HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-11-28 TRS, TLAS-1)3-iJj4>'~.:2 1f:/GO() . ,-..;<.;- , 4:bdivision :,r:; / IJ.:L/if ..J/ J?.AJ-V..R.._ Lot /t; B lo~k ~ . Job Locatiodt~:g.II~i~-6 ~jJ J-u Written Directions S.1. #//l-79-cfd-.--:2. SITE FEASIBI L1TY REPORT FOR SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL (pfl(P -if lid / APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESS fknaMfJ.ih./71~ IL/b;ld. fII~j(k. .~ 9/}t!77 Phonp 71iP-d:;f~ OWNER'SNAMEANDADDRESSjJ&"p""".V.IJt.fl/OQ)J-lV~i)) IG9U~ t:>>. ~ C/7t./77 Phone 7d7-t./7'/7' Mail report to ( ) Applicant () Owner ( ) Prefer to pick up. Call /J1/JU.f.J , (owner, etc.) when ready. 1ii.\\UCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY.~ C u~J.tit 1 .)) . 610 !3:)n6U2;! 11Jn!} J,,~F'J nl n,f~i()~l ~1I3f12 Jloqa: afffi ;U1U~U-:;\ nJI1Z9c ,\ not2lvIU \UN:~' "ietqc,(1;.J HAU PROPOSED USE OFf26PE'RTY6.~.' r. mit~..~. " _f 10 ailit no anoh;)r:o~ emiif1uQm \lot ni ~a"lnu .1~U1JanOO ot lim.1SQ. ~.no'''' ~~ ,;:.;qt ]io:qs' nOlJ5UiB\)"3 ZIOJ S2~ f1:)I:1.v nJ .fHf11r'q 6 iO 9.3nSU8'ZJ t:(jlriOlq blUOw rt:)Inw 1snnnm vnr; , .. .)> , .. Z'''t,--bouaai l1oq~, oo'teuI6"~ VOf> 51fbil6vni tor' ",... ...."r.-~- ,"" '__"',juT "-.. ~-- lIun bO'VI...'2 WATER SUPPLY . 'c'J .., WITHIN ONE'MILE'OF 'THECI'fY'OF JU , . . .nOlj~S2 21clj I herebv certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in ,the property: owner of record; _ contract purchaseri1qtW bflpotemiaI'6uye~;tn3mnCr~iilt1;{orr< ljent?qzfurther:>i:ertify tii'at((iflnotttliefowrief)1Ir:a-mfa\lthofi;,e'd to act for the owner of record, and that said owner is awa'r'€,'ana '3ppro'v~s~iifftl1i~'Ja~ii:inY215 OQ~ib ~>i3~.J~ mil '/(/1 2noJ7~i1iotlq1 :36~3. .jiml~q gr,iblhl() 5 lot TEST HOLES READY /./--;,lJ,~ ",'?J}[f1,os HO twm nGIZIVlbdua"" QnlnQI~Sigfiature/.S',/A~ ,;.fa !/t:2/?l~atP /1-5'- 7 <J' , . ~ ., . ~ ". .' (NO) * * "* * * * * * * * * '* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * OFF ICE USE ON L Y BELOW THIS LINE * * * * * ';;-*--;" *~-; .;..; ~..:; '-;'"'* * * * * * * * * * * * SITE: ~ M.E ETS STATEcS:fAN8A:8 E>SI91~JD,0ES!N('ljfrM~if'S:rA..liE,Si1'A D~88S:JJ,:J l;:9u~2n9: ~bifs.t ~ !!nivi;,I.:!AJlf!liU~~;'S,OMPLlANCE "1/U6 ~ ~)I'~frdiwtdctA.d~\'J'I:'i:;" .," ,.... .q~{< 'U"~:,Zoning: ""."""kfhT./h,,-nf! (' ""'fl ....J.. ""0 J:... ~u.~i. tl{\1^,'),v/_{JBif9f;;Wnav111i.~t23"/1. 'iU',~ ~ts~ j' j-- 'hl~..,.. ~,!2 baoq .ib : k','ue2 ,aOdll,'~dVs' .!IRf.