HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-5-17 ~. , (;PC;; rJ Cd<=> 5/~3 IVc...~ :;\;;>'1 (' Application~ q s<6l.. . Permi t # ,if> - (J ) 4Jr>11 Irt) ~jrdmr~~~) 8:::~~0~:::e:f~:1:~:t plans TQW,...SHLP let I ~NGE ^~ I SECTI~,?' ~.~) T~~< T. ._.WC OUT OF UMech/Plumbi:ng Check;L'ist U L...L/ U^-'~ J ~X) DLegal !nterest Docu~ent s.B4~N/(iMN tH~al'hfllr+'1 Q4m~l WYACEL. r BW~,:' [JPl~n Check Info.,she~t LOCATION ADDRESS..... ---:--S;REET.t. ,~J-~... eI^-- 'ZIP PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY \ lyq L,":-B~~;l~;)~;L:'~ woin ~/.4"'17 .J:~r;:i'd~ntial [JIndustnal S~T~RS:~ ~ ON,.~ROPfRT,Y _J.J '~\~'.' ~. '- ( . ,.,~. . JX I (\f( OX A:..AtW'Jl J .0 l Y lurn 0,' . '. 0 commercial' 'D P~blic DI~7Jw~cL~oof-,. +n ~bn-r-"~~J:'f?) . CS~b~~i;~1~~cU'~i~~' wAUiP4'~~ := O~'.Bf.P~~. :_ '1:'~;'O~TORi I~S . - d, -;-#"OF'~~-, '1..' ?:l~~PP~Y: '- ~ 0 ...... "1""\. -1 . ~posed V).. '. .... (fj'lJV~r,r:.~. . ,r .'r,JI,\m.l\v(!mJ"}.r-7I~ .'l'1Existing 0:?1S~AM~fh~:s B, "~hnoit-"" 1 - . " . If)' ~L~EffYYs :~~:~: ~":~~i~.~~~r!~'.:==o~~::,",o, have the following legal interest in the" property: Downer of record; 0 coryti.-act purChaser;.Oauthorized agent with ',evidence of auth?ri ty attached. I f::.rther certify that an"y and all 'work performed shal'1 be done in aecordonce with the Or"dinances of Lane County and' the 'Laws of the State of Oregon pe~taining to the work desc7"ibed ~erein,. and. that NO .oCCUPANCY will be made ~~ any struct~re'~ith~ut .the pe:r:;mis;;ion'of the Building Division. I fur- ther certify that registration with the Builder's Board'is fn full force and' effect as required by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exemption is not~d hereon, and .that' only sUbcontractors and employees who are.in 'compliance with ORS 701.055 wi'll ,be used on' this' project. I HAVE READ AND CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. ' .. > . . J,..: ,'l" . 'X ~~~. Lane CounLY Au,thorization ,\ for. FOR 'OFFICE USE ONLY rf.1 v ef-eTt l ~arll et " " NAME (ple:Rse print) '. , c-~'la\ .. SIGNATURE DATE o PLANNING/ZONING, ',Zone '~", , C ./I~l ~:C ' ~linim~_ Setba~ks: ,L, fr~nt ~y, .L, side cOaErJ-~V}'~l~rl~( 16 .J' 'CS ,. Partition II ,. I.' Parcel II ~ i:;:;..1 , io"teriar --A~ ) VII) /J.p?i0lCt'i ) CONDITION~!. ' I'() . h. " Ut,5 tl'tevr, GVY\ Parcel ~ize 1'1 r kJ1 t!' READ THIS SECTION CA~EFULL~, YOUR AUTHORIZATION HAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING '- rear . ~/_. - (iL~nlh~ Da,te._AJ~1k 1,7/~ dIb Date,,,,,",_JY~_(l=f?' ,~rtJ ~LOODP~AIN:' In f.load"hazard area?D ~o~~ Ye~, SEE ATTACHED SHEET., ~ANITATIO~: " '-: Install';tion Recb~d Iss~ed?TJ Yes 0 No . Maximum Depth of Tienche~' S. 1. II B. P. II IpS talla hori' Specifications: CO"'lE~TS;~O r Gallon .', Tank Lineal Feet of Orainfie1d .."\1\ p.., . '\ ~',. '. , 10 r- L.....j;,;...'._ .' .().~'~~:- . ~~ s.D'.s "".0 .Date,' 'S-..J~" f-:, .~. '.'~, . .'~ [B"'"PLANS EXAMINATION: Type~' GrOUD .~~ cmmE~Ts, :~~. ~.'l~LIJ Use , ..,.