;:~;~~;GEr~Ei"T (~) 1';:" ! j ~'~ If' ('P.' EUGENE, OREGON 97401 .' .- j,,., .' / Job Address": /9Qt:.L'Jilh...-r7A1. ///t:U-I CitY~~AL...~ Township, Range, Secti~n, T;x Lot. /..?- ;;:-.;2. Q ,.' t7t1 Subdivision,4./.../~ ~~.,(..P_ ///.;t.dU Lot /'7 Block ~ Application for /P'~....-~ ~ r'1.A-7~...../f;? _ . Structures now on th~:.proper.t:y Ln7.AJL'/, ,~~'z{;~_-4.R..-rHA7M.A:l-_At.UtJtfh(.(!....~ Proposed use of property: )~t'Res;dential L/ Commercial LI Industrial L/ Public " . ..... Appl-ication # LC-j(?o/-7P;~ Assigned ~u~bers -~~ . , .1 Affidavit: 1, , hereby certify .that this information is true and accurate. '.':. (please print) :.,If this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter JO (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: ..~ owner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; , duly aut"hor.!Je~)toJct for the owner" who is knowledge"able ot thisa:pplication., Signature/Address ~..v..ut:.,.-1: /?///~~ , ..?/?::2";:; //'/'A~y"q."j' UAu/. f ././A /,vd hip! t47(/rJ/ Telephone ~Rh-J!.ii~c;-::<t o~ . ~, oae '6 - "';;;:;2 r--::. 79 When perm)..t~s ready notify: {:I Appl icant I~{-Owne'r I-I Contractor Qt.: I~I mail I~I.~ phone Owner U~LP",,7, ,1:1, '7?U' #'/a.. ./ .. (zip) Phone &::.2r:::. _ .s?,~3 Contractor (zip) Phone Contractor's OSR# Plumbing by If Commercial: # of storie's Residential: # of bedrooms SI test holes ready 00 NOT WRITE BELOW IHIS LINE # of e~ployees # of units SOS: /il.' Existing, BP # 41-'1-"-7-7/ /~/ Proposed, SI # Fee Code' Description Sq. Ft. or # of Sites Unit Cost Valuation Fee ", I $ $ $ $ each $ each $ I ''A-7A.J7 /l R..A/ d./.A'...P_ _3~ i Total Valuation: $ Plu~bing fixtures at $ Sewer/water conn. at $ C/ Cash /F/...check # /.-97 C/ R.;ceived bY~./~ "" Water Supply (lA'r-Yn./hAA-I/>A"'Z{ Proposed Existing ~/1 -. ------v- " Year In-stalled Subtotal $ $ $ $ $":<0, O::z. 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy TOTAL 'i., side Parcel # /YA- ; int. Parcel Size S&" X /;;;,3 . ~I ; rear 7' ,,:J.R~ PERMIT PROCESSING Zone:P.4-1JJ I-f ~li nimum setbacks: 'i., fr~nt '-q <"" I Comments ~.AP....-Y?L/.rr2A'A tJ/Pd./.1 /./ /? Pa rt. # " To be typed on permf't. LZPA _, I _I I' c .-? By 0./~ ./ Oa te c:; -.::z .C:=-7 q , WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Installation speclfications: ~l. tank; . To be typed on permit :t- ~.I n ,IJ' ~ "'\'1 IN!>...'\" I () :,.j~"-,,, '^ . , ' d OM<l'ft~ :~d~~~~h: depJ,~~f/~ches. ll/ 0" ' . ~ ~ Telephone By PPVJtfz(f~ ,Date (,/;l/}/7f Directions to site C/ SIFO I:;I....CP& r /,-/,WPC" =' I-I Planning -=-~ ~I Public Works - ~ 1./~Elevation /~/ n/a C/ Address I~I Facil it)' Permit I~I Environmental Health Plans to: CP&I ?-set(s) WPC ===== set(s) Date Required /J/1 -7/ ~. Hold 51 ip to pec Date COlllp'leted Da te to pce ~ - -'7/3 . , , j FOR INFORf,tATlON about progress of your appl ication call: Permit Control Center 687~HElP (687-43S7) .- ;,'. " " ~ I I . ~ ~ I I . "', <''J. -.]5'TL'" . '. c, Ye-o Job Location Permit # Permit # Permit II (Address) /c,/c7i/ For For For 'IRS 1 JL . ' POot Plsn . SUbdivisionX'~/~\.42.. ~t /7 I. Block 0 . "- '0 (;! '. '. I ~. " 1'791. I /MAND L<..Y: } .~ ~ ;; f\' ~ ~ ~'i.,,--/O--7 " J fJt'RRi5 ~r '=1\ '" epf.JJ 05 -- , , Vicini.tY Map \ \ N / "., C74-150 Jh~w Permit IJ d Permit IJ Permit Ii 1..9 ' 'I "- ~ l') , h .: ~fj/S1JfV& ~ \ sepTIC -rANI'( v .:..,,' '~/.:)'--3 :~'r I . 1 I 1..,1' , ,p,~ r I 11)' Dc,"r 1\)' ",,' , 10 N \ ~~. ~!;; ~ .~\ ~\\J .~ ~ \ t, \ Cv 'V r ~' 5'8/ /A/LA/JD I L~$ tuA-V / .b~ .tf-.:..'J /J F~ .I~;'~ For : For < \:) ,