~",)( I d-.5 rfV'r Vf"'" ~I,. V/lf.. VWlAA() l.oV'-<. ..t;( t ,'::l rI y.; t ~ Acreage orrtl..ot Ize_. ,,', '~ ~~..nHr 1& ~ . r J'Il?! ~It 11<r, Oi!Ji;fhcZ,0" '\JIJ" U':' 06 J 19010 ano:nsq 11 ( JX/Ufl1.1.uu.~ ,ct... 375 p?A-'~' Partitioning # ( av a. W1((k/lWl~ t/ ~ c1Y)I(, tJ... . ~ Parcel # , ~~~ h:w heevt ~rfJ-~~t;" ~ ' . THI PRE I ~EMJ'Rlf ((~ E SU~~ S IS. E OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDI, TU~ ~E~iE ~~~'PORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. IF SITE IS APPROVED/EE REVERSE SIDE. 1:-'#I7/-- V}'J, (rtJl.olM.AAIIJ ' ?,(i) 1ir::::t!:fLI1/? ~~. //-'2-R-7Q. , AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE DATE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE DATE // Division of Water Pollution Control Permit Processing Section . . LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE..EUGENE, OREGON 97401 687-4061 C55-32 (TOTAL) ) Completed ) Pending ... '.:/;.'?' .. A' "t' 0 L E PROFILE. CSI# ~ ':( " . # 1,;"1: E:S T " , ~ 1 'PERCHED WATER', 1 ' Predicted """'1 Observed / Date r.".'\ / # 2 T EST 7q~gZ7 ~i~1 '(). O~ E PROFILE PREDICTED WATER inl in. Inch 36 _ ~L J/e br I / / >,1 WJb~\ljyr., t.'" SATURA;rED, "Z~, rjdMj ds:.~ \ I Predicted 7,+ r.lLihA{ dbserved ~~~~ , in Date \" y\1,hl,'1 '. \ 'I " '\"" ~ . 'rvt>M1.J1;es'd-!1u.,. %0"11" ~t.'fwo b?MOl { . ~strictive Layer J'in f [mpervious Layer / in Mott 1 ing (Hfl~ sf n.H:I, h.;.(j;.... olin '-7ba.~ ';t'Zi,l2..1 '\ (. , . "- II I f,.""- II'! tJ& r>";,'CA SLOPE hA~ % ' Predicted Observed Dat~.:t'\ in. Inch in. ~\S;," \i#'~ '. :J!;\\ .~:~ j'~ SATURATED ZONE _' ,s rj , 'j . . . 1'2. I \: br ~ '\' ,', " .~ 110. ..\ , '..)1_ I , L 12 - J~ ..,,- .,.. " Predicted i'X+ Observed rl/lVll!... Date \s1\I,rJ ,q '~~I~:~ '7'" ;) Res'trictive1"La.yer -A'n, - -~.' \ Impervious Layer . in, Mottling f\<<'f\~ -h l"l in, in, .24 - ',1 7.;.7 2./ 24 - L -~ -' ; ':"~ in. " 36 - -----... 46 - 48 - " SLOPE hmJ % 60 - "30 ~ 1 60 ' 7t;h~~""" L '1' II} SItE DOES \~\I20.~S~~OT D\MEETr,,\1IN}'1YM STANDARDS. \' ADMINISTRATIVE RULES REOUIRE A MINIMUM,.DEPTH OF: "<IV;- -hwCvt'i 7 3 ~1:'ClYk b, -f/r;l.,\ ~',.... . D 36 inches to an imp\rmeable layer ,; l' J; _ '\' (;]". 30 'i;tCh~E7~,,~to:'a:E;:~~ric.~~ive"'ti~Ye'r v "rcl \'. \: ~\ ~ t ~, .::~ i::'-r " .)~'\ 60 JI!",1.hes to a permanent water table ON XQ!lli PROPERTY THE DEPTH l:!M. : . -,'. :: ,. . ~ J inches ..." 'I' _", D .2f.i- inches to a temporarily perched water I ( .i - 1 ...