\ '. . ~,'" ..' ~I'~' fL~. o Late: ,""'" ~. .r CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT TOTAL VALUATION $., 4)rY1i--h De.scription ,. " , Hi. no " Fixed, Fee'! :Floodplain Fee '$ Sq. Ft. Unit Cos.t . Supsurface Fees $ -B./ ,3.78 ~uilding Eee $ J('),N) r'lZ~!1/Pl~bgFee '$ plans' ,Check Fee $ f'n"c:;n ,. ' , 4(') State', Surchargf:'! . ,$ DEQ Surcharge $ T,\TAL' 'FEE $$ -:;}b':fD PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (per~ORS J~~~tJ ~.'7,f/? DATE ". , LANE,COUNTY DEPART~NT Of PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT / 125 EAST EIGHTH AVENU~, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE~REVE~SE FOR INSPECTION'INFORMATION '\ ~ ... " , .... "'-\"':'1 .t. , " " ';, " " \' '. ~ ~ .-' ... " ., '., . ~ ~ <'---::< ~ :~( "r ':,..' " l:',~, . r '-"_. ';;,', j. ....1 ".-~ 1.'- ( . -,".. . , " . '"'~--. ,.. .- J' .' '_\ ~ :-:-' .~! . "_ ,t, . SETBACKS AND OTHER<CONDITIONS"OF'APPROVAL MUST.BElSTRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT ,IN REVO- CATION OF THIS PERMIT ,.CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTY' s', INFRACTION ORDINANCE', AND/OR OTHER'. REMEDIES ALLOWED BY-LAW.:-', : ~':- -' :.. ,__ ..____.., :'_ '.__;.'_ .'_d__' -..,.:.;. ~,....:, .. ~-.'- ~ :WHEN READY FOR ,INS~ECTION~, CALi'''~fnL40&5 ~ ,Ii. MINI~~H OF;, .AT' L1~~T ;4\: Ho6RS<;bvANCE'~NOTic{"~o~ INSPE2f-'1 TION REQUESTS MUST'BE GIVEN. Have' the follo~in'g; iri'formatlon-re-aoy': per.mit ,'riumbe~~, ''':fob. address', "(;pe<~ of inspection, when:it wil.l'be ready,' your name and".phone, numbe~; and .any 'speci~l.directit;)l;ts. to:'site; ) --. '-:"~I'_. ..)\~'-:-~..11~_~!/. "\'::~""~.<'-""~l'.-:'I'~~.- ... ,. \-~" " ~"l . " . ~. . , _J.'..l....L.....I.,._ -:i!-!:l .'..... -..~:~',~..._,.~:-': '... ." BUILDING DIVISION: ./ :' ; ~ ,.: 'y: ~.~i ~.). .L REQUYRED;"iNSPECTioNS~ 1.. ,,, \' ,.. . ." . " .' . - . '. ,! i\ . . ,"'- . , I, . 1 . . . ( I ." .: . '" \ ~'.. " ....1 .'~. 'rl' \ . . , . l 1,.' -Foundation .Tnsp'ection:' To b~,. made. af:t~r trenches. 'a-re excavated and ~orms ,~erected.ran.d ~ ",:,hen-a'll . ma ter~als tor the tounda tion are-' delivered on the job.. Where concrete from a central mlxlng , plant - (commonly termed "transit' mixed") i\s :tOI qe' used', materials '.nee~''''~otJbe on the \job~' \~. J l.. -.': -, .... ,"-.';. .. ;. .--.-- -;',4" .-"..'..."'I-....-~'-.7r...:-:"...j.---~,r'"- ._- - -;.. ~ 2.~ Concrete Slab or under."Floor,..Inspection': :''Fa be maci~ af~eF all in-slab ort u~de'r-;fioo~ building' .':, service equipment :....conqul t ,:!p1.ping accessor ies, and other 'ancillary..equipment .i terns ,are. in ._.... ~ \ . I. ' place bul before -ariy:-"coricrete' is 'poured or 'floor she'a thing installed /....includi"'ng the"'sbb'floor. " '.'.... .:, "'-.' , . l' -,I "...: .",., j ; ". ~ '. I '\', It . .~-.;. "'. . -f'--' '"t"'\. "'; '. I ',' rl." I r . " . . . . '-" ~. '" \, I. \. \, , r_ ~ " ;, ... . --,3','- -'Framinq & Insula t'ion~~Ii1spectiOl;S ::; To "'be' made' after ,the-' roof;' alIt.framing, f i'r~ ;blocking, .and-." - bracing are'in:place~and all pipes, fireplaces; ~himneys, a~d vents are complete and all rough electrical' and piumb'ing_are; apprpved~ Ali-~wa11, 'insul'atiori1 arid .vapor .barrier are- in place, l~. ,'. -'-' - . ~. 'I :~,..'~": . . -' .~ ~ ..- ~ ..."'!. . '\ .. ..-'; '.,. .\.... , -~.; \-'-',' ' 4.~' Lath and/or' Gypsum Board Inspection: . ITa 'be made a'fter' all '.1'at-h~ng <;,-nd gyps.urn boa'rd1, interior and, exterIOr, . is ~n --pIaCe_.but .betore~a'nyl plasterin'g .is...applied_and, before gypsum board. joints and fasteners are ta'-p~d'l and. f.inished. ' , ,', 5. Final Inspection: .' To, ge...rnade a7~er. .~he' bUil?ing F~, comPte~~~..a!;d .before ofc,?pancy.. ~ . _ . "'" ., ,.f< . .... . .1 APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work' shall be done ~on any: part of .the building, or structure beyond the point indicated in .each successive .inspection- without"first obtaining the approvai of_ the bui'lding"official..' Such approval shall be given only after an inspection shall have been made. of each successive step in the construction as indicated by.each of the inspections required. 'lr~OTE\ Ali.-build'ing permits,";~q'uir'e :n\spettion~ 'for.'th'~ work authorized,' ... -- . ~ 'j - ~ '. . p;. Block.Wall:, .T? pe !!\ra?~ a~te~ refnforc;in9 J;:;"in place, but pefo.t;e'any 9,fO.ut ,is ,pot}re;d~. .Thi!? '~.inspection is 'required for each 'bond beam pour. There w~ll be no approval'" unt~l the 'plumb~ng a-n~, electrical ~~nspections have .been -made and .approved, . 1 . . (, " ! I B, Wood Stove': To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when installation is , complete. Installa tion shall be' in accordance wi th an approved, nationally recogni zed 'testing agency and the manufacturer's installation instructions. . ,.~ C. Mobile' Home: An ,ins'pe~tion is required af_ter the. mobile home is.... conne'cted to an - a~proved s,ewer' or s~ptic: _sy~tem ,,to;- .~s~tp~c~ re_q~Jr'eT\1ents_,'~blocking;:' (oot).:!l.9_ c9r:neG:t1.on,,:tl.~d9_wr(s, skirting, and plumbing connections. I ,'.. "'. '} .,.. '\ J . 1 . . i7 ,Footings and 'piers to comply with State.'fol,lndation requrrem'ents-:f~r' rnobi:le ho~es'':or'as- .". ~~ 'reC9m,mende~ ,by t~e manufacturer'. '. .' ~ - . ~. 2. M~bile:home,minimum finish floor elevation shail 'be~~r~ified wh~n req~ir.e_~ ~y a flood-. ",- \..-t":-::"~::, ~plai:n'.~m~iliagemeht letter...' ~. .y~. '. .' '3. Mobile 'home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be install'ed and 'ready for j.nspec- tion within at least 30 'days after .occupanc~. Tiedowns~and'~kirting shall be install'ed per e:~.closure. , such' as out not.limi ted. to': '~';l ~! " .\ D. and before concrete is poured. A~\?v~ .grflde ,. -,-.', ~ APPROVED PLANS<MUST BE ON--'TH-f-JOB.'SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKI-NG IHOURS. THIS PERMIT,. WILL' EXp,IRE TF 'WORK DOE'S NOT )BEGIW W-ITHI'N}'1.80\biws, OR'~I-F',wbRK~ I'Sf SUSPENDED -CrR.?AB-ANDONED"'POR'-'MOREl'T'AAN 180' DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS,' INFORMATION..... , , ... r . : .'--.c.ANYO,!:JE .PRO.CJ:~DINE; ~~ST";,!,HE~~OI~.: or }~.EQYIRED ~NSPECTIONS YlI.LL DO SO A'l;'IT~:IR O~~-RISK"- . '." tn.'" . .s.:- "',. \ ,\\~" SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE~"SE~~AGE 'DISPOSAL SYSTEMS.. :" .. "'1"'0. ._.. . 1., permi ts shall be effective for one year from;:\tti~;-.