~ _" ,,' .. '\" , \ t;:;~_.. _ r" (...:~: '.1) table inches inches . OTHER REASONS FOR DENIAL .',!\ ) ,I-., ) ~\ . \ \...... '- \ " , -" , I' . )..7"" t".. ... inches,> , ,'-.', .\ : -, -" " . I ,. , \:; PLOT PLAN" '~L L.t..J, \-1.rl,',.;,..ll:t-'..I-l-,jLL.:J ,.;. ... '1'" ~I.J..LLI I'~...Lttl "1"':~1_~~1 ,.~' I' t"!-'lj_I-'~ . I 'U +) j I I I I ' , f J ,fi ), f I 'I/~J I ,~""', f~ III '.~"- I.,) Strea:- --Lit:.i+t-; I :'I--'fTIn-"-I'f -f 'i:..:;Ji","H : ,]Ji-J: :; :11 ,-;'lI";'T~J"; J:'i;'1 .' '1'" t , I' , 'I' 't'I'" f.LJ 1"'!""'f'!I't- . ~ -, r"~ 1- -r'-- J -r"7-LI:t 1,- -- j:tr -- ; 1- ! r~' - _IJ.;.: .~;. It---; .' ., ~"'l-+Ht: T+ G '1- -f1-}J; !-- H Tj....'l' ~ 1'=::1'1 1:;'#:-=: 1 !1 -1-'r-I-1111!1'i'XI'; I; \ +J,J.,,- Dra~nage or -,; ,'; ['11'\"1.-"- ;I~ jT', r I ' c:-'.,'r-cl' l.r~-'''''I'I r '~L. - r ,r-;--rl+t- ",> pond' . .::j:' rT" "1'-'1';- ~-r,-I- _, 1--1' III !Tr" 'I-II 1'11:1 r '1 '1'":''1-, . .' .,L,.J..I J ,.1.. ..;..I ['...1..1 --::I-A'.L..L.J.:. l-' ..' III II' -:1'-tiL .;-:::t1-1-H+.jJ-j ~,.,...t.Pt ,,:,!- ,I ,..."............ 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H i i 'r'~: ~ -; ..L, J.. -'I~: I, rtL! ! !- if,:r: I :: ", ;,; I-L, Ltl' -l'1 :ti >.",,+ j.. ] ~H ,- .I.. . u' H- ,...-LlLrl,!.l...j ~- I--L 'II" J 1- I I I I I I I I I II ti I I I' I ,I i Ii, I r 'I I I I I ! Fence .:'r--i-rf~llj-; +T"; i I-~-l r: J--Ut'i"H': -j : 1T'+1::'::':':+'j I' I ,~J II i ,+I-i .K-X-)f --1 ' :,l, I !, -.I-. +J,_ I +1f-+ -1'-'- 'l-I-I'[j' f. -" : i " ,-tT +1 +Hi ~ . r-" 1'1-1- 1,1-", + - ,- 'f "__,...I.. , I L +. I ;-j I '11. I -+l-~.., -t ,,'+: ,1,.--1. l...,rtl-I i; I: I :+,-"1 :; II;: I: i It- 1+ L "':1 w. i. -1-'-, 'T' 1 l~ - ,',uI, "+1 ~-H' ,.' ,,1': _:.::: -=I V.l' ..1+1 T :r"IZ::i....l-I.I,r-...--+I.'".['r:-I~j' ~,__U' -+-l1..j~I'L_1 -'1'H=n1 I -H--, H"J r ++ -~ l , ~ ,_ _l-~..1 , j-, H \ U I ,\ ,\ \ ~ \ \ Ll_, , 1 l 1 I J I, l! 1 ~.-;:> ;<\ I. D. , - DEPARTnENT OF ENVIRDNI~ENTAL I1ANAGEMENT PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 u~~t~~~~~ . Job Address /0 rO )i.<Jtz,h at!, 7) a..:,/ r= S"'(l;~~E i~ ;::::r~i~~n~,~fft!~!l~;*tij!:u,~'S'- 03 - 07-.- 3-~\tj /.to~Q~kt '3 Application for ::5 t;:'~+,'(. rr,.),~ k 'PL'i(\.'Il~'...'r - ..s '/";/;./ ~~~ Structures now on the property tJO/J,;:" (II'<""'.A/~ Lv.;. I ' ;~rwIlQ!l!!l!i!ltmIq!!iiirai!~ftj@l! &1 i~~j~!\!!JA1i Ol~!l.l1!il~1#ltiJ!i {I ib!<!@tl;iilHIl () flN!il!!JE! Affidavit: I, UOhJr\Lik.. ?l)j.~t.J1?O[.SS!