~d-ate'';'~QE~is.suan'c.E\.:t\l"~ .........rt\t\\~~.... \ .~L~.' .. .. ,_. ..'.' .'. :'~';i' '~"";),"':'lt\.,,,....~ "'~"':.~~.'i. '1~' .....~ .'r~ 2, Upon completing the construction for which a .permit has bee,n'i.ssued, the permit hOl,der shall . !1()~t.ity_ th~ Lane ,..County Depa~rtmen t, ,qf. P~anning _.,and Communi ty Devel.op~en~.~by s_'P-bl!li t:ti!1g the insta.l'la,,'tion1[ecord form. The- Department shall inspect the construction to. determine 'if it ..c<?mpl~,~sJ.w}.tb t:hef:~,ru;Les contained in this 9ivision,.; 'If the _constructi,on a.oes_ comply wi!:h such _ , . ru.les,~ the Department_a.shall. issue a ,certif+ca te. of:.sa tisfac tory...completion, .to the. p'e:r~i 1;1' hol.de~'h 'If'the construction does not comply wi'th such rules, the Department shal-l,notify the permit holder and s!1a1l require sat~sf~.c:tory 'comple:t~ol) b.~fo:::'e. is,~uing _t~e _ ce:ti~ rca te:, Fai i~re . to ~ "meet the requirements for sat~sfactory completlon w~th~~ a reasonable t~me const~tutes a V10- la~~n of ORS 454.605 to 454,745 and this ruie. . " , Setbacks Subsurface Sewaqe Disposal . S~Ptic 10' -10 ! S' SO' ., -:-'." I' , Tank.. \ _; Drainfield 10 ' 10 I 10 ' lOa' ,-, ....; . ~.. From: Interior property- lines Edge of road right-of-way' Building,foundatlon Wells;-other water sources . . " C 14~25 ~. ). ,.::~ ~~ r..':.;: .'. :....j. ." ~. " -...., ......;,t;; j '-.., \i\ I Ii. \. \ ~~' ~...l i ' i"l.,.) "':~~;. .1 . .~ .1 '- ". ....,.,-. ,.' " .' 7i~ ,:.. "..... Department of Environmental , FLOODPLAIN NAtlAGEMEfH'.~' , Management/l25 East. 8th Ave" Eugene, Oregon 687-4357. . ," By ~..<.' . " . . Date '~:/C;,-83 ~ To: , D(f Pe~;t 'Processing ..0 Planning.' . . 0 Publ ic Works " ' , Pennit No. 7 ~9.:.-83 Partition No. Subdivision. No. .. Appltcant Name , Address. of site .,' ..c::--1/;=.7Z ~ 7"''/"0.4 P." 1.r.::;7T I q 9/ #..A-R'./~o/?' rzP. "'-"r";'-1S~/;::?j')'~ q7~77 . SFD AG ,M.H... ~ COMM. IZc-/3u/L.<J" R-i<z.y . ~pproximate flood h~;ard' study' area, extra pr~cautions maR~~rotri~fe11f i!ss~re that the, bui~ding site will be reasonably safe from flooding. Detail f'lood hazar,d study .area, 'Data Sour,ce Mobile tJome tie downs requjred', . Sub~tantial improvem'ent. " Site in regula'tory .floodwaychannel, building prohib.ited unless it is demonstrated that .the cum.uiative effect of. proposed development w;'ll not increase the base flood at. any',point.: Cohtac,t Floodplain Manag~ment, for more'information, ' BASE FLOOD ELEVAtION + 1','= ' (t.1SL); Certification at or above th'is elevation'required as checked below, OTHER. A/~7-..4 <L.//~''- /..AAJ7-/.4/' TH401f:L/V^.I'~rr , . . . ~**.**:fr*******.*****-~*************************************.******.********'******************************-* " -AI ~- . 0 CERTIFICATION OF' ELEVATION ,0 [j o .0 o '.' . . ;' ".. , . " ,.' , a Registered Professional " in theSt(lte' ofOr~gon', do hereby certify to Lane County, that the following e 1 evati on rep.resents a survey made by me or, und~r my sup~rvisic5n. .' '. The ,foundation elevation (incl~ding basement slab) = The ground elevation. that structure wi.l,l be placed on. = The. fi,rst, floor. el.e'vation ='. ' (MSL). Th'e elevati'on :o('the top of flood'proofing = '. Other Reference' Bench Mark No~ 1-,..' 