~J , hereby certify that.'this information is true and accurate. (IiJ~;j$!li!!P;tI!Jla . If this application ;s for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other pur~ose. I have the following legal interest in the property: owner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; ~ holder of an exclusive option to purchase; duly authori~ed to act for ~he ownes. who is knowledgea~le of t~~s afplicatio~. Signature/Address iLV.In-~Q& P.()(~'.c~,.~ If,::'.?. H~\r-~tl'_TJfIA/.~, S Iyr-m. (zio) 1. 7'-177 Telephone l'ib ":2.:l.\';6 or C. K~,-'HI 0 Date When permi tis ready notify.: Jjg Appl i cant CI Owner CI Contractor . />.t: IJf ma i1 ".... &1 phone, Owner E~l",.; ii, /./: L.oPo:-b'?A"-"\ i5"C,& j./"",c:'."..Uu:,."pq'fflo) 'il'-j 77 Phone '<J'-j7- ('17L/Q Contractor (ZiD) Phone Contractor's OSR# Plumbing by SI test holes ready DU NUT WRITE BELUW THIS LINE # of employees :tt~fh~KMr~; !$1i$:~:i: 0 Existing, BP # /1- '7-7 q 0 Proposed, 51 # If Cormnercial: Residential: !f:'e&~ COde' oeia;,rnt1oii 'fir~tfj:;~~ ~:~j Valuation Fee o 4Z , ~r<>"...v~- J / / . ,AA----! /...</7 A ') /YY7.A--1V./I, Total Valuation: $ ,Bljimlliriir.tl.x,~UAA~: at $ ig;;;~t/;i:t~l:i!!!P!1ii;! at $ /J ~. $ $ $ $ $ each $ each $ o lM~~~.:I,!Ji Q/ I~ldll d 37p - ''''.''''-'~--:l , _ _ _ Received bv ~ Subtotal $ $ $ $ $ /dlt'J,t'J-t:J Existing _ 4% State surcharge Plans check fee , Change of OccuRancy Water Supply Proposed Year Installed ~~ TOTAL PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks: Zone~ "Part. # 1, front' . 1., side Parcel #.' Parcel Size tt.7X' /:2S ; into ; rear Comments To be typed on permit ..1.J-r: {{,f/- 7 q ~ LIS;)", .~~it1 Date //- S--7CJ CP&I Type "To be typed on permi t Group Fire Zone Use Classification By Date Phone For plans information call (area inspector) . Directions to site C/ SIFO OGJl-l- ~PC C/ Planning C/ Publ ic Works CI Elevation CI nla CI Address /~/ Facility Permit C/ Environmental Health Plans to: CP&I set(s) WPC ----- set(s) Date Required Hold Slip to PCC Date Completed Date to ' PCC ;", " ,.< " ,< . . 't'. FOR INFORr~TION about progress of , your applicatloncall: C74-171 Permit Control~Center , 68~.HELP (687.4357) ., ~~ " /. :.. {~U \ ^ -r13.A~ Jt;, If) IIAfJ.hofl. 1)f1.;JF: Township, Range, Section, Tax Lot I tl - 0.... - 0"7-- Subdivisionj .,:"', Lb'El1"\-. UIl...t'hJI:- I.,; I k Appl ication_for :5 IECl-f;, T.a", J/" \ Structures now on the property IVOIJ~ Proposed use of property: ~L Residential ,~ te p ARTrlE'r~T'i:6r:'t;~: [~ONi'lE n~Al~.;ffAtJK8E';lE NT '-' PSS, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGEI'E, OREGON 97401 .. ,;(i; ,= " Job Address City S<Of1.;IJO..(:; E ~ :.-?- - /,~O (;> , Lot " Block 3. .. 'P~ - ...S:./'i1~ J!.."-JL1./-V/Y~~ (VACAI.A ~+) , () Industrial , Appl ication # . LC-7~ - 8'9.;;L Assigned Numbers .. >'j , I r " II '......... . 'j I (I COlMlercial ....... .~ :.1- . hereby certify that this information is true and accurate: (I Publ ic 'Dn IJ AL.rl. l' ,VArJ f,ofJ<;,E1J (please print) If this application ;s for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County .Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: owner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; ')( holder of an exclusive option to purchase; duly authoriZ~?\ to a~~ for the owner.. who is knowledgeable of this application~ Signature/Address ~ p,()^--~ Ih2':J. IIA,J,()I-7J~, .5na.({JJ. (zio) Q7'1,7 I' Telephone t'fb-2-:l.'i<:(" or "1<.'=>-'+110 Date When pennit is ready notify: 1.,5/, Appl icant , (I O,mer () Contractor 4: /';,/, mail ~ 1]1: phone Owner EJIr-ol 11, J.J: U...,boA...,l 15"1\< 14..A.b""-7J.........~f'(zip) 't7'-1 77 Phone "1~7- l,74fj (zip) Phone I, Affidavit: '. . ~ Contractor Contractor's OSR# Plumbing by If Commercial: # of stories Residential: # of bedrooms 51 test holes 00 NOT WRITE BELOW # of employees THIS LINE # of 50S: Descr;otion Sq. Ft. or # of Sites units. () Existing, (I Proposed, Unit Cost BP # SI # ready 1/- 9-'J'Q Fee Code Valuation Fee TOTAL $ ~.,' $ $ $ $ each $ each $ $ $ $ $ $ /.;J (). t7-O () ./ )......,.6' I?/'..,.. ~5: -n...,4 -'") ,7 / A Total Valuation: $ Plumbing fixtures at $ Sewer/water conn,. at $ Subtotal o Cash C/~Clieck # Reee i ved bv 377' ..4..-u~ ~u'/ Water Supply Proposed Year Installed Exis'ting 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 9ccupancy PERMIT PROCESSING Zone 1? fl-r /)iJf:,'~art. # \, front . . , ; \, side Parcel # Parcel Size 6 tJ)( 1:2.s- Minimum setbacks: int, rear' Comments ^. : ~"i ~" .\,: , l,~".~, . ,/} , r/~ ...#/A->A By A.I .I L1..B~ . Date //-,0-- 7q To be typed on permit J] -(~ tI f/ -'7'q:.. L./S;;J.., WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Installation speCifications: "~ ~ :':/:"~'l'~ ' ,: 9~~1:.'"tan'ki' ft.' of drainfjeldi max. depth pf trenches: To be typed on permit ~:; Telephone By Date Directions to site ~ :~ (/ SIFO i-I CP&I, -.:. /' !'.I,.