3: . '" "CJ ~, , '(t~SL)', I , " (~'SL,), ~ .A , C) :-J I (MSL), . Locati on ,\ ., . Signature' Date SEAL' ,'~ ' \ , Original 'to be. certified and returned to Lane County. Floodplain Management' .1st copy whh' appljcation/i'nspection 2nd copy 'to applicant:' , 3rd' copy 'to Fl oodpl ail). Management. .J, ~' ;., .}l }J --I r- . \\. w a '(i " ~ i i~ . ; .I "11 I " . ' 111 '1"1' " n',l ~ II ~ .~ W: 2 L.ANE~ COUNTY DEF)T E~NV MGT RECEIPT * 769831 DATE' 051'78~ APPLICANT BARNETT, EVERETT .ADDR 1991 HARhoR DR., SP~D.. OREGON TL.~ i803023306300 SUBDIV 41'}~'ADD TO FILBERT GROVE~ L_O'I' i8 BLK 6 1\1f",.J H!.DL liT!. USE 1':, BDRI'iS 0 !..IN1TS (')(')1 STORIE:S 'I ':;BLDG::' (.)01 PHONE: 74,S 700~') OWNER NME BARNE:TT, EVE:RETT ADDR 1991 HARBO~ DR.. SPFD., OREGON CODE:. I~PF'I..: NO f'ICTIOI.! DESC!(IPJION SQ FT UIHT COST V(t1...lJ{~TI()N FEE 5\,'p Bl~ PORl::H 81 3r.?l] ~06 .t Hi=' BP BI" BP If EP l:.C 7'69B:s F~(')D PL .NO. FIXTURES: :3(~).s "I (.j., 0() ,'lECH SIJ!;, PCI< FT' SDS SREF NO. CDm.;EC:-rOl':::~: . MECHANICAL FEE ,<)'T (.i TE SUF~~CHI{;IF~G[ PL(.\N CHECI< FEE "I ~:j" Of) [t:)CH .... .4% (;, :).~x: (j ,", if0 .~:': ~ ~:) () "lOr. \)() ,F " ~ 1 , /' , c,yeG: SE(;lU: . ,llll\I<EN (~F'P F:{=j FP SDS '<;'1 ' ('Cl( DTI) T ':' ;:' .L ,.} ,.~ BY [(ID TOT (,I.. FEE ;1,'". :.?c) ,\ 90 ";0. CI<". () I ;;: EST. COMPLET1DN DATE ::.~ " ... -, '.'" __ tr;- 7. - 'f [) C. / ~ , ~ I .' 'Eill '-';;;1 . 1..--,._ :/ I I I L~' I . \ /0 -j 1- ') .p ~, - S -e-y b c-v ( ~ . " . ~ - ~ (. Cc-vy- 1 ~C7 it S -e.. -\-1- tE- f~~( sT . , -a co Y i/ S T 6- Yc WI.. . 7~ Y ~,~ S ? flC ~ ~ "- ~ . " 'NNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACTIviTY INFORMATION 0HEET . bne county ~. COMPLETE THIS SECTION, INCO~PLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! e 1. f V.Cfe 1T E Ba V' V1 :.e 1T PERSON MAKING REQUEST Hq or/oo-y Dr MAILING ADDRESS 5fJnr""jd I ~ Id {PI" e · CITY STATE Sq VYl-<: PROPERTY OWNER /9 q / MAILING ADDRESS 97L)77 ZI P CODE CITY STATE , ZIP CODE 7' BUSINESS TELEPHONE # ZC;c, 7005 HOME TELEPHONE # BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # 2. PROPERTY ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS) 3 M.o.P & PARCEL NUMBER (REQUIRED INFORMATION) (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation or from. tax statement) JY3 A TOWNSH I PRANGE SECTI ON or;, 300 TAX LOnS) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION ,TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TOWNSHIP . RANGE SECTION TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP.: 4 SUBDIVISION (if applicable) TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING ACRES I'.', LOT BLOCK 5. REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) 'I~-e (PIA" /rI Bo c k dPO-r - SouTJ--.. S I'd... j)C/ y Tr~L tJ. o V\. ; 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE: S :2 V\./} s: '/ " 'To' h"OiVt,,, v Dv. . *,* FOR STAFF USE ONLY **' - --, m...'.' NUMBER -l ;;0 V> ZONE/LAND USE: BY: DATE: DATE . -l .'-' TIME IN: OUT: ! I.