-WPC . /~/ Planning /~/ Public Works /~/ Elevation I~I n/a {) Address (:/ Facility Permit /~! Envi ronmen ta 1 Hea Hh Plans to: CP&I WPC set(s) set(s )~, Date Required Hold 51 ip to PCC Date Completed oa te to PCC ( ~ " . . .; :.l,~~:~, Ii '\ . :':":~.' .;::" : '. FOR INFORi."\ATION about, pro9,:,ess.of your application call,: Permi~ Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) 'Jk. ",,, , '.':"';';!." ., . .-' ",' - 1, ,~ --r B /L. TRS, TL /,f'-c/ g-?):;2 -3-2 -'/5zJt? Job Location (Address) 16/0 (.(~c)1L .DIU...',." S;'['~,-C.JJ Permit If 71-'X?7- For 10"" R/'b<;PVI.> Permit It For "'1 ..-PIli a n>l Permit II For . Permit II For , ,,~ .D_...~~, . - :4 Permit II For Permit II For !J'~ ..~ ,~~ I' ~t-1o~ '~J,.,o, f.r jj.~ . 'l/ ~-i~~~""~ ~'~.~ ~\:.r; . l\lJl<Li",J-1 h ~p-"'t~~~'~'1~ 'j J . \ ~ "r <C- I<t. I 'C. . I'., ,LJ.. 1 -~. fi1~1 ,lrfri-rl~Ti~;I'11 Ilt~tF f1: I:~' ~ ~-mJ-~' d I"-:-I'~: :.f'.'[ 1: : JzfJ: U : I U i I I I I 1}j7 }fJ-- tl~,1 ,I \i~ ~~=I~ '~=:+-4.11 1~-t'l I I I I ~~. I! . I I I I I ,'l//V/itc--~ =:fr---Jil~' ~'-- l'r -=i, I I l I I' I I I I - 'il' / I .r~ I' \ +' ~ ., gJ 3-' ,.,-\;r'--"(lIl/ull I' __i_1 __I / I~ 1 - - '~~Jf-)"::' -~ ' '" I 1 I I ..:r I ""... " ,,1" ~ 1- -- 1 ~ 4i ~--k~.~1- ~'-.!o!1 I i i' ~dl' I ,1 LLl.\ ~ . I--~~I ___._~ -1--II,iI~Y _ .._--- "I, )~! ~ - I ~\;J j -"1-, ~ Rd:'--t' - .;:,1- t T'r' I-I~>: I' ~ I '- )~~I~rj-~l(,~;'d-I-'. -~~ll~f'i32~' I I t.T'I__'_ i1~..l ~;,\. Ii -1-.f1\ I: ~ ~~~"""I~C-=f~ -1.._ '1~I'T:"H-'1'~'ht -r"",!-'_, ~k/ ~ ~I- -, I I ~ I .~~._. t P"'11 ~. 1..I...:Iotl.1 1.1 111.___. 1. I I nl...I..,I.I,_1 .1,..1:,1.1 /1~._1<....t~ ..\1 / ~J . I';" -I~. I ~~ I l-.LtS~4:1sz~~*l1tt'b-I~jgJJ~ ~~~j I I_~_;,l : > i1 I '-l.. :: 'I ~n;- - I I . -,1;: jJ. -t-~ ~1- - .~;- -l[ t - .'1 ~ , r , ~ .~ ~~-f:! . t j+ 'h':S ~C0 '-9"-~C ,J~ ~Ji - - -~-0 t ~:'~~- I l-.~~Z- I ~I ~I ,~~.:~-~_:W 11'1 "Ill 10 I'" I I .J A' .. I. \ . . <.. = ....>,,. I ~ I=J-"'-f . I I L , . ~ ----L-l... I _ h ' J "I L 'I' .' 1 I . """""U\,'=# v 16- 1 ,/ ~ W;~l\.t PERMIT-AFflffl.: .~~ I~~ N r~~ ~ /~~ ~ .lANE COUNTY SPECUU V~5M1fT AREA , , S.ECrlON 2>> TI8 S, R 3 W 9 LANE COUNTY, OREGON w. M. @ < I '1 " .. ~ ,,' r ../ , SCAI~F I": 100' ",\ , - ~ J 7_1'i_._ - :. -:: - - - - - - -.. U e::'-, '-~;;" P~BL.'G~U.Jj~IJ~ ~A~~ 1 Lt: V A ~ ' . and DRAINAGE EASEME.NT . IIt/N/j. . . 284.99' $l?, CJ [) .' ./ 0' ~ E t;.E ~i 4 T / D/II- I; t; {., () c) o IRON PIPE SE o REFERENCE -f '.\ ........... m E s: ~ '. ~ c) ) ~0\::'1~"-:; -- -.u.-